2019-2020年高二英语 (Unit7-8)月考试题 大纲人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语 (Unit7-8)月考试题 大纲人教版第一部分 英语知识运用 (满分50分)第一节语音知识 (每小题1分)指出其划线部分读音与所给单词相同的选项。 smallA. lackB. radiationC. falseD. calm bloodA. floodB. woodC. proofD. foot blanketA. contraryB. containerC. ambulanceD. meaningful specialistA. cellB. socialC. fierceD. electrical screamA. treatmentB. greatC. breathD. reality第二节语法和词汇知识 (每小题1分)指出能填入相应空白处的最佳答案。 Mr Li is in hospital now. He _ bad cold last week.A. infectedB. infected withC. was infectedD. was infected with His father died _ an earthquake in xx and his mother died _ cancer last year, leaving him an orphan.A. from; fromB. from; ofC. of; ofD. of; from There is _ fresh water on the island.A. lackB. a lackC. a lack ofD. lack of The weather is _ cold in the north of China in winter.A. much tooB. too muchC. many tooD. too many I _ him to give up smoking, but he refused.A. suggestedB. advicedC. persuadedD. tried to persuade You should keep what the teacher said _ mind.A. inB. intoC. toD. on Winter holiday is _ . What are you going to do during the holiday?A. in the wayB. on the wayC. by the wayD. to the way The monument was erected _ the soldiers who died for the country.A. to honor ofB. to honor forC. in honor ofD. in honor for It is wise to set food and money by _ a future emergency.A. even ifB. even thoughC. in case forD. in case of He leads a life which _ care.A. free fromB. free ofC. is free fromD. is free of The woman loves the boy _ he were her own child.A. even ifB. as ifC. as likeD. only if Youre pletely wrong. I wish that you _ that at the meeting.A. dont sayB. didnt sayC. havent saidD. hadnt said The dentist suggested that she _ another day.A. eB. esC. will eD. would e If only he _ the doctors advice then, he would not suffer so much now.A. takesB. tookC. had takenD. has taken Without the help of my teachers, I _ so much progress.A. cant makeB. couldnt makeC. havent madeD. couldnt have made第三节完形填空 (每小题1. 5分)通读短文,掌握其大意,然后选择能填入相应空白处的最佳答案。It was a cold evening. Old Hill was in the ward (牢房) 1 . He was put there for stealing some 2 jewellery in a shop. He knew he would be in 3 for more than five years. 4 was ing and the other prisoners (囚犯) were set free. He couldnt talk with 5 . The policemen who guarded him were 6 buying the presents for their families and friends. He lay down on bed, and he could not fall 7 though he often felt 8 when he tried to earn some money for his family. Suddenly the old man 9 some noise. He sat up at once. The door 10 and in came two policemen. They put a young man into the ward, 11 the door and left. Old Hill looked at the young man up and down, who 12 the nicest clothes. “He must be from a 13 family,” Old Hill said to himself. “But for what has he been 14 here, too?” “What happened to you, young man?” he asked. “I was out of 15 this morning,” said the young man. “I had a puncture (扎穿).” “Its an 16 accident, I think. Did you drive 17 a nail (钉子)?” “No, a wine bottle.” “You were too 18 !But you havent broken any law 19 my opinion.” “But the drunkard (醉汉) who was 20 in the street had it hidden in his coat!” A. aloneB. lonelyC. loneD. own A. cheapB. valuableC. necessaryD. useful A. homeB. officeC. prisonD. store A. SomeoneB. An officerC. NobodyD. Christmas A. EverybodyB. nothingC. anybodyD. nobody A. freeB. busyC. friendlyD. kind A. sleepB. sleepingC. sleepyD. asleep A. tireB. tiredC. tiringD. tires A. heardB. madeC. sawD. listened to A. closedB. lockedC. openedD. broke A. lockedB. lockingC. unlockingD. unlocked A. dressedB. put onC. took offD. wore A. ordinaryB. poorC. richD. foreign A. takenB. broughtC. fetchedD. carried A. workB. orderC. troubleD. luck A. bigB. differentC. ordinaryD. difficult A. onB. overC. downD. in A. carefulB. nervousC. busyD. careless A. inB. toC. for D. by A. lyingB. layingC. liedD. lain第二部分 阅读理解 (满分45分)第一节语篇阅读 (每小题2分)阅读理解下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,指出能完成所给句子或回答所提问题的最佳答案。Grammy winner Sheryl Crow has announced she has had surgery (外科手术) for breast cancer and has put off a North American tour scheduled to start next month.The singers website says she underwent (经历) successful surgery on Wednesday and described the procedure as “minimally invasive (最小入侵的)”.Doctors said her prognosis (预后) was excellent and she would have radiation treatments (照射处理).“I am joining the more than 200,000 women who will be diagnosed (诊断) with breast cancer this year,” Crow said. “We are a testament (证明) to the importance of early detection (发现) and new treatments. I am inspired by the brave women who have faced this battle before me and grateful for the support of my family and friends.”Last month, Crow, 44, and Lance Armstrong, seven-time winner of the Tour de France cycling race and a survivor of brain and lung cancer, announced they were breaking up, after a two-year relationship.Crow is calling off her March-April tour but intends to reschedule as much of it as possible.The Missouri native was a school teacher before starting a singing career that led to a job as a backup singer to Michael Jackson and later to nine Grammy Awards.Her hits include All I Wanna Do, Everyday Is a Winding Road, If It Makes You Happy and Soak Up the Sun. According to Sheryl Crow, her successful operation proves that _ .A. the support from the family and friends can fight any deadly diseaseB. minimally invasive operation is the key factor to cure breast diseaseC. early diagnosis and new treatments play an important role in fighting cancerD. the encouragement from other cancer patients is the key to curing cancer Lance Armstrong is a _ .A. cyclistB. singerC. doctorD. teacher From the passage we can infer that _ .A. Grammy is a valuable reward in musicB. Crow has pleted her treatment for her breast cancerC. about 200,000 women are living with breast cancerD. Crow had planned to spend her holiday in North America in May or April The underlined part “the Missouri native” in Para 7 refers to _ .A. all who were born in MissouriB. a musical band related to MissouriC. Lance ArmstrongD. Sheryl Crow Which is the best title for the passage?A. Sheryl Crow Broke Up with Lance ArmstrongB. Sheryl Crow Undergoes Cancer SurgeryC. Sheryl Crow Put Off Northern American TourD. Sheryl Crow, Backup Singer(B)Magic is believed to have begun with the Egyptians, in 1700 BC. A magician named Dedi of Dedsnefu was reported to have performed for the pharaoh (法老), or the king. He was also known to have entertained the slaves who built the pyramids. The “Cups and Balls” trick, which he was particularly good at, is still per-formed by magicians all over the world today.The ancient Greeks and Romans were also attracted by the idea of magic. As a matter of fact, one of their main interests was the art of deception (欺骗). This explains why at that time the priests (牧师) even built magic equipment into their temples. These magic things made it possible for doors to open by themselves and wine to flow magically out of stone figures mouths. This was done mainly to make people believe that the priests were powerful.Magic, however, was not well accepted before the 1800s.Magicians were thought of as people with strange thoughts and were only allowed to perform in a circus (马戏团). It was in the19th century that the magician Robert Houdin came along and changed peoples views about and attitudes towards magic. It was also because of Robert Houdin that many magicians were able to add Dr. or Mr. to their names. Today magicians try hard to find new ways to show their practiced skills. Magic is now entertainment for families, especially for children all over the world. Dedi of Dedsnefu was a _ of ancient Egypt.A. kingB. pharaoh C. magicianD. slave In ancient Greece, the priests _ to show people they had unusual power.A. performed magical tricks to entertain peopleB. made the stone figures in the temples drink wine as they wishedC. built stone figures that could produce wineD. built magic things in the temples to make doors open by themselves People before the 1800s thought that magic was _ .A. was used only in templesB. performed by people with strange ideasC. very powerful D. the major daily activity for the pharaohs Which of the following is TRUE?A. Robert Houdin was the first magician to perform magic.B. Dedi fo Dedsnefu performed magic for kings only.C. Magic began over 3700 years ago.D. The “ Cups and Balls” tricks has been performed for about 300 years. The best title for the passage is _ .A. The History of MagicB. Magical TricksC. A Great MagicianD. Magic as Entertainment(C)Dear David,How are you? I am in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It took a long time to get here!Our flight from Sydney, Australia was at eight oclock in the morning. We had to arrive at the airport two hours before our flight departed (启程), so we had to be at the airport at about six oclock. We left our flat at half past four in the morning, and we thought it would be easy to get to the airport on time.We caught a bus at five oclock. Unfortunately, the bus broke down while we were traveling along the highway. We waited for half an hour, but another bus didnt e. My father was getting anxious. He looked at his watch and said, “Well be lucky to get to the airport before seven oclock,We decided to take a taxi to the airport. We were late and we thought a taxi would be faster. Wrong! We found a taxi, but the taxi got stuck in a traffic jam. We finally arrived at the airport at ten past eight. We looked at the departure board and saw that our flight had already left.My father went to the airline office and explained why we were late. The people that worked there were very helpful. They said we could travel to Kuala Lumpur on the next flight, which left three hours later.We waited for two hours, and then we heard an announcement that said our new flight to Kuala Lumpur had been cancelled (取消)! My father went back to the airline office. He asked them what was going to happen to us.About one hour later, the airline put us on a flight to Bangkok, Thailand. In Bangkok, we had to change planes in order to catch another flight to Kuala Lumpur. The flight from Bangkok to Kuala Lumpur was then delayed for three hours because of bad weather. When we finally arrived in Kuala Lumpur, it was 12 oclock midnight! We were supposed to arrive at 12 oclock mid-day! What a terrible journey!Ill stop writing here. I should have a good rest. Your friend,Stephen Stephen is in _ when he writes the letter.A. MalaysiaB. AustraliaC. SingaporeD. Thailand Stephen and his parents had to be at the airport at _ .A. 8 a. m.B. 6 p. m.C. 6 a. m.D. 10 a. m. Stephens father became worried because _ .A. the bus broke downB. his watch was brokenC. they couldnt find a taxiD. he thought they would miss their flight Stephens family was delayed to arrive in Kuala Lumpur for _ .A. 24 hoursB. 12 hoursC. 10 hoursD. about one hour Stephen speaks of _ countries in the letter.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five(D)You are entering a world far different from the one my generation entered. My generation grew up with no MTV, no college loan deadbeats, no $175 sneakers (软底鞋), no underwear worn in public and very little jewelry worn on the tongue. Yet somehow we broke through and achieved all these things, and more.I believe that your generation is far more humane (仁慈的) and caring than my own. You ask questions: “What is the meaning of life?” “How can I make a fortune with almost no money down?” “Why do we have to sit round in the hot sun listening to a mencement speech?”I do not recall who it was who spoke at my own graduation Whoever it was, I know I looked to him for wisdom and guidance, just as you now look to me. I suppose if there is one single message Id like to leave with you, it is this: concentrate (集中精力) on what you are doing.If you do it well, youll be successful, unless youre trying to eliminate (消除) the federal deficit (赤字) or establish an indoor smoking zone.Act daringly. Do not fear making mistakes; though if you make one, look out.Make a contribution Even though 70 percent of you will be lawyers, still I say to you: Try to do something useful with your life, if only in your spare time.In a very real sense, your graduation here today is not an ending but a mencement, a beginning. If I may say so, this is, in fact, the first day of the rest of your lives. I realize it is a bit shocking to look at graduation this way, but I believe we must. Thank you, and lots of luck. Youll need it. The underlined phrase “make a fortune” probably means _ .A. make a livingB. make a speechC. buy thingsD. earn good money The students are listening to the speech in _ .A. the open airB. a classroomC. a great hallD. a cinema This speech is made to _ .A. summarize (总结) what the students have doneB. give the students some adviceC. tell the students how to make a fortuneD. tell the students how to bee good lawyers The students are NOT encouraged to _ .A. act bravely B. concentrate on what they are doingC. try to do something usefulD. try to eliminate the federal deficit The speaker made the speech before the students _ .A. entered a high schoolB. made a fortuneC. graduated from a high schoolD. worked in a factory第二节 补全对话 (每小题1分)通读对话,然后选择可以填入相应空白处的五个答案。A:Whats the most serious problem in the world today?B:_A:Could you please explain the reasons why you think drinking is the most serious?B:One reason is that drinking too much is bad for our health. Many diseases are caused by drinking. The second one is that sometimes drinking may ruin some important meetings, negotiations and so on. And the last one is that drinking can threaten our lives. Its reported that many traffic accidents are caused by drinking too much. So I think drinking is the most serious one.A:_B:What makes you think that drinking isnt the most serious?A:You know, if you want to avoid unhappy events and accidents, you can just drink a little. _B:Then what do you think is the most serious problem?A:Have you carefully thought about smoking? In my opinion, smoking is the most serious.B:_A:Medical research shows that smoking is the biggest enemy of lung cancer, because cigarettes contain a lot of nicotine, which can make people ill. Besides, smoking not only does harm to the person who is smoking, but also to people who take in the smoke around him. And its said that every year smoking persons caused a lot of fires, which lead to many deaths and losses of possesses. _A. I dont agree with you.B. I think you should give up smoking.C. Why do you think so?D. So I think its the most serious.E. Youre right.F. I think drinking is the most serious problem.G. And its said that drinking properly can do good to health.第二卷(非选择题) 第三部分写作 (满分55分)第一节单词拼写 (每小题1分)根据所给汉语注释,写出所缺单词的正确形式(每空限写一词)。 Mr Yang didnt e to work because of _ (生病). I was never _ (失去信心) against learning English. He hasnt got enough _ (力气) to carry the heavy box. The girl feels shy in the presence of _ (陌生人). Doctor Bethune is a great international _ (战士). First _ (救助) is the first kind of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found. The doctor felt her _ (脉搏) and wrote a prescription. She got into a _ (惊慌) when she found the door was locked. The soldier had a bullet _ (伤口) in his chest. She likes wearing _ (宽松的) clothes in summer.第二节短文改错 (每小题1. 5分)此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。如无错误,在答题卡相应的位置上画一个勾();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:此行多一个词:把多余的词写在答题卡相应的位置上,用斜线()划掉; 此行缺一个词:在答题卡相应的位置上写出该加的词,并附带前(后)词; 此行错一个词:在答题卡相应的位置上写出该错词和改正后的词。 Cancer is a serious disease. Its difficult cure pletely. It_develops when cells in a part of the body begins to grow out of_control. When a person begins to get cancer, he knows something_about it. He feels like a health person. But when he feels sick, this_disease has developed to the afternoon. At that time, the person_will suffer a lot. Even if it can treated with medicine, chemicals_and radiation, most patients will dead not a long time after the_discovery of the disease. However, if a patient keeps up a optimistic_and calm down state of mind, and actively gets treated by doctors,_he will live the longer than other patients with cancer._第三节书面表达 (30分)某日你和你的朋友在街上散步,看见一辆小轿车撞倒一个骑自行车的女孩。女孩的脚流血不止。你为她包扎伤口,你的朋友去给急救中心打电话。请根据所提供的事件线索用英语写一篇短文。要求:1.可适当增加内容(如包扎伤口的操作细节),以使行文流畅。2.词数:100左右参考答案第一部分第一节15CADBA第二节15DBCAD610ABCDC1115BDACD第三节15ABCDC610BDBAC1115 ADCBD 1620 CBDAA第二部分第一节15CAADB610CDBCA1115ACDBB1620DABDC 第二节 FAGCD第三部分第一节 illness discouraged strength strangers fighter aid pulse panic wound loose第二节 cure 之前加to begins begin something nothing health healthy treated 之前加 be dead die a an 去掉down 去掉 the第三节


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