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2019-2020年高中英语第二册上Unit3ArtandArchitecture一. 教学目标与要求1. Learn something about art and architecture2. Learn some useful expressions and sentence patterns二教学重点与难点1. 话题 1) Talk about architecture2) Talk about architects and their works3) Talk about works of arts4) Talk about preference2. 重点词汇prefer, share, furniture, stand, impress, despite, create, invite, seem, design, sale, block, preference, apartment, style, glance, ugly, modernism, construction, concrete, roof, dragon, fantastic, sail, stadium, net, nest, branch, structure, bold, stick, rent, reasonable, aid, aside, workshop, development, in a hurry, glance at, take examples, act as, fill up with, join to, set aside, prefer to do, prefer doing, prefer sb to do, share with, pare with, look as if, refer to.3. 重要句型1) .you will find them designed.2) They wanted their buildings constructed .3) If you were free to design your dream house,.4) A is to B what C is to D5) Despite using traditional materials,.4. 语法 过去分词用作宾语补足语 The Past Participle used as Object plement1) Everybody thought the battle lost.2) With my watch lost, I didnt know what time it was.3) He found two of the windows broken.4) He found a number of people working there.5. 日常交际用语表达偏爱(Express preferences)Id ratherI wouldnt feel happy if I prefer something thatIm much more interestedI like seeing somethingIn my opinion,I dont get very excited aboutWhat I like is I really preferIf you ask me, thenI cant stand三课型( 一 ) Warming up, listening & speakingI. 教具 录音机;多媒体等。II课堂教学设计Step 1. 教师可通过以下开场白, 导入正课:Boys and girls, do you live in an apartment or a traditional house in the countryside? Which do you prefer? Perhaps they both have their advantages and disadvantages. Can you tell me something about your living environment and architecture?Step 2. 热身训练 1. Brainstorming:Find as many words as the students can find about art and architecture.2) Following the steps of the warming-up on page 17.Step 3. 听力 1) Ss finish the listening task on page 18.2) Ss listen to the tape again and check the answers.3) Give the students some tips on how to improve listening while checking the Ex.a. make notes while listening;b. grasp the most important informationStep 4. 口语表达Ss work in pairs and discuss their preferences.1) Whats your dream house?2) What kind of materials do you like in your dream house?The following structures are helpful to students:Id prefer. I prefer something that. Id rather. What I like is . Im interested in. I would feel happy if I cant stand. I dont get very excited about.Step 5. 布置作业1. Get on line to search the information of a certain architect and architecture that you are interested in and write a short description about that.2. Preview the reading material( 二 ) ReadingI. 教具 录音机;多媒体II课堂教学设计Step1. 引入课文Show some pictures of famous architecture.group work: describe the architectures on the pictures.Step2. 展示生词及短语T:Now first lets learn some new words (Teach the words and explain them to the studentsThen ask the students to read after the tape.)Step 3. 新授课文1 快速阅读 What is the passage about? (Art and architecture)2 细读1) Get the students to read and get the main ideas of each part.Part 1 (1 para.)Every great culture in the past had its own ideas expressed in art and architecturePart 2(2para.) How and when modernism came into being?Questions: Who invented modernism? Why?(A group of architects who wanted to change society with building what went against peoples feeling of beauty. They wanted their buildings constructed in a way to look unnatural.)Part 3 (3-5 para.) The differences between traditional and modern, and why ancient architecture had many beautiful buildingsQuestions:What does the xx Olympic Stadium in Beijing look like? (Seen from the top, it looks as if the stadium is covered by a grey net of steel, and it looks just like a birds nest made of tree branches.)Part 4(6-8 para.)Examples of famous architects and great buildings that take examples from nature.3 讨论 Read the text again and give the right order:1. Antonio Gaudi 2. Frank Lloyd Wright 3. The new Olympic Stadium in Beijing 4. Architecture and culture 5. Modernism 6. Materials of modern architecture 7. Modern architecture looks hard and unfriendly.8. Ancient architecture stands much closer to nature (key:45678123)Step 4布置作业1) Surf the internet and get more information about the topic.2) Retell the passage using your own words.2)2 ( 三 ) Language study & GrammarI. 教具 多媒体II课堂教学设计Step 1 以复习引入新授内容Ask the students to retell the text.Step 2. 难句分析1. When you look around at buildings, streets, squares and parks,you will find them designed, planned and built in different styles.你会发现他们是用不同的风格设计规划和建造起来的。a. find +宾语+宾语补足语He will find me a good job. Please find me my key.Whenever you may go, you will find him at work.b. find + sth + to doHow can you find the way to solve the problem?c. find +something+ done发现某物已经 发现某物被The came home only to find their car lost.When I entered the classroom, I found all the books stolen.d. find +sb.+ doing sth 发现某人正在做某事He found himself lying in a hospital bed.To my surprise, I found my purse stolen.2. They wanted their buildings constructed in a way to look unnatural.a. construct 构建的建筑They are planning to constructed a bridge over the riverWhen was this building constructed?b. want something doneI want my watch repaired.= I want someone to repair my watch.He want to clean the house. (he will do it himself)He want the house cleaned. (he will ask someone to do it. ) 3. If you were free to design your dream house, what would that house look like? 假如你能随心所欲地设计你梦想中的房子, 那会是什么样的呢?这是虚拟条件句, 与现在事实相反。e.g. If I were a bird, I would fly to the island.4. Every great culture of different period in the past had his own ideas of beauty expressed in art and architecture. have sth. done叫人做We must have this work finished by Monday.We had our photo taken by a passer-by.She had her bag snatched away on her way home.5. Despite using traditional materials, Gaudi was a modern architect.despite prep尽管e.g. Despite the bad weather we enjoyed our holiday.Despite the traffic jam he arrived here on time. 6. A is to B what C is to D. A 对B 而言正如C 对D 一样 e. g: We are to them what fish is to water.Step 3 操练(Word study Exercise)Finish the exercises in the SB Page 21Step 4 语法Grammar1 Ss look at the following sentences and underline the Past Participle. Let Ss themselves find the functions of the PP.Everybody thought the battle lost.With my watch lost, I didnt know what time it was.He found two of the windows broken.2.Ss study more examples on p22. 3.More exercises to consolidate the Grammar. .EX13 on p22 Step 5. 布置作业Finish Wb Ex 1 about the Past Participle.(四) Integrating skills & writingI. 教具 多媒体II课堂教学设计Step 1.复习上节课中的重点词汇及过去分词T: Yesterday we learned the grammar-the Past participle. Now lets do some exercises to see if you have mastered them well enough. Make sentences, using past participle. 1). 我们发现她变化很大。2). 他尽力让自己被别人理解。3). 他不想让这个问题在会上讨论。4). 发现门是锁着的。 5). 讨论过的那些问题还没有让我们知道。Suggested answers:1). We found her greatly changed.2). He was trying hard to make himself understood. 3). He wont like such questions(to be) discussed at the meeting. 4). The door was found locked.5). The questions discussed have not been made known to us yet.Step 2. 课文理解1. 整体阅读, 回答问题1) Ask Ss some questions about modern architect:a. Whats the usual material for modern architecture? (key: steel, grass, concrete, .)b. Can you see different styles in modern architecture?(key: Yes.)2) Ss read the passage: A Second Life For Factory 798, and then answer the following question. In what way can people reuse the old buildings?(key: The old building can be changed into shops, restaurants, halls for concerts, parties, dances,.)3) Ask the students to read the whole passage after the tape recorder.2. 难句分析1. They are decorated with small round windows that remind you of ships, bent roofs, and twenty-foot high walls of glass that make them special when pared with other architecture from the same period.它们用小圆窗装点, 这能让你联想到轮船, 穹顶和高20英尺的玻璃墙, 这使它们与同时期的建筑相比别具风格。这是一个较长的句子。with有两个宾语, 一个是windows, 一个是roofs and walls。这两个宾语后面分别有由that引起的定语从句, 其中roofs and walls的定语从句中还含有一个when引起的状语成分。2. The simple style of the buildings and the fact that they are German set them aside as very different from Chinese architecture. 这些建筑的简朴风格及他们的德式风格使他们有别于中国式建筑。set aside储蓄; 把搁置一边; 取消, 宣布无效; 不理会.He set aside a bit of money every month for old age. 他每月存一点钱为防老。She set aside her book and lit a cigarette. 他把书放在一边, 然后点上一支烟。Lets set aside our personal feeling.我们先不谈我们的私人感情。He tried to set the contract aside because conditions had changed. 他想取消合同因为情况变了。Step 3. 写作训练1. Pre-writing 1). Ss read the passage and get the general idea about it.2). Explain the skills on how to organize a paragraph.2. While-writing1). Ss write a short letter to the headmaster explaining how you want to decorate the school with art works.2) Ss exchange their writing and correct the mistakes.3) Ss rewrite the letter again.3. After-writing Choose some samples and show them in class.Tips on writing:Pay attention to the form of writing a letter.Pay attention to the tense while writing.Pay attention to the structures of the sentences.Step 4. 布置作业1. Make an plan to decorate your school with art works.2. Finish the assigned the exercises for this unit


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