三年级英语上册 Unit 1 Here I am教案 沪教牛津版.doc

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三年级英语上册 Unit 1 Here I am教案 沪教牛津版.doc_第1页
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Module1 Getting to know youUnit1 Hello I am!Period OneTeaching contents: Listen / Sing (P. 2)Teaching Aims:1 知识目标:To know the word: parrot and its name: Dotty; Using formulaic expressions to greet people;Using formulaic expressions to introduce oneself;Can sing the song: Hello, Im Dotty.2 能力目标:Use modeled phrases to communicate with teachers and other learners; Open an interaction by introducing oneself.3 情感目标:How to greet people and introduce oneself politely.Difficult and key points: Im / The song.Teaching aids: Pictures, the word cards and the phrase cards.Teaching procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-up1. Sing a song: Good morning.2. Daily talke.g. Whats your name?Are you a boy?What do you like ?Where are you?What is this / that ?Is this a?Is that ? RevisionLook at the pictures and spell the words.e.g. rabbit, bird, cat, frog, fish, duck teacher, boy, girl, farmer, doctorPresentation1. Teach the word: parrot.A. To stick the picture on the bord. B. Read and spell it. Take out the word card: Parrot DottyC. (T asks and answers) Whats its name? Its names Dotty.D. Write the parrots name on the board. Then say after the teacher.F. Say after to the teacher: Im a parrot. Im Dotty.2. Learn to sing a song: Hello, Im Dotty.A. Listen to the tape.B. Try to follow the tape.C. Sing and do the action.D. Sing this song in the group.3. To teach the sentences: Hello. Im .A. The teachers to the children: Hello, Im Mr / Miss .B. To ask the children speaking the same drills.C. To stick the phrase cards on the board. Hello! Im D. To greet people and introduce oneself each other.E. Open the book and look at the picture (P. 2). Then say about the picture in pairs.e.g. Im Miss Fang.Im Alice.Im Peter. Consolidation1.Speaking:A. To stick the pictures on the board.DucklingKittenPuppy Mr WhiteDottyPandaB. Say about the pictures in pairs.e.g. Hello! Im Puppy. 2.Homework: Sing a song and say the sentences with the childrens parents.课后随笔成功与经验板书设计参见教案中的板书。思考与对策Period TwoTeaching contents: Look and say (P. 3)Teaching Aims:1知识目标: Learning the capital letters: A-Z; Learning the small letters: A-z2能力目标:Can recognize, read and copy the letters.Difficult and key points: The lettersTeaching aids: Pictures, The Alphabet Cards.Teaching procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-up1. Sing a song: Hello! Im Dotty.2. Daily talke.g. Whats your name?Are you a boy? / What do you like ?Where are you? / What is this / that ?Is this a? / Is that ? Revision1. Look at the pictures and speak.e.g. Hello! Im Duckling.2. To greet people and introduce oneself each other.Presentation1. To sing the Alphabet Song together.2. The whole class say the letters with the teacher.3. To take out the alphabet cards (The capital letters). And read aloud the letters: Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, O, P, L, K, J, H,G, F, D, S, A, Z, X, C, V, B, M, N4. To take out the alphabet cards (The small letters). And read aloud the letters:q, w, e, r, t, g, f, d, s, a, b, v, c, x, c, z, n, m, l, k, j, h, y, u, I, o, p5. To point to the vowel letters:A a, E e, I i, O o, U u6. Copy the letters with the teacher.Consolidation1. Show the alphabet cards A-Z one by one while playing the cassette. Children listen to the names of the 26 letters and learn to recognize the capital letters.2. Show the alphabet cards A-Z randomly and ask students to say in chorus, groups or individually.3. Show the alphabet cards A-Z one by one while playing the cassette. Children listen again to the names of the 26 letters and learn to recognize the small letters.4. Show the alphabet cards a-z randomly and ask students to say in chorus, groups or individually.5. Homework: read, recite and copy the letters.课后随笔成功与经验板书设计A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Za, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z元音字母:A a, E e, I i, O o, U u思考与对策

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