2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit1—Unit6综合检测题.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit1Unit6综合检测题第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题15分,满分75分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小,题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10分钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小,题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What would the girl like to do? AGo to a movie BTry the new Chinese restaurant CStay at home and watch TV2When does the play start? AAt 6:30 BAt 8:00 CAt 6:003What is the problem with her English? AHer English is quite good BHer pronunciation is very bad CHer spelling is very bad4How often was the man late? AFour times BTwenty-two times CTwo times5The dialogue took place in Aa hotel Ba store Ca restaurant【答案】1C 2A 3C 4B 5A【听力材料】1M:How would you like to go to a movie tonight? W:Thanks for asking,but I dont think so M:Then what about trying that new Chinese restaurant? W:No,Id rather stay at home and watch TV2W:Does the play start at 6:00 or 6:15? M:NeitherIt starts at 6:30 and ends at 8:003M:Do you have any difficulty with the pronunciation,Jane? W:No,I can pronounce English quite well,but I can t spell the words right4W:I was late for school four times this termHow about you? M:I was late twenty-two times at least5M:Hello,this is Room 205What time is dinner please? W:The main restaurant open at 7:00 in the evening第二节(共15小题;每小题15分满分225分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独自后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独自前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独自读两遍。 听第6段材料。回答第6、7题。6What are the two speakers talking about? AAttending someones dinner BInviting a guest CBuying a present7What should one do if invited to dinner according to the dialogue? AHeShe should make up BHeShe should bring a small present CHeShe neednt bring anything【答案】6A 7B【听力材料】6M:Guess what! Ive just been invited to my teachers house for dinner! W:Oh,how nice! M:Yes,but what do you do when youre invited to someones house here? W:Well,its the custom to bring a small gift M:Really? Like what? W:Oh,maybe some flowers or dessert听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8Whats the possible relationship between the speakers? AHusband and wife BFriends CClassmates9How much did the coffee cost? ATen pence BTwenty pence CForty pence10Wheres the key? AIts in the handbag BIts lost CIts in the lock【答案】8A 9B 10C【听力材料】7W:How much were the two coffees? M:Ten pence eachThats twenty penceWheres the money? W:In my handbagIll get itMy God! Where is my key? M:I put it in your handbag before I left the house W:But it isnt in my handbagYou must think about it carefully M:Yes? Then I left the key in the lock听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。l 1What are the two speakers talking about? ABuying a house BFinding a job CBuilding a house12What do you think of the man? AHe is very rich BHe is very poor CHe has some money,but hes not very rich13What kind of house is fit for the man in his own opinion? AThe house on Padley Drive BThe house on Bank Street CThe house in the country【答案】 11A 12C 13C【听力材料】8M:Hello W:Hello,Mr. Andrews! This is Max from Ripleys Realty M:HiHave you found a house for me yet? W:Yes,I have a great house to show you on Padley DriveIts only $200 000 W:Oh,thats too expensive for me W:Well,l have another one on Bank StreetIts only $85 000But it only has one bedroom M:Oh,thats not big enough W:Well,how about a house in the country? M:That sounds interesting W:Yes,its fairly old,so it needs a little workBut its really nice,and it has a lovely view M:I think Ill like it听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。1 4What can we learn about the couple? AThe husband likes to sit in the same chair BThe wife doesnt like to travel CThey went on a trip last year1 5How long does the voyage they talked about last? ATen days BThree or four weeks CTwenty-one day1 6Why doesnt the wife like the kind of voyage? AIt may cost a little money,but unfortable BShe doesnt like to go to so many places with much money. CShe doesnt think that theyll be well served at the hotels【答案】 14C 15B 16B【听力材料】9W:Which part of the paper are you reading? M:The part of travel W:Are you thinking about our vacation already? M:Yes,its not so far awayIve been looking at these advertisements W:Why dont we go to the same place we went last year? M:I wont stay at that hotel againI have a better idea for this yearLook at this advertisementThis looks like a wonderful vacation for me W:“Three weeks”“Ten exciting ports”“How much does it cost? M:The price isnt given W:It must be expensive if they dont give the price in the paperAnd besides,Id rather stay in one place M:I dont want to sit on the same beach and eat the same food and look at the same walls every day for three or four weeks W:You know the doctor said you shouldnt try to do too much M:He didnt say that I had to sit in the same chair all day long听第10段材料,回答第1 7至20题。17What is the topic of the talk? ATable manners BHow to live abroad CWays of eating1 8Which of the following is considered bad in Britain when you are eating? AUse a bowl to have liquid food BLift the bowl for more food CDrink directly from the bowl19According to the speaker,in which country is it all right to make a noise while eating? ABritainBJapanCMexico20What advice does the speaker give to people visiting a foreign country? AFollow the example of the people there BAsk the people for advice before you go to a meal CDo as you do at home【答案】 17A 18 .C 19B 20A【听力材料】10Today Im going to tell you something about table manners in different countriesI think you already know that people in different countries have different ways of doing thingsSomething that is rude in one country may well be quite polite in anotherFor example,in Britain you mustnt lift your bowl to your mouth when you are having some liquid foodBut in Japan you neednt worry about making a noise when you drink itIt shows that you are enjoying itBut that is considered bad manners in Britain In Britain we try not to put our hands on the table at all during a mealIn Mexico,however,guests are expected to keep their hands on the table throughout a mealBut it is in the Arab countries that we really must be careful with our handsYou see,in Arab countries,you mustnt eat with your left handThis is considered to be very impoliteSo,what should you do if you visit another country? Well,you neednt worryYou can ask the native people there to help you or j ust watch carefully and try to do as they do,not as you do at home第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21 delicious supper! Lets e and enjoy one again next time AWhat BWhat a CHow DHow a22He _to lend me his bike but I refused for I didnt want to trouble him Afailed Boffered Cconsidered Dinsisted on23Mum,Im very thirsty Oh,help_ to the_ water Ayourselves;boiled Byourself;boiling Cyourselves;boiling Dyourself; boiled24I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have_. Ait Bthose Cthem Done25The World Trade Centre Towers fell down_the afternoon of Friday,the 1l th of September Ain Bat Con D26_ , he took a walk in the park every day AAt once BAt one time CAt the same time DAt all time27Why do you look so sad? With so many problems_ _ ,Im in a difficult situation Asettled Bremained to settle Csetting Dremaining to be settled28What do you think of my suggestion? Sorry,whats that? I _about something else Athought Bam thinking Cwas thinking Dhad thought29There are so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I cant decide_ to buy Awhat Bwhich Chow Dwhere30Are you going to_ todays meeting? Ajoin Bjoin inCtake part in Dtake place31What do you know about the new plan? I know every detail about it_ , I think I know ATherefore BOr rather CNamely DThat is32All the leading newspapers _the trade talks between China and the United States Areported BprintedCannounced Dpublished33一When shall we meet again? 一Make it_ day you like; its all the same to me Aone Bany Canother Dsome34Shirley _ a book about China last year but I dont know whether she has finished it Ahas written Bwrote Chad written Dwas writing35There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well It _ a fortable journey Acant be Bshouldnt be Cmustnt have been Dcouldnt have been参考答案与解析21B此题考查感叹句的用法。“what+(aan)+形容词+名词+(主语+谓语)”或“How+形容词或副词+(主语+谓语)”。另外,supper前有形容词修饰指特定的一次,应用a。22B consider和insist on后都是接动名词,fail to do sth意为“没做成某事”,offer to do sth意为“主动做某事”,故选B。23D help oneself to sth除表示“随便吃(喝)”外,还可表“自取,自拿”之意。boiling water指“沸腾的水”,而boiled water指“开水,烧开过的水”,故应选D。24D one指代上文出现的名词glass,句意为“希望有足够的杯子,可供宾客一人一个。”B、c项不合题意排除。it替代的事物应是上文出现过的同一事物,而one替代的则是同类事物中的一个,是泛指。25C 此题意为“世贸大厦双塔在9月11日下午倒塌了。”表示在特定的某一天的下午,用介词on,不用in。26B at one time表示“曾经一度,过去某段时间”,at once表示“立即,马上”,at the same time表示“同时”。27D此题考查with的复合宾语结构。从语境看,“许多问题还没解决,所以处境很难”,应用不定式结构来表达。故选D。28C此句意为“我刚才正在想其他事情”。应用过去进行时。29B which常指在一定的范围中选择哪一个;what没有范围限制,是泛指。根据语境,应是一定范围内“决定哪一个”,应用which。30C take part in常指“参加(正式的,大型的)活动”,in是口语化的一个词,指“参加(非正式,小型的)活动、游戏等”;join指“加入某个组织”;take place指“发生”。31B or rather“更确切地说”;therefore“因此”;C、D意义相同,“也就是,即”。32A report“报道”,B项“印刷”,C项announce“宣布”,D项publish“出版”。A句意为“所有重大的报社都对中美贸易谈判作了报道。”33B此题关键句是its all the same to me表明说话者对见面的具体日期并不介意,随便哪一天都行,故选any 。34D “我不知道她是否写完”言下之意为“她去年一直在写这本书”应用过去进行时态。A、B、C均表示书已写完,与语境不符。35D从第一句时态得知事情发生在过去,第二句是对过去情况做出推测。must表推测无否定形式,cant表示“一定不”。第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题l_5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 When my son put his head upon my chest after watching the terrible scene of the hijacked(被劫持的)planes flying into the World Trade Center, I was 36 immediately by a lot of questions from my sonSome of them were so 37 to answer that I was tongue-tied several times which really angered himHis questions didnt 38 thereEvery day he would ask me some unexpected questionsI knew I 39 take them lightly any more and he wouldnt be 40 with “Dont think about it”,when he listened to adult 41 and news on TV So I had to spend some time 42 some information and then municated with him First I 43 to give an exact definition(定义)of terrorism(恐怖主义)Then I collected the information about the targets(目标)of the_44_ :the World Trade Center and the Pentagon(五角大楼),and wrote them down on a piece of paper with their pictures attachedI also 45 information about the suspects(嫌疑犯)and the 46 with a map of Afghanistan,one of the 47 in the world with more than 42 percent population under the age of 1 5,30 percent 48 Although well equipped with those hard 49 ,I found myself attacked again by his 50 questions“Why do people do such things?” “It is hard to answer ,my dearSome things are beyond my 51 ”I told him“I cant explain some things we dont know and 52 we will never know 53 they happenedThe point is not the reason,my boyThe point is that this kind of 54 is horrible,a cowardly act in which thousands of people got hurt and killed”I hope my 55 can send his doubts away 36Aattacked Basked Canswered Dattracted 37Adull Binteresting Ceasy Ddifficult 38Asettle Blie Cstop Dstart 39Aneed not Bcould not Cmight not Dwould not 40Aangry Bfrightened Canxious Dsatisfied 41Aspeeches Bconversations Creports Dlectures 42Acollecting Bgiving Chearing Dsending 43Apromised Bwished Cdecided Dwondered 44Aattack Bplan Cdirection Dstruggle 45Atyped Bsent Cincreased Dgathered 46Atown Bcity Cprovince Dcountry 47Apoorest Brichest Csmallest Dbiggest 48Aunguarded Buneducated Cunpopular Dunseen 49Aresults Bmatters Cquestions Dfacts 50Asame Bterrible Cother Dfoolish 51Arecognition Bunderstanding Cpraise Dpetition 52Aperhaps Bof course Cotherwise Dso 53Awhen Bwhere Chow Dwhy 54Afighting Bquarrel Craid Dcondition 55Astory Bdecision Csuggestion Dexplanation参考答案与解析36A由下文49空后的句子可知,此处意为“被问题难住”。37D由I was tongue-tied several times可知。38C 由后句Every day he would ask me some unexpected questions可知。39B我知道我不能再轻视这些问题。40D由上下文可知,他对父亲的回答不满意。4l.B指成人之间的交谈。42A收集信息。43C指决定去做某事。44A指恐怖袭击的目标。45D同前文中I collected some information并列。46D由a map of Afghanistan可知。47A 由常识可知。richest(最富有的),smallest(最小的),biggest(最大的)。48B unguarded(未受保护),unpopular(不受欢迎)和unseen(未发现)同文意不吻合。49B指搜集到可供回答问题的材料。50C上文提到了一些问题,此处应为“其他的问题”。51B超出我的理解。52A 由cant explain和never等语气可知。53D我们永远也不会知道为什么发生了这样的事。54C指“袭击行动”。55D指我的解释消除了他的疑虑。第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Dont try telling Mark Bouch that dogs are mans best friendsHis pet Keilar helped land him in prison He dropped his package of amphetamine(安非他明)at the feet of the police as they began a search of his house Bouch,26,was confident that the two officers would not find the package after he hid it in the bathroom But he failed to make allowances for dogsnatural instincts and now he is starting a nine month prison sentence Michelle Lockhart,20,Marks girlfriend at the time,said yesterday“I put the dogs into the bathroom to get them out of the wayThe next thing I knew,Keilar had a package in her mouthMark had hidden it in the bathroom and it was just on the floor there” “I couldnt believe it when the dog came out and put it right in front of the policemenIt was just following its instinct to pick things upThe police looked as surprised as I was and Keilar just looked really pleased with herselfShe really gave the game awayI havent spoken to Mark since it happened” The police had arrived at the couples home in Wigton,Cumbriaafter a warningThey were puzzled to see one of their suspects pets run out from behind a chair with a package in her jaws It is believed Keilar had found the drugs in the bathroom before moving quickly down behind the furniture and then presenting the officers with her findDetective Constable(警官)James Little,who was in charge of the case,said,“Somebody had a bag of amphetamine and when the police arrived,it disappeared rather rapidlyThe dog,following its natural instinct,went and picked it up in its mouth and brought it back” Bouch,who has 82 previous convictions(被判有罪)mostly for dishonesty,had denied(否定)possessing amphetamine with intent to supply but was convicted at Carlisle Crown Court His pets are being cared for by relatives while he is inprison Lockhart had been sentenced to 240 hoursmunity service for the same charge The j udge said she escaped because of her immaturity(未成熟)and lack of previous convictions 56What would be the best title for the text? AMark Bouch Was Put into Prison BThe Dog That Sent Its Owner to Prison CDogs Are Not Mans Best Friends DPolice Caught Their Suspect 57We can infer from the text that“instinct”means_. Aborn ability Bpower to do something Cnatural honesty Dspecial curiosity 58Which of the following shows the right order of what happened in the story? aThe police arrived at the Marks home bBouch was at Carlisle Crown Court cThe dog picked up the package of amphetamine dMark hid the amphetamine Aa,d,c,b Bd,c,a,b Cd,a,c,b Da,b,c,d 59What did Mark do with Keilar after being sentenced to prison? AKeilar stayed with Mark BKeilar was set free CKeilar stayed with Lockhart DKeilar was cared for by Marks relatives 60The police looked surprised when the dog put the package in front of them because_ Athey found their suspect was honest Bthey had made a wrong decision Cthey found the dog was an excellent police dog Dthey hadnt thought the dog would find the evidence for them B A young father was visiting an old neighbourThey were standing in the old mans garden,and talking about childrenThe young man said,“How strict should parents be with their children?” The old man pointed to a string(细绳)between a big strong tree and a thin young one “Please untie(解开)that string,”he saidThe young man untied it,and the young tree bent over to one side “Now tie it again,please”said the old man“But first pull the string tight so that the young tree is straight again The young man did soThen the old man said,“There,it is the same with childrenYou must be strict with them, but sometimes you must untie the string to see how they are getting onIf they are not yet able to stand alone,you must tie the string tight againBut when you find that they are ready to stand alone,you can take the string away 61The story is about _ AHow to take care of young trees B How strict parents should be with their childrer CHow the young father should get on with his old neighbour DHow to help children to study 62The young man untied the string Ain order to throw it away Bso that both of the trees would grow straight Conly to find that the young tree bent over to one side Din order to see if the young tree grew taller 63When could the string be taken away? AWhen the old man left BWhen the young man untied it next time CWhen the young tree grew strong enough DWhen the young tree grew older 64At last the old man told the young man Athat he should be strict with his children if they could not stand alone Bthat he should always be strict with his children Cthat he should be hard on his children Dthat he should put a string to his children 65We Iearn that the big strong tree and the thin young one are like Athe young father and the old neighbour Bparents and their children Cthe young and the old Dthe old neighbour and the children of the young C Ireland takes up most(five-sixths)of an island off the land of BritainUp until 1921 it was a part of Great BritainIreland is 95 percent Catholic(天主教徒) On

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