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Module 9 Unit 2 He was in Hong Kong1教学目标 认知能力培养目标:在语境中学习、理解并运用语词:yesterday;了解fun语义。在语境中学习并熟练运用目标语句:He was (wasnt) in; They were (werent) in.知道wasnt=was not, werent=were not区分wasnt和werent在使用时的不同。实践能力培养目标:能运用He was (wasnt) in; They were (werent) in.介绍他人曾经所在的地方。情感、态度、价值观培养目标:通过本课学习,学生在学习和日常交际中,能初步注意到中英文在谈论过去的事情和状态时的异同。在小组活动中能与其他同学积极配合。2学情分析 三年级学生较活泼,学生首次感受过去时。3重点难点 重点:在语境中学习、理解并运用语词:yesterday;了解fun语义。能运用He was (wasnt) in; They were (werent) in.介绍他人曾经所在的地方。难点:知道wasnt=was not, werent=were not区分wasnt和werent在使用时的不同。4教学过程 活动1【导入】热身启动 Greetings between teacher and students.Sing the song of Part 4.Show the pigs pictures. Now, lets enjoy the music. Wow, so many lovely pigs, do you like it? This time, lets sing together with gesture, OK? (CD-ROM)Look, can you say?Revision.Show the photos of Amy and Amys grandparents. (now and then)T: Look at these photos. Do you remember who are they? Can you talk about them?S: They were very young then. But they are very old now.T: How about Lingling? Say with your partner.S: Her hair was very short then. But now its longb. Show the funny pictures. (now and then)T: Lets look at some funny pictures! This time, can you say now and then?S: It was an egg then, but its a chicken now.T: Look, more funny pictures, can you say, too? Discuss in groups.S: It was a kedou then, but its a frog now. It was a warm then, but its a butterfly now. It was a warm then, but its a grass now活动2【讲授】课文呈现 1. Lead-inT: Look! Our friend ET is coming. Say hello to him. Can you say the difference between now and then?S: He was short then, but he is tall now. He was small then, but hes big nowT: Yes. Now he is big. He can travel by himself. Do you want to know where was he yesterday? Lets have a look. (CD-ROM)T: Where was he yesterday? Where is ET now?S: “I was in Beijing yesterday. I am in London now.”教师讲授新词“yesterday”。a. 创设真实情境T: What day is today? What about yesterday?S: Today is Wednesday. It was Tuesday yesterday.T: Look, today is sunny. What was the weather like yesterday?S: Yesterday was sunny, too.b. 语音教学将yesterday按音节分为yesterday, 分别让学生感知发音规律。在ter的读音上,让学生读几组词(farmer, river, tower, water)通过自己体会,总结出ter的读音。通过手势练习,和利用板书磁扣,让学生进一步感知yesterday的音节。2. Task: So,ET likes traveling very much. Today, if you try your best, he will take you to so many places. Are you ready? Today were going to learn Module 9 Unit 2. (板书题目) 通过今天的学习,我们将学会描述自己曾经去过的地方,以及那个时候的自己与现在有什么不同。3. New Teaching1) 自主探究T: Look, who is he? (PPT出示Sam头像)S: He is Sam.T: Yes. Can you guess? Sam wrote a -?(PPT出示信的信尾)S: Sam wrote a letter.T: Yes. Sam wrote a letter to -? (PPT出示信的信头)S: Sam wrote a letter to Lucy.T: Ok, boys and girls, whats in this letter, what did he write to Lucy? Lets look at these three pictures carefully. What can you see? Who ca you see? Where can you see? (PPT展示课文三幅图片)S1: I can see Amy, Ms. Smart and Amys grandparents.S2: I can see Sam and Daming.S3: I can see Mr. Smart.T: Yes, you are right! (教师粘头饰)Any other information in these pictures?(教师板书表格)2) Listen and connect (Part 3)T: Ok, boys and girls, maybe you get many different answers. Now, lets have a look what did Sam write to Lucy. Watch the CD-Rom and try to match.T: OK, children, Where were they?S1: Ms Smart and Amy were in London.S2: Sam was in Beijing.S3: Mr. Smart was in Hong Kong.教师板书,学生机械操练句型。3) Listen again and try to underline the detailsT: Where were / werent Amy, mum and dad in the holidays? Where was Sam yesterday? Open your books, lets listen again, try to underline the sentences.S: They werent in Beijing.教师板书,学生机械操练句型,讲解wasnt=was not, werent=were not。a. Quickly sayb. Lets imitate.c. Box GameT: Lets play an interesting game! Look, there are two boxes. One is a happy face, one is a sad face.教师示范,从盒中抽取带有城市的卡片,运用语句“I wasnt in yesterday. / I was inyesterday.”选取学生到前面抽取卡片说句子。T: Ok. This time, can you tell me where he was and where he wasnt yesterday?S: He/she was inyesterday. He/she wasnt in yesterday.T: Do you want to come to the front in pairs?S: Yes! We were in yesterday. We werent in yesterday. They were in yesterday. They werent in yesterday.4) a. Listen and repeatb. Read by yourselfc. Find the missing words. 课文填空(was/wasnt/were/werent)活动3【活动】巩固操练 T: Look, who is he?S;Ke nan!T:今天我们要跟着柯南一起做游戏。There are two games.First game-一起来找茬!This is a “find and say” game. Are these two pictures same? Whats the difference? Try to talk with your partners!T: Yesterday, our school was stolen (被盗). Who is the thief(小偷)? Lets have a look! PPT 出示练习,在真实情境中操练“He wasnt in _.”以及“They werent in _.”句型。T:Do you want to see the baby Ken an? Lets listen and see.四、任务完成(production)T: Last class, weve talk about our family photo. This time, well talk about our holiday photos. There are three choices for you. Choose and say.

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