2019-2020年高一上学期期末模拟 英语 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高一上学期期末模拟 英语 含答案第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. When is Bobs birthday? A. March 14. B. March 5. C. March 23.2. What did the woman buy for the man? A. A blue jacket. B. Black trousers. C. A red jacket.3. How much should the man pay? A. $115 . B. $150. C. $230.4. What is John going to do tomorrow? A. Go for a picnic. B. Look after his mother. C. See a doctor.5. Where are the two speakers? A. In a library. B. In a bookstore. C. In a department store.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6-8题。6. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. On the phone. B. At an office. C. At home.7. What is Mr. Paines home number?A. 114-9758. B. 346-9758. C. 364-9758.8. What will the man probably do next?A. Go to Mr. Paines home. B. Go to Mr. Paines office. C. Give Mr. Paine a call.听第7段材料,回答第9-11题。9. How did Bull Smith die?A. He died in a traffic accident. B. He died of cancer. C. He died a natural death.10. Whats the relationship between Bull and Lily?A. Brother and sister. B. Husband and wife.C. Mother and son. 11. What will the man do?A. To attend Bulls funeral. B. To look after Lily. C. To give Lily a hand.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12. Where will the woman go?A. To the riverside. B. To Beijing. C. To Shanghai.13. How does the woman find the film See You Tomorrow?A. Its uninteresting. B. Its useful. C. Its interesting.14. What will the woman do?A. Call the doctor. B. Call the theatre. C. Not mentioned.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15. How are the mans family?A. Well. B. Better. C. Unhealthy.16. Whats the possible relationship between the two speakers?A. Strangers. B. Friends. C. Husband and wife.17. What is the womans advice?A. To start work. B. To keep young.C. To take exercise.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. What did Mr. Evan think of traveling by air?A. It was safe. B. It was exciting. C. It was dangerous.19. Why did Mr. Evan have to go to another city?A. To attend a meeting. B. To meet his friends. C. To attend a wedding.20. What did Mr. Evan do when the plane started?A. He looked out of the window. B. He closed his eyes. C. he sang a song.第二部分:知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)21. Shangri-la, which is _ happy home for the local people, is also _ home to many birds and animals.A. the; aB. /; /C. a; /D. /; a22. Without facts, we cannot form a worthwhile opinion for we need to have a factual knowledge _ our thinking.A. which to base onB. which to be based onC. on which to be basedD. on which to base23. It is generally considered unwise to give children _ they wants.A. howeverB. no matter howC. whateverD. no matter what24. Mountain climbing _ be very tiring, and many people feel sick _ the atmosphere gets thinner.A. may; whileB. can; asC. must; thoughD. should; for25. Please take down my telephone number _ something important happens.A. in caseB. now thatC. even thoughD. as if26. These viruses, if _ in, can result in illness or even death.A. breathingB. breathedC. breatheD. to breathe27. _ that these creatures are linked to a mon ancestor.A. As is believedB. What is believedC. That is believedD. It is believed28. Playing on the football pitch _.A. some students are with their P.E. teacherB. their P. E. teacher is with some studentsC. some students with their P. E. teacher areD. are some students with their P. E. teacher29. Colin was about to get off the camel _ a child ran towards him.A. whileB. whenC. asD. since30. I feel so excited! At this time tomorrow morning, I _ to Shanghai.A. will be flyingB. will flyC. have been flyingD. have flown31. Mr. Robert is _ our teacher. He is also our friend.A. no more thanB. less thanC. more thanD. no less than32. In a close game, every point _. A. chargesB. deservesC. arguesD. counts33. Every day, mainland China _ Hong Kong _ lots of vegetables, fruits and meat.A. supplies; toB. supplies; withC. supplies; /D. supplies; for34. Football is just not my _ - I like playing volleyball.A. piece of cakeB. wet blanketC. cup of teaD. green fingers35. It was raining, but _ it was a nice trip.A. altogetherB. alsoC. thereforeD. moreover第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 One of Mark Twains classic novels is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. It is 36 in a small American town in the 19 th century. The people in this town are very traditional and 37 a quiet life.The story is about a boy called Tom Sawyer, who lives with his aunt Polly. He is often in 38 with his aunt. Aunt Polly is very kind, 39 Tom thinks she is always trying to control him. Tom is different from 40 children in the town. He loves adventure. He does a lot of bad things, but he never really 41 anyone. He tries very hard not to go to school, and often jumps 42 his bedroom window at night to meet his friends. He is very clever. One day, Aunt Polly asks him to do some painting, and he 43 to get all the boys in the town to do the work for him by inventing a new 44 game. It is these little stories 45 make readers want to keep reading the novel, but it is the adventures that 46 the most important part of the book. Toms best friend is Huck Finn, a boy who has no home. In one adventure, they spend the night outside, and they see a man kill another man 47 . Later in the book, Tom, Huck and another boy decide to leave the town 48 they think that life there is too boring. They _49_ to an island in the middle of a river. They 50 fires, catch fish and sleep under the stars. They also make a 51 to travel up and down the river. 52 seeing the boys for days, the people in the town think that they have died. One day, when Tom cones back to his aunts house to leave a letter 53 that he is not dead, he hears his aunt talking about his funeral(葬礼). 54 Tom has an idea. On the morning of their funeral, the boys run back into town and 55 their own funeral before telling everyone that they are still alive.36. A. madeB. setC. takenD. written37. A. haveB. passC. liveD. own38. A. troubleB. silenceC. peaceD. war39. A. andB. butC. stillD. as40. A. anotherB. othersC. the othersD. the other41. A. damagesB. destroysC. ruinsD. hurts42. A. out ofB. intoC. ontoD. in front of43. A. triesB. failsC. managesD. struggles44. A. fightingB. paintingC. touringD. sailing45. A. whichB. thatC. whatD. where46. A. isB. wasC. areD. were47. A. in chargeB. in advanceC. in the long termD. in the dark48. A. because B. whileC. even thoughD. if49. A. run intoB. run awayC. run acrossD. run out of50. A. catchB. setC. makeD. put51. A. bikeB. boatC. camelD. cage52. A. ByB. UponC. AtD. Without53. A. writingB. tellingC. sayingD. meaning54. A. ThenB. BesidesC. AlsoD. Lastly55. A. joinB. presentC. participateD. attend第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分)Scientists are trying to make the deserts into good land againThey want to bring water to the deserts,so people can live and grow foodThey are learning a lot about the desertsBut more and more of the earth is being desert all the timeScientists may not be able to change the desert in time Why is more and more land being desert?Scientists think that people make desertsPeople are doing bad things to the earth Some places on the earth dont get much rain But they still dont bee deserts This is because some green plants are growing there Small green plants and grass are very important to dry places Plants dont let the sun make the earth even drier Plants do not let the wind blow the dirt away When a bit of rain falls, the plants hold the water Without plants, the land can bee desert more easily 56Deserts Anever have any plants or animals in themBcan all be turned into good land before longCare being smaller and smallerDget very little rain57Smallgreenplantsareveryimportanttodryplaces because Athey dont let the sun make the earth even drierBthey dont let the wind blow the soil awayCthey hold waterDAll of the above 58Landisbeingdesertlittlebylittlebecause Aplants cant grow thereBthere is not enough rainCpeople havent done what scientists wish them to doDscientists know little about the deserts59. Why is more and more land being desert according to this passage? AEarthquakes make deserts. B. Wind makes deserts.C. Lack of water makes deserts. D. People make desertsBFor thousands of years, man has enjoyed the taste of apples. Apples, which are about 85 percent water, grow almost everywhere in the world but the hottest and coldest areas. Among the leading countries in apple production are China, France and the United States.There are various kinds of apples, but a very few make up the majority of those grown for sale. The three most mon kinds grown in the United States are Delicious, Golden Delicious, and McIntosh.Apples are different in color, size and taste. The color of the skin may be red, green or yellow. They have various sizes, with Delicious apples being among the largest. The taste may be sweet or tart(酸的). Generally, sweet apples are tasted fresh while tart apples are used to make applesauce(果酱).Apple trees may grow as tall as twelve meters. They do best in areas that have very cold winters. Although no fruit is yielded during the winter, this cold period is good for the tree.60. It can be learned from the text that Delicious apples are_. A. grown in France B. sold everywhere C. very big D. quite sweet61. Cold winter weather is good for_.A. the growth of apple trees B. producing large apples C. improving the taste of apples D. the increase of water in apples62.China, France and the United States are considered to_. A. be small producers of apples B. be large producers of applesauce C. have the longest history in apple productionD. have the coldest winter among apple production63.The word yielded in the last sentence means_.A. improved B. increased C. produced D. soldCWhen Jackie Robinson walked onto Ebbets Field in Brooklyn, New York, on April 15, 1947, he changed baseball forever. As the first African American to play in the Major League in modern times, many believe he changed the country forever.Robinson was born in 1919. He lived in a time when rules controlled what African Americans could do. He was a top athlete, playing football, basketball and baseball. But playing for a major league team was off limits to Robinson because of his race.Branch Rickey, president and manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, signed(和签约)Robinson in 1947. He believed that Robinson not only had the skills, but the courage to face the challenge of being modern baseballs first black player.It wasnt easy. Robinson sometimes faced boos(嘘声)from fans. But he became a star, anyway. In 1962, he became the first African-American player chosen to enter the Baseball Hall of Fame. In xx, he was awarded a Congressional Gold Medal, the highest award can give to an American.By breaking baseballs color barrier(肤色障碍), Robinson opened the door for many to follow his footsteps, not only in baseball, but in other areas of life as wall. After he stopped playing the game, Robinson worked as a manager for a coffee pany. He wrote a newspaper column(专栏). He also started a bank.64. According to Branch Rickey, Jackie Robinson was _.A. poor but cleverB. unlucky but confidentC. proud and strongD. brave and skilled65. We can know that Jackie Robinsons story _.A. changed many Africans ideasB. had an effect on many black peoples livesC. encouraged black people to fight with whitesD. started a hot discussion about the color barrier66. Which of the following is NOT what he once did?A. a newspaper column writerB. a bankerC. a university teacherD. a manager in a panyDJungle(丛林) country is not friendly to man,but it is possible to survive there. You must have the right equipment and you must know a few important things about woodcraft(山林野外知识). Then your chances of staying alive are very good.No one should go into the jungle without the right equipment. You need lightweight clothing, a good knife, and a pass. Fishhooks and a line,a rifle,matches in a waterproof container and a poncho(雨披) are necessary too. So is a mosquito net(蚊帐) to protect the head.In the jungle you can get hopelessly lost within five minutes after leaving known landmark(地界碑). That is why you should always carry a pass. In open country during the day, you can tell which way to go by studying the sun. At night the stars are sure guides to direction. But in most places the jungle rooftop is so thick that it is impossible to see the sun or the stars. Again and again you must check your position by the pass.Keep alert(警惕的). Watch the ground in front of you carefully. Stop and listen now and again. Avoid haste(匆忙), and rest often. In a place that is hot and humid(潮湿的), the person who sets a fast pace will soon bee tired. A steady and even pace is wisest in the long run.If you lose your way, dont panic. Try to decide how long it has been since you were sure of your position. Mark the spot where you are with blazes on a tree. Put them on four sides of the tree, so that you will be able to see them from any direction. Then you can begin retracing your steps(going back exactly the way you have e), knowing that you can always find the spot from which you started. Except in an emergency, never try to travel the jungle at night.Whenever possible, it is wise to follow streams and rivers that are going in your general direction. This may cause you many extra miles of travel. But in the end it will save time and energy. Nothing is more exhausting (extremely tiring) than hacking(cutting) a way through unbroken jungle.Surviving in the jungle is a science. The jungle people have bee perfect in this science, and you can too. Learn as much as you can about what to expect in the jungle. Make sure you have the right equipment. Then no part of the jungle will seem pletely or frightening. In fact, you will be able to “live off” it for a long time.67. To keep alive in the jungle, you should make it clear that the right equipment is _.A. more important than a knowledge of woodcraft B. less important than a knowledge of woodcraftC. just as important as a knowledge of woodcraft D. not as important as a knowledge of woodcraft68. If you lose your way in the jungle, which of the following can NOT be done? A. Check your position by the pass again and again.B. Decide how long ago it was that you got lost.C. Tell which way to go by studying the sun/the stars.D. Mark blazes on four sides of a tree and be sure to see them from any direction.69. The author is strongly against traveling at night probably because _.A. one tends to move too slowly at night B. some animals will attack you C. emergencies occur most frequently at night D. it is more difficult to check your position70. “It is wise to follow streams and rivers”, which will ensure you to _.A. avoid animals attacks B. save many extra miles of travelC. avoid hacking a way through unbroken jungle D. have a rich supply of drinking waterEWill it matter if you dont take your breakfast? Recently a test was given in the United States. Those tested included people of different ages, from 12 to 83. During the experiment, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts, and sometimes they got no breakfast at all. Special tests were set up to see how well their bodies worked when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast. The results show that if a person eats a proper breakfast, he or she will work with better effect than if he or she has no breakfast. This fact appears to be especially true if a person works with his brains. If a student eats fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, he will learn more quickly and listen with more attention to class.Opposite(相反的) to what many people believe, if you dont eat breakfast, you will not lose weight. This is because people bee so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch, and end up gaining weight instead of losing. You will probably lose more weight if you reduce your lunch and super!71. During the test, those who were tested were given _.A. no breakfast at all B. very rich breakfastsC. little food for breakfast D. different breakfast or none72. The results of the test show that _.A. breakfast has great effect on work and studiesB. breakfast has little to do with a persons workC. a person will work better if he has a simple breakfastD. those working with brains should have much for breakfast73. The passage mentions that many people believe that if you dont eat breakfast, you will _.A. lose weight B. not lose weightC. be healthier D. gain a lot of weight74. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?A. Poor breakfasts affect those who work with brains.B. Morning diet may cause one person to get fatter.C. Reducing lunch and supper is of less help in weight losing.D. Eating less in lunch and supper may help to lose weight.75. According to the passage, if a student does not eat breakfast, _.A. he will fall ill B. he will not listen to his teacherC. he will not make progress in his study D. his mind will work more slowly第四部分 写作:(共二节,满分35分)第一节 词汇运用(满分10分)按要求完成以下单词或词组, 注意词形变化。76. Most of the buildings were pletely d_ in the Wenchuan earthquake and the city was in ruins.77. This kind of overcoat is worth buying. It is of good q_and in good design. 78. Mo Yan, who has d_ his whole life to writing novels, won the xx Nobel Prize in Literature.79. Because of f_ practice, he became more and more experienced in playing basketball. 80. He was the only one of the soldiers who s_ the war, while the rest were dead.81. Several months ago, President Obama _ (上台、掌权) again, and he will serve four more years as the president of the USA. 82. Guided by the American Dream, lots of people went to American _ (寻找) freedom, work and wealth.83. _(作为回报) for the gift, Amber Room, the Czar sent Frederick William I a troop of his best soldiers. 84. Most of the classmates _ (高度评价) Michael though he himself didnt think he had done anything special. 85.After_(经历)soma

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