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2019-2020年高中英语必修4Module4GreatScientists-ReadingGoals To learn to read passages with the passive voice and by+-ing about great scientists To learn to read with strategiesProceduresStep 1: Warming up by defining sciencesBiochemistry: A branch of chemistry studying the chemical behavior in living beings. Biochemistry is not only interested in the individual chemical ponents but also their vital interplay. Biology: the science that deals with living things. It is broadly divided into zoology, the study of animal life, and botany, the study of plant life. Subdivisions of each of these sciences include cytology (the study of cells), histology (the study of tissues), anatomy or morphology, physiology, and embryology (the study of the embryonic development of an individual animal or plant). Also included in biological studies are the sciences of genetics, evolution, paleontology, and taxonomy or systematic, the study of classification. Botany: the scientific study of plant life. As a branch of biology, it is also sometimes referred to as plant science(s) or plant biology. Botany covers a wide range of scientific disciplines that study the growth, reproduction, metabolism, development, diseases, and evolution of plants.Genetics: scientific study of the mechanism of heredity. While Gregor Mendel first presented his findings on the statistical laws governing the transmission of certain traits from generation to generation in 1856, it was not until the discovery and detailed study of the chromosomeand the gene in the 20th cent that scientists found the physical basis of hereditary characteristics. Zoology: The original branches of zoology established in the late 19th centurysuch as zoo-physics, bionomics have largely been subsumed into more broad areas of biology which include studies of mechanisms mon to both plants and animals. Chemistry: the science of matter and its interactions with energy and itself (see physics, biology). Because of the diversity of matter, which is mostly in the form of atoms, chemists often study how atoms interact to form molecules and how molecules(分子) interact with each other.Physics: the science of Nature in the broadest sense. Physicists study the behavior and properties of matter in a wide variety of contexts, ranging from the sub-nuclear particles from which all ordinary matter is made (particle physics) to the behavior of the material Universe as a whole (cosmology宇宙论).Step 2: Before you readPlease go over the word list for this module, paying attention to the pronunciation of the word, the relationship between its pronunciation and its spelling.Step 3: While you read1. Type of writing and summaries of The Student Who Asked Questions Type of writingA narration Idea of 1st para.In the rice-growing world, the Chinese scientist, Yuan Longping, is a leading figure.Idea of 2nd para.As a boy Yuan Longping was given the nickname, “the student who asks questions”.Idea of 3rd para.From an early age he was interested in plants.Idea of 4th para.First Yuan Longping experimented with different types of rice.Idea of 5th para.As a result of Yuan Longpings discoveries Chinese rice production rose by 47.5 percent in the 1990s.Idea of 6th para.Pakistan new hybrid rice has been developed by the Yuan Longping High-tech Agricultural pany of China.2. A diagram of The Student Who Asked QuestionsThe Student Who Asked Questions Yuan Longping: a leading figure para. 1the nickname, of “the student who asks questions” para. 2Yuan Longpings experiments para. 4Chinese rice production rising para. 5Pakistan new hybrid rice para. 6interested in plants para.33. plete the article with one word in each blankThe Chinese scientist, Yuan Longping, is a _1_ figure in the rice-growing world. When he was educated in school he was given the _2_ , “the student who asks questions”. From an early age he was so interested in plants that he _3_agriculture in college. As a young teacher he began experimenting in crop breeding. First Yuan Longping _4_ with different types of rice. The results became known in China in 1966. Then he _5_ his search for a special type of rice plant. It had to be male. It had to be sterile. Finally, in 1970 a _6_sterile male rice plant was discovered. This was the breakthrough. As a _7 _of Yuan Longpings discoveries Chinese rice production rose by 47.5 percent in the 1990s. There were other _8_, too. 50 thousand square kilometers of rice fields were converted to growing _9_and other cash crops. Following this, Yuan Longpings rice was exported to other _10_, such as Pakistan and the Philippines.Keys: 1 leading 2 nickname 3 studied 4 experimented 5 began 6 naturally 7 result 8 advantages 9 vegetables 10 countries4. Answer the reading prehension questions according to the text1. What does “staple” mean in “In a hungry world rice is a staple food and China is the worlds largest producer”?A. chief or prominent among the products exported or produced by a country or district; chiefly or largely dealt in or consumed. B. basic, chief, or principal: staple industries. C. principally used: staple subjects of conversation. D. important and outstanding 2. He studied agriculture in college and as a young teacher he began experiments in _.A. crop breeding B. feeding people C. sterile male rice D. with different types of rice3. He thought that the key to have more rice was by _.A. experimenting with different types of rice B. asking questions C. crossing different species of rice plant D. searching for a special type of rice plant4. Finally, in 1970 a _ was discovered. This was the breakthrough. A. staple food B. new plant which could give a higher yieldC. naturally sterile male rice plant D. leading figureKeys:1-4 AACCStep 4: After you read1. Copy all the useful expressions into your Expression Book.Useful expressions from The Student Who Asked Questionsin a world, a staple food, in the -growing world, a leading figure, be born and brought up in , be educated in schools and was given the nickname, an early age, be interested in , the key to, cross, give a higher yield, the results of , be published in, be supported by the government, rice production, rise by 47.5 percent, following this, be exported to other countriesSentences made with expressions from The Student Who Asked Questions1. Prices of staple foods such as wheat and vegetables have also been increasing.2. In the population-growing countries, food is a key problem.3. NOKIA is considered as the worlds leading manufacturer of cell phone.4. Students educated in the New Zealand education environment are earning a reputation as a new breed of innovative thinkers and are enjoying success the world over.5. “Darwin” was the nickname he was given at high school, because of his interest in science.6. It was also suggested that neutering at an early age would stunt normal growth.7. Ukraine is interested in deepening trade-economic cooperation with the Peoples Republic of China. 8. Hard work is the key to success.9. If you cross a plant or animal with another of a different type, you cause them to breed together in order to produce a new variety.10. His broken leg is the direct result of his own carelessness.11. The novel is so relevant today that it has been published in at least 27 languages.12. The plans to build a by-pass are strongly supported by the majority of people in the town. 13. The film is a co-production, with input from Disney and the Childrens Film Foundation.14. Homes were undervalued by an average of 21 percent in xx.15. American culture has been exported all over the world.2. Speaking about Yuan LongpingYou are doing to put the text into a dialogue about Yuan Longping.A: Have you heard of Yuan Longping?B: No, never.C: In the rice-growing world, the Chinese scientist, Yuan Longping, is a leading figure.D: I learned that Yuan Longping was born and brought up in China. A: When he was a small boy he was educated in many schools and was given the nickname, “the student who asks questions”.B: So, from an early age he was interested in plants, wasnt he?A: Yes, he was.D: He studied agriculture in college and as a young teacher he began experiments in crop breeding. C: Why did he get interested in crop feeding?A: Because he thought that the key to feeding people was to have more rice and to produce it more quickly. D: And he thought there was only one way to do thisby crossing different species of rice plant, and then he could produce a new plan which could give a higher yield than either of the original plants.B: How did he begin his early work?A: First Yuan Longping experimented with different types of rice. C: When were his findings first published?D: The results of his experiments were published in China in 1966. B: What did he do then?A: Then he began his search for a special type of rice plant. B: I am getting more and more interested about his work. Go on with it.D: The special type of rice plant had to be male. It had to be sterile. C: Wait. What do you mean by sterile?A: It means incapable of reproducing.C: Thank you. I got it.A: Finally, in 1970 a naturally sterile male rice plant was discovered. B: That must have been a breakthrough. A: Yes, it is. Researchers were then brought in from all over China to develop the new system. D: That means the research was supported by the government.C: What benefits did his work bring to China?A: As a result of Yuan Longpings discoveries Chinese rice production rose by 47.5 percent in the 1990s. D: And there were other advantages too. A: Yes, there were. 50 thousand square kilometers of rice fields were converted to growing vegetables and other cash crops. D: Following this, Yuan Longpings rice was exported to other countries. B: Such as Pakistan and the Philippines, right?A: In Pakistan rice is the second most important crop after wheat and will be grown in many parts of the country. D: The new hybrid rice has been developed by the Yuan Longping High-tech Agricultural pany of China. Its yield is much greater than the yield of other types of rice grown in Pakistan.C: I am proud of being a Chinese. I will learn from Yuan Longping!3. Read the text to transfer informationYou are going to read the text again and draw a diagram of it. You may use the diagram to retell the story in your own words.Para. 1. In the rice-growing world, the Chinese scientist, Yuan Longping, is a leading figure.Para. 2. Yuan Longping was given the nickname, “the student who asks questions”.Para. 3. As a young teacher he began experiments in crop breeding.Para. 4. Finally, in 1970 a naturally sterile male rice plant was discovered.Para. 5. As a result of Yuan Longpings discoveries Chinese rice production rose by 47.5 percent in the 1990s.Para. 6. The yield of the new hybrid rice developed by the Yuan Longping High-tech Agricultural pany of China is much greater than the yield of other types of rice grown in Pakistan.

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