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2019-2020年高三第三次模拟考试英语含解析试卷总评:整套试卷突出了语言运用能力的考查。其中语言知识部分,10道单项选择题侧重动词和句法;动词方面,考查了动词时态、语态、语气、主谓一致、非谓语动词、情态动词,可谓是涉及了动词方方面面的语法知识。句法方面,考查了定语从句、状语从句和名词性从句,考查面也很广。完形填空第一、二节难度都不算很大。阅读理解题阅读量不大,阅读难度不高,且试题以细节理解题为主。写作部分的阅读表达难度不大,信息比较好确定,但答案整理还是存在一定难度。书面表达为写郊游的一篇作文为城市、农村学生均熟悉的联系学生实际的话题,让学生有话可写。总的来说,整套试卷的难度小,属偏易范畴。 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。注意事项: 1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目填涂在答题卡上: 2.每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试卷上。第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读题意,根据所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. Congratulations!You have been admitted to Oxford. _ I cant believe my ears. A. Why not? B. So what? C. Have I? D. Whats up?知识点:交际用语解析:选C,句意是:祝贺你,你已经被牛津大学入取了。Have I ?此处是“是吗;真的吗”?表示“惊讶,不相信”,下文“我无法相信自己的耳朵可以表明这一点”。技巧点拨:注意语境。2. There are cases_ children are made to learn what they dont want to. A. when B. where C. what D. which知识点:限制性定语从句解析:选B。在定语从句中,以下抽象名词作先行词时看做地点:stage、situation、business、case、activity、point,job,family等。另:occasion 看做时间。这些词并不是真正的做地点概念,但是在定语从句中当做地点概念来理解,因此如果这些词在从句中做的是状语的时候,引导词用where或in + which。技巧点拨:熟记特殊形式的引导词,学会分析句子成分。3. Wow, you have a really good voice. I_ you were good at singing. Thank you. A. havent known B. hadnt known C. dont know D. didnt know知识点:时态解析:选D,我不知道你擅长唱歌,是过去的事,现在我知道了,故用一般过去时。技巧点拨:找出时间信息,注意动作特点。 4. Many graduates are busy traveling, _to find a satisfactory job. A. to expect B. to have expected C. expecting D. having expected知识点:非谓语动词解析:选C。非谓语动词做伴随状语。技巧点拨:注意非谓语动词做状语时时态和语态的判断方法。5. Mr. White had hardly finished the speech _the students started cheering. A. when B. while C. as D. after知识点:hardlywhen 搭配解析:选A,怀特老师已完成报告,同学们就欢呼起来。Hardlywhen=no soonerthan=scarcelywhen:一就。技巧点拨:注意句意、搭配、时态、语序。6. Nobody knows _it was that made Jeff so embarrassed .A. how B. why C. what D. which知识点:强调句解析:选C。特殊疑问句的强调句型用于宾语从句中,用陈述语序,此处强调主语,故用关系代词,所以选what。技巧点拨:句子结构,成分分析。7. Jacob is always ready to offer a helping hand and thats _he has a good reputation.A. where B. when C. how D. why知识点:表语从句解析:选D。雅各布总是乐于助人,那就是他有好声誉的原因。根据句意选D。技巧点拨:名词性从句主要根据“句意”和“句子成分进行判断”。8. Peter bought a new digital camera, but _often breaks down,A. one B. the one C. it D. that知识点:代词解析:选C。同名同物用it;同名异物泛指用one;同名异物特指用that。技巧点拨:分析替代词的特点。9. _you were serious, I wouldnt have laughed.A. Should I knowB. Would I know C. Had I known D. Did I know知识点:部分倒装解析:选C。在书面语中,非真实条件句中有were, had, should时,可以省略if,而把were, had, should放在主语前,用部分倒装结构。例如: Were it(If it were) necessary, I might go without delay. 如果需要的话,我可以立即去。技巧点拨:判断句子结构,时态。10. Unless_, the fridge wont work properly.A. reparing B. having repairedC. being repaired D. repaired知识点:非谓语动词做状语解析:选D。在作状语的分词前常可加一个时间,条件,让步状语的引导词,以表示更强的逻辑关系。这种现象被称为:带有连词的分词作状语。此结构等同状语从句但不是状语从句,做题时要进行区分。本结构是:引导词+分词;状语从句是:引导词 +主+谓。此时分词的判断依然遵循与句子主语的判断规则,主动用doing,被动用done,不存在其他形式。技巧点拨:分析句子机构,判断主被动关系。第二节完形填空(共30小题:11-20题每小题1分,2140题每小题1.5分;满分40分) 阅读下面两篇短文,从11-40各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D)中出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题上将该项涂黑。AI hope this finds you well. Perhaps a letter would be more 11 here but I will take this opportunity to send you a huge Thank You.When I first signed up for your 12 class, I was in 9th grade and at a quite difficult time. My good friend 13 my ability and 1 was near going down that path with him, _14_ you cheered me up. This ended up being a huge 15 point for me and I credit you entirely.At that time I held a certain amount of 16 towards my father. It was you who told me straight up what a good man he was. I really did need to hear that, and Im glad you said so.Finally, -somehow you _17_._ my total lack of talent in art. Thank you for giving me a 18 , and setting me straight on many levels. I have only good 19 of our time together, skiing, training, rock climbing, and living.I hope he doesnt need it like I did, but I can only hope my own son, now 13, will meet such a wonderful coach at some point. Im sure you have 20 many lives in a similar way. Thank you.11. A. important B. kindC. helpful D. proper12. A. climbing B. musicC. art D. coach13. A. doubted B. allowedC. smiled D. understood14. A. whenB. asC. beforeD. after15. A. settingB. makingC. turningD. working16. A. attitudeB. angerC. anxietyD. care17. A. toleratedB. discovered C. ignoredD. hid ,18. A. favorB. chanceC. materialD. remark19. A. marksB. recordsC. livesD. memories20. A. caughtB. passedC. touched D. stopped解析:11. 选D。表示一封信更加合适。但是作者想借此机会表达对老师的感谢。12.选C。 通过下文17个空后可知答案是C,报名参加艺术课。13.选A。由上文的have a hard time可知,我的好朋友对我的能力表示怀疑。14.选A。was/were doingwhen;固定搭配,正在,在这时。15.选C。老师的鼓励是我的转折点。16.选B。表示对父亲生气,但是老师直率地告示我父亲是一个非常伟大的人。17.选A。容忍我缺少艺术天赋,这儿说的是老师不放弃我,尽管我表现不好。18.选B。感谢老师给我一个机会。19.选D。对和老师一块共同度过的时光的美好记忆。20.选C。用同样的方式感动了很多人。BNow I can see that it is normal that people feel a little embarrassed to accept unexpected help from a stranger. Yesterday after 1 tried to pay for the person behind me at Starbucks, I was rejected. 21. I decided to take a different 22 to it today. I did something that absolutely could not be rejected, and probably wont even be _23_ for another few hours.About once a week, I go and get a 24 at Starbucks (otherwise, I made it on my own to save money), I usually 25 with a credit card, or my Starbucks card, which means that I, like many others, dont get any 26 or cash back. As a result, 1 _27._ put money in the 28 jarand when I do, its usually a dollar that Ive 29 out of my wallet specially for that purpose.Recently I was on 30 in a seaside house with my parents. I did the grocery shopping and 31_ most of the meals. Through our vacation, my dad paid me 32 in sash for the groceries, I didnt expect to get what 1 33 , but I took it because ) have learned that 34 . my fathers gifts feels to him like I am rejecting his 35 .So today, I 36 to have a $50 bill in my wallet. Before placing my 37 for my $2 coffee, 1 folded up the bill 38 the number didnt show, and as the cashier was getting my coffee, I put .the $50 in the tip jar. I get a little giggle (暗笑) _39_ me when 1 imagine them going through the tips at the end of the day. I wish I had the _40_ ability to do things like this more often!21. A. Besides B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. Furthermore22. A. approachB. chance C. look D. break23. A. counted B. achieved C. noticed D. observed24. A. view B. service C. job D. coffee25. A. pay B. deal C. bargain D. connect26. A. change B. credit C. prize D. interest27. A. easily B. casually C. seldom D. never28. A. fareB. tipC. hopeD. gift29. A. raisedB. collectedC. pulledD. fetched30. A. beachB. educationC. charityD. vacation3!. A. designedB. preparedC. orderedD. tasted32. A. unwillinglyB. fairlyC back ; D. out33. A. deservedB. encouragedC chargedD. spent34. A. putting down B. setting down C. letting down D. turning down35. A. hopeB. loveC. generosityD. friendship36. A. usedB. managedC. happenedD. desired37. A. callB. attemptC. intentionD. order38. A. so thatB. in caseC. for fearD. now that39. A. outB. insideC. insteadD. ahead40. A. physicalB. normalC. financialD. original解析:21.选B。作者帮助别人被拒绝了,所以他要尝试一种不同的方式。22.选A。参照21.approach 方式、方法。23.选C。对方注意不到,自然就不会拒绝了。24选D。Starbucks是星巴克,它是卖咖啡的所以选D。25.选A。用信用卡或星巴克卡付款。消费自然是付款了。26.选A。change 零钱;找头。用卡付款,不用找钱了。27.选C。casually随便地;临时地 。指的是经常在消费的时候,往小费罐里放钱,一般是一美元,这是我为了这个目的特意从我的钱包里拿出来的。28.选B。参照27. tip jar 下文提示:小费罐。29.选C。参照27.30.选D。on vocation 。在海边度假。31.选B。此处指的是作者购物,并且在度假期间为家人做饭。故选B。32.选C。pay sb back,报答,给钱。父亲因为我的劳动付出而给我钱,33.选A。作者并没有想因为自己为家人劳动而获得自己应得的报酬,故选A。34.选D。turn down 拒绝,此处的意思是拒绝父亲的礼物在父亲看来就像拒绝他的爱一样,所以我没有拒绝。35选B。参照上一题。36.选C:happen to do 碰巧做某事,今天我碰巧在钱包里面有50美元。37.选D。在我点咖啡之前,我把这50美元折了起来,为的就是不让50这个数字漏出来。Order 点菜;订购。38.选A。参照上一题。So that 表示目的。39.选B。inside me。我想到他们一天结束整理小费的时候,我就暗笑。Inside 在里面。40.选C。给别人小费,经济上的帮助,自然是经济能力了。故选C。经济的,金融的。第二部分阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出最佳选项。ASchools are taking exam anxiety more seriously now because tests have bee very important in determining their performance under the federal No Child Left Behind law. Research suggests that students do better when theyre relaxed and in a good mood.Craft was one of about 800 l0th-graders around the country who participated last year in the study by the California-based institute of HeartMath. It found that 55% of l0th-graders often had high levels of test anxiety and their scores were lower than those of students who used the panys techniques to improve relaxation and mood,This year states must start testing children on math and reading in Grade 3 through 8 under the federal No Child Left Behind Act, which also requires that students take a science test at least once in elementary, middle and high school by xx.Bowers is director of counseling for Tucson Unified School District, where some schools use a program called Brain Gym. The program teaches children to take deep breathing exercises to relax and focus on good memories using a series of movements also designed to improve, blood flow to the brain.The idea of programs like HeartMath and Brain Gym is to get participants minds working efficiently. “It has worked well at East Side Charter School in Willington, Delaware. Once they started using Heartmath, many children at the K-7 school have been able to reduce exam solicitude, as a result, math and reading score improved. said Bowers. “They are taught to be in a pleasant place. to breathe deeply arid slowly. And, close their eyes and imagine something they love like going with their grandfather to the ice cream store. Payyon says.The HeartMath Institute also suggests getting at least eight hours of sleep the night before a test and having a healthy breakfast that morning. 41. What does the underlined word in the fifth paragraph probably mean? A. Chances. B. Anxiety. C. Grades. D. Content. 42. What relaxation techniques should we take to lower exam anxiety?A. Taking deep breathing and recalling movement exercises.B. Getting students minds working efficiently by more tests.C. Advising students to get more sleep before a test.D. Making students take a test in a pleasant place.43. Whats American schools main purpose to introduce relaxation techniques?A. To make an advertisement for a pany.B. To introduce a program called Brain Gym.C. To improve the students test scores.D. To reduce examination anxiety of students.44. What does the underlined word - it in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. The Institute B. The country C. The study D. Craft45. According to the passage. Bowers attitude towards the programs is _.A. skeptical B. neutral C. casual D. supportive解析:41.选B,常识题,考试的时候都容易焦虑。42.选A,细节题,根据第四段最后两句话可知选A。通过深呼吸和回忆来放松。43.选D,细节题,根据第一、二、三、四段都可以看出来。44.选C。根据后面的动词found可知,只能是研究才能发现,故选C。45.选D。skeptical 怀疑的 neutral 中立的 casual 无所谓的 supportive 支持的,根据第一段可知,作者认识到问题严重性,所以说,他对这个项目的态度应当是支持的。BI decided a few months ago that I was going to treat myself to a 4-day getaway from Los Angeles and visit Chicago. I got a free airplane ticket, but had to pay the hotel in cash, which 1 really couldnt afford. I found a travel website where a discounted 3-night stay was purchased from a recently opened hotel.About three weeks before the trip, I had to regretfully cancel and only then realized the room, while transferable (可转手的) to another person, couldnt be changed to a later date and wasnt refundable. For the next two weeks I tried selling it on Craigs list with no success. Five days before the big weekend, I gave up trying to get any money back and decided Id contact some acquaintances who live in Chicago and offer someone a free staycation. After trying a handful of people all of whom already had their own plans,Iwas determined to have the room not go to waste.Thats when it suddenly occurred to me that I was looking at the rooms in the wrong way. Instead of viewing them for vacation purposes, surely there must be a way to put them to good use, and that was when the idea that some sort of shelter might be able to use it. I eventually found one whose focus is aiding victims of domestic violence. This particular one was willing to listen to my out-of-left-field story and made it easier to transfer the rooms. The shelter was working with a desperate woman and her daughter, who were fortunately able to make use of the room. I was latertold by the shelter they had a blast.46. We can learn from paragraph 1 that the author_.A. planed to go on business in Chicago B. bought his flight using credit cardsC. had alight budget for his holiday D. employed someone from a website47. What happened to his plan three weeks before the trip?A. The room reservation was canceled. B. The author couldnt make the trip.C. The hotel was no longer available. D. The author regretted making the plan.48. What was the authors first choice when he realized the situation?A. Getting his money back. B. Doing a favor to a friend.C. plaining to authority. D. Making the trip himself.49. What did the author finally do with his room reservation?A. He sold it to someone on vacation. B. He used it for domestic violence.C. He put it off to a later holiday time. D. He donated it to needy strangers.50. From the underlined sentence in the last paragraph, we can infer that_.A. the women were grateful for the roomB. the program was shocked by the eventC. the shelter was asking for more roomsD. the author was unhappy with the result解析:46.选C,根据第一段中得free ticket 、cant afford、discount等关键词可以判断作者经济拮据,所以打只能选C了。作者计划了一场经济的旅程。47.选B,根据第二段,作者又是想退房,又是想转手,这当然是说明:他的旅程不能成行了。48.选A。根据第二段第二句话可知作者是想退钱。49.选D。根据文章最后一段可知,他是把房间给了有需要的人。50.选A。CNational Football League star Warrick Dunn makes the dream of owning a home e true for struggling single parents.For two years, Osei Nyahuma slept in homeless shelters ,and in a Tallahassee bus station, while his four children stayed with relatives. War-rick. Dunn helped to bring the family back together again. On December 18, Dunn handed Nyahuma the keys to a rully-furnished four-bedroom home in Tallahassee, Florida. Dunn provided the down payment and the furnishings. There was even a freshly-baked apple pie on the table and a Christmas tree in. the living room.As Nyahuma and his four children walked from room 10 room in their new home, Nyahurna was very excited. It is one of the greatest experiences to say. This is my home, Nyahuma said. I tried to hold back the tears, but I couldnt. 1 was filled with happiness and a sense of security.For me past 10 years, Dunn has made it his lifes duty to help single mothers who are trying to provide a better life for their children. His program is called - Homes for the Holidays. Nyahuma was the first father to receive assistance form the program.So far, Homes for the Holidays has provided 74 single parents with a down payment on a home for their families. The program furnishes the homes wish beds, a washer and dryer, cleaning supplieseverything a family needs, down to the toothbrushes. The kitchens are stocked with food. The program began in Tampa, Florida, and has now expanded to Tallahassee, where Dunn attended college, to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where Dunn grew up , and then to Atlanta, Georgia, where Dunn now plays football for the Falcons.I have been blessed throughout my life and received assistance along the way, Dunn said. This is my way of helping to give back to the munities I have lived in.51. The best title of the passage would be _ _.A. Introduction of Warrick Dunn B. Homes for the HolidaysC. Fighting against Poverty D. Trouble of Single Parents52. Which statement is true about Nyahuma?A. He stayed with his children happily and peacefully.B. He got a fully-furnished new home in Louisiana.C. He could afford the down payment of the house.D. He was the first father the program offered help.53. Warrick Dunn wants to devote his whole life to helping _ _.A. the poor children in the United StatesB. the people who have ever helped himC. the children who want to be football starsD. the single mothers in a difficult position54. Warrick Dunn carries out. his program in in manv plaees, and the correct order should be .A. TampaAtlantaBaton RougeTallahasseeB. AtlantaBaton RougeTallahasseeTampaC. TampaTallahasseeBaton RougeAtlantaD. TallahasseeAtlantaBaton Rouge55. According to the passage, Homes for the Holidays provides _.a. beds for sleeping b. down payment on a homec. teachers for children d. cleaning suppliese. some basic food f, servants to do washingA. a-b-d-e B. a-d-e-f C. a-b-c-d D. a-c-d-e解析:51.选B,主旨题,Homes for the Holidays 点明文章主旨,说明文章主要事件,选标题时要特别注意文章中的专有词汇、短语。52.选D,细节题,根据文章第四段最后一句话可知答案。53.选D,细节题,根据文章第四段第一句话可知答案。54.选C,细节题,根据文章第五段最后一句话:The program began in Tampa, Florida, and has now expanded to Tallahassee, where Dunn attended college, to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where Dunn grew up , and then to Atlanta, Georgia, where Dunn now plays football for the Falcons.可知。55.选A,细节题,根据第二段中倒数第二句:Dunn provided the down payment and the furnishings.和第五段第二句话:The program furnishes the homes wish beds, a washer and dryer, cleaning supplieseverything a family needs, down to the toothbrushes. The kitchens are stocked with food.DTwo newspapers that revealed (-BCT) government secrets about spying by the National Security AgencyThe Washington Post and The Guardian-will share the Pulitzer Prize for public service, announced Monday.The Pulitzers are the best known and most honorable awards for the arts and journalism in the U.S. The Washington Post and Guardian stories were based on thousands of documents handed over by NSA leaker Edward Snowden. American and British lawmakers criticized the newspapers for revealing government secrets, but the Pulitzer judges, mostly journalists, praised what they called authoritative and insightful reports that helped the public understand how the revealing fits into the larger system of national security.The Pulitzer for fiction goes to Donna Tartt for her best-selling novel The Goldfinch. The Pulitzer judges called Tartts The Goldfinch a beautifully written ing-of-age novel that touches the heart. It follows a sad boys involvement with a famous painting which he takes from the Metropolitan Museum of Art after a terrorist bombing. USA TODAY named it one of our 10 favorite books of 2013 In a 4-star review for USA TODAY, Kevin Nance called the novel a very entertaining, darkly funny new book, that goes a long way toward explaining why its author is finally securing her place alongside the greatest American novelists of the past half-century, including John Updike. Philip Roth Toni Morrison and that other latter-day Dickensian. John Irvine.The annual prizes, begun in 1917, are named for publisher Joseph Pulitzer and are administered by Columbia University in New York City. In 20 of the categories, each winner receives $10,000. The winner for public service in journalism is awarded a gold medal.56

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