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2019-2020年高中英语Unit2Period2Reading教案The General Idea of This Period:In this period students can read a play named a weekend apart, which is a big fight in an American family. By reading, students can improve their reading ability and can master some language points. By doing the given exercises, students can understand the theme further and know how to face their growing pains.Teaching Aim:Improve the students reading ability. Enable the students to master some important language points: surprise, be supposed to, do with, in charge, reason, now that. Make sure the students can deal with the problems that happen in the family correctly.Teaching Important Points:Help the students to understand the text better.Master the use of some important language points.Teaching Difficult Points:How to improve the students reading ability. Make sure the students know how to deal with the problems in the family.Teaching Methods:Fast-reading to get the general idea of the text. Careful-reading to help the students to understand the detailed information. Pair work or group work to make every student to work in class.Teaching Aids:The multimedia.The blackboard.Teaching Procedures:Step1. RevisionT: Yesterday we talked about growing pains. I ask you to say a sentence to your parents which can express something in your heart directly. Whod like to share your words with your classmates?(Let several students to say out their words to the class ),Step 2 Lead in and Fast-readingT: Wonderful. I know everyone has your own words to say to your parents. I wish you could have a talk with your parents frequently. Problems can happen when families do not discuss how they really feel. This class we are going to learn a play about the big fight an American family had, whose name is A weekend apart. Now I will play the tape for you to listen to. After listening, you should answer three questions:(1) Who are the main characters in the play?(2) Why was Dad very angry with Daniel?(3) What happened to their dog, Spot?(After playing the tape, the teacher checks the answers )T: Now lets answer the questions. Who knows? Any volunteer? OK, LiuHua, you try.S1 : I think the main characters are Mom and Dad.S2:I think the main characters are Mom, Dad, Eric and Daniel.T. Good, there are four main characters in this play. The second question?S2 .The house is so dirty.T. Good. Sit down, please! The last question?S3 :Spot was illT: Very good. I think you can understand the text very well.Step 3 ReadingNow I give you several minutes to read the text carefully, and finish the exercises about C1 and C2.(Make sure the students go through the exercises first, then read the text. After several minutes, the teacher will check the answers. )T. Now we have known the general idea of the text. Make sure you can understand the text in detail ,lets deal with some language points.1. surprise vt. /n. What you said surprised me.What surprised me most was the use they made of the modern techniques so widely in such a small town.Surprising / surprised adj.I was greatly surprised at the surprising news. 2. reason for no reason毫无理由 for some reason由于某种原因 for a simple reason由于一个简单的理由 for the reason of health由于健康原因 He was fired for no reason他无缘无故地被解雇了。 He had to give up teaching for the reason of health由于健康原因他不得 不放弃了教学工作。 The reason for his ing late was that he got up late 也来晚的原因是因为他起床晚了。 1want to know the reason why he failed the exams 我想知道他考试不及格的原因。3. now that (1) Now that everyone is here, lets begin our meeting!既然大家都在,我们就开始吧! (2) Now that you have finished your work, you may go now.你既然已完成了工作,可以走了。 (3) Now that you are alone, we can speak freely. 既然没有别人,我们可以无拘无束地谈谈了。 Step 5 DiscussionT: .We have finished learning a big fight happening in an American family. I want to ask you-Do you know the cause of the fight between parents and Daniel?S1 :The house was so dirty.S2 :The dog was ill.S3 :Dad and Mum didnt ask the children what happened, they shouted at them instead.S4 :Because Dad and Mum didnt give Daniel a chance to explain what had happened.T: Good. I agree with you. I think the cause is that theres a misunderstanding between parents and children. Parents didnt give the children a chance to explain, and at the same time the children didnt want to explain at all. So there was a fight.T: Can they avoid the fight?S1: Yes, if their parents had given the children a chance to explain what had happened. S2 :Yes, if Daniel had tried his best to explain what had happened.S3: I think it cant be avoided. Though we are teenagers, we have our own decisions; we dont want to be misunderstood or shouted at by our parents.S4 :No, I dont agree with you. In my opinion, as a teenager, we should learn to respect our parents. We should explain the truth to our parents. If so, there will be no quarrel between parents and children.T: I know different students have different opinions. There is no correct answer. I want to know-What do you usually do when you and your parents disagree? I give you several minutes to share your experiences with your partners, then I will ask several students to show your idea.(Give the students several minutes to have a free talk. Then the teacher willgive some of them a chance to share their experiences. )T :Well, time is up. Have you finished your discussion?Ss: Yes.T: OK. I will ask some of you to tell us your experiences. Any volunteer?Ss :When my parents and I disagree, I often keep silent. Because we are all angry at such situation, a big fight will happen if I go on arguing with them. After a moment, I will talk to them and explain to them whole heartedly. Most of the time, we can solve it peacefully.S6 :If it happens to my family, I will slam the door to keep the voice out of the room. I will watch TV, read books or just sleep to make myself forget it. After a while, I will be calm enough to discuss again.T: Good. The two students can express themselves clearly and truly.Step 6 Summary In this period we have learned a big fight happening in an American family. By learning and discussing, we can know it is important to have a heart-to-heart talk with our parents when we have a misunderstanding with each other. I wish all of you can get along well with your parents from now on. Step 7 Home work1. read the new words and the text2. visit the website: http: ehow/how_3650_read-play.html

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