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Module 7 Unit 1 Whats the time?教案1教学目标 一、知识与技能目标:1.通过读图提问、听音解疑、阅读标划等形式,引导学生了解课文大意。2.通过分解发音、看图片练习的方式,引导学生理解并正确朗读新单词cartoon, much3.能够用Whats the time? Its 和Is it now? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.句型来询问和说明时间。4.通过板书的鱼骨图,帮助学生讨论他人时间表是否合理,并能够使用一般现在时态并为他人修改时间表。二、学习策略目标:1. 能够在学习中利用看图片等非文字信息帮助理解文本内容。2. 通过小组活动,培养学生的合作意识。3. 通过参与游戏,制定时间表等形式,提高运用英语交流的能力。三、情感态度与文化意识目标:通过讨论、调整、为他人或自己组制定新的时间表的活动,使学生具有合理安排时间,珍惜时间的观念,在此过程中培养学生用英语思维和做事情的能力。2学情分析 本节课的授课对象是四年级3班的学生。该班学生从一年级起开始使用此教材,具备了一定的听、说、读、写的能力,对英语学习有较高的兴趣。学生能够听懂老师的课堂指令,并用简单的语句表达自己的想法。课堂上,学生能够积极思考,对于自己熟悉的话题有强烈表达的欲望,并乐于参加小组活动。3重点难点 教学重点:用英语讨论他人的时间表是否合理,能够为他人的时间表提出更合理的建议,同时能为他人或者自己组制定科学,完善的时间表。教学难点:单词cartoon发音Is it now? 一般疑问句声调表达4教学过程活动1【导入】Warmup 1. Greet the Ss2. T: Today well learn M7U1.Lets sing a song. ”Whats the song about?” S: Sing a song together; It means3. T: What does “time” mean to you? S: It means活动意图:通过歌曲活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习兴趣,调动学生积极性,迅速带领学生进入到本课的话题中。活动2【讲授】Task presenting 1. Introduce the taskT: And look at the picture. Who is he?S: He is Wang SiyuanT: After school, He always does many things. What are these?S: S speak out his activesT: He goes to bed too late, because he cant finish all the things after school. So for him, time is a big problem.2. T: Todays task: Make a new timetable for Wang Siyuan or for others and your group.设计意图:采用任务型教学,帮助学生将所学的语言表达方法运用到实际生活中。出示本班一名学生的照片,以及这名学生的课后活动,让学生发现他睡觉很晚的原因是因为不能很好的安排时间,进而呈现出本节课的任务-为他人或者自己组制定新的时间表。活动3【讲授】New language presenting 1. Lead inT: Before that our friend Sam also has a time problem. Lets see what happened. 2. picture reading(1)T: Say something about the picture.S1: Who are they?S2: What are they doing? /talking about?S3: Where are they?(2) Listen, ask and answerS: Listen to the story and think of the answer.Q1: Why is Sam so happy?S1: Sam will watch cartoonQ2: What is Sam doing at 8 o clock?(3)Teach: “cartoon”.S: Read “cartoon” after the teacher.T: Does Sam like cartoon? How do you know that?Ss: Yes. He says “Hooray! I like it very much.”Teach: “much”.S: Read “much” after the teacher.(4) Q2: What is Sam doing at 8 o clock?S: He is sleeping. Q3: Is Sam watching cartoon at 8 o clock?S: No, he isnt. He is so tired.T: oh, What a pity!2. Watch check and circleS: Watch the story and finish the worksheet.(1) T: Why is Sam so tired? What does he do?What do his family do? Please watch the story and finish your worksheet.4. Talk about the story in detailsPicture 2(1)T: What does he ask his mom? S: Whats the time?T: Look at the picture, whats the time?S: Its 2 oclock.T: What is Mom doing at 2 oclock?S: Shes reading a newspaper.(2) Repeat the steps on picture 3 and picture 4.(3) Practice the key sentenceA student chooses a time, others use “Is itoclock?” to guess.S1: Is itoclock?S2: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.(4)Picture 5T: How many hours are there before the cartoon?S: 2 hours.T: During these 2 hours, what does Sam do?S: He plays with Amy. He runs.(5) Picture 6T: What is Sam doing at 8 oclock?S: He is sleeping.设计意图:引导学生观察图片,通过互相问答的形式,有逻辑性地对图片内容提出问题,培养学生用英语思维和交流的习惯。首次播放课文录音,利用听课文录音回答问题的形式,引导学生了解文中Sam的情绪变化,呈现出鱼骨图的首和尾。利用图片让学生直观的学习新单词cartoon和much并通过分解发音的方法教授单词cartoon,突破语音难点。 首次观看故事动画,学生在观看动画的过程中,完成答题卡培养。学生抓关键信息的能力。在听-说的过程中,核对学生的worksheet答案。同时,在师生的问答交流中完成鱼骨图的建构。通过游戏猜时间,利用实物钟表,让学生学习并练习新句型Is itnow? Yes, it is. No it, isnt.的提问和回答.关注学生语音语调的发展。活动4【活动】New language practice 1. Listen, point and repeatT: Lets read the books.S: Listen, point and read.2. PerformS: Pair work T: Now you can read, act and retell.S: Show in class.3. Game-Happy timeT: Lets play a game. There are 6 clocks. Each clock has different starts. You can choose you like. Do you want the starts?S: Yes Ss choose clock设计意图:通过朗读课文,促进学生掌握标准的语音语调,教师适时进行纠正,鼓励学生大声说英语。让不同英语水平的学生都有相应的提高。通过板书为学生提供语言支架,挖掘学生潜能。以游戏的形式巩固本课知识点,突出教学重点,游戏环节作为课中调整,再次调动学生的学习积极性。活动5【活动】Task fulfillment 1. Read Wang Siyuans timetable(1)T: Do you remember our task?(2)T: Look This is Wang Siyuans timetable.(3) Read the timetable.S: Wang Siyuan reads the timetable.(4)T: What do you think of his timetable?S: I dont like it. Because he does his homework too late.2. Make a new timetable for Wang Siyuan, or for others and your group.T: Lets make a new timetable in your group.S: Make a new timetable.S Show their new timetable.S: He can do his homework first. He can 设计意图:小组自主选择任务,通过讨论、调整、为他人或自己组制定新的时间表的活动,使学生具有合理安排时间,珍惜时间的观念,在此过程中培养学生用英语思维和做事情的能力。活动6【作业】SummaryHomework Summary1.T: What did you learn today?S1: Words. Sentences.S2: Time is important.2.T: I hope all of you have timetable. You should save your time. Because time is important.2. HomeworkMake your timetable


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