2019-2020年高中英语 期中综合复习检测题 新人教版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 期中综合复习检测题 新人教版必修3I. 单项选择 (15分)1. Theres no need to _ - e as you are.A. get up B. dress up C. put up D. take up2. Great changes _ in the rural areas in the last twenty years.A. have taken place B. took place C. have been taken place D. are happening3. He was _while trying to save the _girl in the river. A. drowned; drowning B. drowned; drowned C. drowning; drowning D. drowning; drowned4. Shell never forget the years _ she lived in the country with the farmers, _ has a great effect on her life. A. that; which B. when; which C. which; that D. when; who5. Oh, Im not feeling well in the stomachI _so much fried chicken just now A. shouldnt eat B. mustnt have eaten C. shouldnt have eaten D. mustnt eat6. -Im _ too much weight, doctor.-I think you ought to go on a diet.A. putting on B. getting on C. carrying on D. living on7. Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his _.A. ability B. force C. strength D. mind8. As the old saying goes, a wise man knows his own_.A. limitation B. limits C. limitations D. limit9. He was in hospital for 6 months. He felt as if he were _from the outside world.A. cut out B. cut off C. cut down D. cut up10. The boy _breaking the glass yesterday.A. got away withB. put up with C. get along withD. get in11. -Would you permit me _here?- Sorry. We dont permit _in the lab.A. smoking; smoking B. to smoke; to smokeC. smoking; to smoke D. to smoke; smoking12. -Have you nearly finished your work? - _, we have just begun.A. In all B. After all C. On the contrary D. On the other hand13. To the farmers delight, the good harvest _ a great increase in their earnings. A. brought down B. brought up C. brought about D. brought forward 14. -Do you know why the teacher asks for me? - He wants you to _ your absence last night.A. account for B. call forC. ask forD. care for15. I couldnt understand _ with me. A. the matter was whatB. what was the matter C. what the matter wasD. that was the matterII 完形填空(30分)“Its no use, Mum,” said Johnny. “Im just no good at dancing.”“Youve got to keep trying. Tonight will be 16, dear. Try a turn with that pretty Lisette.”Johnny 17. Every Saturday night used to be the best of the week. He and his parents went to the 18 at the Club, where his hero, Alcide, played the accordion (手风琴) with the band. But lately everything had changed. Now that Johnny was older, he was 19 to dance with a girl!_20 Johnny and his parents arrived at the Club, music had already started. Johnny got up his 21 to approach Lisette. “May I have this dance?” Johnny asked. “Thats all right,” said Lisette. Johnny struggled to keep up with Lisettes 22 steps, but he was always one beat behind her. Then Johnny heard his friend Pierre say, “Look! Johnny has two left feet!” 23_ burst from the crowd. Johnny 24 and ran outside, determined never to go to another dance.The next Saturday, Alcide 25 to Johnnys house for some potatoes. He happened to hear Johnny playing the accordion. Alcides eyes 26. “Bring that accordion and play some songs tonight,” Alcide said. Then he drove off, leaving Johnny staring open- mouthed 27 him.At the Club, Johnny scanned the crowd for Lisette and 28 her. The band played for a long time before Alcide said, “Dear friends, I got a 29 for you tonight. Young Johnny is going to join us!” 30, Johnny stepped up on the platform, his eyes on the floor. He began to play, and the band 31 behind him. When the song ended, he heard cheers. Johnny kept playing until the dance was 32. “You did a fine job tonight. Play with us again next Saturday night,” Alcide said. “Yes, sir!” said Johnny. 33 he went outside, Johnny saw Lisette and her friends near the door. Lisette stepped 34, smiling. “You played really good tonight!” she said.“Thank you,” Johnny blushed (脸红). As he walked on, Pierre 35 moved out of the way for him to pass.Johnny patted his accordion. e to think of it, in his whole life, he had never once seen Alcide out on the dance floor.16. A. difficult B. troublesomeC. different D. terrible17. A. answered B. sighed C. smiled D. laughed18. A. platform B. appointment C. meeting D. dance19. A. expected B. invitedC. allowedD. chosen20. A. If B. Since C. Though D. When21. A. spirits B. feelings C. courage D. strength22. A. smooth B. clumsy C. slowD. small23. A. Shouts B. Laughter C. Applause D. Cheers24. A. broke away B. went out C. broke up D. turned out25. A. ran B. walked C. droveD. cycled26. A. opened B. rolled C. sharpened D. widened27. A. off B. with C. after D. for28. A. caught B. searched C. sought D. spotted29. A. surpriseB. puzzle C. storyD. joke30. A. Struggling B. Trembling C. Wandering D. Whispering31. A. got round B. joined in C. turned aroundD. showed off32. A. in B. outC. over D. on33. A. AsB. BecauseC. UntilD. So34. A. backward B. forward C. onward D. downward35. A. still B. even C. ever D. almostIII阅读理解(40分)第一节:从四个选项中选出正确答案。People diet to look more attractive. Fish diet to avoid being beaten up, thrown out of their social group, and getting eaten as a result. That is the fascinating conclusion of the latest research into fish behavior by a team of Australian scientists.The research team have discovered that subordinate fish voluntarily diet to avoid challenging their larger petitors. “In studying gobies we noticed that only the largest two individuals, a male and female, had breeding (繁殖) rights within the group,” explains Marian Wong. “All other group members are nonbreeding females, each being 5-10% smaller than its next largest petitor. We wanted to find out how they maintain this precise size separation.”The reason for the size difference was easy to see. Once a subordinate fish grows to within 5-10% of the size of its larger petitor, it causes a fight which usually ends in the smaller goby being driven away from the group. More often than not, the evicted fish is then eaten up.It appeared that the smaller fish were keeping themselves small in order to avoid challenging the boss fish. Whether they did so voluntarily, by restraining how much they ate, was not clear. The research team decided to do an experiment. They tried to fatten up some of the subordinate gobies to see what happened. To their surprise, the gobies simply refused the extra food they were offered, clearly preferring to remain small and avoid fights, over having a feast.The discovery challenges the traditional scientific view of how boss individuals keep their position in a group. Previously it was thought that large individuals simply used their weight and size to threaten their subordinates and take more of the food for themselves, so keeping their petitors small.While the habits of gobies may seem a little mysterious, Dr. Wong explains that understanding the relationships between boss and subordinate animals is important to understanding how hierarchical (等级的) societies remain stable.The research has proved the fact that voluntary dieting is a habit far from exclusive to humans. “As yet, we lack a plete understanding of how widespread the voluntary reduction of food intake is in nature,” the researchers ment. “Data on human dieting suggests that, while humans generally diet to improve health or increase attractiveness, rarely does it improve long-term health and males regularly prefer females that are fatter than the females own ideal.”36. When a goby grows to within 5-10% of the size of its larger petitor, it .A. faces dangerB. has breeding rightsC. eats its petitorD. leaves the group itself37. The underlined words “the evicted fish” in Paragraph 3 refer to .A. the fish beaten up B. the fish found outC. the fish fattened up D. the fish driven away38. The experiment showed that the smaller fish .A. fought over a feast B. went on diet willinglyC. preferred some extra foodD. challenged the boss fish39. What is the text mainly about?A. Fish dieting and human dieting.B. Dieting and health.C. Human dieting.D. Fish dieting.BAndrew Ritchie, inventor of the Brompton folding bicycle, once said that the perfect portable bike would be “like a magic carpetYou could fold it up and put it into your pocket or handbag”. Then he paused: “But youll always be limited by the size of the wheels. And so far no one has invented a folding wheel.”It was a rare indeed unique occasion when I was able to put Ritchie right. A 19th-century inventor, William Henry James Grout, did in fact design a folding wheel. His bike, predictably named the Grout Portable, had a frame that split into two and a larger wheel that could be separated into four pieces. All the bits fitted into Grouts Wonderful Bag, a leather case.Grouts aim: to solve the problems of carrying a bike on a train. Now doesnt that sound familiar? Grout intended to find a way of making a bike small enough for train travel: his bike was a huge beast. And importantly, the design of early bicycles gave him an advantage: in Grouts day, tyres were solid, which made the business of splitting a wheel into four separate parts relatively simple. You couldnt do the same with a wheel fitted with a one-piece inflated (充气的) tyre.So, in a 21st-century context, is the idea of the folding wheel dead? It is not. A British design engineer, Duncan Fitzsimons, has developed a wheel that can be squashed into something like a slender ellipse (椭圆). Throughout, the tyre remains inflated.Will the young Fitzsimonss folding wheel make it into production? I havent the foggiest idea. But his inventiveness shows two things. First, people have been saying for more than a century that bike design has reached its limit, except for gradual advances. Its as silly a concept now as it was 100 years ago: theres plenty still to go for. Second, it is in the field of folding bikes that we are seeing the most interesting inventions. You can buy a folding bike for less than 1,000 that can be knocked down so small that it can be carried on a plane minus wheels, of course as hand baggage.Folding wheels would make all manner of things possible. Have we yet got the magic carpet of Andrew Ritchies imagination? No. But its progress.40. We can infer from Paragraph 1 that the Brompton folding bike .A. was portableB. had a folding wheelC. could be put in a pocketD. looked like a magic carpet41. We can learn from the text that the wheels of the Grout Portable .A. were difficult to separateB. could be split into 6 piecesC. were fitted with solid tyresD. were hard to carry on a train42. We can learn from the text that Fitzsimonss invention .A. kept the tyre as a whole pieceB. was made into production soonC. left little room for improvementD. changed our views on bag design43. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?A. Three folding bike inventorsB. The making of a folding bikeC. Progress in folding bike designD. Ways of separating a bike wheelC5uA few years ago, Paul Gerner began to gather a group of architects in Las Vegas to ask them what it would take to design a public school that used 50 percent less energy, cost much less to build and obviously improved student learning. “I think half of them fell off their chairs,” Gerner says. Gerner manages school facilities (设施) for Clark County, Nevada, a district roughly the size of Massachusetts. By xx, 143,000 additional students will enter the already crowded public-education system. Gerner needs 73 new schools to house them. Four architecture teams have nearly finished designing primary school prototypes (样品); they plan to construct their schools starting in xx. The district will then assess how well the schools perform, and three winners will copy those designs in 50 to 70 new buildings. Green schools are appearing all over, but in Clark County, which stands out for its vastness, such aggressive targets are difficult because design requirements like more natural light for students go against the realities of a desert climate. “One of the biggest challenges is getting the right site orientation (朝向),” Mark McGinty, a director at SH Architecture, says. His firm recently pleted a high school in Las Vegas. “You have the same building, same set of windows, but if its orientation is incorrect and it faces the sun, it will be really expensive to cool.”Surprisingly, the man responsible for one of the most progressive green-design petitions has doubts about ideas of eco-friendly buildings. “I dont believe in the new green religion,” Gerner says. “Some of the building technologies that you get are impractical. Im interested in those that work.” But he wouldnt mind if some green features inspire students. He says he hopes to set up green energy systems that allow them to learn about the process of harvesting wind and solar power. “You never know whats going to start the interest of a child to study math and science,” he says. 44. How did the architects react to Gerners design requirements? A. They lost balance in excitement. B. They showed strong disbelief. C. They expressed little interest. D. They burst into cheers. 45. Which order of steps is followed in carrying out the project? A. Assessment Prototype Design Construction. B. Assessment Design Prototype Construction. C. Design Assessment Prototype Construction. D. Design Prototype Assessment Construction. 46. What makes it difficult to build green schools in Clark County? A. The large size. B. Limited facilities. C. The desert climate. D. Poor natural resources. 47. What does Gerner think of the ideas of green schools? A. They are questionable. B. They are out of date. C. They are advanced. D. They are practical. s5uDSunday is more like Monday than it used to be. Places of business that used to keep daytime “business hours” are now open late into the night. And on the Internet, the hour of the day and the day of the week have bee irrelevant (不相关的). A half century ago in the United States, most people experienced strong and precise dividing lines between days of rest and days of work, school time and summer time. Today the boundaries still exist, but they seem not clear. The law in almost all states used to require stores to close on Sunday; in most, it no longer does. It used to keep the schools open in all seasons except summer; in most, it still does. And whether the work week should strengthen its legal limits, or whether it should bee more “flexible,” is often debated. How should we, as a society, organize our time? Should we go even further in relaxing the boundaries of time until we live in a world in which every minute is much like every other? These are not easy questions even to ask. Part of the difficulty is that we rarely recognize the “law of time” even when we meet it face to face. We know as children that we have to attend school a certain number of hours, a certain number of days, a certain number of years but unless we meet the truant officer (学监), we may well think that we should go to school due to social custom and parents demand rather than to the law. As adults we are familiar with “extra pay for overtime working,” but less familiar with the fact that what constitutes (构成) “overtime” is a matter of legal definition. When we turn the clock forward to start daylight-saving time, have we ever thought to ourselves: “Here is the law in action”? As we shall see, there is a lot of law that has great influence on how we organize and use time: pulsory education law, overtime law, and daylight-saving law as well as law about Sunday closing, holidays, being late to work, time zones, and so on. Once we begin to look for it, we will have no trouble finding a law of time to examine and assess. 48. By saying “Sunday is more like Monday than it used to be”, the writer means that . A. work time is equal to rest time B. many people have a day off on Monday C. it is hard for people to decide when to rest D. the line between work time and rest time is unclear 49. The author raises the questions in Paragraph 2 to introduce the fact that people A. fail to make full use of their time B. enjoy working overtime for extra pay C. are unaware of the law of time D. wele flexible working hours 50. According to the passage, most children tend to believe that they go to school because they _. A. need to acquire knowledge B. have to obey their parents C. need to find panions D. have to observe .the law 第二节:根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to bee a better student in several ways. 51 Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. Third, note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report. 52 whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind that note-taking is a selective process. 53 The following methods may work best for you. Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it. Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts. Write your notes in your own words. 54 Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.As you take notes, you may want to use your own shorthand(速记). When you do, be sure that you understand your symbols and that you use them all the time. 55 A. Use words, not plete sentences.B. There are three practical note-taking methods.C. You must write your notes on separate paper.D. Otherwise, you may not be able to read your notes later.E. You will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.F. That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.G. First, the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and remember it.第二卷第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(10分)下面短文中共有10处错误,每句中最多两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分I am secretary of the City Student Union (CSU). We were organizing an art exhibition for high school students in city. This will be held on the 9th of July in the Exhibition Hall of Beihai. More than 1000 painting will be on show, but high school students and teachers from all the eight districts will e to the event. As you are very popularly with us Chinese high school students, wed like to invite for you to the exhibition. We would be grateful when you could join them that day. Looking forward to hear from you soon.第二节 书面表达(25分)假设你是某中学新老师李红,请给你的朋友张华写一封信,告诉他你第一天上课的情况,主要内容如下:1. 描述一件课堂上令你印象深刻的事情;2. 介绍你处理该事的方式;3. 谈谈你的感想。注意:1. 词数不少于120个;2. 可适当发挥想象,增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 文中不得出现与本人及学校相关的任何真实信息。Dear Sir / Madam:_

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