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Unit 7 Days and Months,Review,1,熟记本单元的重点词汇,短语和句型,2,熟练掌握基数词变序数词的规律,3,熟练掌握it的用法,Learning Aims,January,January,ice and cold. Brrrr brrr brrrr! Wear your coat. February,February,snow,snow,snow. Lets make a snowman!A man of snow!,Month by Month,March,March,March, the sun is high. I love March,but I dont know why. April,April,grass starts to grow Hurray!Hurray!No more snow! May,May,May,get your garden in. June,June,June,lets go for a swim. July is summer,August is too. Sit in the shade and stay real cool.,Warming up,September and October, The leaves will fall. Its back to school with our soccer ball. November and December, And the weather is clear. Thats 12 whole months, And it makes one year.,Unjumble the words and discover the answer to the riddle.,c m e b e r d e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ p l i r a _ _ _ _ t o b c r e o _ _ _ _ _ _ y s a d u r t a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i f d r y a _ _ _ _ _ o n a d y m _ _ _ _ _ e j n u _ _ _ a m y _ _ r b u f e r y a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u l j y _ _ _,Riddle: On a calendar,Sunday comes before Monday. Where can you find Monday before Sunday? Answer: In a_.,D e c e m b e r,A p r i l,O c t o b e r,dictionary,S a t u r d a y,F r i d a y,M o n d a y,J u n e,M a y,F e b r u a r y,J u l y,Building your vocabulary,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words. Then complete the chart.,1.Mr.Liu loves summer.But his_(two)favourite season is winter. 2.The_(one)month of the year is January. 3.Saturday is the_(seven)day of the week. 4.March the_(eight)is Womens Day.,first,eighth,second,seventh,Grammar in use,two,third,February,three,five,May,ten,October,eleven,November,seven,July,August,eighth,December,twelfth,ninth,tenth,fourth,sixth,nine,Fill in the blanks.Then circle what “it” means in each dialogue. 1.A:Whats this ? B:_is a hotel. 2.A:Whats that? B:_is a calendar., 3. A:Whats the_today? B:It is January 15. 4. A:Look at my new jacket ! B:_is very beautiful! 5.A:Hows the_today? B:It is nice and cool., 6A:Is May your favourite month? B:Yes,_is.,It,weather,It,date,It,it,Listen and repeat.,/ / February usually / t / hot let skate right / d / do day down cold / k / like look Christmas calendar / / green grass forget against,Listening and speaking,Look at the calendar and answer the questions.,1.What is the date of the first Wednesday in the month? 2.What day of the week is January 23? 3.How many Saturdays are in this month? 4.What is the date of the fourth Tuesday? 5.What is the date two days after the third Monday?,Its Monday.,Its January 4.,Four.,Its January 19.,Its January 24.,Interview your classmates and fill in the table. Then use the results to write a report.,Example: My classmates like different seasons and holidays. Zhang Li likes summer. He likes to go to the park on Childrens Day. Childrens Day is on June 1.Linda likes December.She likes to look at the beautiful Christmas lights.,Work in groups,Find more examples from this unit. Then mark your stars. Talking about Seasons and Weather _ _ I can talk about seasons and weather in English. ,_,What season do you like?,How is the weather today?,I love green grass and rainy days.,Self evaluation,Talking about Days and Months What day is it?,_,_,I can talk about dates in English., ,_,Whats the date?,When is his birthday?,Numerals,_,I can use ordinal and cardinal numbers properly. ,_,_,threethird fourfourth fivefifth sixsixth,onefirst twosecond,Using “it”,_,I can use “it” properly. ,_,_,Its a calendar. Its on March 11,It is warm and rainy.,再见,

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