四年级英语上册 查漏补缺1 北师大版.doc

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四年级英语上册 查漏补缺1 北师大版.doc_第1页
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四年级英语上册 查漏补缺1 北师大版.doc_第2页
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l 查漏补缺1 l He is John. (对划线部分提问)l My name is Amy. (对划线部分提问)l My bag is red. (对划线部分提问)l Is he tall?(做否定回答)l There is a bee in my classroom. (对划线部分提问)l Do you like rice? (做否定回答)l The notebook is on the desk. (对划线部分提问)l What is 25 plus 25?(回答)卷子中的错误 :Make friend s 交朋友Play computer games玩电脑游戏You are right 你是正确的。 All right好的1. She 她 he他 2, shes=she is 她是hes =he is他是3,she has她有he has 他有 4, her她的his他的5,You你 your你的 I 我My我的l He is John. (对划线部分提问)l My name is Amy. (对划线部分提问)l My bag is red. (对划线部分提问)l Is he tall?(做否定回答)l There is a bee in my classroom. (对划线部分提问)l Do you like rice? (做否定回答)l The notebook is on the desk. (对划线部分提问)l What is 25 plus 25?(回答)卷子中的错误 :Make friend s 交朋友Play computer games玩电脑游戏You are right 你是正确的。 All right好的She 她 he他 shes=she is 她是hes =he is他是she has她有he has 他有 her她的his他的You你 your你的 I 我My我的1 .My friend likes sports(我的朋友喜欢运动)I have an English book.(我有一本英语书)2. I hope youll like it.(我希望你会喜欢它)3. What a beautiful girl .(好漂亮的女孩)4. What a big turnip.(好大的胡萝卜)5. She speaks English well .(她说英语很好)6. I cant pull it up.(我不能拔出他)let me help you .(让我来帮你)7. Have a good dream .做个好梦!8. What are books made of?书是什么做的?9. whos the inventor of paper?谁是纸的发明家?10. good idea (好主意)good job (干的好)11. 单词:science(科学)help (帮助)12. can you spell these words.(你能拼写这些单词吗?)13. this is his photo。(这是他的照片)14. 对价格提问:how much 对数量提问:how many15. 对颜色提问What colour 对地点提问:where16. she has I have They have17. twenty20 thirty30 forty40 fifty50 sixty60eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen1 .My friend likes sports(我的朋友喜欢运动)1. 2I have an English book.(我有一本英语书)2. I hope youll like it.(我希望你会喜欢它)3. What a beautiful girl .(好漂亮的女孩)4. What a big turnip.(好大的胡萝卜)5. She speaks English well .(她说英语很好)6. I cant pull it up.(我不能拔出他)let me help you .(让我来帮你)7. Have a good dream .做个好梦!8. What are books made of?书是什么做的?9. whos the inventor of paper?谁是纸的发明家?10. good idea (好主意)good job (干的好)11. 单词:science(科学)help (帮助)12. can you spell these words.(你能拼写这些单词吗?)13. this is his photo。(这是他的照片)14. 对价格提问:how much 对数量提问:how many15. 对颜色提问What colour 对地点提问:where16. she has I have They have17. twenty20 thirty30 forty40 fifty50 sixty6018. eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen

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