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2019-2020年高中英语Module2NoDrugsSectionIntroductionReadingandVocabulary课时作业外研版必修.单词拼写1Heroin is highly addictive (上瘾的)2His grandfather died of lung cancer (癌症)3Cigarette (香烟) advertisements are forbidden in some countries.4The little children dont know the danger (危险) of playing football in the street.5No one is allowed to share the same needle (针头) with another.6The wounded were sent to the nearby (附近) hospital immediately.7With China being more and more powerful (强大), we Chinese are all proud of her.8Farmers here depend on growing tobacco (烟草) to live.9They tried their best to reduce (降低) the cost to make profit (赢利)10The boy used to be a drug addict (瘾君子).单句改错1The thief broke in the office and stole some money.ininto2Though he was badly injured, he is now out of the danger.去掉the3He took the book belonged to Jack by mistake.belongedbelonging4Some animals died from starvation in winter.fromof5Now I have been used to get up early.getgetting6Addicting to Chinese culture, he decided to learn Chinese in a night school.AddictingAddicted7One evening Harry phoned me, asked me to e to his flat as soon as possible.askedasking或在asked前加and8Listening to loud music have caused hearing loss in some teenagers.havehas.完形填空It was a cloudy Saturday afternoon. A group of birds were having a great time _1_ food and playing on the main road. All of a sudden, a big truck sped through. A _2_ thing happened. Birds could _3_, too. Although this bird had already _4_, another bird flew over to her immediately, just like a family member, unable to accept the _5_.Not long after that, another car passed by quickly, _6_ the dead birds body to whirl (旋转) with the wind. The male bird _7_ the movement. As if she was still alive, he _8_ flew beside her again. He stared at her as if he was asking, “_9_ are you not getting up?”_10_, she was no longer able to hear him. At the same time, he was trying to lift her up. He, _11_, was unable to bear the burden. Another car soon passed by. He quickly _12_. Once the car had gone, he came down again.Although other birds told him that it was _13_, he never gave up. He was trying his best to lift her up to _14_ her flying again. Another car passed by, and her dead body whirled again as if she was still _15_ and trying to fly. He had used all of his _16_, but he was too weak.The _17_, who was taking photos of the scene, said he couldnt shoot any more. He was so _18_ that the living bird was going to be hurt by passing cars. So he picked up the dead bird and left it at the _19_. The living one still stayed at a nearby tree as if he was crying with his singing and _20_ to leave.【文章大意】一只小鸟的同伴被车撞死了,这只小鸟对其不离不弃,上演了感人的一幕。1A.packing upBcaring forCsearching for Dsetting down解析:根据food的语境,可知那些小鸟在主路上“寻找”食物。答案:C2A.strange BnormalCfunny Dsad解析:根据后文可知有一只小鸟被车撞死了,这是一件“悲伤的”事。答案:D3A.disagree BfeelCfly Dspread解析:这里是指鸟儿也有那种悲伤的“感觉”,故选B。答案:B4A.disappeared BdroppedCdied Descaped解析:这里是指这只小鸟已经“死了”。答案:C5A.story BtruthCgift Dpast解析:那只鸟儿像一个家人一样飞了过去,看到悲惨的这一幕,无法接受这个“事实”。答案:B6A.shaking BholdingCsending Dcausing解析:这里是指另一辆经过的车“导致”这只死去的鸟的尸体在风中打转。答案:D7A.stopped BdisturbedCnoticed Dfeared解析:那只守在旁边的鸟 “注意”到了那只鸟的尸体在风中动。答案:C8A.worriedly BquicklyCbravely Dsurprisingly解析:注意到死去的同伴动了,这只鸟应该“迅速”飞了过去,继续守在它的身边。答案:B9A.Where BWhenCHow DWhy解析:那只鸟似乎在问:“你为什么不飞起来了呢?”答案:D10A.Unfortunately BGraduallyCFinally DHonestly解析:根据“she was no longer able to hear him”可知这里是指“不幸的是”。答案:A11A.in return Bof courseCby accident Don purpose解析:那只鸟很小,“当然”背不起跟它差不多重的小鸟。答案:B12A.sat down Blooked upCshowed up Dflew off解析:又来了一辆车,为了安全,它应该立即“飞走”了。答案:D13A.simple BboringCuseless Dimportant解析:别的小鸟都告诉它这样做是“没用的”。答案:C14A.see BkeepCcatch Dthink解析:这只小鸟想把同伴举起来,再次“看”它飞。答案:A15A.lovely BpleteCbeautiful Dalive解析:根据“her dead body whirled again”可知那只小鸟的尸体又动了,似乎还“活着”。答案:D16A.confidence BenergyCspace Dtime解析:小鸟在用力搬动那只小鸟的尸体,故可知这里是指它用尽了“力气”。答案:B17A.owner BbirdCkiller Dphotographer解析:根据“who was taking photos of the scene”可知这里是指拍下这一幕的“摄影师”。答案:D18A.hopeful BsurprisedCworried Dshocked解析:根据摄影师把小鸟的尸体放在路边的语境,可知他“担心”那只小鸟会被路过的车伤到。答案:C19A.top BcenterCroadside Dcar解析:为了那只小鸟的安全,摄影师应该是把那只小鸟的尸体放在“路边”。答案:C20A.required BpretendedCtried Drefused解析:那只小鸟在为同伴哀悼,“拒绝”离它而去。答案:D.阅读理解AWhat is one of the most boring and tiresome words ever? Responsibility, I think, is one of those words you have probably heard so many times from authority figures (权威人物). Sometimes, it asks us to do things that are unpleasant or even frightening.Once in a hospital a male patient knocked over a cup of water, which spilled (洒) on the floor beside the patients bed. The patient was afraid he might slip on the water if he got out of the bed, so he asked his nurses assistant to mop it up.The patient didnt know it, but the hospital policy said that small spills were the responsibility of the assistant while large spills were to be mopped up by the hospitals housekeepers.The nurses assistant decided that the spill was a large one and she called a housekeeper. The housekeeper arrived but said that the spill was a small one. An argument followed.“Its not my responsibility,” said the nurses assistant. “Because its a large puddle (水洼)” The housekeeper did not agree. “Well, its not mine,” she said. “The puddle is too small.”The patient listened for a while, and then he took a bottle of water from his night table and poured the whole thing on the floor. “Is that a big enough puddle now for you two to decide?” he asked. It was the end of the argument.So, responsibility is about our ability to respond to situations and to choose the attitudes, actions and reactions that shape our lives. It is a concept (观念) of power that puts us in the drivers seat. If you want more control over your life, all you have to do is to be responsible. Responsible people not only depend on themselves, but show others that they can be depended on.【文章大意】一个人要想掌控自己的生活,就要勇于担当。1According to Para. 1, the author thinks that responsibility _.Ais the most boring wordBmay upset people sometimesCcauses people to do bad thingsDmatters more to authority figures解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段的内容可知,作者认为责任有时会让我们做些不情愿去做的甚至是让我们感到害怕的事情。答案:B2The nurses assistant argued with the housekeeper because _.Athey looked down upon each others jobBthey didnt want to break the hospital policyCthey didnt know what the hospital policy wasDthey each thought the other should mop up the puddle解析:细节理解题。根据文章内容可知,护工和清洁人员都认为清理水洼是对方的责任,应该由对方去打扫。答案:D3Who probably mopped the water up at last?AThe patient.BThe patients nurse.CThe nurses assistant.DThe housekeeper.解析:推理判断题。护工和清洁人员根据医院的规定来确认自己的职责,都不想去拖地,于是病人将一整壶水都倒在了地上,地上的水更多了,所以应该由负责清理大水洼的清洁人员来处理。答案:D4The author wants to tell us that, to control our life, we should _.Ashow others that we are reliableBrespond to situations quicklyClearn to be responsibleDtrust no one but ourselves解析:细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的“If you want more control over your life, all you have to do is to be responsible.”可知,要想掌控自己的生活,我们要学会勇于担当。答案:CBDrugs have for years been one of the number one destroyers of peoples lives, as well as their families. People who do these drugs might not even realise that what theyre doing has changed the lives of not only themselves, but of the people closest to them in their lives.People on drugs have usually bee addicted because of the fact that theyve used drugs in the past and have always used drugs to deal with their problems. Finally, they have no other way to deal with their problems and go to other drugs to deal with the feelings caused by these life problems.There are several ways to do away with drug addiction. The first step, as Im sure you have heard hundreds of times, is to realise that theres problem. If there are people in your life taking drugs, youll need to let them know that its hurting more than just themselves.Once youve gotten them to realise this, if possible, youll need to help them. Youll need a way to work out the problems that pull them towards drugs, or to create something else that will keep these people away from drugs.Sometimes other drugs are in line. For example, most heavy drinkers are affected by depression (抑郁症). Over 40% of Americans are affected by depression, and over 60% of the male population of these people have turned towards drinking to deal with their problems related to depression. This greatly increases the chances of abuse (虐待), as well as many other horrible effects of alcohol.When someone bees addicted to any drug, youll need to deal with it immediately. Its better to deal with the problem before it turns into one which cannot be controlled. The best thing you can do for yourself is to get help from anyone else or the people within your family before you turn to any drugs.【文章大意】本文为说明文。文章主要警示人们要认识到毒品的危害并尽早帮助别人摆脱毒品。5We can learn from the passage that those addicted to drugs _.Aare mainly heavy drinkers or heavy smokersBhave more problems than others to deal withCare used to using drugs to deal with problemsDdont know how to get help from their families解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,对毒品上瘾的人总是通过吸毒来解决问题,即“他们习惯了通过吸毒来解决问题”。答案:C6What should you do first to help someone deal with drug addiction?ALet him know that drug addiction is harmful.BHelp him get away from depression.CKeep him away from alcohol.DCreate something interesting.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段最后两句可知,首先要让他认识到毒瘾是有害的。答案:A7According to the passage, some American men would like to drink probably because _.Athey lead a hard lifeBthey are abused at homeCtheir children are naughtyDthey want to deal with their problems解析:细节理解题。根据第五段第三句可知,有些美国男人饮酒是因为他们想解决与抑郁症有关的问题。答案:D8What does the author mainly advise us to do in the last paragraph?ABe always ready to help others.BEnjoy the help from our family members.CKeep away from bad habits and ill feelings.DHelp others break away from drugs as early as we can.解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中的关键词immediately和该段第二句可知,本段中作者主要建议我们尽早帮助别人摆脱毒品。答案:D


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