2019-2020年高三第五次月考英语试题 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高三第五次月考英语试题 含答案本试卷共三大题,满分135分。 xx-12-27一 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。It came upon us suddenly- my husband and I were facing his heart operation. He had never told me about the shortness of breath he had experienced a few months earlier. When he was alarmed by the state of his 1 , he finally asked me to make an appointment with the 2 . When he was having the 3 , I was praying every prayer I had learned. My best friend and my son were by my side. In the darkest moment, I felt deep inside that he would not 4 the operation. Just when I had given up all the hope of a good oute, I felt hugged and surrounded by 5 as many people were praying for us. Soon the doctor 6 out, bringing the good news that the operation was 7 . He shook my hand, and when I 8 his warm and firm hand, I became 9 of what I was doing. I was holding a hand which, just a short while ago, had held my husbands 10 heart. As part of recovery, my husband was given a red 11 to grasp tightly to his chest. It could prevent any 12 to the cut when he was moving, coughing or sneezing. Five days after the operation, we returned home. The red pillow kept us 13 as my husband gained strength and confidence. That was four years ago. 14 , when I see the red pillow in our closet, I will always hold it close to my chest and remember the day when I realized the 15 of grace and goodness. 1. A. healthB. breathC. shapeD. appearance2. A. nurseB. doctorC. officerD. milker3. A. restB. operationC. organization D. management4. A. experienceB. bearC. passD. survive第1页(本卷共12页)5. A. pityB. loveC. mercyD. fort6. A. came B. tookC. turnedD. set7. A. lonely B. cruelC. fortunateD. successful8. A. soundedB. touchedC. feltD. applied9. A. afraid B. shocked C. aware D. fond10. A. sinking B. beating C. running D. warming11. A. pillowB. boxC. walletD. gift12. A. woundB. damageC. openingD. growth13. A. pany B. panion C. friend D. fellow14. A. Eventually B. SuddenlyC. Unexpectedly D.Occasionally 15. A. fact B. dreamC. powerD. truth第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为1625的位置上。 Mo Yan, who has been awarded the xx Nobel Prize for literature, was born in 1955 and grew up in Gaomi, 16. small city in Shandong province in north-eastern China. His parents were farmers. As a 12-year-old during the Cultural Revolution he left school 17. (work), first in agriculture, later in a factory. In 1976 he joined the Peoples Liberation Army and it was during this time 18. he began to study literature and write. His first short story 19. (publish) in a literary magazine in 1981. In his writing, Mo Yan draws on his youthful experiences and on settings in the province of 20. birth. This is apparent in his novel Red Sorghum, 21. consists of five stories and was successfully filmed in 1987, 22. (direct) by Zhang Yimou. Other well-known novels 23. his include The Garlic Ballads (1988), Big Breasts and Wide Hips (1996), Sandalwood Death (xx) and his latest novel Wa (xx). In addition 24. his novels, Mo Yan has written many short stories and essays on 25. (vary) topics. Mos works are considered as a mixture of fantasy and reality, historical and social perspectives and he is seen in his homeland as one of the foremost contemporary authors. 第2页二. 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共20题,每小题2分,满分40分) AIts the lunchtime break at Shanghai Xianxia Middle School. No mobile phones can be heard ringing anywhere. The mon sight of crowds of children chatting on their phones or sending short messages has disappeared.A grade-2 student said, “I couldnt concentrate during classes if the cell phone was with me. I couldnt help checking if there were messages or missed phone calls. I even played games on the phone sometimes.” The school authorities say they feel the ban(禁令) is necessary to keep order in class. They even gave out an open letter to remind parents not to let their children bring mobile phones to school. More than 96 percent of parents say they wele the school decision. The school is also being flexible (灵活的) in implementing the ban. Those students who live far from school are allowed to bring mobile phones to contact their parents. But they still have to switch them off in classrooms.Medical experts have also weled the school decision. They say too much dependence on mobile phones can cause many psychological problems in teenage students.26. The grade-2 student thought that _.A. the mobile phone should be on during classesB. it is good to play cell phone games sometimesC. the mobile phone is helpful to her studiesD. it is no good using the cell phone at school27. According to the passage, the students use their mobile phones except _.A. contacting their parents B. cheating in exams C. sending short messages D. playing games28. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. All the parents wele the school decision.B. Some students can bring mobile phones to school.C. Medical experts are against the school decision.D. No one is allowed to bring his mobile phone to school. 第3页29. What does the underlined word “implementing” in paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Carrying out. B. Giving up.C. Making up. D. Finding out.30. The passage mainly tells us _. A. the mobile phone is a big trouble to teenage students B. the use of the mobile phone can cause mental problems C. about a ban on the mobile phone in a middle school D. a story happening at Shanghai Xianxia Middle School BIts hardly surprising that weather is a favorite topic for so many people around the world-it affects where we choose to live, what we wear, our moods, and perhaps even our national characteristics. Studies have shown that changeable weather can make it difficult to concentrate, cloudy skies slow down reaction, and high humidity with hot, dry winds makes many people bad-tempered. If you live in a place like Britain, where the weather seems to change daily if not hourly, you could be forgiven for thinking that the weather is random. In fact, the weather is controlled by systems which move around areas of the globe. In the UK the weather depends on depressions, often called lows, and anticyclones, also known as highs. These systems start in the Atlantic Ocean, and make their way across the British Isles from the west to the east. Highs bring sunny weather, while lows bring rain and wind. In modern times, human activities seem to be altering weather patterns. Gases produced by heavy industry change the temperature of the Earths surface, and affect cloud formation. Some researchers say that factories in Europe and North America may have been one of the causes of the droughts in Africa in the 1980s. The human race has always tried to guess the weather, especially in areas of the world where there are frequent changes. Traditional rhymes point to early attempts to identify weather patterns, popular poems include:Red sky at night, shepherds delight; red sky in the morning, shepherds warning.第4页Flies will swarm before a storm. Rain before 7, clear by 11. While folk wisdom can still provide a guide to help forecast weather, todays methods of prediction increasingly rely on technology. Satellites, balloons, ships, aircrafts and weather centers with sensitive monitoring equipment, send data to puters. The data is then processed, and the weather is predicted. However, even this system cannot predict weather for longer than about a week. 31. When weather keeps changing, _. A. people bee bad-tempered B. peoples reaction slows downC. people find it hard to focus on their work D. people bee hungrier32. What is mainly talked about in the second paragraph?A. Changes in weather. B. Weather in Britain. C. African droughts. D. Research on weather. 33. The weather in Britain is _. A. randomB. moistC. depressingD. satisfying34. According to a traditional rhyme, if there is a red sky at night, the next day will be _. A. windyB. rainy C. fine D. snowy35. Which of the following statements is true?A. Anticyclones often bring rain and wind. B. Weather forecasting has been done for a long time. C. Weather could never be predicted. D. Modern methods of weather prediction are developed from folk wisdom. CWhat is time? Is it a thing to be saved or spent or wasted, like money? Or is it something we have no control over, like the weather? Is time the same all over the world? Thats an easy question, you say. Wherever you go, a minute is 60 seconds, an hour is 60 minutes, a day is 24 hours, and so forth. Well, maybe. But in America, time is more than that. Americans see time as a valuable resource. Maybe thats why they are fond of the expression, Time is money.To Americans, punctuality is a way of showing respect for other peoples 第5页time. Being more than 10 minutes late to an appointment usually calls for an apology, and maybe an explanation. People who are running late often call ahead to let others know of the delay. Of course, the less formal the situation, the less important it is to be exactly on time. At informal get-togethers, for example, people often arrive as much as 30 minutes past the appointed time. But they usually dont try that at work.American lifestyles show how much people respect the time of others. When people plan an event, they often set the time days or weeks in advance. Once the time is fixed, it takes almost an emergency to change it. If people want to e to your house for a friendly visit, they will usually call first to make sure it is suitable. Only very close friends will just drop by unannounced. Also, people hesitate to call others late at night for fear they might be in bed. The time may vary, but most folks think twice about calling after 10:00 p.m.36.Why are the Americans fond of the expression “ Time is money.”?ABecause they cant control time.BBecause it is the same all over the world.CBecause they consider time as a thing like money.DBecause they consider time as a valuable resource.37. In America, if you are more than 10 minutes late to an appointment, Ait doesnt matterBit is necessary for you to make an apologyCyou neednt say anything about your delayDyou neednt call ahead to let others know you will be late.38.What does the last paragraph mainly discuss? AThe reasons why Americans value time.BThe ways to show their respect to the time of others.CBeing on time is highly valued in the USA.DNever drop in on others unless you are their close friends.39. We can infer that .Ayou mustnt be on time when you attend an informal get-together.Byou cant change the time of an appointment once you fix it.CAmericans never call up others after 10 p.m.DAmericans think highly of punctuality at work. 第6页40 The main idea of the passage is .Athat Americans value punctualityBthat in the USA time is limited and valuable.Cthe Americans attitude towards time.Dthe Americans control over time. DThe drug store was closing for the night and Alfred Higgins was about to go home when his new boss approached him.“Empty your pockets please, Alfred,” Sam Carr demanded in a firm voice.Alfred pretended to be shocked but he knew hed been caught. From his coat he withdrew a make-up kit, a lipstick and two tubes of toothpaste.“Im disappointed in you, Alfred!” said the little gray-haired man.“Sorry, sir. Please forgive me. Its the first time Ive ever done such a thing,” Alfred lied, hoping to gain the old mans sympathy.Mr Carrs brow furrowed as he reached for the phone, “Do you take me for a fool? Lets see what the police have to say. But first Ill call your mother and let her know her son is heading to jail.”“Do whatever you want,” Alfred shot back, trying to sound big. But deep down he felt like a child. He imagined his mother rushing in, eyes burning with anger, maybe in tears. Yet he wanted her to e quickly before Mr. Carr called the police.Mr. Carr was surprised when Mrs Higgins finally arrived. She was very calm, quiet and friendly. “Is Alfred in trouble?” she asked.“Hes been stealing from the store,” the old man coolly replied.Mrs. Higgins put out her hand and touched Mr. Carrs arm with great gentleness as if she knew just how he felt. She spoke as if she did not want to cause him any more trouble. “What do you want to do, Mr. Carr?”The womans calm and gentle manner disarmed the once-angry store-owner. “I was going to get a cop. But I dont want to be cruel. Tell your son not to e back here again, and Ill let it go.” Then he warmly shook Mrs. Higginss hand.Mrs. Higgins thanked the old man for his kindness, then mother and son left. They walked along the street in silence. When they arrived home his 第7页mother simply said, “Go to bed, you fool.”In his bedroom, Alfred heard his mother in the kitchen. He felt no shame, only pride in his mothers actions. “She was smooth!” he thought. He went to the kitchen to tell her how great she was, but was shocked by what he saw.His mothers face looked frightened, broken. Not the cool, bright face he saw earlier. Her lips moved nervously. She looked very old. There were tears in her eyes.This picture of his mother made him want to cry. He felt his youth ending. He saw all the troubles he brought her and the deep lines of worry in her grey face. It seemed to him that this was the first time he had ever really seen his mother.41. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. It was the first time Alfred had stolen anything.B. Alfred tried to sound big to hide his fear.C. Mr. Carr set a trap to catch Alfred stealing.D. Mr. Carr had planned to forgive Alfred from the beginning.42. What does the underlined word “disarmed” probably mean?A. annoyedB. made less angry C. convincedD. got over43. What was the mothers attitude toward Alfred?A. She felt disappointed with him.B. She was very strict with him.C. She was supportive of him.D. She was afraid of him.44. What impressed Alfred most about his mother at the drugstore was _.A. how angry she was B. that she didnt cryC. that she was able to save him D.how effectively she handled Mr. Carr45. From the last paragraph, we know that Alfred _.A. was no longer a youth B. felt proud of his motherC. wanted his mother to be happy D. felt guilty and regretful for his deed第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)第8页请阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请在答题卡上将对题号的相应选项字母涂黑。请阅读下列6个留学国家的简介AThe USThe US has always been on the top destination list for Chinese students, with its high education standards and enough scholarships.Good news: Its easier to get a US student visa nowadays. Last year, the refusal rate was only 20 to 30 percent, much lower than a few years before, according to US Embassy.Concerns: Therere a lot to prepare. The TOFEL, GREIts longer time to apply to US universities than schools in the UK or Australia. Useful link: Usembassychina. org. cnBThe NetherlandsTulips, windmills and wooden shoes: this was the image that once drew tourists. But Holland has more to offer. Good news: From xx, Holland and China started recognizing each others education certificates. And from xx, the government provides 4 million euros(欧元)for scholarships to Chinese students every year. Concerns: Not many Chinese know about Dutch educationSpeaking Dutch sounds not easyUseful link: nesobeijin 9 CThe UKEasier access to visas and international environment are the UKs great attractions for Chinese students. Good news: There are many new scholarships this year, both from the government and universities, such as the Scotland International Scholarship. Concerns: Money is expensive to study in the UK,with an average cost of 200,000 to 300,000 Yuan a year.Useful link: Educationuk. org. cn第9页DCanadaCanadas multicultural environment is good for students studies and careers.Good news: Students are allowed to take on campus part-time jobs during their studies from last year. Itll help pay living expenses. Students can get two-year work permits after graduation. Concerns: Only a limited number of scholarships are available. They rarely cover the full cost of a study programme. Useful link: studycanada. cnEItalyItaly is getting a lot of attention this year in China with the China-Italy Year. Its art, culture and fashion appeal to many studentsGood news: China and Italy will recognize each others educational certificates soon. Its government-funded universities are tuition free to international students. Concerns: The language is a problem. Most classes are taught in Italy. Useful link: studyinitaly. cnF:AustraliaGood climate, high quality education, favorable immigration policy: these make Australia one of the most popular choices among Chinese students. Good news: A new E-visa policy ensures a quick application process(four weeks pared with 12 weeks before)Concerns: Tuition fees have risen in past years. The total cost is about 200,000 yuan to attend a university located in big cities like Sydney or Melbourne.Useful link: studentsidp. 请根据下列学位申请者的信息,为每位申请者选出最合适的留学国家。46Zhang Yuan has passed the IELTS and hopes to go to a foreign country for further study with easier access to visas and international environment, regardless of the tuition fee(学费)47. Wang Ying doesnt have so much money and wishes to study art at a 第10页university in a foreign country as an international student48. Li Ming would like to take on campus part-time jobs while studying in a foreign country and wishes to go on staying in the country after he finishes studying there49. Li Hong can afford a tuition of about 200,000 Yuan. She wishes to study in a foreign country with good climate and wishes to go on staying in the country after she finishes studying there. 50. Zhang Hua has passed the TOEFL and GRE. He wants to have more chances of getting scholarships to study in a foreign country. .写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)写作内容“无车日”(Carfree Day)是一项节能环保的活动,下面请你介绍活动的有关情况,并号召更多的城市和居民参与到该活动中来。活动背景:随着经济的发展,更多家庭拥有私家车,造成严重的交通问题和环境污染。活动时间:每年9月22日参与者:全国108个城市活动目的:提高人们节约能源与保护环境的意识活动内容:倡议人们选用公共汽车、自行车或步行方式活动效果:得到全国人民的支持, 取得巨大成功写作要求只能使用5个英语句子表达全部内容。评分标准句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。_ 第11页第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 An English proverb goes like this , Spare the rod and spoil the child . It implies that in order to enable a child to grow healthily , parents must make him eat bitter foods, do hard work and be sent to places where he can get the fullest training and knowledge. First of all , eating bitter foods is necessary for a child . Poor food can help cultivate in him the frugal (节俭的 ) habit and make him realize what we eat daily is the fruit of the sweat of the laboring people . Consequently , he will not be wasteful when he grows up . Secondly , parents should also make the child do hard work . Doing hard work will give him

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