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2019-2020年高中英语Unit3TheMillionPoundBankNote第2课时试题含解析新人教版必修Key Words1. unbelievable adj. 难以置信的believable(反义词) adj. 可相信的believe v. 相信;信任belief n. 信念;信仰2. dessert n. 餐后甜点desert(形近词)n. 沙漠3. amount n. 数量4. rude adj. 粗鲁的;无礼的rudely adv. 无礼地;粗暴地5. manner n. 举止;方式 (pl.)礼貌6. scream vi. 尖声叫 n. 尖叫声,喊叫声7. genuine adj. 真的;真诚的genuinely adv. 真正地;诚实地8. indeed adv. 真正地;确实;实在9. bow vi. & n. 鞠躬;弯腰Key Phrases1. take a chance 冒险2. in rags 衣衫褴褛3. as for 关于,至于Key Sentences1. Well, it is well-known that Americans like to eat a lot. 嗯,美国人喜欢吃很多,这是大家都知道的。(It is well-known that.)2. You must e whenever you want and have whatever you like.( whenever引导让步状语从句)1.take a chance冒险;试图做某事;碰运气。常见用法:Take a chance=take chances碰运气by chance=by accident偶然,碰巧(The) Chance is/(The) Chances are that有可能There is a chance that可能have a chance to do sth有机会做某事The rope might break, but thats a chance well have to take. 绳子可能会断,但我们只能冒这个险了。You should never take a chance/take chances when driving a car. 开车时,你可千万别冒险。The player is under good treatment and the chances are that he will recover from his injury in time for the next game. 这个球员正在接受良好的治疗,他的伤势有可能及时恢复,他将参加下一场比赛。Moreover, I consider it a golden chance to tour around China to enjoy the wonderful scenery and taste the inviting food here and there. 另外,我认为这是一个绝好的机会,可以在中国游玩,到处欣赏美景,品尝美食。同义句改写1. I ran into her by chance one night and got her email address.(用不定式改写) _2. Chances are that you will pass the exam.(用there be结构改写)_【答案】1. I chanced to run into her one night and got her email address.2. There is a chance that you will pass the exam.2.mannern. 方式;举止 (pl.)礼貌。常见用法:in a manner在一定程度上in a(n).manner以的方式bad/good manners 没有/有礼貌He was walking in a rather unnatural manner. 他走路的样子很不自然。It is bad manners to make fun of the disabled people. 开残疾人的玩笑是不礼貌的。Parents cant bear the sight of the living manner of the generation after 80s. 父母看不惯80后这代人的生活方式。【特别提醒】当manner意为方式,方法;举止;态度时常用单数形式;当它意为礼貌,礼仪;习俗时常用复数形式。【易混辨析】method/manner/way/meansmethod可数名词,其后接of+动名词,不接不定式;特指有系统的方法、方式。manner通常用单数形式,其后可以接of+动名词。主要表示个人喜欢采用的方式,而且manner不用于表示传统或习俗所形成的方式、方法。way可数名词,最通用,可以用来代替前面的任何一个词,其后可以接to do,也可以接of+动名词。means单复数形式相同,当该词前加a,this,that,every等时,为单数;当其前加such,these,those,all等时,为复数。means多指抽象的或概括性的方法。【特别提醒】这几个词均表示方式,方法。表示用这种方法可以用以下短语:in this way,with this method,by this means,in this manner。I dont object to what she says, but I strongly disapprove of her manner of saying it. 我不反对她说的话,但我很反感她说这话的方式。He always has his own way. 他总是随心所欲。1. 根据括号中所给的汉语意思完成句子They settled the quarrel between them in a friendly _(以友好的方式).It is bad _ (不礼貌) to talk with your parents like that.2. 选用method, manner, way或means的适当形式填空They have learned to use modern _ of teaching.Im not happy with this _ of working.The quickest _ of travel is by plane.He was walking in a rather unnatural _.My parents always let me have my own _ of life.It is bad _ to talk loudly in public in western countries.【答案】1. manner manners2. methods way meansmanner way manners3. It is well-known that. Well, it is well-known that Americans like to eat a lot. 嗯,美国人喜欢吃很多,这是大家都知道的。(教材P22)It is well-known that.是常用句型,意为众所周知。其中it是形式主语,that引导的从句是真正的主语。It is well-known that London is the capital of England. 众所周知,伦敦是英国的首都。 It is well-known that The Adventure of Tom Sawyer was written by Mark Twain. 众所周知,汤姆索亚历险记是马克吐温写的。【特别提醒】as we all know 和as is well known 意思和it is well-known that相同,但这两个句子都是非限制性定语从句,as是关系代词,在从句中分别作宾语和主语。As we all know, we cant survive without money. 我们都知道,没有钱我们就无法生存。As is well known, Henry went to England by accident. 众所周知,亨利是偶然到了英国。【拓展延伸】It is known that句型可转换成:1. As is known.(as引导非限制性定语从句)2. What is known is that.(what引导主语从句,that引导表语从句)It is known that he is one of the best students in his class.=As is known, he is one of the best students in his class.=What is known is that he is one of the best students in his class. 众所周知,他是他们班最好的学生之一。1. 用两种方法翻译下列句子众所周知,台湾岛是中国的一部分。_2. 语法填空_is known that the best violin in the world is made in Italia.【答案】1. It is wellknown that Taiwan Island is part of China.As is wellknown, Taiwan Island is part of China.2. It 【解析】it is well-known that众所周知,为固定句型,it是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。4. as for关于,至于,用于句首,引出一个与前一个话题稍微有些不同的话题。We had a delightful weekend in the country. As for the traffic, we had no difficulty. 在乡下我们度过了一个愉快的周末。至于交通,我们没有遇到任何困难。As for Henry, he was penniless at that time. 至于亨利,他那时身无分文。As for the bill, the owner of the restaurant begged Henry not to pay it right away. 至于账单,饭店的老板乞求亨利不要立刻付。You can have a bed; as _ him, hell have to sleep on the floor.【答案】for【解析】as for至于。句意:你可以有床,至于他,只能睡地板了。5. whenever引导让步状语从句You must e whenever you want and have whatever you like. (教材P16)whenever在任何时候,无论何时,引导的是让步状语从句,相当于no matter when。需要注意的是:状语从句要用陈述语序,且要用一般现在时表示将要发生的动作。whatever引导宾语从句,相当于anything that。Whenever she es to my house, she brings me a present.=No matter when she es to my house, she brings me a present. 他无论何时来我家,都给我带个礼物。Hell push on with his project whatever the difficulties may be. 不管有什么困难,他都要继续推行他的计划。Ill post that letter whatever Wilson says. 不管威尔逊讲什么,我都要寄出那封信。【特别提醒】whoever, whatever, whichever等词既可以引导名词性从句,又可以引导让步状语从句,而no matter wh-只能引导让步状语从句。I will give the book to whoever needs it. 我要把这本书给需要的人。Whoever breaks the school rules will be punished. 无论谁违反了学校的规章制度,都要受到惩罚。No matter when you call on him, you will find him at his desk. 不管你什么时候去看他,他都在书桌前(用功学习)。_ hungry I am, I never seem to be able to finish off this bag of bread. A. WhateverB. WheneverC. Wherever D. However【答案】D【解析】however无论如何,引导让步状语从句,在该从句中however修饰hungry。I. 单词拼写1. Its good _ (礼貌) to say thank you when you get something from others.2. My little brother likes to eat _ (甜点) very much after dinner, especially ice cream.3. The _ (数量) of snow this year in the northern area has been below average.4. In some countries, people _ (鞠躬) to each other when they say hello.5. The fans _ (尖叫) with excitement when they saw the famous singer.II. 完成句子1. _ _ (至于) you, I refuse to have anything to do with you.2. _ _ _ _ (我的确听说) Bob would stay in our city after he graduated from college.3. The mother thanked Jack _ _ _ _ _ _ (衷心地) for saving her sons life.4. Mary tried to _ _ _ (注意) what the teacher was saying.III. 用适当的词或所给词的适当形式填空1. His mother was annoyed with him for being so _ (rudely) to their neighbors.2. A huge amount of money _ (spend) decorating the house last year.3. Since there was no way out, the robber decided to take _chance on his luck to see if he could run away.4. Now Bob pays much attention to his table _ (manner) because hes going to invite his girlfriend to dinner for the first time tomorrow.5. I dont think you have made great mistakes, _ you?IV. 用所学短语完成段落A beggar 1. went into a hotel to 2. as he felt he was going to die of hunger if he still couldnt get anything to eat. A waiter 3. him for a few seconds and told the beggar to leave at once. Just then the boss came quite 4. . He ordered the waiter to treat the beggar to the nicest food in the hotel. Nobody but the boss knew why he should have been so kind a beggar. He became an orphan when he was only 6 and 5. by several beggars.I. 完形填空Little Amy, a six-year-old kid, arrived home when her parents were talking about her little brother. All she knew was that he was very sick and they had no money left. When she heard her daddy say to her 1mother with whispered desperation, 2a miracle can save him now, the little girl went to her bedroom and took out her piggy bank. She 3all the change out and counted it carefully. Then she 4her way six blocks to the drugstore.What do you want? asked the chemist. Its 5my little brother, the girl answered. Hes really, really sick and I want to buy a 6. His name is Andrew and he has something 7growing inside his head and my daddy says only a miracle can save him. We dont 8miracles here, child. Im sorry, the chemist said, smiling 9at the little girl.In the shop was a 10customer. He stooped(弯腰) down and asked the little girl, What kind of miracle does your brother 11? I dont know, she replied. Hes really sick and mommy says he needs _12_. But my daddy cant pay for it, so I have brought my 13.How much do you have? asked the man. One dollar and eleven cents, 14I can try and get some more, she answered quietly. Well, what a coincidence, smiled the man. A dollar and eleven cents the 15price of a miracle for your little brother. 16me to where you live. I want to see your brother and _17_your parents.That well-dressed man was Dr Carlton Armstrong, a surgeon(外科医生). The operation was pleted without 18and it wasnt long before Andrew was 19again and doing well.The little girl was happy. She knew exactly how much the miracle cost . one dollar and eleven cents . plus the 20of a little child.1. A. forgetfulB. hopefulC. cheerfulD. tearful2. A. SimplyB. JustC. OnlyD. More than3. A. drewB. pulledC. putD. poured4. A. followedB. madeC. tookD. found5. A. toB. asC. forD. on6. A. hopeB. doctorC. favorD. miracle7. A. badB. smallC. extraD. impossible8. A. haveB. offerC. sellD. store9. A. gentlyB. sadlyC. strangelyD. coldly10. A. well-dressedB. kind-heartedC. well-behavedD. good-looking11. A. haveB. needC. careD. like12. A. a doctorB. a surgeonC. an operationD. a kindness13. A. savingsB. wishesC. ideasD. suggestions14. A. sinceB. asC. afterD. but15. A. sameB. exactC. properD. necessary16. A. ShowB. HelpC. TakeD. Follow17. A. helpB. encourageC. persuadeD. meet18. A. difficultyB. delayC. chargeD. result19. A. happyB. wellC. strongD. home20. A. clevernessB. faithC. courageD. devotionII. 短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Postman Sam got present and money from the people for whom he had worked when he retired in last week. They loved him for his wonderfully work. Sam retired after 40 years of send letters in the place of South Manchester. He get a lot of presents and flowers from his workmates too, and he got an farewell party by the Womens Institute of the town. His wife Jill said,Wed like thank all the people who came and gave presents. I thought my husband did that he could do. But today she understand how great my husband is but what an important job he had.1. (xx天津) The weather forecast says it will be cloudy with a slight _ of rain later tonight. A. effect B. sense C. change D. chance2. (xx湖北) When he was running after his brother, the boy lost his _ and had a bad fall.A. balance B. chance C. memory D. place 3. (xx上海改编)After what seemed like a safe _of time, I read the poem again and was confused.4. (xx北京改编)A friend in need is a friend _.5. (xx天津改编)I learned later that motorheads are, _(确实), different.6. (xx新课标全国卷I) However, Mexicans may use silence when instructions are given by a person in authority rather than be _(rudeness) to that person by arguing with him or her.7. (xx陕西改编)The dog had initially been knocked unconscious(失去知觉的) but had survived by drinking water from a fresh _(screaming) at the base of the cliff.8. (xx广东改编)Something rare is worth a large _ of money.9. (xx重庆改编) _(确实), I was no different from others10. (xx浙江改编)The Swiss follow formal table _.I. 单词拼写1. manners 2. dessert 3. amount 4. bow 5. screamedII. 完成句子1. As for 2. I did hear that 3. from the bottom of her heart 4. pay attention toIII. 用适当的词或所给词的适当形式填空1. rude【解析】句意:他母亲因为他对邻居如此粗暴无礼而生他的气。be rude to sb对某人无礼。2. was spent【解析】句意:去年装修房子花了大量的钱。a huge/large amount of许多;大量,修饰不可数名词,作主语时谓语动词用单数,又根据句中的时间状语last year可知谓语用一般过去时。3. a【解析】take a chance=take chances=take a risk冒险;碰运气,为固定搭配。句意:既然无路可走,这个盗贼决定碰碰运气,看他是否能逃脱。4. manners【解析】句意:现在鲍勃非常注意自己的餐桌礼仪,因为明天他要第一次邀请他的女朋友去吃晚餐。table manners餐桌礼仪。5. have【解析】句意:我认为你没犯大错误,不是吗?本题考查含有否定转移的反义疑问句的附加问句。I/We dont think/believe/suppose从句结构中,其反意疑问句与从句的主谓相一致。IV. 用所学短语完成段落1. in rags 2. take a chance 3. stared at 4. by accident 5. was brought upI. 完形填空本文讲述了Amy为挽救弟弟的性命去药店买奇迹,她执着的信念打动了也在药店的医生,最后医生免费为Amy的弟弟做了手术。1. D 根据本空前的he was very sick and they had no money left可知,家里没有钱给Amy的小弟弟看病,Amy的妈妈泣不成声(tearful),故D项正确。2. C 根据本空前的with whispered desperation可知,现实的情况让Amy的爸爸感到很绝望,他说现在只有(only)奇迹才能挽救Amy的弟弟的性命,故C项正确。3. D 根据本空后的all the change out and counted it carefully可知,Amy把自己储钱罐里的零钱都倒(pour)了出来,然后仔细地数着那些零钱,故D项正确。4. B 根据下文Amy买药的情节可知,Amy拿着那些零钱去了药店,make ones way to表示前往某处,故B项正确。5. C 根据本空后的my little brother可知,Amy说要为(for)她的弟弟买药,故C项正确。6. D 根据下文中的my daddy says only a miracle can save him可知,Amy听爸爸说只有奇迹才能挽救弟弟的性命,所以她要给弟弟买奇迹(miracle),故D项正确。7. A 根据上文中的Hes really, really sick可知,Amy说病得很严重的弟弟的脑袋里长了某种不好的(bad)东西,故A项正确。8. C 上文说Amy要给弟弟买奇迹,此处药剂师说这里不卖(sell)奇迹,故C项正确。9. B 根据文章情境可知,药剂师难过地(sadly)冲Amy笑了笑,故B项正确。10. A 根据下文中的That well-dressed man was Dr Carlton Armstrong可知,药店里有一位穿着很好的(well-dressed)顾客,故A项正确。11. B Amy要给弟弟买奇迹,那位穿着很好的男士问Amy的弟弟需要(need)何种奇迹,故B项正确。12. C 上文说Amy的弟弟的脑袋里长了某种不好的东西,此处是说Amy的弟弟需要进行手术(operation),下文的The operation是线索提示,故C项正确。13. A 根据本空前的But my daddy cant pay for it可知,爸爸担负不起弟弟的手术费用,所以Amy拿出了自己的积蓄(savings),故A项正确。14. D 根据本空后的I can try and get some more可知,虽然只有1美元11美分,但(but)Amy说自己会努力挣更多的钱,故D项正确。15. B 根据本空前的Well, what a coincidence可知,那个男人对Amy说1美元11美分正好(exact)可以为她弟弟买一个奇迹,故B项正确。16. C 根据本空后的I want to see your brother可知,那个男人让Amy带他去她家里看看她弟弟。take sb to sp表示带某人去某地,故C项正确。17. D 根据文章情境可知,那个男人要去Amy家里看看她弟弟,并见一见(meet)她的父母,故D项正确。18. C 根据下文中的She knew exactly how much the miracle cost . one dollar and eleven cents . 可知,Carlton Armstrong医生没有收取Amy家任何的手术费用(charge),故C项正确。19. D 根据本空后的doing well可知,很快Andrew就回家(home)了并且一切安好,故D项正确。20. B 总结全文,正是Amy要挽救弟弟性命的坚定信念(faith)感动了Armstrong医生,所以他免费为Amy的弟弟做手术,故B项正确。II. 短文改错Postman Sam got and money from the people for whom he had worked when he retired last week. They loved him for his work. Sam retired after 40 years of letters in the place of South Manchester. He a lot of presents and flowers from his workmates too, and he got farewell party by the Womens Institute of the town. His wife Jill said, Wed like thank all the people who came and gave presents. I thought my husband did he could do. But today understand how great my husband is what an important job he had.第一处:presentpresents 他上周退休的时候,从他服务过的人们那里收到礼物。由第二句中的They可知,present应该用复数形式。第二处:去掉in last year, last summer等表示时间的短语前不用介词。第三处:wonderfullywonderful 修饰名词要用形容词。第四处:sendsending 介词后的动词要用动名词形式。第五处:getgot 本文是讲过去的事情,所以此处用一般过去时态。第六处:ana 元音因素前用an,辅音音素前用a。farewell的读音以辅音音素开头,故用a。第七处:like后加to would like to do sth是固定结构。第八处:thatwhat that和what虽都可引导宾语从句,但that在从句中不作成分,只起连接作用,而本句did后明显缺宾语,he could do也缺宾语,故只能用what。第九处:sheI 直接引语中,Jill应该说我。第十处:butand 前后为并列关系,不表转折,故用and。1. D 【解析】句意:天气预报说今天会是多云,后半夜可能有雨。A. 影响;B. 感觉;C. 改变;D. 机会,可能性。故选D。2. A 【解析】句意:男孩在追他哥哥时,失去了平衡,重重地摔了一跤。A项平衡;B项机会;C项记忆;D项地方。lose ones balance失去平衡。故选A项。3. amount 4. indeed 5. indeed 6. rude7. scream 8. amount 9. Indeed 10. manners

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