2019-2020年高中英语期中综合练习试卷2 新人教版必修5.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语期中综合练习试卷2 新人教版必修5II. 单项选择:(15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.Do you know that _ chairman of the meeting has announced that Mr. White has been made _ manager of our pany? A. the; / B. the; the C. /; the D .a; a22. The factory we are now working in is twice _ it was in 1980.A. that B . which C. what D. where 23. Many people fear that GM food will _ some new diseases. A. devote to B. open the door to C. get close to D. get down to 24. In fact John is not a _ person. He is _. A. serious; carefree B. talkative; noisy C. kind; friendly D. careful; warm-hearted25._Mary e and play puter games?No, _she has finished her homework.A. Will, when B. Shall, once C. Would, if D. Shall, unless 26. You can _ on her because she always keeps her _A. live , word B. look down , wordsC. depend , words D. rely , word27. It is human beings who should be responsible _ the harm done _nature. A. to, to B. for, to C. for, at D. at, to28. “Not having returned home yet, _”, his father said to the police. A. his mother got worried B. his mother must be worriedC. I think he is missing D. he must have got into some trouble.29. If city noises _ from increasing, people _ shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now.A. are not kept; will have to B. are not kept; have to C. do not keep ; will have to D. do not keep; have to30. Although punctual(守时) himself, the professor was quite used _ late for his lecture. A. to have students B. for students being C. for students to be D. to students being 31. _ two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend.A. Besides B. As for C. With D. Because of32. This method, _ in areas near Chongqing, _ in a marked rise in total production. A. trying; resulting B. tried; resulted C. tried; resulting D. trying; resulted 33. When _what you said about the environment and the economy needing to work together more, I was very much _ . A. heard; impressed B. hearing; impressed C. hearing; impressing D. heard; impressing34. _ with all this hard work made it impossible for Helen to go to the concert. A. Having worn out B. To wear out C. Being worn out D. Worn out35. He asked all _ to take an active part in the movement.A. concerning B. concerned C. to concern D. to be concernedIII. 完形填空(30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项. My ears are recently full of joyous remarks from my friends such as, “Oh, Beckham is so handsome, so cool, that I cant help falling in love with him!” or “What perfect skills he has!” Yeah, I agree 36 some degree, though I sometimes do want to ask them how much they 37 Beckham, apart from his appearance and how much they know about football 38 scoring goals. It seemed funny that we are crazy for things, with which we are unfamiliar or 39 we are uncertain, but we all, my friends 40 I, consider this 41 .We need these pleasures to brighten up our lives. But that doesnt amount to(等于) craziness 42 nonsense(胡闹). As an old saying 43 : “Dont judge a book by its cover.” We should not 44 anything from its appearance. We should all know, it is ones good character and great contribution that 45 one a star and unforgettable. Therefore wed better say 46 about Beckhams good looks.If we close our eyes, 47 in deep thought, we can find that the things 48 us to be in true happy, or sad 49 a clear meaning. If we dont go deeper and are just satisfied with superficial(表面的) things, 50 we will find that we have not really gained anything 51 our first impression had blinded and misled us, and well remain ignorant(愚昧无知的) 52 we realize that and make some changes.It is believed that thinking and going deeper than before is a sign of great 53 . If one day we are willing to go deeper into everything, no matter how much it 54 us, we will finally prove how much we have grown up, how much more sensible(明智的), mature, and intelligent we have 55 .36.A. toB. onC. inD. at37.A. learn fromB. learnC. knowD. know about38.A. rather thanB. except forC. exceptD. besides39.A. with whichB. about thatC. about whichD. which40.A. notB. as well asC. rather thanD. but41.A. one of lifes pleasuresB. pleasures of lifeC. one of lifes sorrowD. one of lifes regrets42.A. norB. andC. orD. or else43.A. speaksB. talksC. tellsD. goes44.A. takeB. judgeC. acceptD. conclude45.A. makeB. causeC. buildD. create46.A. moreB. muchC. worseD. less47.A. fellB. fallenC. fallingD. fall48.A. that moveB. that movesC. moveD. moves49.A. lackB. haveC. includeD. cover50.A. in factB. indeedC. in a whileD. sooner or later51.A. soB. even thoughC. becauseD. although52.A. even ifB. althoughC. unlessD. if53.A. joyB. progressC. effortD. work54.A. caresB. painsC. works D. minds55.A. eB. madeC. hadD. beeIV. 阅读理解:(40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AAmerica may still think of itself as the land of opportunity, but the chances of living a rags-to-riches(脱贫致富) life are a lot lower than elsewhere in the world, according to a new study.The possibility that a child born into a poor family will make it into the top 5 percent is just 1 percent, according to the study by economist Tom Hertz from American University.“By contrast, a child born rich has a 22 percent chance of being rich as an adult,” he said.“ In other words, the chances of getting rich are about 20 times higher if you are born rich, than if you are born in a low-ine family,” Hertz said.pared to several European countries, its more possible in the United States for the poor to stay poor and the rich to stay rich. Consider a rich family and a poor one in the United States and a similar pair of families in Denmark, Hertz found that 22 percent of the American families would transmit(传送,) the same ine level from the parents generation to the children generation; in Denmark it would be 2 percent.Another survey by the New York Times last year told a different story. It found that 80 percent of those polled(投票)believed that it was possible to start out poor, work hard and bee rich, pared with less than 60 percent back in 1983. Thats to say, most Americans are optimistic (乐观)about making economic improvements in their own lifetime.The contradiction(矛盾) implies that while people think they are going to make it, the reality is very different.Hertzs research was based on data provided by over 4,000 children. Their parents ine was observed in 1968, and when they became adults their own ine was reviewed again in 1995, 1996, 1997 and xx.This study may disprove(反驳) the myth of America as the land of opportunity, but it doesnt tell us what to do to fix it.56. According to Tom Hertz study,_.there are equal chances for those born rich and those born poor to get rich in AmericaB. those born rich have advantages over those born poor in many areasC. those born poor still believe they can get rich through hard work.D. those born poor have little chance of getting rich however hard they work57. pared with Americans, people in Denmark_.A. are more likely to live a rags-to-riches lifeB. get less influence from their parents generationcan get rich with less effortare more optimistic about their future58.Why is the survey by the New York Times mentioned in the passage?To provide further proof to the first studyB. To support the main idea of the passageC. To support the authors own viewD. To provide proof against the first survey59. The two surveys mentioned in the passage lead you to the belief that_.A. America is still the land f opportunity for most peopleB. the American social system needs to be further improvedC. America is no longer the land of opportunity as many people believe.D. there is more fairness in Europe than in the United StatesBThese days, if you still think the cellphone is just for talking, you will get laughed at. Yes, its true, voice-only handsets have bee out of date. Todays do-it-all mobiles have a lot in mon with the puter. The only difference may be that they fit in your pocket and you pay by the minutes to use them. Some of the things a cellphone can do for you will be available this year:Surf at speedCellpones that let you use the Web have been around for years. So, whats new? Well, faster third-generation(3G) net works let you surf at anywhere. This then allows a carrier to send video, music, and games to your phone. Possible choices are from LG Electronic VX 8000 and Motorola V 1150.Listen as you goThe problem with most cellphone MP3 players is that they hold only a handful of songs. But, thats about to change. Sony Ericssons new W800i can hold around 150 songs in its 500 MB memory. And Sumsungs SPH-V5400 even es with a 1.5 GB hard drive. Mobile phones may eventually replace mini-MP3 players, especially for teens.Say cheeseCamera cellphones are not new either. But, most of them have limitations: around 1-megapixel(百万像素). But new technology has made 2-megapixel units more mon and 3-megapixel units are showing up soon. Some 2-megapixel models, like Sony Ericssons K750i, offer limited zoom and focus controls. Others, like LGs recent MMA7110, can even capture 30 minutes of full- motion video.Portable TVYou say you like “watching TV”? Thats what Sumsung MM-A700 wants to give you. The new model lets users watch popular TV programsfor a fee. Other choices are Nokias 6620, Sanyos MM 7400 and NECs N940.The NEC model lets you watch public TVno fee.The above are just a handful of what you will see in the ing months. Further down the road, your mobile phone may play a host of other roles, such as mobile credit card, position locator So what is there that a cellphone cant do?60.Which of the following models should you choose to listen to the music?Sumsungs SPH-V5400 and Nokias 6620Sony Ericssons W800i and Sumsungs SPH-V5400Sony Ericssons W800i and NECs N940Sanyos MM7400 and NECs N94061.Whats the difference between NECs N940 and other models?It allows you to surf the Internet at a high speedIt can capture 30 minutes of full-motion videoIt can hold as many as 150 songsIt lets you watch public TV for free62.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?All the functions of the models mentioned in the passage are pletely newCamera cellphones of 3-megapixel units will appear soon.It is certain that a cellphone can do anything in the near futureTodays do-it-all mobiles have nothing in mon with the puter63.This passage may be_.an instruction to some new models of cellphonesan advertisement trying to persuade you to buy new cellphonesa science fiction trying to attract readers attentiona survey to find the development of cellphones.CWithout proper training, dogs will behave like wild animals. They will spoil your house, destroying your belongings, fight other dogs and even bite you. Nearly all behavior problems are perfect normal dog activities that occur at the wrong time or place or are directed at wrong thing.One of the best things you can do for your dog and yourself is to train it. Obedience training(训服) doesnt solve all behavior problems, but its the foundation for solving just about any problems. Training opens us a line of munication between you and your dog. Effective munication is necessary to instruct your dog about what you want it to do.Training is also an easy way to establish the social order. When your dogs obeys a simple request of “e here, sit”, it is showing obedience and respect for you. It is not necessary to establish yourself as top dog or leader of the dog pack(群) by using extreme measures. You can teach your dog its subordinate(从属的) role by teaching it to show obedience to you. Most dogs love performing tricks for you to accept that you are in charge.Training should be fun and rewarding for you and your dog. A well-trained dog is more confident and can more safely be allowed a greater amount of freedom than an untrained animal.64.Behavior problems of dogs are believed to_.A. get worse in modern societyB. occur only when they go wildC. be just part of their natureD. present a threat to society65.The primary purpose of obedience training is_.to enable the dog to regain its normal behaviorto make the dog aware of its owners authority(权威)to teach the dog to perform tricksto teach the dog to serve its owner66.Effective munication between a dog and its owner is_.A. an extreme measure in obedience trainingB. a good way to teach the dog new tricksC. the foundation for dogs to perform tasksD. essential(必不可少的) to solve the dogs behavior problem67.Why do pet dogs love performing tricks for their masters?A. to show their willingness to obeyB. to show their affection for their mastersC. to avoid being punishedD. to win leadership of the dog packD Beijing(Xinhua)Blind Chinese pianist Sun Yan, 23, will give a concert at the Peoples Liberation Army(PLA) Theatre in downtown Beijing.Sun, a student at the well-known China Central Conservatory of Music(CCCM), was born with cataracts(白内障), which caused him to bee blind. He started to play the piano when he was three years old and immediately gained acclaim (称赞) as a piano virtuoso at the age of six.Guo Shulan, head of CCCM, said Sun was the first blind student the school had ever received in its half-century history. The well-known piano teacher, Yang Jun, taught Sun personally and found him to be greatly talented(有才能的) and strongly determined.At his concert, Sun will play a dozen masterpieces by posers, such as Bach, Beethoven and Chopin.“mon piano players may have a look at these long and difficult musical pieces while paying, but Sun would have to spend a much, much longer time to fully memorize a piece of music,” Yang said. “He plays the piano for at least six hours every day.”With painstaking(辛勤的) efforts for the past few years, Sun achieved very good grades at school and also gained an audience worldwide. He was invited to visit dozens of countries and regions and even performed at top theatres such as Carnegie Hall in the United States.Top fashion brand Mark Fairwhale and piano manufacturer Bosendorfrr will offer Sun a financial support fund and the use of a piano, respectively(分别地). The PLA Theatre will also provide him technical support and a stage setting design free of charge. Three schoolmates of Suns who are also pianists, for winning top prizes in international petitions, will be guest performers at the concert.Expecting to graduate with a bachelors(学士) degree in piano next year, Sun has applied to study for a masters degree.“Music changes peoples lives. I hope I can continue to study the piano for the rest of my life.” Sun said.68.Which of the following may be the best title of the passage?Sun Yans achievements in music Blind Chinese pianist to give the concert in BeijingSun Yan, successful blind pianist in ChinaBlind pianist gains international fame69.The world in bold in the second paragraph most probably means_.A. excellent teacherB. excellent studentC. excellent producerD. excellent player70. What does Sun Yan benefit most from on his way to being a well-known pianist besides his born talent?A. His being blindnessB. His early beginning with piano practiceC. His great efforts and the help from various fieldsD. The technical support from his classmates71. Which of the following is true?A. Sun Yan became blind at the age of threeB. Sun Yan became blind at the age of sixC. Sun Yan is a graduate from THE CCCMD. Sun Yan is studying in the CCCMEKendall Barry, 17, from West Potomac High School in America, finished her test yesterday. Now she has set aside her textbooks to put final touches on her latest project of the fashion design course: a gown she both designed and sewed. The dress was designed for tonights school fashion show.“ I do really good in academic subjects, but fashion design is my favorite. Its what I want to do with my future,” Barry said. “I like that you get to work with your hands.” Next year she will attend college and study fashion design. Barry is really looking forward to showing her design tonight.To have a good fashion show, there would also be music and special effects, besides designers like Barry. DJs for the show are students in the music technology class. What about the visual special effects flashing on the walls? It goes to the television production students. And, eye-catching posters have been created by graphic design(平面造型设计) students. Its a show of the students, by the students and for the students.West Potomac High school is one of the several American high schools where technical classes are taught. May educators believe career or technical classes help students learn much more than practical skills.“Were teaching cooperation and teamwork,” said Maria Kappel, career experience specialist at West Potomac High School.Janet Bray, head of a career and technical education organization, said, “These kids are going to college. They are learning leadership skills. They learn how to solve problems. Such classes give teenagers a taste of what a career might be like.”American students have many different courses to choose from, such as repairing cars, running mini-restaurants in schools, animal science, medicine, etc. As there is a growing need among students , more new courses are expected.72. The passage is mainly about_. A. career or technical classes in American high schools. B. after-class activities of American high schools C. American students hobbies and interests D. a fashion show in an American high school73.What was kendall Barrys purpose of making the gown? A. To take part in the fashion show and win a prize B. To prepare herself for her future career C. To relax after the tests D. To get ready for college74.The word DJs in paragraph 3 probably refers to_. A. music CDs or recordsB. musical instrumentsC. background musicD. people who major in music75.Technical classes can benefit American students in all the following ways EXCEPT_. A. they learn cooperation and teamwork B. they learn leadership skills C. they get enough marks required for college D. they get a taste of their future careersII 卷V. 根据句子意思填入所缺单词:(10分)George felt very g_ about forgetting to post the letter for his teacher.He h_ for a while and said he agreed with me.We can think of many n_ disasters that damage the environment.She was s_ hurt in the leg, she could still ride the bike.On his a_, he immediately carried on with his work.The number of white tigers, one of the most e_ animals, has dropped.The director of that factory said, “The n_ bought machine will take the place of the old one soon.”The law p_ young children from entering the net bar has e into effect.He didnt even smile. Apparently he hadnt got much of a sense of h_.10. With the Christmas a_, we must think about buying some new clothes and gifts.VI.


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