2019-2020年高中英语 测试报 Unit3第二部分 Reading2教案 牛津译林版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 测试报 Unit3第二部分 Reading2教案 牛津译林版必修3.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 测试报 Unit3第二部分 Reading2教案 牛津译林版必修3.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高中英语 测试报 Unit3第二部分 Reading2教案 牛津译林版必修3单元:Unit 3 Back to the past板块:Reading课堂设计指导思想:通过听写、翻译、造句、替换、填空、完句、情景、故事(用所操练的语言点编故事)等活动操练语言点。Teaching aims:Master some language items.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Practice of language items1. think of 1) What do you think of sb./ sth.=How do you like sb./ sth.2) think of sb. as =regard / consider sb. asWe think of your head teacher as3) think about think highly of2.similar : be similar to the sameas/that be different from1) the similarity of a cat to a tiger2) Mary is similar to Rose in many ways.3) The two cats are similar but not the same.1. Although _ in appearance, the two plants have some basic differences.2. The song _ the one I heard yesterday.3. A second study produced _ results.3. arrange1) The secretary arranged an important meeting for the manager.2) The secretary arranged for him to meet the manager.3) The school arranged that the parent-teacher meeting would be held on Friday.4.represent1) My best friend will represent our school at the meeting.2) The rose represents love and beauty.3) Our village is represented as the most beautiful village in the magazine.5.take over1) After his father retired, he took over the pany.2) I took over her job while she was in New York.3) Our pany was recently taken over by a larger one.6. so was the city1) I felt excited, _ did the others.2) I didnt feel excited, _ did the others.3) Ive never been to London, neither/ nor have my parents.7. with1) With so many trees around, our school 2) With so much homework to do 3) With everything finished 4) With the old man showing the way5) With a book in his hand8.turn to1) turn into/ change intoThe moment she got the news that she missed the chance to go abroad, the smiles on her face turned to surprise.2) 找(某人寻求帮助)Who will you turn to when youre in trouble?3) 查阅,求助于When you e across a new word, turn to a dictionary.4) (把)转向turn ones attention to9.imagine1)+n. Try to imagine the desert on a very hot day.2) + clauseShe could not imagine what would happen after that.3) + doingTry to imagine being on the moon.4) sb. to beImagine yourself (to be) in his place.Can you imagine life without water?Can you imagine _ without water?Jack always imagines that he is a successful lawyer.Jack always imagines himself _ a successful lawyer.10.house1) The museum houses lots of modern arts.2) The government is planning to house the homeless.11.remains/ruins1) Most of the buildings have been destroyed. What we can see today are only the remains of them. 2) remain: v. to continue to exist/ to stay in the state of3) After 20 years, they remained best friends.4) After the great fire, nothing remained.12. together with: including, as well as, along with1) 200 school bags, together with 5000 books, were donated to Project Hope.2) We bought fruits, together with some vegetables.3) The teacher, together with his students, is going to the museum【设计说明】通过听写、翻译、造句、替换、填空、完句、情景活动操练语言点。Step 2 Making up a story with some of the language itemsAsk students to make up a story with some language items.【设计说明】以此检查学生对所学内容的掌握程度。Step 3 HomeworkAsk students to write a short story containing some language items.【设计说明】通过家庭作业,再次巩固所学内容。

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