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Module 7 Unit 2 She couldnt see or hear1教学目标 语言知识目标:功能:介绍人物的生平事迹语法:一般过去时(can 的过去式could 的用法)词汇:born, illness, round, all over the world语音:本课新授词汇中字母或字母组合的发音准确(如单词illness中e的发音等)语言技能目标:听:能听懂课文内容,能听懂含can, could结构的句子。说:能正确运用含有could, couldnt结构的句子读:能读懂课文,并能准确、流畅朗读课文。写:能根据图片或提示,书写本课目标语句。运用:能根据图片或提示,介绍人物的生平,并运用could, couldnt描述某人过去的能力。学习策略:习惯:养成主动预习的习惯,养成模仿地道语言的习惯,养成积极参加小组活动,大声说英语的习惯,养成积极思考,不懂就问及时纠错的习惯。交际:有效预学,主动合作,积极用英语交际,自我评价学习效果,总结有效学习方法。文化意识:了解中、西方身残志坚名人的事迹情感态度:养成面对困难不要退缩,面向阳光,努力,一切就有希望的生活态度。2学情分析 对于本课的重点现在一般过去时的运用六年级的学生已经能够掌握,但是部分学生对于could的用法还存在问题。在本节课中要通过preview checking以及补充练习帮助学生回忆正确用法,通过group work小组合作总结易错点,强化对could/couldnt的正确使用.本学年课堂重点关注的目标生有一班的董信康Kevin和二班的杨文泽Henry重点关注他们在两个易错点的表现。语音方面关注词的读音准确性,和课文朗读的流利。对于could/couldnt结构要格外关注目标生口头和笔头的准确性。另外对于学习能力强的学生要设计具有层次性的习题和活动。在details中设计开放性问题,retell环节表达准确,group work中总结归纳,进一步提升综合能力。3重点难点 教学重点:能运用带有could/couldnt结构的句子描述过去的能力。教学难点:易错单词的发音、连读:all over, month容易用错的结构: can/cant VS could/couldnt创设情境用could/couldnt结构在实际情况中运用Can, could 的熟练运用。否定句中and变成or的用法。4教学过程 活动1【导入】I. Preview Checking 预学检测 1. Watch the video about HelenKeller2. Guessing game(dividing two groups)3. Preview CheckingPreview Checking1.选词填空(illness born couldnt)Helen was_in the US in 1880. She had a (an)_at nineteen months old. So she_see or hear. But she could read.2.看图,完成句子(每空一词)HelenKeller was famous_活动2【讲授】II. Text Learning 课文学习 1. Enjoy the chant2. Text learning(1)General ideaWhy was Helen Keller famous?(2) Details7a. When was Helen Keller born?b. When did she have the illness?c. What did she do after she was ill?d. What did she do to help the blind people?3. Read a lot and try to retell.活动3【活动】III. Group work 合作探究 1. Read and write2. Discuss in groups about the rules3. Exercises& talk in class.活动4【练习】IV. Practice 巩固操练 1. Ask and answerThen guessWhere did I go?2. Discuss in pairs about the place you went to.活动5【练习】V. Production 拓展运用 1. Make a poster about a famous people and talk about him / her.2. Show your poster together to your classmates.活动6【测试】VI. Summary and Test 1. Sum up: What have we learnt today?2. Test 10I. 语音 判断下列单词中划线部分读音是否相同, 相同的写“”,不同的写“X”。(2)( ) 1. illness me ( ) 2. learn hearII. 单项填空 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 将序号写在前面的括号里。(4)( ) 1. She became blind _ sixteen months old.A. in B. at C. on( ) 2. Helen travelled _ the world and told her story.A.to B. with C. round( ) 3. Amy _ go out to play now. Its raining.A. could B. cant C. can( ) 4. I _ read when I was 1 year old.A. can B. could C. wasIII. 看图完成句子 (4)Helen_ see. But shetried hard. She learnt to _. 活动7【作业】VII. Homework 作业 必做:listen and recite the words and sentences选做:Recite the text and talk about your poster with your friends.

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