2019-2020年高一上学期段考英语试题 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高一上学期段考英语试题 含答案本试题共分四部分,满分为150分,考试用时120分钟。 第一节:听力理解 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)。请听下面4段材料,从题中所给的、项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。每段读两遍。请听第1段对话,回答第1至2题。1. When will the party begin?A. Around 6:30pm B. Around 7:30pm C. Around 8:30pm2. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The two speakers are close friends. B. Jim is holding a birthday party.C. The two speakers are on the phone. 请听第二段对话,回答第3到5题。3. What are the two speakers going to do this weekend?A. Have a party B. Go shopping. C. Play tennis4. When will the two speakers meet?A. Around 3:00 B. Around 2:30 C. Around 2:005. How many people are going to attend the activity?A. Two B. Three C. Four请听第三段独白,回答第6到8题。6. How old are the man and the womans two boys?A. Ten and eight B. Eight and four C. Four and two7. Where are the man and the woman?A. In the living room B. In the bedroom C. In the kitchen8. Where is the man going?A. To the next town B. To his hometown C. To a foreign country请听第四段对话,回答第9到10题。9. What date is it today?A. November 3rd B. November 4th C. November 5th 10. When will the woman see Doctor Li?A. At 5:00 pm today B. At 3:00pm tomorrow C. At 5:00pm tomorrow第二节:听取信息(每空1分,满分5分)听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息。(请把答案填入答卷标号为1115的空格中)TimeEventOther informationSince 1981Lived in 11 1991Came back to ChinaStudied in Nanjing No.5 High School1994-xxStudied English languageAfter 12 Traveled around the world giving 13 and telling people about Chinese culture.xxHelp poor students get accepted to study 14 programThis monthWill talk about studying 15 第二部分:语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项选择 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从1630各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案,并将答案在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。 16. Mary is the love of my life. I still remember that I met her _ the airport _ a snowy evening.A. in;atB. at;onC. on;byD. at; in17. Jack is pleased with _ you have given him. A. thatB. whatC. whichD. if18. Ill phone you if she _ this evening. In fact, she didnt tell me if she _.A. would e; will eB. will e, cameC. es; would eD. e; came19. Dont forget _ the light when you leave the office. A. switching over B. switching off C. to switch on D. to switch off20. Who do you guess _ where I _ just now?A. lie; layB. is lying; layC. lies; lainD. lied; laid21. Tomorrow _ my birthday. Il like you and your husband to e. Im glad to e, but Im not sure if he _ free.A. will be; isB. is going to be; hasC. is; isD. is; will be22. I try keeping the meeting short, _ waste everyones time.A. so as to not B. in order toC. in order not to D. not so as to 23. I _ for Beijing tonight for there is to be an important meeting.A. am leaving B. leavesC. left D. would leave24. I find _ interesting to do experiments in the lab. A. thisB. itC thatD. one25. The city of Mianyang lies _ three rivers meet.A. thatB. whatC. whenD. where26. What are you doing out of bed, Tom? Youre _ to be asleep.A. supposed B. knownC. thoughtD. considered27. Excuse me, I want to change my money. Where can I find a bank? I know _ nearyby. e on, Ill show you.A. thatB. itC. oneD. some28. Anne is a workaholic. Thats _ she finds no time for her family. A. whyB. becauseC. whatD. how29. This kind of flower needs special care _ it can live through winter. A. becauseB. so thatC. whileD. as30. Can you tell me _ the railway station? A. how can I get to B. how I can get toC. where can I get toD. where I can get to第二节:完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3145各题所给的A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项,并将答案在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。 Ill never forget the Christmas in 1946. My dad had died five years before and left Mom several school kids to 31 . A month before Christmas our church said they were 32 a special offering (捐赠) to help a poor family. We quickly decided to help without 33 .That month was one of the best of our lives. Well remember it forever. We took any job that we could 34 and saved each penny. We 35 the money every day to see how much we had got. We talked about how 36 the poor family would be when they had the money. The day before Christmas we 37 all our coins for three $20 bills and one $10 bill. We felt we were very rich.Then came the exciting Christmas morning. However, later that afternoon the minister (牧师) brought us a(n) 38 . Out of it fell some money - three $20 bills, one $10 bill and seventeen $1 bills. Suddenly, we were 39 because we felt we had nothing.That week I felt so 40 that I even wanted to leave school. Mom 41 us to church on Sunday although we didnt want to see anyone. A speaker was saying $100 would save a poor family in Africa. We became 42 for the first time in a week. Mom reached into her purse and 43 out the envelope. After a while the minister said excitedly that the offering was over $100. He hadnt expected such a large offering from our small 44 . He said, “There must be rich people here.” Suddenly it hit us! We had given $87! We were the rich family! From that day on Ive never been 45 again.31. A. teachB. leadC. changeD. raise32. A. planningB. acceptingC. enjoyingD. bringing33. A. thinkingB. givingC. writingD. listening34. A. affordB. offerC. findD. create35. A. paidB. countedC. gotD. borrowed36. A. thankfulB. nervousC. worriedD. bored37. A. savedB. changedC. spentD. returned38. A. boxB. noteC. envelopeD. gift39. A. richB. excitedC. specialD. sad40. A. relaxedB. braveC. hopelessD. surprised41. A. tookB. showedC. sentD. followed42. A. sickB. tiredC. happyD. famous43. A. keptB. pulledC. turnedD. put44. A. classB. churchC. familyD. room45. A. angryB. healthyC. quietD. poor第三部分:阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项, 并将答案在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。 (A)Football T-shirts are more monly connected with boys than girls. This can often cause a problem when you want to find a cool shirt for a girl. That is not to say that there are no cool shirts out there for girls to wear. The problem is that they are often harder to find than the ones for boys.You can get custom (订制的) shirt printed for girls from a number of custom print stores. Of course you have to make sure that they are legally allowed to use the logos(商标)and colours of the team you want to support.You can also go through official channels to get the shirt you want. The official channels will generally be the large sportswear stores or the official stores of the teams. These stores will be able to use the colours of the teams and even put the name of the person who the shirt is for on it.If you do not feel like you have to try the T-shirts on, then an online store may be your best choice. The reason for this is that you can visit various stores and find the best ones.If you want to see what the T-shirt looks like in real life, then going to a store is the best choice. Large sportswear stores often have football shirts. These are the best places to go if you do not live close to an official store. And these stores usually have lower prices than the official stores.46. According to the text, football T-shirts _. A. are all made by boysB. are seldom loved by girls C. are only designed for boysD. are difficult to find for girls47. According to the text, custom print stores _. A. could use any colours and logos as they likeB. should be operated by the football teams C. could print anything that official stores sellD. should legally use your favourite logos48. If you want to get a T-shirt from official sportswear stores, _. A. you could get your favourite one free of charge B. you can design it according to your own will C. you can choose the colours of the team you like D. you will have to print it later in some other places49. If you dont need to try the T-shirts on, you can visit _. A. official storesB. online storesC. large sportswear storesD. custom print stores50. What kind of readers is this passage for? A. Football players.B. Clothes store owners. C. Female football fans.D. Physical education teacher (B)The earthquake that shook Japan on March 11, xx was the strongest earthquake in that countrys recorded history and the fourth strongest recorded on Earth since 1900. It cracked open the ground, knocked people off their feet, and made tall buildings move. Then things got even worse.It created huge waves called a tsunami (海啸). Walls of water as tall as 30 feet flooded into the coast and swept six miles inland, wiping out everything in the way.Many human survivors were separated from their pets. Many animal lovers went out of their way to help pets in need after the tsunami. And some pets helped their owners, too.When Kamata heard the tsunami alert (警报), he decided to visit his neighbours to warn them of the ing danger. He put his dog, Shane, in the yard so they could leave as soon as he returned. But later, as he headed home, the tsunami flooded into the city, destroying his path. Kamata was forced to run to higher ground, to a school that served as a shelter. He feared he would never see Shane again.Six hours later, Kamata heard that a dog was waiting outside the school. He went to look: Its Shane! The dog swam through the tsunami and found Kamata, even though Shane had never been to the school.After the huge earthquake ended, 83-year-old Tami Akanuma thought that she and her small dog, Babu, were safe. But Babu was anything but calm. She cried and walked worriedly, as if really wanting to go for a walk. Thats strange, since Babu didnt like taking walks. But Akanuma took her out.Outside, Babu headed up a hill instead of toward their normal route near the water. When Akanuma slowed down, the little dog pulled her higher. Once they reached the hilltop, Akanuma looked back and was surprised: The path they had taken was flooded and her home had been destroyed by fast-flowing water. Little Babu helped his owner escape in time.51. What are the first two paragraphs about? A. A brief introduction to the earthquake.B. The strongest earthquake in history C. The influence of the tsunamiD. The cause of the tsunami.52. Why did Kamata think he would never see Shane again? A. He couldnt go back home to take Shane. B. He was afraid Shane had been killed by the tsunami. C. He thought Shane had been taken away by his neighbour. D. He feared Shane didnt know he was at the shelter then.53. Why did Kamata run to a school? A. The road to his home had been destroyed by water.B. The school was the nearest place to him. C. He went there to look for Shane.D. He didnt want to go home then.54. Which of the following best describes Shane? A. Shy.B. Honest.C. Loving.D. Patient.55. Babu cried and walked worriedy because _. A. he felt a great flood was ingB. he was frightened by the tsunami C. he wanted to go out for a walkD. he was afraid of being left alone(C)The clock rules our lives. The more we try to save time, the less time we seem to have. In every area of our lives we are doing things faster. And many of us live in towns and cities which are getting noisier and more stressful as each day passes. But now a worldwide movement, whose aim is to slow life down, has started. Its supporters are people who believe that a happier and healthier way of life is possible.The Slow Food movement was founded the day that an Italian journalist, Carlo Petrini, saw that McDonalds had opened a restaurant in a beautiful square in Rome. He thought it was sad that many people today live too quickly to sit down for a proper meal and only eat much fast food. He decided that he had to try to do something about it and so he started the Slow Food movement. Slow Food has bee a global organization ever since and now has more than 80,000 members in 100 countries. Slow Food also encourages people to eat local and regional food, to use local shops and markets, to eat out in small family restaurants, and to cook with traditional recipes. The idea of Slow Cities was inspired by the Slow Food movement. The aim of Slow Cities is to improve peoples quality of life. Towns which want to bee a Slow City have to reduce traffic and noise, increase the number of green areas, plant trees, build pedestrian(行人) zones, and promote local businesses and traditions. Now it has spread to other countries all over the world, from the UK to Japan and Australia. There are now 135 Slow Cities in 24 countries across the world that have been named since founding of the organization in xx. Gao Chun County, in east Chinas Jiangsu Province, is expected to be named the first “Slow City” in China next year.“Slow Cities are about having a munity life in the town,” said a local resident. “It is not slow as in stupid. It is slow as in the opposite of worried and stressful.”But not everybody is happy. For teenagers, who have to go 25km to Norwich, the nearest city, to buy CDs, living in a Slow City is not very attractive. “Its all right here,” says Lewis Cook, 16. “But if you want excitement, you have to go to Norwich. We need more things here for young people.”56. Whats the aim of the Slow Food movement? A. To call on people to eat out.B. To make people enjoy cooking. C. To drive McDonalds out of RomeD. To encourage people to slow down.57. All the following are necessary to be a Slow City EXCEPT _. A. reducing traffic and noiseB. increasing the number of green areas C. building more department storesD. promoting local businesses and traditions58. From the fourth paragraph, we know that _. A. the Slow Food was founded in xxB. there is no Slow City in China now C. Slow Cities are mainly in the UKD. there are about 24 Slow Cities in the world59. Whats Lewis Cooks attitude to living in a Slow City?A. Positive (肯定的) B. Neutral (中立的) C. Negative (否定的) D. Indifferent (漠不关心的)60. What would be the best title for the passage? A. Slow down and youll enjoy your lifeB. Time flies never to be recalled. C. Eat slowly and youll be healthy.D. Pay attention to the quality of life.第二节:信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 请阅读下列应用文和相关信息,按照要求匹配信息,并将答案在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑(选项中有一项是多余的)。如选E请在答题卡上涂AB,如选F请在答题卡上涂CD首先,阅读下面六种舞蹈介绍:A. Cha-ChaIt is a very famous ballroom dance. Created in Cuba, it includes African and Cuban rhythms (节奏). It is an energetic dance. The cha-cha requires very small steps because of its rhythm.B. WaltzIt is a romantic ballroom dance in the triple time with a strong accent on the first beat. The dance is smooth and graceful in performance. The waltz was introduced to the United States via (经由) England in the early 19 century. C. Hip-hopHip-hop refers to street dance styles. Hip-hop allows the dance to experience plete freedom while moving across the floor. With no age restriction (限制) to learn this dance form, it remains as one of the most popular styles to everyone, especially for the young. D. TangoIt is a ballroom dance of Latin-American origin. Some people think it is a bit more difficult than waltz. In the early years of the twentieth century, the first European tango craze (狂热) took place in Paris, soon followed by London, Berlin, and other capitals.E. BalletIt is a theatrical presentation of group or solo dancing to a musical acpaniment, usually with costume and scenic effect, conveying a story or theme. The earlier years of ballet training is strict, with regular guidance and practice under the watchful eyes of an experienced teacher. F. Samba It is a Brazilian ballroom dance of African origin. The music of Samba is one of the most popular forms of music in Brazil. It is widely recognized as Brazils national musical style. Samba is a lively, rhythmical dance. The basic movement involves a straight body and a bending of one knee at a time. The feet move very slightly only a few inches at a time. 阅读以下有关人员的信息,然后为他或她选择合适的舞蹈。61. Li Ming used to be a shy boy in high school, but since he came to Guangzhou University, he has bee an optimistic and energetic boy. This term he wants to learn a dance which is suitable for young people and can give him much freedom. 62. Dancing has always been Wang Gangs favorite activity since he was five. He has already learned how to dance the waltz, fox, and some other simple styles of dance. Recently he is fascinated by Latin-American dance. This time he wants to learn a kind of ballroom dance with more difficult skills. 63. Huang Qiang likes dancing very much. When he was four years old, his parents paid much to let him learn ballet. He likes the famous play Swan Lake. He wants to go on learning more and to perform at the New Years evening party.64. In the town where Gao Mei lives, dancing is very popular with young people. She is going to invite her classmate Kate to learn some rhythmical dance which can make people full of energy. 65. After watching football matches, Zhang Ning is impressed by Brazilian footballers. To celebrate their victory, they often dance their national dance for a while. Zhang Ning was fascinated by their movements. He made up his mind to learn the dance.第四部分:书面表达(共四节,满分50分)第一节:单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式(请在答案卷上写出完整的单词)。66. My baby is s_ from a bad cold now and I hope he can recover soon.67. Too much work puts much p_ on me.68. To r_ stress, you need to take more exercise.69. He finally s_ the problem without any help.70. To tell the t_, we could have avoided many mistakes.71. How did you bee an _ (专家) on puters?72. TV and newspapers nowadays are full of _ (广告).73. He is busy _ (组织) an English party.74. The man in the _ (远处) is shooting at a bird.75. _ (正式的) dress is expected in wedding ceremonies.第二节:单句语法填空(共10题,每小题1分,满分10分) 请按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词(请把答案填入答卷标号为76-85的空格中)。 76. Dont be late, Carl. The train _ (start) at 6:30 in the morning.77. I bought the same coffee _ we had had at Mrs Dawsons.78. _ (chat) with friends on QQ is relaxing.79. A couch potato is someone _ watches too much of television.80. He prefers to be misunderstood rather than _ (give) away the secret.81. She is said _ (be) the first volunteer in our village.82. Students can bee very _ (stress) when they are waiting for the results of the exams.83. The table needs _. (clean)84. _ (fortune), he didnt performed well in the interview and failed to get the job.85. A goal is something that cause us _ (move) in the direction we have chosen.第三节: 完成句子(共25个空,每空1分,满分25分) 根据所给汉语及英语提示完成下列句子,每空一词(请把答案填入答卷标号为86-94的空格中)。 86. 我不能忍受仅仅为了一张票排队等3个小时。I cant _ _ in a line for 3 hours for just a ticket.87. 直到上周我才得知这个消息。I _ kn


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