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What did she have for lunch?编 写 者 执 教 者 执教时间 版 本外研社版学 科英语册 数五年级(下册)单 元Module2 Unit1课 题What did she have for lunch?课 时教学目标i. What did she have for lunch? She had sandwiches.ii.掌握词汇:email, sandwich, delicious sandwich德育教学目标培养学生的按时就餐以及合理就餐的习惯。教学重点运用任务的完成,即对中外的食物和饮食习惯进行综合描述。 教学难点能准确对中外的食物和饮食习惯进行综合描述。教学准备 CD-ROM Radio Objects Pictures 教学板块教与学预设(师生活动)教学重构(修改意见)前置性作业自学本课单词email, sandwich, delicious sandwich预习课文 理解课文的意思 找出本课的重点句型,能读会译教学过程课前3分钟内容:用what 造句,学生随便说Step:启动环节1.Sing an English song.2.Daily Talk between T and Ss. About the daily life.Step:复习、导入1.A game:老师运用简笔画在黑板上画食物的一部分,让学生来猜。2.复习食物单词:通过画,实物和课件出示食物。采用过卡片的形式对单词进行复习,为课文的学习打下基础。3.复习句型:Children, yesterday I had some delicious food.(用卡片学习单词,贴黑板)I had cakes, sausages and hamburgers. -What about you?- I like 4.下达任务:Just now,you said so many traditional Chinese food. Do you know any traditional food in England?你们知道英国的传统食物有哪些吗?昨天Lingling在英国吃了那些传统的英国食物吗?Lets see!Step: 任务准备1.Listen and say.2.To teach the words: email, sausage, sandwich, chip, delicious, dinner, (采用领读-点读-开火车-齐读等方式学习单词) 3.Listen and tick:完成课堂用书P6的问题。4.Read the passage after the tape. And answer the questions:1) What did she have for breakfast yesterday?-She had eggs and sausages.2) What did she have for lunch?-She had sandwiches.3) What did she have for dinner?-She had fish and chips.6.学习核心句型:鼓励学生当小老师来领读句型,老师适当纠正学生的语音语调。7.Open the books, read the passage after the tape sentence by sentence.8.Work in pairs to read .9.Feedback.Step: 任务完成1.教师给出食物的图片,老师进行示范描述。-What did she have for ?-I had 2.Work in pairs. 3.Feedback.Step: 总结1.学生总结:2.教师总结:Step: 作业1. Finish the exercises on the activity book P4. 2. Write the new words and sentences. 板书设计Module 2 Unit 1 What did she have for lunch? What did she have for lunch? She had sandwiches. 教后随记

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