2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 A land of diversity Using Language同步练习 新人教版选修8.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 A land of diversity Using Language同步练习 新人教版选修8.单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1(原创)Research_that men find it easier to give up smoking than women.AdisplaysBsuggestsCexpresses Dindicates答案:D本题题意:研究表明,男人比女人更容易戒烟。indicate表示“表明;显示”。2(原创)She wrote me a letter so_; she is not angry with me.Aapparently BespeciallyCexactly Dspecially答案:A本题题意:她给我写了一封信,所以看来她没有生我的气。apparently表示“看来;显然”。3I meant to mail the letter, but it entirely_my memory.AslippedBoccurredCslid Dremoved答案:A本题题意:我本来准备发这封信的,却完全给忘掉了。slip ones memory/mind表示“忘掉;不记得”。4(原创)Oh, I just remembered something! I have to apply_a passport.AtoBforCwithDon答案:B本题题意:喔,我刚刚想起一件事!我需要去申请一个护照。apply (to sb/sth) (for sth) 表示“(通常以书面形式)申请,请求”。5(原创)I understood the words I heard, but couldnt seem to_their meaning.Aseize BcatchCgrasp Dhold答案:C本题题意:我听懂了那些字眼,但似乎还不懂其真正的含义。grasp ones meaning表示“理解某人的意思”。6(原创)The third and fourth grade _to decorate the gym for the party.Atook upBteamed upCturned upDpicked up答案:B本题题意:三、四年级的学生一起合作,为联谊会布置体育馆。team up (with sb) 表示“合作”。7(原创)In doing my reading, I often_what I regard as important in a book.Amark outBpick outCturn outDfill out答案:A本题题意:读书的时候,常在书上把我所认为要紧的处所标出。mark sth out 表示“画出界限;画出边界;用线画出范围”。8(原创)Her lecture_all the recent developments in the subject.Abrings inBtakes inCgets inDturns in答案:B本题题意:她的讲座将该学科的新发展全部包罗在内。take in表示“包括;囊括;包含”。9(原创)Most people would agree that nuclear science should be developed to benefit the human beings_harm them.Amore thanBrather thanCother thanDbetter than答案:B本题题意:大多数人认为, 发展核科学的目的是造福人类而不是对人类有害。rather than表示“而不是”。10. (原创)I am a reporter from an Indian English newspaper: I think I have e to understand why China has made such rapid progress,_Indias progress is so slow.AthatBwhichCasDwhile答案:D本题题意:我是印度的英文报纸记者,我想我今天明白了为什么中国进步得这么快,但印度进展却这么慢。while表示“(对比两件事物)而;然而”。.完成句子根据相关的汉语提示,完成下列句子。每空仅限一个单词。1他直接前往巴黎,未在任何地方停留过。He _ _to Paris without stopping anywhere.2当潜水者去探险,他们就开始进入了一个全新的领域。 The divers enter in on a whole new world when they _ _.3在中国,BBC电台已和新浪网联手给英语学习者提供类似的学习机会,使他们即使在上班途中也能学习英语。In China, the BBC has _ _with Sina to provide English learners with similar opportunities_ _they can learn English while traveling to work.4他们用白漆把网球场地划了出来。They_ _the tennis court with white paint.5我的酒店在哪里?我该走哪条路呢?Where is my hotel? Which is_ _ _ _?6你的谎言骗不了我。 I am not to be_ _by your lies.7你对本市的各地都已经很了解了吗?Do you have_ _ _ _where everything is at in town?8我们上星期才搬的家,还没安顿下来呢。We only moved house last week and we havent_ _yet.9她已和许多人一起申请参加训练。_ _ _many others, she_ _a training place.10请等一等就轮到为您服务了。Please wait until_ _ _ _to be served.答案:1.went straight2.go exploring3.teamed up; so that4marked out5.the way to go6.taken in7.a good idea of8.settled in9.In mon with; applied for10.it is your turn.完形填空阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。I was 15 months old, a happy carefree kid.until the day I fell. It was a bad_1_. I landed on a glass rabbit that cut my eye badly enough to_2_it. My mom found a doctor who knew that if the eye was_3_entirely, my face would grow up badly distorted(扭曲的), so my scarred,_4_, cloudy and gray eye lived on with me.Sometimes people, even strangers, asked me_5_questions or made hurtful remarks. When the kids played games, I was always the“monster”. I_6_imagining that everyone looked at me with disdain(轻蔑)Yet mom would say to me,_7_every turn,“Hold your head up high and face the world.”It became what I_8_on.As a child, I thought mom_9_“Be careful or you will fall down or bump(碰撞)into something because you are not looking.” As a_10_, even though I tended to look down to hide my_11_, I found that sometimes when I held my head up high, people would like me.In high schoo I was even elected class president;_12_on the inside I still felt like a freak(怪物). All I really wanted was to look like everyone else._13_things got really bad, I would cry to my mom and she would look at me with_14_eyes and say,“Hold your head up high and face the world. Let them see the_15_that is inside.”When I met the man who became my partner for life, we_16_each other straight in the eye, and he told me I was beautiful inside and out.My moms love and_17_was the spark(火花)that gave me the confidence to overe my own doubt. I had_18_hardships headon, and learned not only to appreciate myself but to have deep_19_for others.“Hold your head up high” has been heard many times in my home. Each of my children has felt its invitation. The gift my mom gave me_20_in another generation.文章大意:作者小时候因意外造成一只眼睛失明,她一直觉得很羞愧,但是妈妈一直鼓励她要“抬起头,面对这个世界”。最终作者走出了自己的心理阴影,组成了一个美好的家庭,同时作者也用这句话教育着自己的下一代。1A.fall BwoundCexercise Dchoice答案:A由上文的I fell可知此处选A。这次跌得很厉害。2A.slow BweakenCblind Dblack答案:C由上文可知,我跌落到一只玻璃兔上,它足以将我的眼睛刺瞎。blind是动词,意为“使看不见”。3A.defended BrenewedCassociated Dremoved答案:D医生说如果完全移除这只受伤的眼睛,我的脸部会变得畸形。defend“防卫”;renew“更新”;assocate“和有联系”;remove“移走”。4A.endless BsightlessCcareless Dpriceless答案:B所以我那只带有疤痕的、失明的、浑浊的、灰白的眼睛就被保留了下来。endless“无尽头的”;sightless“失明的”;careless“粗心的”;priceless“无价的”。5A.embarrassing BsurprisingCdemanding Dcharming答案:A有时候,甚至陌生人也会问我一些令我难堪的问题。embarrassing“使人害羞的/难堪的”;surprising“令人吃惊的”;demanding“很费力的”;charming“令人着迷的”。6A.teamed up Bended upCturned up Dgrew up答案:D想象着所有的人都蔑视着我,我长大了。7A.in BatCfor Don答案:B然而,妈妈每次总是对我说:“昂起你的头,面对这个世界!”at every turn“每次”。8A.relied BmentedCattended Dcame答案:A她的话就是我的依靠。rely on“依靠”;ment on“评论”;attend on“照顾”;e on“跟着来,进展”。9A.functioned BapproachedCmeant Dunderstood答案:C当我是个小孩子时,我认为妈妈的意思就是:当心;不然你会跌倒mean“意味着”。10A.kid BrepresentativeCsuccess Dteenager答案:D联系上文的As a child和下文的In high school可知选teenager。kid“小孩子”;representative“代表”;success“成功的人”。11A.heart BshameCsight Dcuriosity答案:B虽然我打算把自己的羞愧藏起来,但是我发现当我昂起头,人们就会喜欢我。12A.however BinsteadCanyway Dbesides答案:A在高中时,我被选为班长,然而在内心深处我仍然感觉自己像个怪物。13A.Until BBecauseCWhen DSince答案:C当情形变得十分糟糕时,我常常会对妈妈哭诉。when“当时”。14A.strange BparticularCstrict Dloving答案:D妈妈总是用慈爱的(loving)目光看着我。15A.beauty BeaseCdefence Dfantasy答案:A由下文的“and he told me I was beautiful inside and out”可知选beauty。ease“轻松”;defence“防卫”;fantasy“幼想,怪念头”。16A.stared BlookedCgreeted Dpreserved答案:B当我遇到我生命中的另一半时,我直视着对方。look sb. in the eye“直视,正视”。17A.amusement BpromotionCencouragement Dindication答案:C妈妈的爱和鼓励点燃了我的自信,促使我克服困难。 amusement“娱乐”;promotion“提升”;encouragement“鼓励”;indication“暗示”。18A.faced BdeservedCreserved Dswept答案:A我勇于直面困难。face“面对”。19A.attraction BdoubtCtrouble Dsympathy答案:D我不但学会了欣赏自己,还学会了同情别人。attraction“吸引”;doubt“怀疑”;trouble“麻烦”;sympathy“同情”。20A.takes on Bbrings onCdepends on Dlives on答案:D妈妈给我的礼物继续影响着我的下一代。take on“呈现”;bring on“引进”;depend on“依靠”;live on“继续存在”。.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。It took me a long time to go through all your responses to our last video game story(“The Violent Side of Video Games”), and I learned a lot. Many of you, for example, pointed out correctly that I should have played the games I wrote about first, or at least researched the details. I apologize for making mistakes in the way I described certain games. pointed out correctly that I should have played the games I wrote about first, or at least researched the details. I apologize for making mistakes in the way I described certain games. In retrospect, I wish I had been able to give them a try.What interested us most about your ments was how long, thoughtful, and even emotional they were. The subject obviously struck a nerve. Lots of you pointed out that video games should e with ratings, like movies do. You said that parents should take responsibility for keeping their young children away from Mrated games. Many of you argued that kids can and should be able to tell the difference between real life and makebelieve. An overwhelming number of respondents found it hard to believe that there is a link betwen video games and violent behavior because of respondents found it hard to believe that there is a link between video games and violent behavior because they themselves are not violent people.Carefully designed research studies are the best way to distinguish between personal opinion and scientifically solid facts. I tried to address both in the next story, and Im sure youll let me know how well I do. In the meantime, here are some of your thoughts about the topic we covered last time.(I touched up spelling and grammar erros, but left your thoughts intact.)Im eager to hear what you have to say next.EmilyYes, video games desensitize people, but so do movies and television shows. Blaming children being violent on games and such isnt right. Parents who are too busy living their own lives to pay attention to their kids are to blame more than games. Soon, someone will say that playing with cowboys and Indians, or playing with toy soldiers, is bad for young children.Akemi, 22I have been playing video games for a large majority of my life. I(as many of my friends)do not like these violent video games because they are violent, but they create a great form of petition between my friends and me.Curtis, 17.I think that while, yes, video games may contribute_to violence, there are many other factors for the kids to allow the violence to affect them.Heather, 16 pbs. org/kcts/videogamerevolution/impact/myths.html: go there and read it. Video games dont cause violence, socity does.Bob, 16.文章大意:文章列举了人们对网络游戏的不同看法,孩子玩暴力游戏是否真的会变得比较暴力?1What is the article mainly telling us?ADifferent descriptions of video games.BVarious ments of video games.CDifferent functions of video games.DVarious experiences about video games.答案:B本题考查文章的主旨大意。从全文来看,作者列举了许多人对网络游戏的的评论。2From the 1st paragraph we can infer that peoples attitudes to the last video game story were_.Aneutral BpositiveCnot clear Dnot quite content答案:D本题考查推理判断。从第一段第二句中“.I should have played the games I wrote about first, or at least researched the details. I apologize for making mistakes.”可知。3By reading the second paragraph we can see that_.Apeople have similar opinions of video gamesBpeople have different opinions about video gamesCpeople are always arguing with each other for no reasonDpeople are confused by the video games答案:B推理判断题。文章第二段中一些人认为电子游戏也应当像电影一样分级,家长有责任不让孩子接触M级的电子游戏;一些人认为孩子们能够而且应该分清什么是真实的生活,什么是虚幻的东西;还有许多人很难相信电子游戏与孩子们的暴力行为有关系。由此不难推出人们对电子游戏的看法是不同的。4In the last but one paragraph, the underlined phrase“contribute to”means“_”Ahelp to decrease Bcause damage toChelp to increase Dhelp to fight with答案:C词义猜测题。这里的意思是:“尽管这里有很多其他因素”可知,这里是“尽管电子游戏可能真的会增加(孩子们的)暴力(倾向)”的意思。5After reading Curtis ment, we can know that_.Ahe wasnt fond of violent gamesBhe never played violent gamesChe loved playing violent gamesDhe played violent games for his friends答案:A本题是推理判断题。从文中倒数第三段第二句“I(as many of my friends)do not like these violent video games”可知答案为A。选 做 题.短文改错此题要求改正短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行做出判断:如无错误,在答题卡相应的位置上画一个勾();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:此行多一个词:把多余的词写在答题卡相应的位置上,用斜线()划掉。此行缺一个词:在答题卡相应的位置上写出该加的词,并附带前(后)词。此行错一个词:在答题卡相应的位置上写出该错词和改正后的词。注意:原行没有错的不要改。(焦作市xxxx高二水平测试)Dear editor,I am a high school student. I have problem to ask1._you for help. A few days before, one of my very good2._friend told me that he was going to leave school.3._He said that he wanted to start his owns business. I tried4._my best to get him to change his mind, and I failed.5._I realize it is difficult of me to persuade him. He6._is not doing so good in his studies. The process is7._more important than the result. Now there are only8._90 days being left before the test. I am not sure9._his decision is right or wrong. I needed your advice.10._Gao Fei答案:1.havea2.beforeago3.friendfriends4.ownsown5.andbut6.offor7.goodwell8.9.去掉being10.neededneed.短文改错新题型假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。(浙江省嘉兴市0910xx高二上学期期末检测)I had never interested in sports, unlike most of my classmates. After the school they would take part in either a basketball and a football game, while I stayed inside all by myself. After some times, I came to realize that I had to change all this when I intended to get along well with others. So, one weekend, at the great surprise of all my classmates. I announced that I want to go to the football game with them. I thought by join my classmates in sports. I would not feel lonely, but in the end I might even e to like sports as many as my classmates did.答案:I had never interested in sports, unlike most of my classmates. After the school they would take part in either a basketball a football game, while I stayed inside all by myself. After some , I came to realize that I had to change all this I intended to get along well with others. So, one weekend, the great surprise of all my classmates. I announced that I to go to the football game with them. I thought by my classmates in sports. I would not feel lonely, in the end I might even e to like sports as as my classmates did.补全对话从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案标号填写在本题下面相应题号后的横线上。选项中有两项多余选项。(贵州省贵阳市xx届高三适应性考试)I saw you on the news last night, Jack. _1_Well, I was walking alone on the beach when I heard someone calling out for help. I looked up, and saw a little boy up on the cliff, stuck there._2_Well, my first thought was to run and get help, but the boy was crying, looking as if he would fall off the cliff at any moment._3_The rocks were very loose. You know, and I even slipped a couple of times.Sounds frightening. When happened next?I reached the boy but couldnt get him down._4_.So what did you do?Well, _5_Pretty soon there was a small crowd on the beach but no one knew what to do, and then someone called the Coast Rescue Service.Wow! That was really adventurous.AWe were both stuck.BI called the police.CI called for help.DWhat did you do then?ESo I climbed up to get him down.FSo tell us where you were walking?GSo tell us what happened.答案:15GDEAC.对话填空:请认真阅读下面对话,并根据各题所给首字母的提示,在答题卡上标有题号的横线上,写出一个英语单词的完整、正确形式,使对话通顺。(江西省上饶市0910xx高二下学期期末)A:e in. What can I do for you?B:Professor Smith, are you giving your advanced maths (1)c_again next term?A:Yes, Im (2)p_on it.B:I (3)w_if I could take the course. I know its a senior course and Im only a (4)j_, but.A:Youre a bit young. Ive allowed seniors to take the course and they usually have a hard time (5)k_up.B:I know, but maths is my (6)f_subject. Last term I took Professor Bakers course and I didnt find it (7)h_for me.A:I (8)s_. Well, Ill speak to Professor Baker, (9)i_he think youre ready. Ill let you take it.B:Thank you. Professor Smith, thats (10)r_very nice of you.答案:1.course2.planning3.wonder4.junior5.keeping6.favorite7.hard8.see9.if10.really.任务型读写 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。(安徽省蚌埠市xx年高三第三次质检)Educating girls quite possibly yields a higher rate of return than any other investment (投资)available in the developing world. Womens education may be unusual territory for economists(经济学家), but enhancing womens contribution to development is actually as much an economic as a social issue. And economics(经济因素), with its emphasis on incentives, provides guideposts that point to an explanation for why so many girls are deprived(剥夺)of an education.Parents in lowine countries fail to invest(投资)in their daughters because they do not expect them to make an economic contribution to the family: girls grow up only to marry into somebody elses family and bear children. Girls are thus seen as less valuable than boys and are kept at home to do housework while their brothers are sent to schoolthe prophecy (预言) bees selffulfilling, trapping women in a vicious circle (恶性循环) of neglect.An educated mother, on the other hand, has greater earning abilities outside the home and faces an entirely different set of choices. She is likely to have fewer but healthier children and can insist on the development of all her children, ensuring that her daughters are given a fair chance. The education of her daughters then makes it much more likely that the next generation of girls, as well as of boys, will be educated and healthy.Few will dispute that educating women has great social benefits. But it has enormous economic advantages as well. Most obviously, there is the direct effect of education on the wages of female workers. Wages rise by 10 to 20 per cent for each additional year of schooling. Such big returns are impressive by the standard of other available investments, but they are just the beginning. Educating women also has a significant impact on health practices, including family planning.Topic:The significance of female (1)_in developing countriesOpinionEducating girls is more(2)_than any other investment.FamiliesFrom lowinefamiliesFrom educatedmothers familiesAttitudesGirls are of less(3)_than boys.Development should be for all(4)_(5)_There is(6)_investment in daughters.Girls are made to stay at home, (7)_housework.Girls and boys have(8)_chances.SignificanceEducating girls(9)_to social benefits, having a significant impact on health practices, including family planning.(10)_Educating girls in developing countries is important and rewarding.1._2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._答案:1.education2.beneficial/rewarded/valuable3value/importance/significance4.children5.Practices/Measures6.no/little7.doing8.fair/equal/same9.contributes/leads10.Conclusion

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