2019-2020年高中英语 Module 4《Music》教案 外研版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 4Music教案 外研版选修6Teaching aims:1. To know about some English vocabulary related to music.2. To have a discussion about music and express their own opinions freely.3. To develop the Ss speaking ability by practicing saying the familiar topic.Important and difficult points:1. Get the Ss to know about as much music knowledge as possible.2. Enable the students to recognize some musical instruments.3. Arouse the students interests in music.Teaching procedures:SpeakingLead-inFirstly, ask the students “How many kinds of music do you know?”Then ask them to speak the general categories about music as follow: Rock musicPopular musicClassical musicmusicJazz Symphony Folk musicTraditional Chinese music After this, continue to ask the students “Which kind of music do you like best? Why?” to encourage the students to express their opinions freely.And then, develop the Ss speaking ability by practicing saying the familiar topic as follows:Activity 1Work in groups of four to answer the questions and make a list of your answers:1. What is your favourite kind of music?2. How long have you been listening to it?3. When do you listen to music?4. How do you listen to music?5. Why do you listen to music?Activity 2 Write a short report about the music interests and habits of your group. Use these expressions:My favourite kind of music is but Yangs favorite music isMy favorite artist isIve been listening to musicfor/sinceI like listening to music when ImIntroductionStep 1. Leading-inFirstly, lead in by playing a piece of music Liang zhu(梁祝)played by violin or Guzheng for the students to listen. Then ask them “What kind of musical instrument is the piece of music played by?”Next, brainstorm musical instruments: “How many kinds of musical instruments do you know?” At the same time, in order to make the students know about some English vocabulary related to music, show the students some pictures and ask them to recognize the musical instruments as follows:brain-storming:Are you familiar with these instruments?drumpiano Musical instrumentsviolinerhu After this, say to the students, “Most of you are familiar with these musical instruments. Today well know more Chinese and western musical instruments. Now lets know more musical instruments.” flutesaxophoneguitarStep 2. Activity 1 Continue telling the Ss that the following photos are almost the same with those of their book on page 31. And ask them to look at the photos of Chinese and western musical instruments and answer the following questions.1. Which instruments have strings?2. Which Chinese and western instruments look similar.3. Which of the instruments does the musician hold when he / she is playing?Step 3. Activity 2 Ask the students to look at the pictures and read the information about Chinese and Western musical instruments.The konghou is an instrument with strings. It came to China from the West during the Han Dynasty about 2,000 years ago.The guzheng has been used for more than 2,300 years.It looks like a table harp. The pipa is a lute with four strings and is a relative of the European lute. It came to China from Central Asia in the fourth century. The yueqin is a round instrument like a mandolin. It was called qinpipa during the Han Dansty.Step 4. DiscussionGet the students to discuss the following questions with other students.1. How many of the above Chinese instruments have you heard?2. Do you know any artists who play them?Teaching aims and demands: To learn about some vocabulary and knowledge related to music. To catch the general idea of the whole passage. To understand the affection of the author. To be good at grasping the key words and recognizing the new words according to the context. To develop their love and interests in music by knowing more about some musicians.Teaching key points:To make the students grasp the usage of some vocabulary and phrases.Teaching difficulty:To develop their reading abilities and the awareness of the appreciation. Teaching aid:Multi-media Teaching procedures: Step 1. Fast reading Activity 1 Ask the students to read through the text quickly and find out the information about Liu FangYear of birthHometownThe place she is living nowThe school she went toThe person who first taught her the instrumentsThe musical instruments she playsActivity 2 Ask the students to find out the answers to the following questions, while listening and reading the text: 1. How many the musical instruments she plays? 2. What has an influence on her in her music career? 3.Whats her ambition regarding Chinese music?Answers: The pipa, the guzheng, the yueqin.The main influence is traditional singing. she wish to introduce classical Chinese pipa and guzheng music to every corner of the world. Step 2. Intensive readingActivity 1 Ask the students to match the words with their meanings:concert conservatory repertoire soloist technique tune1. a musician who performs alone _2. a way of doing something, for example, playing an instrument _3. another word for melody or in the air _4. an event where musicians play _5. all the pieces of music that a musician can play _6. a school where musicians study _Answers: 1.soloist 2. technique 3. tune 4. concert 5. repertoire 6. conservatoryActivity 2 Ask the students to plete the following sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.challenge bine interpret silence title traditional1. She likes to _ musical styles from east and west. 2. What is the _of the piece she played? 3. I like listening to _Chinese folk songs. 4. Its a great _ to play an instrument like the pipa. 5. Sometimes there is a long _in the middle of the piece. 6.I like the way she _classical pieces. Answers:1. bine 2. title 3. traditional 4. challenge 5. silence 6. interpretsActivity 3 Ask the Ss to read part 1 of the passage and explain the following references.1).during her visit to China. Who visited China? 2).each one has its special way of interpreting the classical pieces. Each what? 3)The same is true of my second instrument. What is true about the second instrument? Keys:1. (The Queen of England) 2. (Pipa school) 3. (To respect traditional but add her own style when playing)Activity 4 Ask the Ss to read part 2 of the passage and choose the correct answers.1. When people listen to her playing,_. (a) they also hear her singing (b) they think they can hear her singing 2. Liu Fang thinks that _. (a) Chinese music is like the Chinese language (b) Chinese music and language use the same tones 3. Chinese classical pieces often have poetic titles,_. (a) which is understandable (b) which is very surprising 4. Empty spaces in Chinese paintings_. (a) are like the silent parts of Chinese music (b) mean the pictures have no lifeAnswers: 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. aActivity 5 Ask the Ss to read part 3 of the passage and answer the following questions.1. What does Liu Fang enjoy about performance?2. What makes her feel depressed or lonely?3. What does she want to do with other musicians?Answers:1. The atmosphere in a concert hall. 2. When she has no concert for along time 3. Work with them.Activity 6 Ask the Ss to plete the passage use the correct words in the text.Liu Fang, who was _ in 1974, is an _ music star. Since the age of six, she has played _, and since the age of eleven she has given concerts including the performance for _. She studied _ during her university. When she was five years old, her mother, who was _, taught her to play the _. In 1996, she and her husband moved to _.For her ,the biggest challenges of playing the pipa and guzheng are_. The main influence on Liu Fang is _. When she is playing, listeners say that they can _ in her music.Chinese music _ the Chinese language. Chinese classical pieces have poetic titles, which is _. _ in Chinese paintings are like the silent parts of Chinese music. Answers: 1. born 2. international 3. pipa 4. the Queen of England 5. guzheng and pipa 6. a Dianju actress7. yue qin 8. Canada 9. to respect the traditions but add her own style 10. traditional singing 11. hear singing 12. is similar to 13. understandable 14. Empty spacesStep 3. Homework: Work in pairs and have a discussion on the following questions.1. What about Liu Fang impressed you most?2. Do you think Liu Fang is successful as an artist? Give possible reasons if you think so.Teaching objectives and demands:1. To learn new words and expressions and learn how to use them.2. To understand some a little long but plex sentences.Teaching keys and difficulties:The usage of: give concerts; graduate from; be true of/for; tune; experience(v./n.); share sth. with sb.; make contact with; wish.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Revision1. Check what they learn in the previous class.2. Get students to.Step 2. Important words, phrases, & sentences.1. Shes given concerts since she was eleven, including a performance for the Queen of England during her visit to China.(Part1. para.1)11岁起她就举办演奏会,包括英国女王访华期间为女王做的一场演出。give concerts 举行音乐会。give可以和名词搭配,构成词组。如:give a class授课 give/make a speech演讲give a party 举行宴会give/set an example to树立榜样give a ball举行舞会give an eye to顺便照看一下give offence to触怒得罪2. She graduated from Shanghai Conservatory of Music, where she also studied the guzheng in 1993.(Part1. para.1)她毕业于上海音乐学院,1993年她还在那里学习弹奏古筝。graduate from “毕业于”;“从毕业” 句中where引导的为非限制性定语从句, where是关系副词,相当于in Shanghai Conservatory of Music, 在定语从句中作地点状语。3. In 1996, I moved to Canada with my husband and I have been living there since then. (Part1.para.3) 1996年我和丈夫移居加拿大,直到现在。句中“I have been living there since then.”使用的是现在完成进行时态,其构成为“have/has+been+v-ing”, 这是本模块后面的语法将要重点解决的问题,在此不作详述。4. The same is true of my second instrument, the guzheng.(Part1.para5) 对我的第二种乐器古筝,情况也是如此be true of/for- “对来说情况也是相同的”。例如:(1)The same is true of other cases.(对于其他各例而言,情况也是如此。)(2)In Chinese, the same pronunciation with different tones has different meanings. The same is true for music.(在汉语中,读音相同音调不同,音乐也是如此。)true 的其他一些习惯用语如下:be it true or not(不管是否如此,不管是真是假);e true (变成现实;实现);hold true (有效;适用);(It is) true, but-(果然不错,但是-);out of (the) true(不诚实,不准确;不正确);true to life(逼真);true to oneself(安分守纪,坚持自己的原则)5. When I play a tune, I am singing in my heart. When Im playing a sad tune, I am crying in my heart.(Part2 para1)现在每当我演奏一个曲子时,我就在心中跟着吟唱。当我演奏哀伤的乐曲时,我内心也在哭泣。句中tune意为“曲子、调子、曲调”、“旋律”、“主题”。例如:(1)Can you sing this tune?(你会唱这首曲子吗?)(2)When he began to play a tune, we had our first glimpse of the snake.(当他开始吹奏曲调时,我们才第一次看到那条蛇。)tune构成的一些惯用法。例如:call the tune发号施令;指令 change ones tune改变主张、论调、行为in tune入调out of tune走调6. Secondly, classical Chinese music is closely connected to Chinese poetry, so it isnt surprising that most classical pieces have very poetic titles. 其次,中国古典乐与中国诗歌关系很密切,因此很多古典音乐作品都有着很诗意的标题就一点也不奇怪了。7. Listeners can experience the power and the beauty of the music, like enjoying a beautiful poem or painting.(Part2 para3)听众可以自己感受音乐的力量、音乐的美,就像享受一首美妙的诗歌或一幅美丽的图画一样。句中experience作动词用,意为“体验”等;like为介词,意为“像一样”。 experience的基本用法如下:1. vt. “经历”、“体验” She experienced many things when she went to Africa.2. n. (u.) “经验”,为不可数名词。 (1) Our history teacher has a lot of teaching experience. (2) He hasnt much experience in teaching English. (3) 短语:lack of experience (缺乏经验); practical experience (实践经验).3. n. “经历”、“感受”、“往事”,为可数名词。(1) I had many interesting experiences when I stayed in London.(经历、往事)(2) Please tell us of your experiences in Africa.(你在非洲的经历).4. I also enjoy the time immediately after the concert to share the feelings and ideas with friends and music lovers, listening to their impressions and understanding about the music. (Part3 para1) 我同样喜欢音乐会后和朋友及音乐爱好者分享感受交流看法,听他们谈对我的音乐的感觉和理解。句中share (vt.)意为“共有”、“共享”、“分担”、“共用”。例如:(1) May I share your umbrella?(2) I will share your joys and sorrows. (3)They share the same tastes and interests. 另外,share sth. with sb. 意为“和某人分享/担某事”。例如:Liu Fang always s the feelings and ideas with friends and music lovers.5. Since I moved to Canada, I have had opportunities to make contact with other musical traditions and play with master musicians. 自从移居加拿大,我就有机会接触到其它音乐传统并跟一些音乐大师同台演出。句中contact为名词“联系”,其相关短语为:make contact with/ get in contact with“与取得联系”(表示动作)lose contact with“与失去联系”(表示动作)be/stay in contact with “与保持联系”(表示状态)10. I wish to continue working with master musicians from other traditions and to be able to pose my own music, using elements from different cultures. 我希望我能继续跟他们合作,并吸取其他音乐传统之长,创作自己的音乐。常接双宾语或复合宾语以及动词不定式,也接宾语从句,当接宾语从句时,从句的谓语动词常用虚拟语气,表示未完成或不能完成的愿望.(1) I wish you a happy new year.(2) I wish happiness to all my friends.(3) I wish everyone well.(4) She wishes to be alone.(5) I wish I were a bird. (与现在事实相反)(6) I wish you had told me about it yesterday. (与过去事实相反)Step 3. PracticeDeal with some exercises about the language problems of this module.If time permits, make a summary about what they have learnt in this class.Step 4. Homework1. Get the students to go over what they learnt in this class.2. Have the students preview the cultural corner.Teaching objectives:1. To enable the students to recognize and understand some new words and expressions in a dialogue or a section.2. To finish the exercises in SB according to what they hear.3. To be able to catch the useful information from their discussion.Important and difficult points: To have the Ss understand what they hear. To enable the students to know how to catch the useful information.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Listening backgroundPorgy and Bess started life as a 1925 novel by Dubose Heyward called Porgy, about the life of African Americans in Charleston. George Gershwon (1898-1937), a poser of popular and classical music read the book, and saw its potential(潜在的)as an opera. With his brother, the lyricist(歌词作者)Ira Gershwin (1896-1983) and Heyward, they put together a startling(惊人的)new work, called Porgy and Bess , which was premiered(首次公影)at the Alvin Theatre on New Yorks Broadway on October10th 1935. It soon became a classic(杰作)of modern American music, and the songs (Summertime, I loves you Porgy, It aint necessarily so, I got plenty of nothin) have became standards(要求达到的规范或水准, particularly of the jazz repertoire(演奏曲目.Gershwin said, “Porgy and Bess deals with Negro life in America-it brings to(产生) the operatic form elements that have never before appeared in the opera and I have adapted my method to utilise(利用)the drama, the humour, the superstition, the religious fervour(热诚), the dancing and the irrepressible(无法抑制的)high spirits of the race.”Step 2. While-listening activitiesI. Directions: Listen to the tape check your answers.Step 3. Everyday English: Choose the correct answers according to the context of Listening. If something is your favourate of all time, it means _(a)you like it now; (b)you have always liked itIf youre missing the point, it means _(a)you dont understand sth; (b)you cant see sthIf you cant stand something, it means _(a)you have to sit down; (b)you dont like itIf you say Oh e on! In a conversation, it probably means _(a)you agree with someone; (b)you dont agree with someone(5)If sth is described as a jazz classic, its _(a)a famous jazz tune; (b)a piece of classical music(6) If you describe a jazz tune as really ancient, its probably_(a) more than 20 years old (b) more than a hundred years oldAnswers: b a b b (5)a(6)bTeaching objectives and demands:1. To experience and discover what is the Present Perfect Progressive Tense.2. To grasp the usage of the Present Perfect Progressive Tense.3. To know the main differences between the Present Perfect Tense and the Present Perfect Progressive Tense.Teaching keys and difficulties:1. To grasp the usage of the Present Perfect Progressive Tense.2. To know the main differences between the Present Perfect Tense and the Present Perfect Progressive Tense.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Experience and discover the Present Perfect Progressive Tense.Activity 1Directions: ask the students to read the sentences from the passage in Reading and Vocabulary and decide if they are true Example sentences:Liu Fang has played the pipa since the age of six.Shes given concerts since she was eleven.Now, please tick the following sentences you agree with according to the above example sentences.1. Liu Fang still plays the pipa.2. She only played the pipa when she was six.3. She has given concerts regularly since the age of eleven.4. She only gave concerts when she was a child.Activity 2Directions: ask the students to read the example sentences and answer the questions.Example sentences:Liu Fang has been playing the pipa for the last three hours.Shes been performing concerts every day since last month.Q1: What is the difference in form between these sentences and those in Activity 1.Answers: They are in the present perfect progressiveQ2: Which of these things is true about the sentences?(a)The people started doing these things in the past and are still doing them.(b)The people do these things every day.(c)The actions take a very long time to plete.Answers: (a)Step 2. Detailed explanation about the Present Perfect Progressive Tense.I. The form of the Present Perfect Progressive Tense.现在完成进行时由“助动词have/has+been+动词-ing”形式构成。II. The basic usage of the Present Perfect Progressive Tense.1. 表示从过去开始一直持续到现在的动作,这个动作是否继续下去,则由上下文决定。它常与表示一段时间的状语,如:all this time, this week, this month, all night, all the morning, these few days, for, since等连用。例句:(1) Liu Fang has been living in Canada since then.刘芳从那时以来一直住在加拿大。(动作仍继续下去)(2) I have been waiting for you here for an hour.我在这儿等了你一个小时。(动作刚终止)(3) He has been doing his homework all this morning.他做了一上午作业。(动作可能继续下去)2. 表示一直到说话时为止的一段时间内一再重复的动作。例句:(1) I have been meeting her at the library.我多次在图书馆遇见到她。(2) I have been telling you to be careful for weeks.这几个星期我一直在告诉你要小心。III. The main differences between the Present Perfect Tense and the Present Perfect Progressive Tense.1. 在不用时间状语的情况下,现在完成进行时表示动作仍在持续进行,而现在完成时则表示动作在过去已经结束。例句:(1)We have been cleaning the classroom.我们一直在打扫教室。(2)We have cleaned the classroom.我们把教室打扫过了。(3)They have been widening the road.他们一直在加工马路。(尚未完工)(4)They have widened the road.他们把马路拓宽了。(已经完工了)2. 现在完成进行时往往表示动作在重复,现在完成时则常常不带重复性。例句:(1) Have you been meeting her lately?你最近跟她见面吗?(有“经常相会”之意)(2)Have you met her lately?你最近跟她见过面了吗?(没有“经常相会”之意)3.表示暂时性动作用现在完成进行时较好,而表示表示长时期的接近于状态的动作时,用现在完成时较好。例句:(1) He has been staying with his uncle during the past two months.最近两个月他和他叔叔在一起(暂时性动作)(2) I have been waiting all the morning.早晨我一直在等(暂时性动作)(3) I have lived here all my life.我一辈子一直住这儿。(长时期的接近于状态的动作)(4) We have worked in the south since we graduated.毕业后我们一直在南方工作。 (长时期的接近于状态的动作)

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