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牛津 深圳版 七年级 第37期,第二版,Test Yourself Chapter 3,Listening Test Part,. 听句子,选答语。每小题听一遍。 1. A. The cartoon characters. B. In 1954. C. Yes, it was. 2. A. It is a real mouse. B. Donald Duck. C. In the USA. 3. A. In a zoo. B. They are foxes. C. Yes, they are.,4. A. Some jam. B. I need an egg. C. No, it isnt. 5. A. In Sichuan. B. There are many monkeys in it. C. It is a beautiful place to visit. 6. A. They all died out suddenly. B. Millions of years ago. C. All of them were fierce. 7. A. For drawing cartoons. B. It is an amusement park. C. In a cartoon.,8. A. No, he didnt. B. He did a number of jobs. C. He liked animals. 9. A. About ten metres. B. Over fifty years. C. For a famous writer. 10. A. They are called volumes. B. It is helpful for me. C. The invention of numbers.,. 听对话及对话后的问题,选择正确答案。 11. Where are they talking? A. In a bookstore. B. In the classroom. C. In the library. 12. What can they see in the museum? A. Fossils of dinosaurs. B. Photos of famous people. C. Paintings of dinosaurs.,13. What are they talking about? A. Disneyland. B. Walt Disney. C. Mickey Mouse. 14. What are on the table? A. Jars with jam. B. Jars with beans. C. Bowls with eggs. 15. Which volume has the girl just finished reading? A. The volume D-F. B. The volume O-R. C. The volume K-N.,. 听对话,选择正确答案。对话听两遍。 16. What is Steven writing about? A. History of computers. B. Festivals in the USA. C. The Stone Age. 17. What does Steven think of the encyclopaedia? A. It is interesting. B. It is helpful. C. It is difficult to read,18. How many volumes does the encyclopaedia consist of? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 19. Which doesnt the encyclopaedia include? A. The one about music. B. The one about history. C. The one about science. 20. How long can the girl use the encyclopaedia? A. For a week. B. For two days. C. For four days.,. 听短文,记笔记。每空所填词数不限。,customs,wet hair,point to,on the head,Korea,Written Test Part,. 选择填空 (共20分) A. 根据题意,从A、B、C、D四个选项 中,选出与所给句中划线部分意义相同或相近并能代替的选项。 26. Fish existed in this river ten years ago. A. lived B. died C. joined D. began,27. My father founded this club to make friends. A. owned B. started C. produced D. planted 28. At least a kind of animal dies out daily. A. gives birth B. stops dying C. begins appearing D. stops existing,29. The great man did a number of different jobs before becoming famous. A. a lot of B. a quarter of C. most of D. none of 30. Our school is not as big as their school. A. as small as B. bigger than C. smaller than D. not so small as,B. 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选 项中选出最佳选项。 31. Look! The children are helping the old. _ are sweeping the floor and _ are chatting with the old. Lets join them. A. Some; the other B. Others; the others C. Others; others D. Some; others,32. How can I _ the life of the famous scientist? You can _ in the encyclopaedia. A. think about; look after it B. think about; look it up C. learn about; look it up D. learn about; look after it 33. Is _ your pen? No, it isnt. _ are my pens. A. this; That B. this; Those C. that; That D. these; Those,34. Its said that more than one hundred living things _ each day. Terrible! _ anybody know the reason? A. die away; Did B. die of; Does C. die out; Does D. die from; Do 35. When did your father open his company? He _ it about ten years ago. He _ it easy to earn money by making computers at that time. A. found; found B. founded; found C. founded; find D. found; founded,36. Have you ever seen a tiger? Yes. It is very _ and _ a hundred cats. A. fierce; as big as B. gentle; so big as C. fierce; the same big as D. gentle; the same big as 37. Hello, Peter. Here _ a mail for you. Thank you. It must be the phone I bought _ my mother on the net. A. have; for B. is; for C. be; to D. is; to,38. Is this film _ a real story? Yes. It talks about one of the _ teachers in China. A. basing on; famous B. based on; most famous C. base on; more famous D. based on; more famous 39. What do you want to do after _ school? Well, I am thinking about studying animals after I _ school. A. leave; leave B. left; left C. leaving; leaving D. leaving; leave,40. Hello. Who _? Hello. _ Mary speaking. A. is that; I am B. are you; I am C. is that; This is D. are you; This is 41. What do you do for _ after school? I often play ball games, _ basketball, football and volleyball. A. amusement; for an example B. amusement; such as C. advertisement; such as D. advertisement; for an example,42. This problem is too difficult for me. I _ dont understand what it means. Dont worry. Lets borrow an encyclopaedia. It _ almost everything we need. A. even; contains B. even; exists C. only; contains D. only; exists 43. There are still _ vegetables and _ meat in the fridge. Do you mean that we neednt go shopping now? A. many; much B. much; many C. many; many D. much; much,44. What can I do for you, madam? Id like two _ and a _. A. kilos of orange; bottle of orange B. kilos of oranges; bottle of orange C. kilos of oranges; bottle of oranges D. kilo of oranges; bottle of oranges 45. Do we still have anything for dinner tonight? There _ a lot of meat but few _ in the fridge. Lets go and buy some tomatoes, carrots and potatoes. A. are; food B. is; drinks C. are; fruits D. is; vegetables,. 完形填空。,第三版,4650 BDBCC 5155 DCBDA,. 阅读理解。,A 5660 ADCBD,B 6165 CDBAC,C 6670 BABDB,第二节 选择下列词汇完成下面对话。其 中有一项多余。,A. existed B. fierce C. died D. even E. human beings F. gentle,Kate: Is this a real animal, Peter? Peter: Yes. It 71 _ on the earth thousands of years ago but it has 72 _ out.,A,C,Kate: Really? It looks so beautiful! Where did it live? Peter: It lived in the forests. It looked 73 _ but in fact it was quite fierce. It often attacked 74 _ , and 75 _ ate them. Kate: Sounds horrible!,F,E,D,第三节 选择下列句子完成下面对话。其 中有两项多余。,A. Whats that over there? B. What do you know about dinosaurs? C. Are there any dinosaurs here? D. Do you believe that dinosaurs really existed on the earth? E. People found a lot of fossils of dinosaurs skeletons. F. You know so much! G. What were dinosaur eggs like?,A: Excuse me, John. 76 _ B: Its a picture of dinosaurs. A: 77 _ B: Yes, of course. 78 _ A: Did they live in our province? B: Yes. In fact, according to scientists, dinosaurs lived everywhere at that time. Some fossils of dinosaur eggs have also been found.,A,D,E,A: Really? 79 _ B: They were round, just like hen eggs though they were much larger. A: 80 _ B: My father bought me an encyclopaedia. I learned all this from it.,G,F,. 根据语境或句意,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。,81. The government spent a million yuan _ some schools in this area. (build) 82. From their fossils, we know that some dinosaurs were _ than ten elephants. (big) 83. The film was _ on a real story of the man. (base),building,bigger,based,84. Look at my new ruler! It is as _ as yours. (length) 85. The shirts I bought in this store are the same as _ in that store. (that) 86. My uncle went abroad to work after _ school. (leave) 87. Students are cleaning the street. Some are collecting rubbish and _ are putting it into bins. (other),long,those,leaving,others,88. One of Walt Disneys most famous cartoon _ is Mickey Mouse. (character) 89. The little boy used to use a pen and ink _ pictures. (draw) 90. I saw you _ the roof of the house when I came into the yard. (mend),characters,to draw,mending,. 书面表达。,91. 假如你看到下面的广告海报后,决定参加故事竞赛。请你按照广告的要求写一 篇短故事。,One possible version: Once, there lived two plants in a forest. One was named Lily and the other was Lucy. They lived next to each other so they became good friends. One day, a dinosaur came. The dinosaur was very hungry and,wanted to eat one of the plants. He came to Lucy. Lily begged him, “Please dont eat Lucy, Mr Dinosaur. She is not so delicious as me.” So the dinosaur went to Lily. Just as he opened his mouth, Lucy laughed, “How foolish you are! Everyone knows that Lily is too hard to eat!” Again, the dinosaur went to Lucy, and Lily begged him not to eat Lucy. Then the dinosaur went to Lily and Lucy laughed at him. This went on again and again. At last, the dinosaur was too hungry to stand up and died.,第四版,口 语 交 际,A: Do you like watching (1)_? B: Yes. My favourite cartoon character is Doraemon. A: Oh, many people like him. (2) _ the form! 20% of people are his fans. B: (3)_ is girls favourite, I think.,使用合适的词语将右边的对话补充完整。,cartoons,Look at,Hello Kitty,A: I agree with you. Therere just 2% of people loving her. B: Snoopy is more (4)_ than Mickey Mouse. Why? A: Perhaps because he is fun. B: What about Garfield? A: Oh, he is a lazy (5)_, but he always makes people laugh. Im one of the 4% of people.,popular,cat,朗 读 园 地,Answer the following questions. 1. Why did Mike stop his car at the side of the road? _ _ 2. How far is the hotel from the old mans house? _,Because he wanted to ask the way to the Sun Hotel.,Nine miles.,

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