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2019-2020年高二英语上学期9月月考试题考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分 第卷(选择题,共60分)第一部分:阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题,每题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AHappy birthday! Do birthday really make people happy? Of course they do. Birthdays celebrate the day when we were born. Besides, that extra candle on the cake suggests another year of growth and maturity(成熟)or so we hopeWe all like to imagine that we are getting wiser and not just olderMost of us enjoy seeing the wonder of growth in others, as wellFor instance, seeing our children develop and learn new things makes us feel proudFor Americans, like people in most cultures, growing up is a wonderful processBut growing old? That is a different story.Growing old is not exactly for people in youth-oriented (以年轻人为中心)American cultureMost Americans like to look young, act young and feel young. As the old saying goes, “Youre young as you feel”Older people joke about how many years young they are, rather than how many years oldPeople in some countries value the aged as a source of experience and wisdomBut Americans seem to favor those who are young, or at least “young at heart”Many older Americans find the “golden years” to be anything but goldenEconomically, “senior citizens” often try just to get byRetirement at the age of 65 brings a sharp decrease in personal ineSocial security benefits usually cannot make up the differenceOlder people may suffer from poor nutrition (营养), medical care, and housing. Some even have the experience of age discrimination(歧视). American sociologist(社会学家) Pat Moore once dressed up like an older person and wandered city streetsShe was often treated rudely-even cheated and robbedHowever, dressed as a young person, she received much more respectUnfortunately, the elderly population in America is increasing fastWhy? People are living longerFewer babies are being bornAnd middle-aged “baby boomers”(婴儿潮) are rapidly entering the group of the elderlyAmerica may soon be a place where wrinkles(皱纹)are “in”Marketing experts are already noticing this growing group of consumers1.Growing up is a wonderful thing because _.A. people can celebrate their birthdays.B. people can bee more and mature and wiser.C. people can receive many presents.D. people will feel younger at heart.2.We can infer from the second paragraph that _.A. young people lack experience and wisdom.B. American older people often joke about their old age.C. American culture is very young.D. different countries have different opinions on the old age.3.The underlined sentence (in Paragraph 3) means “_.”A. the golden years can make the old earn lots of money and receive good medical careB. the old people inAmericaare probably leading a hard life without good nutrition, medical care or housing.C. the old inAmericahave to retire at the age of 65.D. American social security benefits are not good.4.From the last paragraph we know that the underlined word “in” can be replaced by _.A. serious B. badC. disappearing slowly D. growing fast BLast August,Joe and Mary Mahoney began looking at colleges for their 17yearold daughter,Maureen.With a checklist of criteria in hand,the Dallas family looked around the country visiting half a dozen schools.They sought a university that offered the teenagers intended major,one located near a large city,and a campus where their daughter would be safe.“The safety issue is a big one.”says Joe Mahoney,who quickly discovered he wasnt alone in his worries.On campus tours other parents voiced similar concerns,and the same question was always asked:What about crime?But when college officials always gave the same answer“Thats not a problem here.”Mahoney began to feel uneasy.“No crime whatsoever?” ments Mahoney today.“I just dont buy it.” Nor should he:In xx the US.Department of Education had reports of nearly 400,000 serious crimes on or around our campuses.“Parents need to understand that times have changed since they went to college,”says David Nichols,author of Creating a Safe Campus.“Campus crime mirrors the rest of the nation.”But getting accurate information isnt easy.Colleges must report crime statistics(统计数字) by law,but some hold back for fear of bad publicity,leaving the honest ones looking dangerous.“The truth may not always be obvious,”warns SDaniel Carter of Security on Campus,Inc.,the nations leading campus safety watchdog group.To help concerned parents,Carter promised to visit campuses and talk to experts around the country to find out major crime issues and effective solutions.5The underlined word “buy” in the third paragraph means _.AmindBadmit CbelieveDexpect6We learn from the text that “the honest ones” in the fourth paragraph most probably refers to colleges _.Athat are protected by campus securityBthat report campus crimes by lawCthat are free from campus crimeDthat enjoy very good publicity7What is the text mainly about?AExact campus crime statistics.BCrimes on or around campuses.CEffective solutions to campus crime.DConcerns about kids campus safety. C Liquid Paper (修正液) was invented by Bette Nesmith Graham. She was 17 when she got a job at a Texas bank as a secretary, even though she didnt know how to type. The pany she worked for sent her to a secretary school, and she was typing in no time atall.The 1950s had seen the widespread use of the electric typewriter, which typed faster but also meant more mistakes. Also, mistakes made by early electric typewriters were very hard to erase, which caused problems for Bette.In order to make extra money she used her talent to paint holiday windows at the bank.Then one day, it suddenly occurred to her that she could create a paint to cover up type-writing mistakes.It worked! In 1956, Bette sold her first bottles of the new product, which she called “Mistake Out”. She made it in her kitchen, and her son Michael and his friends bottled it in the family garage.By 1957, she was selling 100 bottles a month and had gotten a patent (专利) for her product, which she now called “Liquid Paper.” Sales continued togrow, as more and more people heard about Liquid Paper, through word-of-mouth and by reading about it in magazines.In the 1960s, Bette bought a machine to help her produce Liquid Paper in large quantities. In 1971, she sold 2 million bottles. In 1979, she sold the pany for 47.5 million dollars. She didnt live to see the end of the contract (合同), dying in 1980, at the age of 56, in Texas.Bettes invention continues to be used every day by secretaries and other people in the office and wherever typewriters are used.8. When Bette began to work in a bank, she _.A.was too young to typeB. had graduated from secretary schoolC.had no experience in typingD. taught herself about typing9. It can be inferred that the first Liquid Paper _.A. was produced by handB. was made by machineC. was bottled in the kitchenD. was tested in the factory10. What is the passage mainly about?A. A rock group.B. A secretary.C. Liquid Paper.D. Mistake Out.11. The passage is organized mainly in order of _.A. importanceB. timeC. space D. popularity DA new study has discovered that meditation(冥想)and oxygen sport together reduce depressionThe Rutgers University study found that this mind and body bination, done twice a week for only two months,reduced thesymptoms for a group of students by 40 percent.“We are excited by the findings because we saw such a meaningful improvement in both clinically depressed and nondepressed students,”said lead author DrBrandon Alderman“It is the first time that both of these two behavioral ways have been looked at together for dealing with depression”Researchers believe the two activities have an interactive effect inbatingdepressionAlderman and DrTracey Shors discovered that a bination of mental and physical training (MAP)enabled students with major depressive disorder not to let problems or negative thoughts defeat themRutgers researchers say those who participated in the study began with 30 minutes of focused attention meditation followed by 30 minutes of oxygen sportThey were told that if their thoughts drifted to the past or the future they should refocus on their breathing,enabling those with depression to accept moment-to-moment changes in attentionShors,who studies the production of new brain cells in the hippocampuspart of the brain involved in memory and learningsays scientists have shown in animal models that oxygen sport exercise keeps a large number of certain cells aliveThe idea for the human intervention(干预)came from her laboratory studies,she says,with the main goal of helping individuals acquire new skills so that they can learn to recover from stressful life eventsBy learning to focus their attention and exercise,people who are fighting depression can acquire new learning skills that can help them process information and reduce the overwhelming recollection of memories from the past,Shors says“We know these treatments can be practiced over a lifetime and that they will be effective in improving mental health”said Alderman“The good news is that this intervention can be practiced by anyone at any time and at no cost”12What made the research so different?AAdopting a way of meaningful talkBbining the two ways to treat depressionCTreating depression with special medicineDparing the depressed with the non-depressed13The underlined word “bating” in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by_AdistinguishingBidentifyingCfightingDexamining14What did the participants do in the research?ATheydid oxygen sport half an hour before thinkingBThey thought quietly and then took exerciseCThey took exercise longer than they thoughtDThey took exercise while thinking quietly15What is Shors main purpose of her studies?ATo offer people a new method to treat stressBTo study the production of new brain cellsCTo find out certain brain cells of humansDTo decide the links between stress and exercise第二节 (共5小题,每题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Americans use many expressions with the word “dog”. People in the United States love their dogs and treat them well. _16_ However, dogs without owners to care for them lead a different kind of life. The expression, to lead a dogs life, describes a person who has an unhappy existence.Some people say we live in a dog-eat-dog world. _17_ They say that to be successful, a person has to work like a dog. This means they have to work very, very hard. Such hard work can make people dog-tired. And, the situation would be even worse if they became sick as a dog._18_This means that every person enjoys a successful period during his or her life. To be successful, people often have to learn new skills. Yet, some people say that you can never teach an old dog new tricks. They believe that older people do not like to learn new things and will not change the way they do things._19_People who are unkind or uncaring can be described as meaner than a junkyard dog. Junkyard dogs live in places where people throw away things they do not want. Mean dogs are often used to guard this property. They bark or attack people who try to enter the property. However, sometimes a person who appears to be mean and threatening is really not so bad. We say his bark is worse than his bite.Dog expressions are also used to describe the weather.The dog days of summer are the hottest days of the year. A rainstorm may cool the weather. But we do not want it to rain too hard. _20_A. Still, people say every dog has its day.B. Dogs are humans best friends.C. Some people are pared to dogs in bad ways.D. We do not want it to rain cats and dogs.E. There are many other expressions waiting for you to explore.F. That means many people are peting for the same things, like good jobs.G. They take their dogs for walks, let them play outside and give them good food and medical care.第二部分:英语知识运用 (共三节,满分35分)第一节 完形填空 (共20题,每小题1分,共20分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。One day I visited an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business meeting. I was expecting a quiet 21of the splendid artwork.A young 22viewing the paintings ahead of me 23nonstop between themselves. I watched them a moment and decided the lady was doing all the talking. I admired the mans 24for putting up with her 25stream of words. 26by their noise, I moved on.I met them several times as I moved 27the various rooms of art. Each time I heard her continuous flow of words, I moved away 28.I was standing at the counter of the museum gift shop making a 29when the couple approached the 30. Before they left, the man 31into his pocket and pulled out a white object. He 32it into a long stick and then tapped his way into the 33to get his wifes jacket.“Hes a 34man.” the clerk at the counter said. “Most of us would give up if we were blinded at such a young age. During his recovery, he made a promise his life wouldnt change. So, as before, he and his wife e in 35there is a new art show.”“But what does he get out of the art?” I asked. “He cant see.”“Cant see! Youre 36. He sees a lot. More than you and I do,” the clerk said. “His wife 37each painting so he can see it in his head.”I learned something about patience, 38and love that day. I saw the patience of a young wife describing paintings to a person without 39and the courage of a husband who would not 40blindness to change his life. And I saw the love shared by two people as I watched this couple walk away, hand in hand.21 A.viewB.touchC.wanderD.scenery22 A.ladyB.manC.clerkD.couple23 A.spokeB.arguedC.discussedD.chatted24 A.knowledgeB.confidenceC.patienceD.wisdom25 A.vividB.tastelessC.constantD.exciting26 A.AdoptedB.DisturbedC.SurprisedD.Discouraged27 A.towardsB.inC.throughD.from28 A.anxiouslyB.seriouslyC.quicklyD.sadly29 AmentB.purchaseC.decisionD.list30 A.exitB.entranceC.frontD.queue31 A.putB.heldC.turnedD.reached32 A.lengthenedB.madeC.broughtD.changed33 A.shopB.coatroomC.hallD.counter34 A.braveB.kindC.roughD.blind35 A.whereverB.whateverC.wheneverD.whichever36 A.humorousB.sillyC.wrongD.unique37 A.describesB.drawsC.showsD.tells38 A.curiosityB.courageC.enthusiasmD.pride39 A.supportB.hesitationC.expectationD.sight40 A.getB.hopeC.stopD.allow第卷(非选择题,共40分)第二节 语法填空 (共10题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一份适当的词或使用括号中的词语的正确形式填空。_41_(base) on recent researches, distance learning is slowly proving as_42_(value) as the traditional campus based form. It is a fixed truth that this form of learning is_43_the increase. Moreover, both students and teachers have expressed their_44_(happy) with these courses. The best part of distance learning courses is their flexible format(方式). Students can continue_45_(work) and study at the same time without any kind of difficulty. You will_46_(provide) with the facilities of a virtual classroom and a virtual campus. Anyone_47_wants to upgrade their professional knowledge to a new level can apply for these courses. With an online study format, the tests and notes can be accessible with just a mouse click from your home puter. However, a student_48_(attend) an online course must take the time management_49_(serious). Every online student must keep in mind that proper management of time and study schedule is_50_key towards success in this format第三节 单词短语填空 (共10题,每小题0.5分,共5分)根据句子意思用合适的单词或短语填空,注意每空一词。51.The old temple _(追溯到) from the 18th century attracted tourists at home and abroad.52.We need to buy some new _(家具).53.The climate is mild here, and temperature r_ from 10 to 30.54.You must be careful when handling _(化学药品).55.The room _(测量)10 meters across is large enough for a single man to live in. 56.The gunfire _(使受惊) the horses.57.Please follow the i_ on the bottle when you take the drug.58.A park should be a place which is _(可进入的)to the public. 59.Its illegal to read private letters without p_.60.Health experts say theres no harm in staying up late _(偶尔地).第三部分:写作 (共两节,满分25分)第一节 短文改错(共10题,每小题1分,共10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。3. 在答题卡上作答,否则不给分。Recently I read an article in a magazine. It was about the mother who was worried about her son just because of he always kept his hair long. The mother thought that was not right,and the son felt there was nothing unusually about it. Different generations have different opinion on the same thing. That is what is meaning by “the generation gap”We can see them in our daily life. Most of our parents like listening to old songs when young people prefer pop songs. Every time my father finds me listening to rock music,he always shouted, “ Shut it off. Its awful ! ” How can we deal with the generation gap?第二节 书面表达 (满分15分)假定你是李华,在校报看到了一则招聘启事,请阅读启事,并根据写作要点写一封应聘邮件。写作要点:1.表明写信意图;2.陈述应聘目的;3.说明应聘条件(英语好、能熟练操作电脑、有奉献精神和服务意识等)。要求:内容向上,语意连贯,结构完整,书写工整,字数100左右。Dear Ms. Chen,Im Li Hua, a student from Class 21, Grade 2. _Yours,Li Huaxxxx第一学期高二(9月)模块诊断英语试题答案第卷(选择题,共60分)1-5 BDBDC 6-10 BDCAC11-15 BBCBA 16-20 GFACD21-25 ADDCC 26-30 BCCBA31-35 DABAC 36-40 CABDD第卷(非选择题,共40分)语法填空41Based 42valuable 43on 44happiness 45to work46be provided 47who 48attending 49seriously 50the单词填空51.dating 52.furniture 53.ranges 54.chemicals 55.measuring 56.panicked 57.instructions 58.accessible 59.permission 60.occasionally 短文改错Recently Iread an article in a magazine. It was aboutthemother who was worriedhave aabout her son just becauseofhe always kept his hair long. The mother thought that was not去掉right,andthe son felt there was nothingunusuallyabout it. Different generati


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