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2019-2020年高考英语语法精讲精练-名词和主谓一致(一)分类专有名词普通名词国名地名人名,团体机构名称可数名词不可数名词个体名词集体名词抽象名词物质名词个体名词与抽象名词的相互转换抽象化(抽象名词,不可数名词)个体名词(可数)in flower开花a flower一朵花儿youth青春a youth年轻人success成功a success成功的人或事物质名词与个体名词的相互转换物质名词(不可数)具体化(个体名词,可数名词)iron铁an iron熨斗glass玻璃a glass玻璃杯chicken鸡肉a chicken小鸡抽象名词与个体名词的转换抽象名词(不可数)具体化(个体名词,可数名词)in surprise 惊讶地a surprise 一件令人惊讶的事win success 获得成功a success 一个(件)成功的人(事)win honor 赢得荣誉an honor 一个(件)引以为荣的人(事)Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母.a failure 一个(件)失败的人(事)have pity on sb. 怜悯某人a pity 可惜的事情with pleasure 乐意a pleasure 乐事可数名词有单数和复数的变化,而单复数的变化又分为规则变化和不规则变化两种。分 类变化方法举 例规则变化单数名词词尾直接加-sboy boys pen pens以s,x ,ch,sh结尾的单词一般加-esglassglasses boxboxes watchwatches brushbrushes特例:stomach stomachs以“辅音字母+y”结尾的变“y”为“i”再加“-es”babybabies lady ladies注意:penny的两种复数形式含义有所不同:pence(便士的钱数) pennies(便士的枚数)以“o”结尾的多数加-sradios zoos photos pianos kilos tobaccos 而下列名词的复数却要加-es:tomato tomatoes potato potatoes hero heroes以“f”或“fe”结尾的名词复数形式变“f”或“fe”为“v”,之后再加-eswifewives self selves特例:handkerchiefhandkerchiefs gulfgulfs beliefbeliefs 不规则变化改变名词中的元音字母或其他形式man-men woman-women foot-feet goose-geese mouse-mice 特例:child-children单复数相同sheep deer means(方法) works(作品、工厂、著作)合成名词变成复数的情况:将主体名词变为复数无主体名词时将最后一部分变为复数将两部分都变为复数sons-in-law lookers-on passers-by story-tellers boy friendsgrown-ups housewives stopwatcheswomen singers men servants在熟悉以上规则的基础上,特别注意以下几点: 1.注意以下名词数的概念 以s结尾,仍为单数的名词(多为学科名词) physics, linguistics, mathematics, politics, statistics, news, the United States 集合名词:表示一类事物的集合或总称,没有复数形式machinery, furniture, equipment, technology, luggage, baggage, homework, evidence 单数和复数形式表达不同的意思custom风俗,习惯customs海关damage损害damages赔偿金good好处,利益goods货物time时间times时代,次数,倍数fish 鱼肉fishes 各种鱼 paper 纸papers 试卷,文件water 水waters 水域room 空间rooms 房间time 时间times 时代arm 手臂arms 武器有些抽象名词有时以复数形式出现,表示具体化,意义发生变化或构成固定短语。use ones brains动脑筋 meet with difficulties遇到各种困难make preparations做准备in high spirits 情绪高涨good manners有礼貌Many thanks.非常感谢。No pains, no gains.不劳无获。congratulations祝贺possessions所有物,财产surroundings环境 有些物质名词以复数形式出现,表示数量之多,范围之广。burst into tears 大哭起来miles of golden sands 绵延几英里的金黄色沙滩burn to ashes 烧成灰烬形式上虽是单数,但表示的是复数含义people, police, cattle, staff, public, theadj.(the rich富人), the 分词(the wounded伤员)2.集体名词的数 family, team, audience, class, club, mittee, crowd, group, enemy, cattle, government, majority, minority, part, people, police, public, staff等集体名词注意其主谓一致,一般来说,视为整体时作单数看待,侧重其成员时则作复数看待。The enemy has suffered heavy losses.The enemy are in flight.名词所有格的规则如下: 名词词尾加s,如the boys bag, mens room。 若名词已有复数词尾“s”,只加 “”。如:the workers struggle。由of构成的所有格:无生命名词的所有格则必须用of结构。如:a map of China,the end of this term,the capital of our country, the color of the flowers。在熟悉以上规则的基础上,特别注意以下几点: 1.如果两个名词并列,并且分别有“s”,则表示“分别有”;只有一个“s”,则表示“共有”。 Johns and Marys rooms(分别拥有的房间)John and Marys room(共有的一间) 2.“s”所有格的特殊表达形式用于表示时间、距离、价格、重量等的名词后。todays newspaper, five minutes walk(drive),five pounds weight, ten dollars worth of apples。用于表示国家、世界、城市等地方的名词后。the earths plant, the worlds population, Chinas industry, New Yorks parks。表示店铺或某人的家时,常在名词所有格后省去shop,house等名词。the tailors 裁缝店,the barbers理发店,go to the doctors上诊所。3.双重所有格:of 名词s(或+名词性物主代词)a friend of Tomssome/two students of mine尤其是在表示赞扬、批评或厌恶等感情色彩时常常用这种结构。of 所修饰的名词前通常有指示代词that/this/these/those,但不能用the。That invention of hers belongs to the world.她的那项发明是属于全世界的。(表赞赏)注意:当of 之前的名词是picture, portrait等词时含义不同:This is a picture of my friends.这是我朋友收藏的一幅画。This is a picture of my friend.这是我朋友的一张照片。名词作定语是现代英语较为简洁的修饰语表达方式,根据习惯搭配可归为以下几类:1.表示中心词的用途、功能、材料stone figures石像,shoe shop鞋店,coffee cup咖啡杯2.表示中心词的时间、地点、称呼。summer holidays暑假,school education学校教育,evening dress晚礼服注意:表具体的时间名词作定语,则要用所有格结构来表达。yesterdays news昨天的消息 an hours drive开车一小时的路程3.表示中心词的类别、对象、身份。bike key自行车的钥匙,animal trainer驯兽师,woman driver女驾驶员4.表示中心词的内容puter studies电脑学习,weather report天气预报,film industry电影工业5.表示部分与整体的关系river banks河岸,animal bones动物骨头,cigarette ends烟头名词作定语时的特别注意点:名词作定语时,一般用其单数形式,且不随后面的名词的单复数产生变化two pencil boxes, girl friends, a seven-year-old boy但是,少数的名词作定语却用复数形式。sports shoes 运动鞋clothes shops 服装店 a sales girl女销售员a greetings card 贺卡man和woman作定语要注意其单复数形式的变化a man doctormen doctors; a woman engineerwomen engineers名词作定语和所有格作定语的区别。the girl friend女朋友the girls friend那位女孩的朋友the woman driver女司机the womans driver那位妇女的司机名词作定语和形容词作定语的区别名词作定语主要说明物质的材料、来源或对象;形容词作定语主要起修饰、限定的作用。gold watch金表 golden sunshine金色的阳光heart trouble心脏病hearty wele热忱的欢迎 convenience food快餐convenient food制作方便的食品名词是英语的主要词汇之一,也是历年高考的重要考点。综合近几年高考对名词的考查,单项填空题中,每年都出现12道题。此外,在阅读理解和完形填空中,名词的一词多义、熟词新意也经常涉及。因此,在备考中一定要结合具体的语境去感悟、理解名词的辨析、名词的一词多义以及名词的习惯用法等。 We always keep _ spare paper, in case we ran out.A. too much B. a number of C. plenty of D. a good many【解析】The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took _ pictures of them. A. many of B. masses of C. the number of D. a large amount of【解析】 The village is far away from here indeed. Its _ walk. A. a four hour B. a four hours C. a four-hours D. a four hours【解析】The_ is just around the corner and you wont miss it. A. bicycles shop B .bicycle shop C. bicycles shop D bicycles shop【解析】答案为B。表示什么样的商店要用单数名词修饰“shop”。He dropped the _and broke it. A. cup of coffee B. coffees cup C. cup for coffee D. coffee cup【解析】一是考查语义方面的辨析:主要考查某些多义词在特定上下文中的引申含义,以及准确辨别一些同义、近义词在特定语境中的差异的能力。Most air pollution is caused by the burning of_ _ like coal, gas and oil. A. fuels B. articles C. goods D. products 【解析】To save some of the human languages before they are forgotten,the students in our school started a discussion “Save Our ”. A. Sky B. Life C. Arts D. Voices【解析】Shall we go out for a walk?Sorry. This is not the right to invite me. I am too tired to walk.A. moment B. situation C. placeD. chance【解析】The top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly . A. atmosphere B. state C. situation D. phenomenon【解析】Whats the of having a public open space where you cant eat, drink or even simply hang out for a while?A. sense B. matter C. caseD. opinion【解析】二是考查搭配方面的辨析:主要考查固定句型中的名词、名词与动词的搭配以及名词与介词的搭配等。The young man made a _to his parents that he would try to earn his own living after graduation. A. prediction B. promise C. plan D. contribution【解析】I bought a dress for only xx dollars in a sale; it was a real .A. exchangeB. bargain C. tradeD. business【解析】It is no arguing with Bill because he will never change his mind. A. use B. help C. time D. way【解析】I have read the material several times but it doesnt make any _ to me. A. meaning B. importance C. sense D. significance【解析】Dont leave matches or cigarettes on the table within _ of little children. A. hand B. reach C. space D. distance【解析】在英语的句子中,谓语动词的形式应与主语的人称和数保持一致。近几年来,高考关于该内容的考查主要集中在语法一致、逻辑意义一致以及就近(远)一致原则等三个方面。一、语法一致原则只要确定句子的主语是单数意义,则谓语用单数,句子的主语意义复数,则谓语用复数。具体表现如下:1.不可数名词作主语,一律视为单数。某些以s结尾的单数名词作主语,仍视为单数。No news is good news.His task was to collect information.How much machinery has been installed?2.表示单一概念的动名词、不定式或句子作主语时,谓语动词用单数。When and where to go for the onsalary holiday has not been decided yet.3. “ one, either, neither, each of 复数名词或代词”作主语时, 谓语用单数。Either of the stories is very funny. 4.something, everything, anything, nothing,somebody, nobody, no one 等不定代词作主语,谓语通常是单数。Nothing is impossible.5.表示时间、金钱、距离、重量、数量的复数名词作主语,通常看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数。Ten pounds was missing from the box.6. a series of, a kind of, a piece of, a pair of 等量词修饰名词,通常以量词的单复数形式来决定谓语的单复数。 This pair of glasses is very expensive.Two series of new stamps have been ordered. 7.a number of 复数名词,“许多”,复数意义;the number of 复数名词,“的数目”,单数意义。the population of“的人口数量”作主语时,谓语用单数,但如果是分数、百分数、half of, the rest of the population 作主语时,具体指其中的多少人,复数意义,谓语则用复数。the average of“的平均数量”,作主语时,谓语用单数。The number of the students in our school is quite large and a number of teachers work hard.The population of China is large and most of the population are farmers.8.主语后with, together with, along with, except, besides, as well as 等短语时,谓语动词的数要和这些短语前面的名词的单复数保持一致。(因为with等词为介词,其后跟的名词只能是介宾,不可能充当主语。)Mr. Green together with his children goes to the park every Sunday.9.“the adj.”结构指一类人时,谓语动词用复数;如果指个别人或表示抽象的概念,谓语动词用单数。The disabled are well taken care of in this country.The dead in this accident was 20, a girl from Nanjing University. The new is certain to replace the old.10.分数、百分数、all, some, the rest, half of, most of, part of 等作主语时,谓语动词的单复数根据其指代的含义确定。The rest of the workers are still very tired.11.当and连接两个并列主语在意义上指同一人、同一物、同一事或者同一概念时,应看作单数,谓语动词用单数。另外,当and 连接两个形容词去修饰一个单数形式的主语时,其实是指两种不同的事物,主语则应该看作是复数, 那么谓语动词也应该用复数。War and peace is a constant theme in history. Chinese and Japanese silk are of good quality.英语中并列结构表示整体概念的有:iron and steel 钢铁law and order 治安bread and butter黄油面包a watch and chain 一块带链的表a knife and fork 一副刀叉a coat and tie 一件配有领带的上衣aim and end 目的truth and honesty 真诚12.what 引导的主语从句作主语时,谓语动词的单复数要取决于作表语的名词的单复数。What surprised me most was his attitude towards his study.13.such 作主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式要根据其意义而定。Such is Stephen Hawking, who has suffered a great deal but achieved so much.14.quantities of 名词作主语时,不论名词是复数还是不可数,谓语一律用复数。a quantity of 名词复数作主语时,谓语用复数。a quantity of 不可数名词作主语时,谓语用单数。 amounts of 不可数名词作主语时,谓语用复数。an amount of 不可数名词作主语时,谓语用单数。Every day quantities of water are wasted. A large amount of damage has been done because of the floods.二、逻辑意义一致原则1.every /each/no 名词and every/ each/ no 名词作主语时,谓语用单数。Every boy and every girl is having sports now.2.“one 单数名词and a half”作主语时,谓语动词用单数。One apple and a half was on the table.3.“more than one 单数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。More than one student has failed the exam.4.“many a 单数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数。Many a child was playing there.【注意】以上四种情况,如果从意义上来讲,主语有复数意义,但由于名词都是以单数形式出现的,故谓语用单数形式,谓语形式上与主语的单数形式一致。三、就近(远)一致原则1.谓语动词的人称和数常常与最近作主语的词语保持一致。常出现在这类句子中的连词有:or, notbut; eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut also 等。Either I or they are responsible for the result of the matter.Neither the unkind words nor the unfriendly attitude has caused me any distress.2.在倒装句中谓语可与后面最近的一个主语一致。In the distance was heard the clapping of hands and the shouts of the people.3.当there be 句型的主语是一系列事物时,谓语应与最邻近的主语保持一致。There is a pen, a knife and several books on the desk.There are twenty boystudents and twentythree girlstudents in the class.4.当一个句子是由 there 或here引起,而主语又不止一个时,谓语通常和最靠近它的主语一致。Here is a pen, a few envelopes and some paper in the drawer.5.在定语从句中,关系代词如果在从句中作主语,依先行词决定从句谓语动词的单复数形式;在“one of复数名词who/that/which”引导的从句结构中,从句中的动词用复数形式;但是之前有the (only)等修饰语时,则从句中的动词用单数形式。Mary is the only one of the students in our school who has ever been to China.6.主语后面跟有“with, together with, except, but, like, as well as, no less than, rather than, more than, besides, along with, including, in addition to”等引起的短语,谓语动词要跟主语一致,即就远一致。Mr. Green, together with his wife and children, has e to China.A woman with a baby was on the bus.Nobody but Jim and Mike was on the playground.She like you and Tom, is very tall.The girls as well as the boy have learned to speak Japanese.No one except my teachers knows anything about it.动词不定式、动名词以及名词性从句作主语时的主谓一致Most of what has been said about the Smiths_also true of the Johnsons.A. are B. is C. being D. to be【解析】one, either, neither, each等+of+复数名词或代词作主语时的主谓一致Each of the students, working hard at his or her lessons, _ to goto university.So do I. A. hope B. hopes C. hoping D. hoped【解析】由and连接并列主语时的主谓一致Did you go to the show last night?Yeah. Every boy and girl in the area _invited.A. were B. have been C. has been D. was【解析】A poet and artist _ ing to speak to us about Chinese literature and painting tomorrow afternoon. A. is B. are C. was D. were【解析】定语从句中的主谓一致He is the only one of the students who _ a winner of scholarship for three years. A. is B. are C. have been D. has been【解析】quantities of+名词作主语时的主谓一致With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth _ each year. A. is washing away B. is being washed awayC. are washing away D. are being washed away【解析】the number of与a number of的区别As you can see, the number of cars on our roads_ rising these days.A. was keeping B. keep C. keeps D. were keeping【解析】Nowadays, a large number of women, especially those from the countryside, _ in the clothing industry. A. is working B. works C. work D. worked【解析】分数、百分数作主语时的主谓一致The pany had about 20 notebook puters but only one-third_ used regularly. Now we have 60 working all day long. A. is B. are C. was D. were【解析】【答案】_ of the land in that district _ covered with trees and grass. A. Two fifth; is B. Two fifth; areC. Two fifths; is D. Two fifths; are【解析】倒装句中的主谓一致At the foot of the mountain _. A. a village lie B. lies a villageC. does a village lie D. lying a village【解析】On top of the books _the photo album youre looking for.A. is B. are C. has D. have 【解析】表示抽象概念的名词或词组作主语时的主谓一致A survey of the opinions of experts _that three hours of outdoor exercise a week _ good for ones health. A. show; are B. shows; is C. show; is D. shows; are【解析】一些单复数形式相同的名词如作主语时的主谓一致Every possible means _to prevent the pollution, but the sky is still not clear. A. is used B. are usedC. has been used D. have been used【解析】由连词“or, eitheror,neithernor,not onlybut also,whetheror”等连接并列主语时的主谓一致(遵循就近一致原则)Either you or the headmaster _ the prizes to those gifted students at the meeting. A. is handing out B. are to hand out C.are handing out D.is to hand out【解析】主语后有“as well as, no less than, with, along with, together with, rather than, but, except, including”等短语作插入语时的主谓一致(遵循就远一致原则),即跟它们前面的主语一致。We live day by day, but in the great things, the time of days and weeks _ so small that a day is unimportant. A. is B. are C. has been D. have been 【解析】The father as well as his three children _skating on the frozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter. A. is going B. go C. goes D. are going【解析】答案为C。本题的主语是“father”,“as well as”短语是插入成分,其后的名词不是主语的一部分。xx年1.(天津卷) Im trying to break the _ of getting up too late .A. tradition B. convenience C. habit D. leisure【答案】【解析】2. (安徽卷)China has got a good for fighting against the flu with its careful and smooth organization.A. reputation B. influence C. impression D. knowledge【答案】【解析】3.(福建卷)The World Health Organization gave a warning to the public without any when the virus of H1N1 hit Mexico in April, xx. A. delay B. effort C. schedule D. consideration 【答案】【解析】4.(湖北卷)Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. It may also be good for _ building.A. respect B. friendship C. reputation D. character【答案】【解析】5.(湖北卷) In our class, when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book, it was a _ for everyone to stand up.A. signal B. chance C. mark D. measure【答案】【解析】6.(江西卷)The _ shoes were covered with mud, so I asked them to take them off before they got into _ car.A. girls; Toms B. girls; Toms C. girls; Toms D. girls; Toms【答案】【解析】7.(山东卷) He says that my new car is a _ of money. 网 Dont you think those words are just sour grapes? A. lack B. load C. question D. waste 网 【答案】【解析】8. (陕西卷) Form their _ on the top of the TV Tower, visitors can have a better view of the city. A. stage B. position C. condition D. situation【答案】【解析】9.(浙江卷)The system has been designed to give students quick and easy _ to the digital resources of the library. A. access B. passageC. wayD. approach【答案】【解析】10. (四川卷)The teacher together with the students _ discussing Reading Skills that _ newly published in America. A. are; were B. is; were C. are; was D. is; was 【答案】【解析】11.(湖南卷)Either you or one of your students _ to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.A. are B. is C. have D. be 【答案】【解析】12.(江苏卷)The population of Jiangsu _ to more than twice what it was in 1949. The figure is now approaching 74 million.A. has grown B. have grown C. grew D. are growing【答案】【解析】13.(江西卷)At present, one of the apartments in favor of the new airport _ that it will going a lot jobs to the area.A. is B. are C. will be D. were【答案】【解析】14.(山东卷)The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities _ rising steadily since1990. A. is B. are C. has been D. have been 网 【答案】【解析】15.(陕西卷)Dr. Smith, together with his wife and daughters, visit Beijing this summer.A. is going to B. are going to C. was going to D. were going to【答案】【解析】16.(四川卷)The teacher together with the students _ discussing Reading Skills that _ newly published in America. A. are; were B. is; were C. are; was D. is; was 【答案】【解析】xx年1. (安徽卷)I havent seen Sara since she was a little girl, and she has changed beyond .A. hearing B. strength C. recognition D. measure【答案】【解析】 2.(湖北卷)This restaurant has bee popular for its wide of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.A. division B. area C. range D. circle【答案】【解析】 3.(湖北卷)After the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was to provide for the homeless families.A. occupation B. furniture C. equipment D. acmodation【答案】【解析】4.(江苏卷)The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has a very good_.A. expectation B. reputation C. contribution D. civilization【答案】【解析】 5.(江西卷)Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving license reached 200,000, a(n) of 40,000 per year.A. average B. number C. amountD. quantity【答案】【解析】6.(山东卷)Those who suffer from headache will find they get _ from this medicine. A. relief B. safety C. defense D. shelter【答案】【解析】7.(天津卷)James took the magazines off the little table to make _ for the television.A. room B. area C. field D. position【答案】【解析】8.(浙江卷)The school advisers help you talk through your problems b

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