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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习完形填空专练一记叙文一(xx湖北武汉武昌区高三年级调研考试)The Gift at the Parking LotI never thought I would be writing about a trip to the convenience store. It was just a month after my grandmother had _1_ and I did useless things hoping to fill the hole in my heart and make me forget the pain.In the store, I was upset because I couldnt even remember _2_ I went there to buy so I ended up buying something _3_. As I walked out of the store to get my car, I was _4_ angry at everything that was going on around me which was a very _5_ feeling at that time.Feeling _6_, my belief in God was beginning to fade.Suddenly, a woman driving right by my side rolled down her _7_. “Excuse me, excuse me.” she said loudly. _8_ she was going to ask for my parking spot. I _9_ pointed to my car. “No, excuse me,” she said again.At this point, I felt I had no _10_ but to see what this _11_ lady wanted. As I got closer, I realized that she was _12_ something in her bag. Surprisingly, I was _13_ with a sense of relief while others would be nervous in this situation. Finally, she _14_ me a booklet, which read “What Hope for Dead Loved Ones?”“Maybe you need this,” she said calmly _15_ a warm smile on her face. However, _16_ I could thank her, she was gone.I felt a sense of _17_ as I opened the first page. It _18_ how people pass on, but their spirit _19_ with us. This was the first time since my grandma had died that I had felt her with me and I began to feel hope again. It was a unique _20_. And, Ill remember it for the rest of my life.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了“我”因为祖母去世而非常伤心,甚至绝望,这时一位陌生人给了“我”一个小册子,帮助“我”走出了阴霾。1Ae back Bpassed awayCbroken down Dfallen over解析:B从最后一段的“my grandma had died”可知,“我”的祖母去世了,“我”非常伤心。pass away“去世”;e back“回来”;break down“出故障”;fall over“不运转,被绊倒”。2A.what BwhyChow Dwhen解析:A到了便利店,“我”忘记了自己想买什么。空处引导宾语从句且从句中缺少宾语,故用what。3A.by chance Bin handCat random Don purpose解析:C因为忘记要买什么,所以“我”就随便买了一些。by chance“偶然”;in hand“在掌握中”;at random“随意”;on purpose“故意”。4A.still BevenCyet Dalso解析:B因为当时心情非常不好,所以甚至(even)对周围的一切都非常看不惯。5Amon BunbearableCcurious Dawkward解析:A考虑到“我”当时所处的情况,这样的坏心情是非常普遍的。mon“普遍的”;unbearable“难耐的”;curious“好奇的”;awkward“笨拙的,令人尴尬的”。6A.breathless BhopelessCaimless Dhelpless解析:B结合最后一段中的“I began to feel hope again”可知,此处指“我”对于上帝的信念开始减退,因为此时感觉绝望。breathless“上气不接下气的”;hopeless“没有希望的”;aimless“没有目标的”;helpless“无助的”。7A.car BdoorCwindow Dhand解析:C突然,从“我”旁边开车经过的一位女司机把车窗摇了下来。8A.Recognizing BWorryingCAssuming DRealizing解析:C“我”以为她要把车停在“我”停车的位置。recognize“认出”;worry“担心”;assume“认为”;realize“意识到”。9A.cautiously BexactlyCclumsily Dsimply解析:D“我”只是指了指“我”的车。cautiously“小心地”;exactly“准确地”;clumsily“笨拙地”;simply“仅仅”。10A.alternative BrestrictionCdestination Dprejudice解析:A这个时候“我”没有其他的办法,只有看看这个女士到底想要什么。alternative“可供选择的事物”;restriction“限制”;destination“目的地”;prejudice“偏见”。11A.outgoing BenergeticCdetermined Dannoying解析:D“我”当时心情非常差,看一切都不顺眼,所以“我”觉得这个女士很烦人。outgoing“外向的”;energetic“精力充沛的”;determined“坚决的”;annoying“令人烦恼的”。12A.putting away Blooking intoCsearching for Dgoing over解析:C当“我”走近的时候,“我”发现她在包里找东西。put away“将收起”;look into“调查”;search for“寻找”;go over“仔细检查”。13A.cheered BovereCaffected Dmoved解析:B令人想不到的是,这个时候“我”突然松了口气,而其他人在这种情况下都会紧张。be overe with意为“被(感情)所控制”。cheer“欢呼”;affect“影响”;move“移动,使感动”。14A.offered BshowedCbrought Dhanded解析:D最后她递给“我”一个小册子。hand作动词,表示“递”。15A.with BinCon Dof解析:A她的脸上带着微笑。16A.after BonceCas Dbefore解析:D“我”还没有来得及感谢她,她就已经走了。17Afort BsatisfactionCinspiration Dsurprise解析:A当“我”翻开第一页的时候,“我”得到了安慰。fort“安慰,舒适”;satisfaction“满意”;inspiration“灵感”;surprise“惊讶”。18A.implied BexplainedCinstructed Ddirected解析:B这本小册子告诉我们,人们离去了,但他们的灵魂还和我们在一起。imply“暗示”;explain“解释,说明”;instruct“指示”;direct“指导”。19A.catches up Bfits inCsticks Dremains解析:D他们的灵魂还和我们在一起。catch up“赶上”;fit in“适应”;stick“粘贴”;remain“继续存在”。20A.lesson BmemoryCgift Dreward解析:C这是一个独特的礼物。B(xx郑州第二次质量预测)I was standing in the checkout line behind a woman who looked to be in her 60s. When it was her turn to pay, the cashier (收银员) _1_ her by name and asked her how she was doing. The woman looked down, shook her head and said, “Not so good. My husband just lost his job and my _2_ son is up to his old tricks again. The truth is I dont know how Im going to _3_ the holidays.” Then she gave the cashier food stamps.My heart _4_. I wanted to help but didnt know how. Should I offer to _5_ her groceries or ask for her husbands situation?_6_ I walked into the parking lot. I spotted the woman returning her shopping cart. I remembered something in my purse that I thought might help her. It wasnt a handful of cash or an _7_ of a job for her husband, but maybe it would make her life _8_.My heart beat faster as I _9_ the woman. “Excuse me,” I said, my voice trembling a bit. “I couldnt help overhearing what you said to the cashier. It sounds like youre going through a really _10_ time right now. Im so sorry, but Id like to give you something.”I took a small card out of my purse and _11_ it to her.When the woman read the cards only two words, she began to cry. And through her _12_, she said, “You have no idea how much this _13_ to me.”I was a little _14_ by her reply. Having never done anything like this before, I didnt know what kind of _15_ I might receive. All I could think to respond was, “Oh, my! Would it be OK to give you a _16_?”After we hugged _17_, I walked back to my car and began to cry too.The words on the card? “You Matter.”A few weeks earlier, a colleague gave me a similar card as _18_ for a project I was working on. When I read the card, I felt a _19_ glow (喜悦) spread inside of me. Deeply touched, I came home and ordered my own box of “You Matter” cards and started _20_ them.【解题导语】本文讲述了“我”和一位老妇人之间的故事。“我”送给一位生活不如意的老妇人一张卡片,上面写着“You Matter”,这让她很感动。1A.called BgreetedCrecognized Dheard解析:B根据该句中的“and asked her how she was doing”可知,收银员问她过得怎么样,据此可以判断,收银员在和她打招呼(greeted),故B项正确。A项意为“打电话”,C项意为“认出”,D项意为“听到”,都与语境不符。2A.confident BindependentChopeless Dstubborn解析:C根据该句中的“son is up to his old tricks again”可知,她的儿子故伎重演;据此可以判断,她对她的儿子是感到绝望的(hopeless)。A项意为“自信的”;B项意为“独立的”;D项意为“固执的”。3A.think about Bgive upCgo on Dget through解析:D根据上文可知,她的丈夫刚失业,儿子故伎重演,她过得不好;据此可以判断,她不知道如何度过(get through)假期。A项意为“考虑”,B项意为“放弃”,C项意为“继续”,都与语境不符。4A.ached BfailedCbeat Dbroke解析:A根据下文的“I wanted to help but didnt know how”并结合第一段中她对丈夫和儿子的描述可知,“我”听后感到心疼(ached)。B项意为“失败”;C项意为“跳动”;D项意为“破碎”。5A.send for Bprovide forCpay for Dbeg for解析:C根据上文中的“When it was her turn to pay”并结合该句中的“her groceries”可知,“我”不知道如何帮助她,是不是可以帮她付款(pay for)。A项意为“索取,派人去叫”;B项意为“提供”;D项意为“乞求”。6A.As BThoughCUnless DSince解析:A当“我”走进停车场时,“我”看到她正在退还购物车。A项意为“当时候”,符合语境,故A项正确。B项意为“尽管”,C项意为“除非”,D项意为“自从以来”,都与语境不符。7A.excuse BofferCexperience Dopinion解析:B根据该句中的“of a job for her husband”可知,这并不是给她丈夫提供的一份工作。A项意为“借口”,C项意为“经历”,D项意为“观点”,都与语境不符。8A.easier BwealthierCsimpler Dbetter解析:D根据上文中的“Not so good”及该句中的“but maybe it would make her life”可以判断,“我”的帮助也许会让她的生活更好(better)一点。9A.touched BfoundCpassed Dapproached解析:D根据语境可知,当“我”靠近(approached)她时,“我”的心跳得更快。A项意为“触摸”,B项意为“发现”,C项意为“经过”,都与语境不符。10A.happy BtoughCregular Dlong解析:B根据第一段可知,她的丈夫刚失业,儿子故伎重演,她过得不好;据此可知,她此刻过着艰难的(tough)生活。A项意为“幸福的”,C项意为“经常的”,D项意为“长久的”,都与语境不符。11A.handed BshowedCspread Dexplained解析:A根据语境可知,“我”从钱包里取出一张小卡片并递给(handed)她。B项意为“展示”,C项意为“传播”,D项意为“解释”,都与语境不符。12A.thanks BfearsCtears Dbeliefs解析:C根据上文中的“she began to cry”可以判断,她含着泪(tears)和“我”说话。13A.brings BmeansCvalues Dcontains解析:B根据语境可知,此处表示“你不知道这对我意义(means)多大”。A项意为“带来”,C项意为“珍视”,D项意为“包含”,都与语境不符。14A.worried BexcitedCmoved Dshocked解析:D根据下文中的“Having never done anything like this before”可知,“我”以前从来没有做过这样的事情,所以对她的反应有点儿震惊。A项意为“担心的,焦虑的”;B项意为“兴奋的”;C项意为“感动的”。15A.reaction BfeelingCexpression Danswer解析:A根据下文中的“All I could think to respond was”可以判断,“我”不知道自己会收到什么样的反应(reaction)。B项意为“感情”,C项意为“表达”,D项意为“答案”,都与语境不符。16A.present BpromiseChug Dride解析:C根据下文中的“After we hugged”可以判断,此处表示“我给你一个拥抱(hug)好吗?”,故选C。17A.wildly BtightlyCgently Deagerly解析:B根据语境可知,在我们紧紧拥抱之后,“我”回到“我”的车上,也开始哭。A项意为“激烈地”,C项意为“温柔地”,D项意为“热切地”,都与语境不符。18A.progress BeffortCencouragement Dpraise解析:C根据该句中的“for a project I was working on”并结合下文的“I felt a _19_ glow (喜悦) spread inside of me”可知,同事给“我”这张卡片是为了鼓励“我”工作。A项意为“进步”,B项意为“努力”,D项意为“表扬”,都与语境不符。19A.warm BrichCsoft Dfierce解析:A根据语境可知,“我”感到一种温暖的(warm)喜悦感在“我”身上传播。B项意为“丰富的”,C项意为“柔软的”,D项意为“凶恶的”,都与语境不符。20A.gathering BenjoyingCpreparing Dsharing解析:D根据语境可知,“我”深受感动,回到家后开始将这些写着“You Matter”的卡片分享(sharing)给别人。A项意为“聚集、集合”,B项意为“享受”,C项意为“准备”,都与语境不符。C(xx郑州第一次质量预测)I remember the first day when I saw Sally playing basketball. I watched in wonder as she struggled her way through the crowd of boys on the playground. She seemed so _1_, but she managed to shoot jump shots just over their heads and into the net. The boys always tried to stop her _2_ nobody could.I began to notice Sally at other times, basketball in hand, playing _3_. She practiced dribbling (运球) and _4_ over and over.One day I asked Sally why she _5_ so much. Without a moment of hesitation she said, “I want to go to college. The only way I can go is to get a _6_. Im going to play college basketball and I want to be the best one. I believe that if I am _7_ enough, I will get one. My father has told me that if the dream is big enough, the facts dont _8_.”I _9_ her through those junior high years and into high school. Every week, she led her team to _10_. One day in her senior year, I saw her sitting on the grass, her head _11_ in her arms. Slowly and quietly, I _12_ and sat down beside her. “Whats wrong?”I asked. “Oh,nothing,” came a soft reply, “I am just too short.” The _13_ told her that at 165 cm she would probably never play for a top team still less she would be _14_ a scholarship so she should stop dreaming about college.I felt she was extremely _15_. I asked her if she had talked to her dad about it yet. She told me that her father said those coaches were _16_. They didnt understand the _17_ of a dream.The next year, Sally was seen by a college basketball coach after a big game. She was _18_ offered a scholarship and _19_ to the college team. She was going to get the college education that she had _20_ and worked toward for all those years.Its true:if the dream is big enough, the facts dont count.【解题导语】本文主要讲述了Sally在自身条件不好的情况下不懈努力最终实现梦想的故事。1A.silent BsmallCstrong Dhuge解析:B根据but的转折意义并结合上文的“I watched in wonder as she struggled her way through the crowd of boys”可推知,Sally个子很小,与下文的“I am just too short”呼应。2A.but BandCso Dfor解析:A由空前的“The boys always tried to stop her”和空后的“nobody could”可知,前后表示逻辑上的转折关系。3A.still BagainCwell Dalone解析:D根据语境可知,作者经常看到Sally独自打球。4A.passing BrunningCshooting Dstruggling解析:C由上文的“but she managed to shoot jump shots just over their heads and into the net”和空前的“dribbling(运球)”可知,Sally反复练习运球和投球(shooting)。5A.studied BpracticedCexpected Dimproved解析:B由上文的“She practiced dribbling (运球) and _4_ over and over”可知,作者问Sally为什么要大量地练习球技。6A.title BprizeCscholarship Dreward解析:C根据下文“she would probably never play for a top team still less she would be _14_ a scholarship so she should stop dreaming about college”可知,Sally努力练球是想拿到奖学金去上大学。7A.good BbraveCcareful Dactive解析:A由上文的“I want to be the best one”可知,Sally认为只有当自己的球技足够好的时候,才可以拿到奖学金。8A.lack BtalkCappear Dcount解析:D由下文的“Its true: if the dream is big enough, the facts dont count”可知,当梦想足够强大的时候,事实并不是那么重要。count意为“重要”。9A.encouraged BrespectedCwatched Dhelped解析:C由上文的“I watched in wonder”和“I began to notice Sally at other times”可知,作者一直关注着Sally。10A.victory BconfidenceCresponsibility Dprofession解析:A根据上文Sally成功投篮和反复练习球技可推知,她带领自己的球队获得了胜利。11A.dropped BburiedCcovered Dsunk解析:B结合下文的“Whats wrong? I asked”及“I am just too short”可推知,当时Sally情绪不高,把头埋在胳膊里。12A.walked off Bwalked outCwalked around Dwalked up解析:D根据“Slowly and quietly”和“and sat down beside her”可知,作者当时静静地走过去,坐在了Sally旁边。walk up意为“走近”。13A.coach BteacherCcaptain Dleader解析:A根据下文的“She told me that her father said those coaches were _16_”可知,教练告诉她,她太矮了。14A.suggested BsentCpromised Doffered解析:D根据下文的“She was _18_ offered a scholarship”可知,教练认为Sally不会获得奖学金。15A.worried BexcitedCdisappointed Dsurprised解析:C根据上文教练的话可知,Sally感到很失望。16A.great BwrongCstrict Dcruel解析:B由上文的“My father has told me. the facts dont _8_”可推知,Sally的父亲认为教练是错的。与下文的“They didnt understand the _17_ of a dream”相呼应。17A.pressure BvalueCcause Dpower解析:D根据下文Sally拿到奖学金并接受大学教育可推知,此处表示“他们不明白梦想的力量”。18A.exactly BnaturallyCreally Dnormally解析:C结合下文的“She was going to get the college education”可知,Sally确实获得了奖学金。19A.taken BadmittedCintroduced Dappointed解析:BSally获得了奖学金并且还加入了大学篮球队。be admitted to意为“考入,进入”。20A.dreamed of Bpicked upCbenefited from Dcarried out解析:A根据上文可知,Sally一直梦想上大学。

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