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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Unit5Rhythm教学案北师大版必修2.核心单词识记思考运用一、单词拼写1*Only when theories are _ (结合) with practice can we know how they work.2(xx安徽,29)Mo Yan was _(授予)the Nobel Prize for Literature in xx,which made one of the Chinese peoples longheld dreams e true.3(xx天津,阅读B) Emerald Valley is only one munity that is being aware of the negative _ (影响)of light pollution. 4.(xx福建,完形)Looking backward,we discover what is _(独特的) in us; learn the meaning of “I”5(xx陕西,25)My uncle hasnt been able to _ (放弃)smoking,but at least he has cut down.6(xx江苏,阅读A)Shops are located _ (遍及) Canadas Wonderland.7The police soon established his true _(身份)and he was quickly found.8.Filled of the moment with _ (非凡的) strength,he raised himself pletely.9(xx安徽,阅读B)To show this,she held up one chopstick,_(代表)one person.10(xx安徽,任务型阅读)Proper small talk can make that first _(印象)get you the job.答案1bined2.awarded3.effects4.unique5.quit6.throughout7.identity8.extraordinary9.representing10.impression二、用所给词的适当形式填空1(xx辽宁,任务型阅读)When someone has deeply hurt you,it can be _(extreme) difficult to let go of your hate.2*It was the presidents second _(appear)in public.3*(xx天津,阅读A)Mobile phone conversations are not _(permission) anywhere in the library.4The familys _ (react) was always a bination of shock and joy.5*The wine was excellent,but the food was _ (disappoint)6As women we _(general) say and feel too much about these things.7The sense of _(responsible) for our country made them contribute themselves greatly.8_ (base) on facts,his story got well received as soon as it came out.9As we all know,a person who can _ many new inventions is always considered to be _(creative)10*People present at the concert sing high praise for Song Zuyings _; in other words,she is a good _(perform)答案1.extremely2.appearance3.permitted4.reaction5.disappointing6generally7.responsibility8.Based9.create;creative10.performance;performer三、开心词场To my disappointment,I missed her extremely creative performance,where she dressed herself as a male and joined the army instead of her father,transforming herself into a general at last,which impressed the audience deeply in some ways.In my opinion,she is really a girl of extraordinary beauty and talents in spite of her ordinary appearance.The impression on the audience is that she is a representative of her generation.【联想积累】 表“联系”的动词小结connectassociatelinkrelate bine contact归纳以-ance为后缀的高频名词guidance 指导 significance 意义 perseverance 毅力 annoyance 烦恼performance 表演appearance 出现由permit想到的allow doing sth/sb to do sth 允许(某人)做某事forbid doing sth/sb to do sth 禁止(某人)做某事advise doing sth/sb to do sth 建议(某人)做某事不一样的“心情”astonishing adj.令人惊讶的astonished adj.惊讶的frightening adj.令人害怕的frightened adj.害怕的terrifying adj.令人恐惧的terrified adj.感到恐惧的moving adj.令人感动的moved adj.感动的embarrassing adj.令人尴尬的embarrassed adj.尴尬的touching adj.触动人心的touched adj.感动的disappointing adj.令人失望的disappointed adj.失望的词汇拓展effect n效果,作用effective adj.有效地,起作用的base n基地,基础basic adj.基本的general n将军general adj.一般的,总的,综合的generally adv.通常地,一般地creative adj.有创造力的,创造性的create vt.创造,创作represent vt. 代表representation n代表;代理;表示;象征 .重点短语识记思考运用一、补全短语1. _ the end of 在的尽头2note/write _ 记下3play a part _ 在中起作用4*_ other words 换句话说5*_ times 有时6_ some ways 在某些方面7back and _ 往返,来回8not _ all 一点儿也不答案1.at2.down3.in4.in5.at6.in7.forth8.at二、短语填空pick up;give up;leave out;*refer to;fit in with;be dressed in;be used to;e out1We drove to the airport the next morning to _ Susan.2I would sooner _ sleep than miss my evening class.3The Chinese teacher asked her to _ the unnecessary words and sentences.4Lady Whitlon _ getting up early and did some exercise in the garden.5I wasnt sure if she would _ my friends.6He was a big man who _ a suit and tie.7It was foolish of him to _ his notes during that important test.8Some animals such as bats and owls only _ at night.答案1.pick up2.give up3.leave out4.was used to5.fit in with6was dressed in7.refer to8e out【联想积累】word短语精选in a/one word 总之,简而言之beyond words 难以言表have a word with 和说句话have words with和吵嘴keep ones word 遵守诺言,守信用break ones word 失信,不守诺言in other words 换句话说time短语个个清at a time 一次,每次at one time 曾经,一度at all times 总是,始终at any time 随时,任何时候at no time 决不(位于句首,句子倒装)at the same time 同时at times 有时“查字典”表达法种种consult a dictionary refer to a dictionarylook up.in a dictionary.经典句式识记思考运用1It was Morissettes first performance in England since her song “Uninvited” won this years Grammy Award for the best rock song.(It is/was.since.自从以来多长时间了)自从莫里塞特的歌曲“Uninvited”获得今年的格莱美最佳摇滚歌曲奖以来,这是她在英国的首次演出。仿写_ the singers first concert in Hangzhou _ he won the first prize of The Voice of China.自从获得中国好声音的冠军以来,这位歌手首次在杭州举行演唱会。2His mother couldnt buy him a piano until he was seven.(not.until.直到才)直到他7岁时,他母亲才给他买一架钢琴。仿写I _ I watched TV yesterday.直到我昨天看电视时才知道那则消息。3*And every time you call,Ive waited there as though you might not call at all.(名词引导状语从句) 而且每次你打电话,我都已在那里等着好像有可能你根本不给我打电话。 仿写_ I see somebody hitting a child, it makes my blood boil. 每次当看到有人打孩子时,我就怒火中烧。4*Whether Kong is changing his appearance or transforming his music,he is a pioneer in music today. (whether.or.“无论是还是”)无论孔祥东是在改变他的外表还是在转变他的音乐风格,他都是当今音乐界的先行者。仿写_ it turns out to be a good idea _ a bad idea,well find out soon. 它到底是个好主意还是个坏主意,我们很快会见分晓。答案1.It was;since2.didnt know the news until3.Every time4Whether;or【联想积累】时间状语从句的三类引导词time短语:every time,each time,(the) next time,the last time,by the time,the first time,any time等名词型:the moment,the minute,the second,the instant副词型:immediately,directly,instantlywhether与if的区别whether和if都可以引导宾语从句;whether可置于句首引导主语从句,而if不能;whether可用在介词之后引导宾语从句,而if不能;whether可引导表语从句,而if不能;whether可引导同位语从句,而if不能;whether可接不定式,而if不能。.单元语法识记思考运用will表决心;状语从句(时间、让步、原因、结果、目的)单句语法填空1Alas! I have left my key to the office in my car.Dont worry.I _ (get) it for you.Wait a minute.2Im bored with the crowded buses.I _ (buy) a car.3Things were different _ I was a child.4*_ they are twins,they look entirely different.5_ you are unable to deal with it,perhaps we should ask someone else for help.答案1.will get2.will buy3.when4.Although/Though5.Since【联想积累】although引导让步状语从句时,只能用正常语序; though可用正常语序,也可用倒装语序;as只能用倒装语序,即从句中的表语、状语或动词原形置于句首,若表语是单数名词,前置时要省略冠词。although与though都可以与yet,still,nevertheless连用,但不能和but连用。though还可以作副词,意为“可是,然而”,置于句末。 单 词 点 睛1effect n效果;作用 教材原句The music was brilliant but the special effects were disappointing.音乐很棒,但是特技效果却是令人失望的。(1)have an effect/effects on 对有影响put/bring/carry sth into effect 把某物投入使用/实行in effect 事实上take effect 生效,起作用(2)effective adj.有效的effectively adv.有效地(xx新课标全国,阅读B)Your house may _ your figure.你的房子可能对你的身材有影响。(xx湖北,阅读C)_ effect,despite being made aware of what to do,they were still too shy to do what the experienced baboon did.实际上,尽管知道要做什么,它们还是太害羞以至于不会去做有经验的狒狒做的事。答案have an effect onIn2award n奖,奖品;奖金 vt.授予,给予 高考例句 (xx安徽,29) Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in xx,which made one of the Chinese peoples longheld dreams e true.xx年莫言被授予诺贝尔文学奖,这使得中国人民多年以来的一个梦想实现了。(1)win/receive/get an award (for sth) (因而)获奖(2)award sth to sb ( award sb sth) for sth 因某事授予某人某物,把判给Its said that the old scientist had won _ award for his contribution to his country.据说那位老科学家因为对国家的贡献而获得奖励。The woman awarded $100 _ the boy for saving her son.由于救了她的儿子这位妇女给了这个男孩100美元。【辨析比较】award/reward/prizeaward指为鼓励在工作中达到或完成所提出要求或条件的人进行的授奖行为,更注重荣誉,而不在乎奖品或奖金reward指对别人的工作、服务或帮助的奖赏与报答,可以是酬金,也可以是物品prize“奖金、奖品、战利品”,指竞赛获奖,竞争、抽奖或工作学习中的优胜者获得的奖励,可以是钱,也可以是物选用以上词语完成片段Now you have some chances to get money.First,if you can help find the stolen painting,you will be offered a $1,000 _Then,you can win a _ if you are able to answer this question about the painting.The question is what _ the painter has got for this painting.答案antoreward;prize;award3impress vt.使(人)印象深刻;使铭记,让明白(的重要性等) 教材原句Everyone agreed that they were greatly impressed by Morissettes brilliant music and singing.每个人都认为,莫里塞特杰出的音乐和演唱给他们留下了深刻的印象。(1)impress sb with.(某事)给某人留下印象impress sth on/upon sb/ones memory 使某人铭记某事be impressed by/with/at 对有深刻印象(2)leave/make/have an impression on sb 给某人留下印象(3)impressive adj.给人印象深刻的;感人的The little boy impressed me _ his big bright eyes the first time I saw him.第一次见到这个小男孩时,他明亮的大眼睛就给我留下了深刻的印象。We were all impressed _ the beautiful scenery of Mount Tai.泰山的美丽风光给我们留下了深刻印象。(xx陕西,六选五)Such a person may be forgiven if he is late,but not those who are deliberately late to create _(impress)如果迟到了,这种人或许能够被原谅,但是那些故意迟到而想给人留下深刻印象的人例外。答案withbyimpression4represent vt.代表,表示;象征;描绘;宣称;说明 高考例句(xx浙江,阅读B)The circle is divided into sections,and each section represents a fraction of the data.圆圈被分成了好几部分,每一部分都代表数据的一小部分。(1)represent.as.把描绘成represent sb to be/as 宣称某人是/为represent sth to sb 向某人说明某事,向某人传达某事(2)representative n. 代表;代表他人者 adj.典型的,有代表性的The old man represented himself _ the Son of God.这位老人把自己说成是救世主。Let me try to represent my ideas _ you in another way.让我尽量用另一种方式向你陈述我的观点。He was elected as the additional _(represent),and attended the conference. 他被增选为代表参加这次会议。答案as/to betorepresentative5quit vt.& vi.停止;辞职教材原句However,he didnt quit,and he became a great pianist.然而他没有放弃,他成为了一名伟大的钢琴家。quit doing sth 停止做某事quit school/ones job 辍学/辞去某人的工作be quit of/quit oneself of 摆脱You are never a loser until you quit _在停止尝试之前,你永远不是失败者。He wanted to be quit _ the responsibility,which made his boss angry.他想摆脱责任,这件事让他的老板很生气。答案tryingof6responsible adj.有责任的,应负责任的 高考例句(xx北京,七选五) But daydreamers are also responsible for some of the greatest ideas and achievements in human history.但在人类历史上空想家也能成就一些最伟大的思想和成就。(1)be responsible for 应对负责;对有责任be responsible to sb 对某人负责(2)have the responsibility for 对有责任,对负责Nobody will take the _ (responsible)for the terrible mess in the pany.没有人愿意对公司的严重混乱负责任。Parents are responsible _ their children for their education. 父母应该对其子女的教育负有责任。答案responsibilityto7permission n允许,许可牛津例句With your permission,Ill send a copy of this letter to the doctor.如果你准许的话,我就把这封信的副本寄给那位医生。(1)with/without (ones) permission 经/未经(某人)允许ask for permission 请求许可(2)permit doing. 允许做weather permitting 如果天气允许的话If you wish to invite a friend over to visit,you must first ask your hosts _(permit)如果你希望邀请朋友来访,你得首先得到主人的许可。(xx天津,阅读A)Students living in buildings that have kitchens are only permitted _(cook) in the kitchen. 住在设有厨房的楼房里的学生只准在厨房做饭。Weather _(permit), well have a picnic in the forest this weekend.如果天气允许,这个周末我们将在森林里野餐。答案permissionto cookpermitting短 语 点 拨1be used to 习惯于教材原句Canadian singer and song writer,Alanis Morissette,is used to being in the public eye.加拿大歌唱家及词曲家阿兰妮斯莫里塞特习惯了公开露面。Our teacher used to _(bring) us to attend a science lecture in the hall twice a term.我们老师过去每学期带我们到大厅听两次科学报告。Can you guess what it was used _ in the past?你能猜出这件东西在过去被用作什么吗?Pictures,video clips and cases are used _(create) situations for vivid interactive teaching.图片、视频和事例都被使用以便为生动有趣的互动教学创设情境。答案bringforto create2in other words换句话说教材原句In other words,every action and movement in Beijing Opera is important.换句话说,京剧中每一个表演和动作都是很重要的。in a/one word 总之,简而言之have a word with 和说句话have words with 和吵嘴keep ones word 遵守诺言,守信用Word came that.据说/消息传来Ill keep _word and tell him everything.我会遵守诺言,把一切都告诉他。I dont think your idea is a good one.In _ word,I dont agree with you.我认为你的主意并不好,总之,我不同意你的看法。Word came_ Zhu Zhiwen,nicknamed “Overcoat Brother”, would soon visit our school,which excited us.消息传来,绰号称之为“大衣哥”的朱之文不久就要来我们学校参观,这让我们很兴奋。答案myathat3at times有时教材原句He was made to practise the piano so much that,at times,he thought about giving up.他被过多地要求练习钢琴,以至于有时他会想到放弃。at a time 一次,每次at one time 曾经,一度at all times 总是,始终at no time 决不(位于句首,句子倒装)At no time _ tell you that you could use my car at any time.我从没告诉过你说你可以任何时候都能用我的车。At _ time Joan and I were good friends.I often went to her for help at _time because she would always solve the problems in time.Joan was clever,and at _same time she liked to finish her homework ahead of time and she liked to do it at _ time.我和琼曾经是好朋友。我经常随时向她求助,因为她总是及时解决问题。琼很聪明,而且她总是提前完成作业并一次性做完。答案did Ione;any;the;a4in some ways在某些方面,在某种程度上教材原句But after years of performing,he felt that in some ways he had lost his identity.但是多年表演之后,他觉得在某些方面迷失了自己。in a/one way 在某种程度上in any way 无论如何,在任何情况下in the/ones way 挡道,碍事in no way 决不(位于句首,句子倒装)(xx福建,书面表达)Only _ can they grow up to be independent and bee truly successful.只有以这种方式他们才能独立成长、真正成功。(xx福建,29)Mrs.Smith finds it hard to clear up the mess,as her children are always _ whenever she tries to.史密斯夫人发现清理杂物很难,因为无论何时她要去做的时候,孩子们总是碍事。As far as I know,Mike is always very honest,so in no way _ tell us a lie.就我所知,迈克总是很诚实,因此他决不会向我们说谎。答案in this wayin the waydoes he句 式 透 析1教材原句It was Morissettes first performance in England since her song “Uninvited” won this years Grammy Award for the best rock song.这是自莫里塞特的歌曲Uninvited获得今年的格莱美最佳摇滚歌曲奖以来她在英国的首次演出。It is/was.since.表示“自从以来多长时间了或出现了某种状态”,注意it后面的谓语动词一般是be,它也可用其完成时,即:It has been.since.。如果since从句中的谓语动词为非延续性动词时,则意为“自从以来多久了”,如果是延续性动词,则意为“不做多久了”。Its three years since he _ the army.自从他参军已经三年了。Its three years since he _ the army.自从他不在部队/退伍已经三年了。(1)It is (about/high) time that.是做的时候了(从句谓语动词用过去式或should动词原形)(2)It/This/That is/was/will be the first time that.这/那(将)是第一次(从句谓语动词用完成时态)(3)It was/will be时间段before.过了多久/要过多久才It is time that our exercise books _ today.今天该交上我们的练习本了。This is the second time you _(pretend)to dismiss me.这是你第二次假模假样地要解雇我了。 答案joinedwas inshould be handed in/were handed inhave pretended2教材原句His mother couldnt buy him a piano until he was seven.直到他7岁时,他母亲才能给他买一架钢琴。not.until.“直到才;在之前没”。有时用never替代not。“not.until.”句型三注意:(1)until引导时间状语从句,主句谓语动词通常是终止性动词。(2)not.until.位于句首时,其后的主句常用部分倒装(注意not不能放在主句中)。 (3)“It is/was not until.that.”为该句式的强调句型。You _ apply for the job _ you have satisfied certain conditions.在没符合某些条件前,你不能申请这份工作。(xx湖南,32)He _ sleep,although he tried to,when he got on such a hunt for an idea _ he had _ it.尽管他试图入睡,但是他就是睡不着直到他突发灵感想到一个主意。It was _ he left the room.Not until the rain stopped _ leave the room.直到雨停了他才离开房间。答案cant;untilcouldnt;until;caughtnot until the rain stopped that;did he.单句语法填空1Dont stand in _ way; Im busy picking up my baggage.2_ he drives or takes the train,he will be here on time.3Faced with the threat of water shortages,Beijing and Shanghai are taking _(effect)measures to save water and protect water resources.4I am deeply impressed _ the great changes that have taken place in the school over the past three years.5It was not until he got seriously ill _ he realized the importance of health.6After the _(perform),Im eager to show you around some places of interest.7The young man does make a good impression _ everybody he meets.8He left the classroom without _ (permit)9At no time _ I tell you that you could use my car.10The petition attracted over 500 petitors _(represent) 18 different countries.答案1.the2.Whether3.effective4.by5.that6.performance7.on8.permission9.did10.representing.单句改错1He is used to get up early and he can enjoy the fresh air in the morning. _2As the whisky took the effect,he gradually fell into a drunk sleep._3The old man is used to go to the park to do some exercise but now he is ill in bed. _4To our great disappoint,it rained on the day of the picnic. _ 5The knife is used to sharpening the pencils. _6Words came that the mayor would soon visit our school,which excited us. _7I think Tom,as the head of a big department,should either study regularly or quits his job. _8All vice managers are responsible for the general manager. _答案1.getgetting2.去掉第二个the3.去掉第一个is4.disappointdisappointment5.sharpeningsharpen6.WordsWord7.quitsquit 8.for to.完成句子1His father has given up smoking.It is/has been 3 years _他爸爸已放弃了抽烟。他不抽烟已经三年了。2_,he will visit me.每次他来这儿,他都来拜访我。3We _ the sight here.这里的风景给我留下了深刻的印象。4_,with hard work any difficulty can be overe.换句话说,只要努力工作任何困难都能被克服。5Its illegal to read others private letters _未经允许看别人的私人信件是不合法的。答案1.since he smoked2.Every time he es here 3were deeply impressed with4.In other words 5without permission.单元考点作文串记一、根据提示翻译句子1尽管周杰伦相貌平平,但他因有音乐天赋而出名。(ordinary,be known for,talent)_2他的歌深受年轻人的喜爱,给听众留下了深刻的印象。(用which引导的非限制性定语从句, impression)_3换句话说,他的歌曲极深地影响了很多青少年。(in other words,affect,extremely)_4到现在为止,他出版了很多专辑。(up to now)_5他还在影视界取得了非凡的成绩,很多人喜欢他的表演。(extraordinary,performance)_6但最开始时,并不是每个人都认为他会有光明的前途。 (not everyone/all)_7他努力工作,取得了那么大的成就,以至于现在在某些方面他是亚洲独一无二的流行歌星。 (such.that.,unique,in some ways)_答案1.Jay Chou is known for a talent for music in spite of his ordinary appearance.2His songs,which leave a deep impression on the audience,are popular with young people.3In other words,his songs affect many teenagers extremely.4Up to now,a lot of his albums have e out.5He also has obtained extraordinary achievement in the film and TV circles and many people like his performance.6But in the beginning,not everybody/all thought he would have a bright future.7He works hard and achieves such a great success that he is now an Asias unique pop star in some ways.二、加入适当过渡词,连句成篇【参考范文】Jay Chou is known for a talent for music in spite of his ordinary appeara


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