2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits练习 外研版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits练习 外研版必修2.语法填空,单句训练1(xx玉溪模拟改编)By making friends with the native speakers, one can pick_ a lot of their language.答案:up句意:通过和本地人交朋友,一个人可以学会他们的语言中的很多内容。pick up“学会,获得”。符合句意。2However expensive the clothing is, buy it as long as it _ you.答案:fits句意:无论衣服多贵,只要合身,就买下来。fit“合身”。3Im anxious _ the results of my exam while my brother is anxious _ the prize of the exam.答案:about; for句意:我在担心考试的结果,而弟弟在渴望得到考试的奖金。be anxious about“担心”;be anxious for“渴望得到”。4(xx杭州模拟改编)Letting out of a cry of pain is a(n) _ reaction when you get hurt.答案:normal句意:当你受伤的时候,发出痛苦的叫声是一种正常的反应。normal“正常的”;符合句意。5When she fell off the ladder, her arm was badly _.(injure)答案:injured句意:当她从梯子上摔下来时,她的胳膊严重受伤了。injure一般指意外事故中受到的伤害。6Not once has she given in to any difficulty in her life and thats _ she is a strongwilled woman.答案:because考查引导名词性从句的连词。句意:在她的一生中她从没有向困难屈服过,那是因为她是一位意志坚强的女性。thats because.表示“那是因为”。7The boy was last seen _(play) by the river before he was lost.答案:playing在see/hear/feel/watch/notice/observe等感官动词后,用现在分词作补语表示动作正在进行。8As a mother, she always takes great _(pain) to make her family members eat healthily.答案:painstake great pains to do.意为“尽力做”。9(四川高考改编)Read this story, _ you will realize that not everything can be bought with money.答案:and句意:读一读这个故事,你就会意识到并非所有的东西都能用金钱买到。or“否则”;and表示承接上文,可用于“祈使句and陈述句”句型中,陈述句中用将来时。10There is no evidence to show that he is _(connect) with the murder.答案:connected考查动词短语。句意:没有证据表明他和这起谋杀案有关。connect.with.“把与联系”。.语法填空,篇章训练阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。On Oct. 6th, xx, a piece of breaking news hit the world: Steve Jobs, the founder of the Apple pany, _1_(pass) away after years of battle against pancreatic cancer. I as well as many people _2_(be) sad at the news. We saw him make miracles again and again, and we hoped that he would always give us a surprise. We enjoy using an iPod to listen to music and we like to play games with _3_ iPad. We love to municate with our friends by iPhone. _4_ seemed that Jobs always understood _5_ we really wanted. So he could devote himself to his career by creating the amazing products constantly. But now he quietly left, _6_(leave) us a great pity.US. President Barack Obama called Jobs a visionary _7_(lead) and one of the greatest US. innovators. He said in a statement, “Steve was brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and _8_(gift) enough to do it.”Steve Jobs family said in a statement, Steve died _9_(peace) today surrounded by his family. We are grateful for the support and kindness of those _10_ share our feelings for Steve. We know many of you will mourn with us, and we ask that you respect our privacy during our time of grief.1_2._3._4._5._6_7._8._9._10._答案:1.passed2.was3.an4.It5.what6.leaving7leader8.gifted9.peacefully10.who.完形填空(xx江苏苏州调研)Children have lost touch with nature and the outdoors in just one generation! Recently a campaign encouraging children to put away _1_ and play outside has been organized. The campaign, said to be the biggest _2_, has been launched with the _3_ of a documentary film, Project Wild Thing. It tells the story of how,_4_ an attempt to get his daughter and son outside, filmmaker David Bond _5_as marketing director for nature.The call to renew a _6_ with nature es from about 400 organizations, from playgroups to the National Health Service. Children are being _7_ to take back their “wild time”, _8_ 10 minutes of screen use for outdoor activities. The organizers _9_ that giving up 10 minutes of television and puter games each day in exchange for outdoor play will increase the _10_ of fitness and alertness and improve childrens wellbeing.According to the chairman Andy Simpson, right now, time spent outdoors is _11_, activity levels are declining and the ability to identify mon species has been _12_“With many more parents being _13_ the dominance (统治地位) of screen time in their childrens lives, and growing scientific evidence that a decline in _14_ time is bad news for the health and happiness of our children, we all need to bee marketing directors for nature. We want parents to see what this magical wonder product does for their kids development, independence and creativity, by giving wild time a _15_,” said Mr. Simpson.In Mr. Bonds opinion, the reasons why kids, _16_they live in cities or the countryside, have bee _17_from nature and the outdoors are plex. “We need to make more space for wild time in childrens daily routine, _18_this generation of kids to have the sort of experiences that many of us took for granted. Its all about finding _19_ on your doorstep and discovering the sights, sounds and _20_of naturemaybe in a back garden, a local park, or just green space at the end of the road.”语篇解读:本文提出了孩子们室外活动的时间太少,鼓励孩子们每天抽出一部分看电视、上网的时间去参加户外活动,这样可以增强体质。1A.subjects BscreensCstages Dscenes答案:Bsubjects意为“主题”;screens意为“屏幕”;stages意为“舞台”;scenes意为“场景”。根据第二段中“_8_10 minutes of screen use for outdoor activities.”可知此处应填screens,指代电脑、电视等。put away screens意为“少看电视和上网”,和上句“Children have lost touch with nature and the outdoors in just one generation!”相呼应。2A.ever BlikelyCthen Deven答案:A根据语境可知这项活动是有史以来最大的,故用副词ever。3A.oute BdirectionCexposure Drelease答案:Doute“结果”;direction“方向”;exposure“暴露;揭发”;release“释放;发行,放映”。此处指的是上映一部纪录片,故D项正确。4A.by BonCfor Din答案:Din an attempt to do sth.意为“试图,企图做某事”,为固定用法。5A.behaves BactsCtreats Dthinks答案:Bbehave意为“表现”(不符合句意以及结构);act意为“行动”(act as充当;以某身份做);treat意为“对待”(treat.as);think意为“想,认为”(think of.as看作)。这里是指制片人大卫邦德被看作是营销总监,故B项正确。6A.connection BmitmentCcontract Dcampaign答案:Aconnection“联系”;mitment“承诺,许诺”;contract“合同”;campaign“运动,活动”。根据上文第二句Recently a campaign encouraging children to put away _1_ and play outside has been organized.可知这是一次和大自然密切联系的活动,故A项正确。7A.pulled BforcedCurged Dwarned答案:Cpull意为“拉,拖”;force意为“强迫,迫使”;urge意为“力劝,催促”;warn意为“警告”。此处表示孩子们被劝说重回他们“疯玩的时代”,即让孩子们重新回到大自然去,故C项正确。8A.providing BtakingCswapping Dpreparing答案:Cprovide意为“提供”;take意为“花费”;swap意为“交换”;prepare意为“准备”。根据下一句“The organizers _9_ that giving up 10 minutes of television and puter games each day in exchange for outdoor play.”中in exchange for的提示,可知此处swap.for.意为“以交换”,符合语境。9A.allow BadmitCacquire Dargue答案:Dallow意为“允许”;admit意为“承认,认错”;acquire意为“获得,学会”;argue意为“争论,辩论;说服”。此处表示组织者们认为拿出每天看电视、上网的10分钟时间,换成室外活动将增加健康水平与敏捷程度,然后提高孩子们的身体素质,故D项正确。10A.amounts BlevelsCdegrees Dstandards答案:Bamounts意为“量”;levels意为“水平”;degrees意为“程度”;standards意为“标准”。the levels of fitness意为“健康水平”,符合语境。根据下段中第11空后的activity levels也可知答案。11A.down BupCover Doff答案:A此处和空后的activity levels are declining相呼应,表示户外活动的时间在“下降”,故A项down正确。12A.developed BshownCtested Dlost答案:Ddevelop意为“形成,发展”;show意为“显示”;test意为“测试”;lose意为“失去,丧失”。目前孩子们户外活动时间少,很显然他们识别常见物种的能力已“丧失”,故D项正确。13A.delighted with Bguilty ofCconcerned about Ddesperate for答案:Cbee delighted with意为“变得对开心起来”;bee guilty of意为“变得对内疚”;bee concerned about意为“变得对关心”;bee desperate for意为“极度渴望”。根据语境可知此处表示越来越多的父母开始关心孩子们上网、看电视的时间问题了,故C项正确。14A.free BactiveCspare Dnormal答案:Bfree意为“自由的”;active意为“积极的,活跃的”;spare意为“业余的”;normal意为“正常的”。此处表示越来越多的证据表明,活动时间的减少对孩子们的健康与快乐是不利的。故B项正确。15A.go BbitClook Dfit答案:A根据语境可知此处句意为:给孩子们时间尝试一下,故A项正确。give/have a go意为“试一试”。16A.while BthoughCas Dwhether答案:D句意为:不管孩子们是城里的还是农村的,他们脱离大自然和室外活动的原因是复杂的,故D项正确。whether.or.意为“不管是还是”。17A.escaped BdisconnectedCsuffered Dprotected答案:Bescape意为“逃跑,逃脱”;disconnect意为“分离,断开”;suffer意为“遭受,遭遇”;protect意为“保护”。根据语境可知此处表示和大自然不接触,相分离,故B项正确。18A.freeing BforbiddingCseeking Dserving答案:A句意为:我们需要在日常生活中给孩子们更多的户外时间,以便让这一代把自己解脱出来,到户外体验我们许多人都觉得理所当然的经历。free.of意为“把解脱出来”;forbid.of.意为“禁止”;seek.of.意为“寻求”;serve.of.意为“满足”。根据语境可知A项正确。19A.imagination BfortuneCwildness Dsolution答案:Cimagination意为“想象力”;fortune意为“财富,运气”;wildness意为“野外风景”;solution意为“解决办法”。文章全文都是在呼吁孩子要走出家门,走进自然,看野外风景,故C项正确。20A.senses BvoicesCfeatures Dsmells答案:D根据此空前的sights,sounds可知此处应该用smells,表示户外的“清新气息”,故D项正确。.阅读理解 Two American scientists told the people in industrial nations that they would be much healthier if they ate more of the same kind of food eaten by humans living more than 10,000 years ago.The scientists say that the human body has changed very little since human first appeared on earth, but the way we live has changed greatly. Our body has not been able to deal with these changes in lifestyle and this has led to new kinds of sicknesses. These new sicknesses were not known in ancient times. So they are called “diseases of civilization (文明)”. Many cancers and diseases of the blood system ,including heart attacks and strokes(中风)are examples of such diseases. Scientists noted that early stoneage people used very little alcohol (酒精)or tobacco, probably none. Ancient people also got a great deal of physical exercise,but a change in food is one of the main differences between life in ancient times and life today. Stoneage people hunted wild animals for their meat,which had much less fat than farm animals. They also ate a lot of fresh wild vegetables and fruit. They did not use milk and other dairy products, and they made very little use of grains. But today, we eat a large amount of dairy products and grain foods. We eat six times more salt than stoneage people, We eat more sugar. We eat twice as much fat but only one third as much protein(蛋白质)and much less vitamin C.People today probably do not want to live as people thousands of years ago did, but scientists say that we would be much healthier if we ate as those ancient people did, cutting the amount of fatty, salty and sweet foods.1The people in industrial nations would be much healthier if they ate _.Amore foods as humans living 10,000 years ago didBas humans living 10,000 years agoCmore kinds of food eaten by people living over 10,000 years agoDmore of the same kind of food eaten by people over 10,000 years ago答案:D根据第一段可知,如果工业国家的人们多吃点与一万年以前人们吃的一样的食物,就会更健康。2New kinds of sicknesses have been found because _.Athe human body has changed pared with human first appearing on earthBthe way we live has changed a littleCour body cant deal with the changes in lifestyleDthe way we live today is proper for the human body答案:C根据第二段“.the human body has changed very little. Our body has not been able to deal with these changes in lifestyle and this has led to new kinds of sicknesses.”可知,“人体结构的变化小”与“人的饮食习惯变化大”不相适应,从而导致新的疾病。3What is the main cause mentioned in the article why people suffer from a lot of new sicknesses?AAncient people did a great deal of physical exercise.BPeople today have a lot of alcohol.CPeople today have more tobacco.DFood is quite different between life today and life in ancient times.答案:D根据第三段“.but a change in food is one of the main differences between life in ancient times and life today.”和第四段可知,现代人的饮食不当是导致新疾病的主要原因。4From this article,we know that the following choices are good to our health except _.Aprotein and vitamin CBmilk and grain foodsCwild animals,vegetables and fruitDa huge amount of fatty,salty and sweet foods答案:D根据最后一段“.we would be much healthier if we ate as those ancient people did, cutting the amount of fatty, salty and sweet foods.”可知,吃低脂肪、低盐、低糖的食物有益于健康,因此应选D项。.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。High school student are under increasing pressure to study long hours. They spend over 8 hours a day study at school and some of whom have to attend extra classes in their spare time. This greatly affect their health. To help solve this problem, last December, our headmaster made new regulation that no students, even that in Senior 3, shall go to school at weekends or during official holidays. As in a Senior 3 student, I am in favor of this regulation. The winter vacation was approaching, and Ill make good use of the time to relax. But if I relax I will be able to study more effective then I e back to school.答案:High school are under increasing pressure to long hours. They spend over 8 hours a day study at school and some of have to attend extra classes in their spare time. This greatly their health. To help solve this problem, last December, our headmaster made new regulation that no students, even in Senior 3, shall go to school at weekends or during official holidays. As a Senior 3 student, I am in favor of this regulation. The winter vacation approaching, and Ill make good use of the time to relax. if I relax I will be able to study more when I e back to school.


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