高中英语 Unit 4 Global warming 第二学时 Learning about Language课件 新人教版选修6.ppt

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Unit 4 Global warming 第二学时 Learning about Language,1It is a rapid increase compared to most natural changes.(p.26) 跟多数自然变化相比较而言,这却是一种快速的增长。,词语链接,compared to/with 和比起来(相比), (过去分词短语充当状语) compare with/to 与类似, 比得上 compare.to.把比喻成 compare.with/to.把与作比较 by comparison with 与相比,即学即练,完成下列句子。 (1)This school _(可与媲美) the best in the country. (2)_(与他所收藏的相比), the new stamps were not very interesting. (3)It was a small place then _(与现在相比) (4)He _(把心脏比作水泵),compares with,Compared to/with what he had (collected) already,compared to what is now,compared the heart to a pump,(5)Black _(把伦敦的公园比作人体的肺部) (6)If you _(把这本字典和那本比较一下), youll find many differences.,compared the parks of London to the lungs of the human body,compare this dictionary with that one,2So how has this come about and does it matter? (p.26) 这种温度的增长是怎么产生的呢?会产生什么影响呢?,词语链接,come about 发生,造成 come out出来;出版;开花;发芽;结果(如何);(消息)传开 come up发生,举行,走过来;被提出 come over (从远处)来到;改变立场/观点 come along 跟着去,赶快;进行,进展 How come 句子?,是怎么回事/怎么发生的? How did it come about that.? 是怎么回事/怎么发生的?,即学即练,选用上述词语完成下列句子。 (1)Sometimes it is hard to tell _(吵架是如何发生的) (2)The secret will finally_(泄露出去) (3)I _ (获得第一名) in the examination. (4)A beggar _(走上前) to us and asked for money.,how a quarrel comes about,come out,came out first,came up,(5)The question of drugtaking _(一定会被提出来) at the next conference. (6)_(跟我来), Ill show you to your room. (7)Its already 10 oclock.I wonder how it _(发生) that she was two hours late on such a short trip.,is bound to come up,Come along,came about,(8)你怎么不到英国来度假呢? _ (9) 他是怎么知道我们在什么地方的呢? _,Why dont you come over to England for a holiday?,How did it come about that he knew where we were? Or:How came he knew where we were?,3All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earths temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy.(p.26) 所有科学家都同意燃烧煤、天然气、石油等化石燃料导致了地球气温升高。,词语链接,subscribe vi.同意, 订阅,捐助 vt.签署(文件), 捐助 subscription n订阅, 订阅费,捐款 subscriber n订阅人,订购者 subscribe to 同意, 订阅,捐助,即学即练,完成下列句子。 (1)This magazine is available by _. (2)We no longer _the view that women are inferior to men. (3)He _ regularly to the Hope Project. (4)He _ all the papers before he left.,subscription,subscribe to,subscribes,subscribed,4The problem begins when we add huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.(p.26) 而当我们使大气层中增加了大量额外的二氧化碳时,问题就来了。 quantity 数量和质量相对时作不可数名词;指具体数量时作可数名词。 注意:短语a (large) quantity of或(large) quantities of 后既可跟可数名词的复数也可跟不可数名词。“a quantity of 名词”构成主语时,,谓语动词的数通常根据quantity的数来确定。 “large quantities of 名词” 作主语,谓语只能用复数形式。词组in quantity表示 “大量地”。,即学即练A,用quantity和quantities填空。 (1)_of apples were in the basket and a large _of milk was in the bucket. (2)Its a lot cheaper if you buy it in _. (3)This company is more concerned with quality than _.,Quantities,quantity,quantity,quantity,5They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuelsthat has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide.(p.26) 他们还认为,正是由于燃烧的化石燃料越来越多而导致了二氧化碳的增加。,词语链接,result in引起, 导致(某种结果) (lead to; bring about; contribute to) result from 由造成,因而产生(带某种原因),即学即练B,用result in 和result from 填空。 (1)The accident _ three deaths. (2)He was ashamed that his hesitation _ failure. (3)Sickness often _ eating too much. (4)His failure _ not working hard enough.,resulted in,resulted in,results from,resulted from,6In fact, Hambley states,“More carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing.It will make plants grow quicker; crops will produce more; it will encourage a greater range of animalsall of which will make life for human beings better.”(p.27) 汉布莱实际上是这样说的:“二氧化碳含量的增加实际上是件好事。它使植物生长更快,庄稼产量更高,还会促进动物的生长所有这些都能改善人类的生活。”,词语链接,state v陈述,说明,宣布,声明 n状况,情况;国家 statement n陈述 stated adj.约定的, 已经说明的 the head of state 国家首脑,即学即练,A完成下列句子。 (1)Youd better _(说清楚自己的见解) (2)He_(已声明) his intention to run for election. (3)_(据说) that all the people in the accident were killed.,state your views clearly,has already stated,It is stated,(4)He arrived _(按照既定的时间) (5)He is _(健康状况不太好),at the stated time,in a poor state of health,词语链接,range n范围 v从到各种种类 beyond the range of 超越的范围 out of ones range 某人达不到的地方或范畴 range from.to. 从到不等 range between.and. 从到不等,即学即练,B将下列句子译成汉语。 (1)The company puts out a large range of products. _ (2)The two countries are separated by a range of mountains. _,这家公司生产的产品名目繁多。,这两个国家被一系列山脉隔开。,(3)His interests range from chess to boating. _,他的爱好从下国际象棋到划船,什么都喜欢。,7Greenhouse gases continue to build up in the atmosphere.(p.27) 温室气体继续在大气层中聚集。 build up 逐步建立,增加,增进,即学即练,完成下列句子。 (1)The clouds _(正在聚集) (2)He _(逐步恢复体力) again after an illness. (3)Taking exercise will _(增强体质),are building up,built up his strength,build up your body,8Even if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries.(p.27) 即使我们开始减少二氧化碳及其他温室气体的含量,在未来几十年或几个世纪内,气候仍会持续升温。 keep on doing sth. 老是(不断)做某事 注意:在很多情况下keep on doing和keep doing 意思差不多, 但是当强调决心和毅力时,通常用keep on doing。,即学即练,完成下列句子。 (1)If you _(老是犯同样的错误), youll be dismissed. (2)Prices _(不断地上涨) and they began to feel stressed. (3)I noticed Peter _(老是盯着我看),keep making the same mistake,keep increasing,kept looking at me all the time,(4)They _(继续工作) although they were tired.,kept on working,9glance v&n.匆匆一看,扫视,词语链接,at first glance 乍一看,乍看之下 glance at 浏览, 简略提及,即学即练,完成下列句子。 (1)He _(瞥了一眼那个信封) and recognized his uncles handwriting. (2)_(乍一看) the problem seemed easy.,glanced at the envelope,At first glance,10on the whole 从整体看,大体上 as a whole作为一个整体;总的来说,即学即练,用on the whole, as a whole填空。 (1)I think our trip was very successful _. (2)You have made a few mistakes but _ you have done well. (3)The festival is of great importance for our city and for the country _. 11average n平均,平均数 adj.平均的,普通的,on the whole,on the whole,as a whole,词语链接,on (the) average 平均地 above/below (the) average 在平均水准以上/以下,即学即练,完成下列句子。 (1)_ of 6 and 12 is 9. (2)1,000 people a year die of this disease _. (3)Temperatures this year are _, so we feel a little cooler than before.,The average,on(the) average,below the average,12On the other hand,there are those,like George Haurbley,who are opposed to this view.(p.27),另一方面,还有一些人,像科学家乔治汉布利,反对上面的观点。 oppose v反对,抵制,后面带动词的ving形式 They opposed the new tax.他们反对新税。 I oppose your going there alone. 我反对你单独去那里。 I would oppose changing the law. 我将反对改变这个法规。,词语链接,opposite adj.完全不同的,相对的; prep.在的对面; adv.在对面; n相反的人/物,对立面 be opposed to反对(to是介词),即学即练,选用上述词语填空。 (1)He _ strongly _ the plan. (2)Father does not _ the idea at all. (3)The new tax program may meet with fierce _. (4)There was a garden on the _ side of the street.,is,opposed to,oppose,opposition,opposite,即学即练,模仿造句,并分析句子成分。 (1)即使我跟他们说的是实话,他们也不会相信。 _,(2)这条街道有好几周没有清扫了,很脏。 _,

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