高中英语 Unit2 Reading课件 新人教版必修3.ppt

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Unit 2 Healthy eating,What are the three essential elements for us human beings to survive on the earth?,water,air,food,Warming up,Look at the pictures and learn some new words about food.,cucumber,eggplant,pepper,mushroom,peach,lemon,pea,bean,nut,mutton,mutton kebabs,roast pork,fried potatoes,nut,Everybody has to eat, but do you eat a healthy diet? Do you know that the food you eat helps you grow in different ways?,rice spaghetti chocolate potatoes bread,butter cream oils nuts,meat eggs cheese milk tofu,most vegetables (e.g. beans, peas, ) and fruit (e.g. apples, peaches, ),What do you usually have for breakfast / lunch /supper?,Which food is rich in fat / fibre / sugar / vitamin / protein?,Fibre & vitamin & sugar,rice,corn,dumplings,Fibre & vitamin,carrot,Which food is rich in fat / fibre /sugar / vitamin / protein?,bacon,meat,Which food is rich in fat / fibre /calcium (钙) / sugar /vitamin / protein?,fish,milk,eggs,protein,Which food is rich in fat / fibre / sugar /vitamin / protein?,salad,French fries,chocolate,ice cream,hamburgers,fat & sugar,milk, cheese, yogurt; meat, poultry, fish, beans,fats, oils, sweets,fruit; vegetable,bread, cereal, rice, pasta,fat,protein 蛋白质,fibres, sugar,vitamins,Food Pyramid,Provide our body with:,What will happen if you do not eat a balanced diet?,How to keep healthy?,Junk food has a lot of calories but few nutrients, vitamins and minerals.,Healthy food give us the calories we need but not contain too much fat and sugar.,What is healthy diet?,Healthy diet: a diet that is balanced and neither too rich in fat, sugar and salt nor too poor and lacking in essential nutrients.,Discussion,food choices,balanced diet,What food contains,healthy/junk food,Healthy eating,healthy eating,Decide which food is junk food or healthy food and give reasons. I think is junk food because I think is healthy food because (be rich in; be low in),vs,Speaking,Healthy Eating,1. What do you think should go into a good meal?,A good meal should contain some food from each of the three categories above.,2. Imagine you and your partner are going to invite some friends for dinner. What special food of your place would you offer them? Plan a menu.,Pre-reading,3. Look at the title of the reading passage and the pictures. Predict what the passage is about.,Skimming,A. Read the text quickly and match each part with its main idea. Part 1 2. Part 2 3. Part 3,A. Wang Peng did some research and wanted to win his customers back.,B. Wang Peng found out the reason why his restaurant was empty.,C. Wang Peng wondered why customers didnt eat in his restaurant as usual.,B. According to the exercise above, try to write down the main idea of the text. Wang Pengs restaurant became _ because a new one had taken his regular _ away, and he wanted to _ it to win his customers back.,empty,customers,improve,I. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions one paragraph by one paragraph.,Careful reading,1. Who is Wang Pengwei?,He is a restaurant keeper.,2. What happened on that strange morning? 3. How do you like the food in his restaurant?,There was no customer in his restaurant that morning, which was unnatural.,It is delicious but it can make us get fat quickly.,1. What did Wang see when he followed Li Chang? 2. What kind of food was served in this restaurant?,He saw that a new restaurant was opened and there was a sign in its window.,Only slimming food was served there.,1. Who is Yong Hui? 2. What amazed Wang in Yong Huis restaurant?,She is the owner of the new restaurant.,The menu and the price in Yongs restaurant amazed him very much.,3. What did Wang decide to do after he left there?,He decided to go to library to find out whether his restaurants food made people fat.,1. What did Wang find out after reading? 2. What did he do then?,He found out that Yong Huis restaurant was not giving its customers energy-giving food.,He wrote a sign to win his customer back!,3. What happened afterwards?,The competition between the two restaurants was on.,1. Usually Wang Pengs restaurant was full of people. 2. Yong Hui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet. It would take longer than that.,T,F,II. Tick the correct answers.,3. Wang Pengs regular customers often became fat.,T,4. Yong Huis menu gave customers more energy-giving food. No. it gave them protective food but no energy-giving or body-building food.,F,5. Wang Pengs menu gave customers more protective food. 6. Wang Peng decided to compete with Yong Hui by copying her menu. He decided to advertise the benefits of his menu.,F,F,His menu gave customers energy-giving food.,mutton kebabs; roast pork; stir-fried vegetables; fried rice,raw vegetables; fruit,cola; ice cream,water,III. Compare the two restaurants.,expensive,cheap,giving its customers energy-giving food,make its customers thin,cause the customers to be fat,the customers become tired quickly,Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very _ because his customers did not _ to his restaurant as they _ did. He felt very strange. He _ his friend to a newly opened restaurant _ offered to make people _ in _ weeks.,usually,followed,which,frustrated,come,thin,two,IV. Retelling the story.,The new restaurant was _ of customers. Worried, he did some research and tried to _ his customers _.,full,win,back,Post reading,fat,fibre,gain /,put on,energy-giving,tired,fit,thin / slim,Discuss these questions in pairs. 1. What do you think Wang Peng will provide to win his customers back? 2. How do you think the story will end?,Discussion,Read the text aloud and retell the text. (1) Use the first person to retell the story. (2) Try to use proper prepositions and conjunctions.,Homework,

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