2019-2020年高考英语 7.7课堂讲义 语法:定语从句(The Attributive Clause)教案.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 7.7课堂讲义 语法:定语从句(The Attributive Clause)教案学习目标:学习并掌握定语从句关系词的使用方法,能够在习题中熟练运用that,which,who,whom,whose,when, where, why, as 等常见常考的关系代词和关系副词。学习重难点:关系代词和关系副词的正确运用 As引导定语从句的情况。学习方法:师生仿照练习-学生归纳总结-课堂强化练习-课后高考真题练习 学习过程:1.回顾复习上节课虚拟语气用法:我要睡觉了。希望你能将电视机声音调小点。 If you have really been studying English for so long, its about time you _ able to write letters in EnglishA. should be B. were C. must be D. areHer facial expression suggested that she _ angry.A. should be B. must be C. was D. beWed rather you_ the account tomorrowA. settled B. settle C. will settle D. would settleif only that photo A. hadnt missed B. missed C. not missed D. missing2.上节课盲点回顾停下来去喝水 停止喝水 Science (科学的) (科学家)该上学了It is time It is time 听写单词: 3.定语从句的概念Green team(绿队)Team in green(绿队)The team who wear in green.(穿绿衣服的队伍) 形容词 介词短语 从句(即为定语从句)The Attributive Clause在句子中修饰或限定名词,代词的从句就是定语从句 The team who wear in green. 先行词 关系词 定语从句 关系副词:where, when,why关系代词:which, who, whom, whose, that 4关系代词的用法:which, who, whom, whose, that4.1 These are the trees which / that were planted last year。These are the students who won the first place last year.The runner who you are asking about is over there.The games which / that the young men peted in were difficult. 归纳总结:在定语从句中当先行词是事物时,那么该从句要用关系代词: 引导。当定语从句中的先行词是人时,该从句要用关系代词: 引导,同时由此可知,whom,whose 引导定语从句时先行词也是 。 在以上关系代词中有一个万能词:That他一到定语从句时先行词既可以是人也可以是物。 领悟体会:The number of people who / that lost homes reached as many as 250,000. 4.2 指出下列关系关系词在句子中所作的成分The man who came to our school is Mr. Wang. ( ) The girl whom I met is Lucy.( ) A child whose parents are dead is called Tom. ( ) I like the book which you bought yesterday. ( ) The boy who / whom / that we saw yesterday was Johns brother. ( )The book whose cover is yellow belongs to Tom.归纳总结作主语作宾语作定语指人指物既可指人又可指物who与whom 作宾语时的区别:当先行词后有介词时只能用whom, 而不能用who 领悟体会:I like the person to whom you just talked。 This is the ring on which she spent 1000 dollars.难点,常考点:以下情况,引导词用that,不用which。1. 先行词为不定代词everything,some, little,much,all,anything,nothing,只用that。 Finally, the thief handed everything that he had stolen.2. 先行词前有形容词最高级、序数词修饰时,只用that。 This is the best book (that) Ive ever read.3. 先行词被the only,the very, the last 修饰时,只用that。 He is the only person that I want to see now.4. 先行词同时指人和指物时,只用that。 We talked about the things and persons that we saw then.5.主句已有who或which时,只用that。Which is the machine that we used last Sunday.Who is the girl that is standing under the tree?6.先行词被every, some, no, all, any, little, much等修饰时。只用that.Ive read all the books that you lend me.7.主句是there be 结构,修饰主语的定语从句用that,而不用which.There is a book on the desk that belongs to Tom.5.关系副词的用法:where, when,why5.1 指出下列句子中的先行词以及关系副词在下列句子中的成分Is this the reason why he refused our offer? (先行词: )(成分: )Shanghai is the place where I was born. (先行词: )(成分: )Ill never forget the day when I first went to Beijing.(先行词: )(成分: )归纳总结:when, where, why关系副词在定语从句中只做 ,并且它们的先行词主要表示 的意思。难点,常考点: Shanghai is the place where I was born. I was born in Shanghai. Shanghai is the place in which ( = where ) I was born. 可见关系副词可以根据先行词和语境所表达的意思转化为 的形式。关系副词When=on(in, during)whichwhere=on(in, in front of)whichWhy=for which根据语境用合适的介词填空Who can give me the reason _ which he hasnt turned up yet?Ill never forget the day _ which she said good-bye to me.He helped his father on the small farm which they lived.6.课堂强化练习1、Do you know the man _ is talking with your father? A. whose B. who C. which2、The boys _ the teacher talked to are from Class One. A. when B. which C. who3. The teacher for _ you are waiting has e. A. who B. whom C. that4. This book is for the students _ native(本国的) language is not English. A. that B. of whom C. whose 5. All _ is needed is a supply of oil. A. which B. that C. what6. Finally, the thief handed everything _ he had stolen to the police. A. which B. what C. that 限制性定语从句 The team who wear in green.7.定语从句 非限制性定语从句 Charles Smith, who was my former teacher, retired last year.归纳总结:非限制性定语从句最显著的特征在于 ,限制性定语从句中,从句与其所修饰的先行词之间关系很密切,若缺少,句意则不完整,故从句前不用逗号隔开;非限制性定语从句中,从句与其所修饰的先行词之间关系不太密切,若缺少,句意则仍完整,故从句前一般都用逗号隔开。 领悟体会:The water which has been polluted by the factory is not fit to drink.被工厂污染的水不宜饮用。(如果缺少定语从句,句子的主要意思会受到影响)Water, which is a clear liquid, is widely used in our everyday life.水是一种清澈的液体,在我们的日常生活中应用非常广泛。(如果缺少定语从句,句子的主要意不会受到影响)His brother who is nineteen years old is serving in the army now.他的一个十九岁的哥哥现在部队服役。(表明他不只一个哥哥)His brother, who is nineteen years old, is serving in the army now.他的哥哥,今年十九岁,现在部队服役。(表明他只有一个哥哥)7.1 He seems not to have understood what I meant, which greatly upsets me. This is the first snow of this year, which tells winter will e soon.归纳总结:非限定性定语从句可将 作为先行词, 对其进行修饰, 这时句谓语动要用 难点,常考点:关系词只能用which,而不用that 的情况: 先行词为that, those时,用which, 而不用thatWhats that which is under the desk? 关系代词前有介词时,一般用which,而不用that.This is the room in which he lives.。引导非限制性定语从句,用which, 而不用that.Tom came back, which made us happy. PS:非限制性定语从句只能用which, who, whom, whose, as和where,when 引导而不能用that和why引导,若必须要用到表示原因的引导词则使用for which。8.特殊关系代词As8.1 These are such men as we trust He is not the same man as he was before. This is so difficult question as nobody can answer 归纳总结:当主句先行词被 等修饰时,要用 引导定语从句。8.2 As is known to all, China is a developing country. He is from the south, as we can see from his accent. John, as you know, is a famous writer. He has been to Paris more than several times, which I dont believe. 归纳总结:as 引导非限制性定语从句,可放在主句之前,或者主句之后,甚至可以切割一个主句;which引导的非限制性定语从句只能放在主句之后。另外,as有“正如,正像”的意思 9.课堂强化练习1.The weather turned out to be very good, _ was more than we could expect. A. whatB. whichC. thatD. it 2. The Beatles, _ many of you are old enough to remember, came from Liverpool.A. what B. that C. how D. as3. Einstein is such a great scientist that we must learn from.(改错)4. Which is known to all, many satellite are going around in the sky. (改错)10.课后高考真题练习1. Look out! Dont get too close to the house _ roof is under repair.A. whose B. which C. who D. that (xx福建卷-22)2. If a shop has chairs _ women can park their men, women will spend more time in the shop.A. that B. which C. when D. where (xx上海卷-40)3. _ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.A. Which B. When C. What D. As (xx江苏卷-33)4. I saw a women running towards me in the dark. Before I could recognize who she was, she had run back in the direction _ she had e.A. of which B. by which C. in which D. from which (xx重庆卷-34)5. She as educated at Beijing University, _she went on to have her advanced study abroad. (xx陕西卷) A. after which from which C. from that D. after that 6. The owner of the cinema needed to make a lot of improvements and employ more people to keep it running, _ means spending tens of thousands of pounds.A. who B. that C. as D. which (xx江苏卷-29)7.He was very rude to the Customs officer, _ of course made things even worse. A. who B. whom C. what D. which (xx上海)8. Have you seen the boy_? A. that I told B. I told you of C. whom I told you D. I told you of him (xx,北京)9. China has thousands of islands, _ Hainan Island is the largest. A. of them B. among which C. one of which D. among them (xx上海)10. Is this the plane _ he came to New York? A. which B. by which C. that D. in which(xx天津)11. She likes to use words _ is clear to him. A. of which the meaning B. of which meaning C. whose of meaning D. meaning of which(xx江苏)12. Who _ knows him would trust him? A. whom B. that C. which D. who(xx湖南)13. She is not the only one of the girls _ well in class.A. which sings B. who sing C. that sings D. who to sing(xx全国II)14. She described in her positions the people and places _ impressed her most. A. where B. that C. which D. who(xx重庆)15. He lend me several books, _ were very good. A. five of which B. of which C. which of five D. five (xx江西)16. We still remember the day _ we spent doing the experiment. A. when B. which C. what D. on which(xx 福建)11.参考资料10.1如何选用定语从句的关系词1.首先分清主句和定语从句2.确定定语从句的先行词3.把先行词带回到定语从句中去,看其在定语从句中做什么语法成分(主语,宾语,定语或状语)4.若先行词在从句中做主语、宾语或定语则选择关系代词,若在从句中做状语,则选择关系副词。10.2定语从句与同位语从句的区别同位语从句与定语从句从形式上看好像没什么区别,实际上从含义和功能上看,还是比较易区分的。同位语从句的先行词一般为fact, idea, news, thought, reply, report, problem等抽象名词,而且关联词大都为that,在idea, problem等词后根据句意可能用到who, when, why, how等其他关联词。关联词that在同位语从句中仅仅起连接作用,不作任何成分,但又不可省略。定语从句的关联词(关系代词和关系副词)在从句中是要充当句子成分的且有实际含义。试比较以下两句:The suggestion that we should practise speaking English every day came from our monitor.我们每天都应练习说英语的建议是我们的班长提出来的。(同位语从句)The suggestion that our monitor put forward at the meeting is very valuable.我们的班长在会上提出的建议很有价值。(定语从句)【透视高考题】真题1:A warm thought suddenly came to me _ I might use the pocket money to buy someflowers for my mothers birthday.A. if B. when C. that D. which (xx安徽卷-29)简析:考查关联词that引导的同位语从句。先行词为thought,that引导的同位语从句表达thought的内容,由于从句太长,故移至句末以保持句子平衡。C正确,注意不能误选which。真题2:We havent settled the question of _ it is necessary for him to study abroad.A. if B. where C. whether D. that (xx江苏卷-35)简析:考查whether引导的同位语从句。这个句子中的of可以省略,形式上看,of后面的从句为介词的宾语从句,但实际上of连接的question与whether引导的从句是同位关系。因此C正确,注意不能误选if,在表示“是否”含义时,用在介词后或在同位语从句中不可用if。

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