2019-2020年高二英语教案Unit11 Scientific achievements 人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语教案Unit11 Scientific achievements 人教版I. Teaching aims and demands学习目标和要求:1.topic话题: 1talk about science and scientific achievements2.function功能: 1Expressing intentions and wishes 表达意图和愿望 If I got the money, I would My plan is to I hope that I want / wish / hope / intend / plan to Id like to Im thinking of 2Explaining the importance 阐明重要性 Your research is extremely important because Your project is significant because This is important because This is a very important project because will make it possible to has had a positive effect on allow(s) farmers to increase production The breakthrough gives hope to 3.vocabulary词汇: solar, mankind, conclusion, man, support, daily, achieve, likely, zone, private, institute grasp, master, perfect, arrange, rely, failure, valley, base, mark, agency, organ, breakthrough, march, aim, announce, evolution, battleset foot (in), have an effect on, rely on, e to life, put forward, arm (sth.) at 4.grammar语法: Word Formation 构词法(1)1派生derivation: international = inter- + national telephone = tele- + phone extremely = extreme + ly manned = man + ed 2转化 conversion: water n. 水 water vt. 浇水 3合成 pound: mankind = man + kind broadband = broad + band 4混合 mixture: high-tech = high + technology e-school = electronic + school5其他构词法, 如缩写: IT = information technology CSA = Chinese Space Agency5.language usage语言运用运用所学语言,围绕结交朋友这一话题,完成教材和练习册中的听、说、写的任务;阅读课文 “Zhongguancun” 并联系生活中的实际,书写一篇具有说服力的短文。II. Difficult points 难点III. Main teaching aids教具: A tape-recorder; Multimedia, projector, role cards. Main teaching methods 教法:1. The interaction between the teacher and the students, and among the students themselves; Attention to the students listening, speaking, reading and writing; and so on.2. Listening-andanswering activity to help the students go through with the 限listening material.3. Use both individual work and group or pair work to make every student work and think in class. Periods: 7-8 periods. Teaching procedures 教学过程1. PRESENTATION & REVISIONWe all know that science is very important in our daily life. Many scientific achievements have changed our life. They have made our life happier, easier, and more convenient. Today well begin to talk about science and some scientific achievements.2. WARMING-UP Introduction The objective of the warming up activity is to get the students to think about how scientific achievements affect society. The students are asked to rank the achievements mentioned in order of importance and give reasons for their choices. They are then asked to think of other achievements and to try to determine what they may have in mon.Instructions Make sure that the students know what these achievements are (in general terms). Put them students in pairs or small groups and ask them to decide which achievement is the most important and to give at least one reason for their decision. Ask some (or all) groups to report their decisions and pare different answers. Ask the class as a whole to think of what scientific achievements may have in mon. Encourage the students to think of their own reasons and ideas.Suggested answers to Question 1: Various answers are possible. Reasons include:AchievementImportance / ReasonsElectricity possible to work at night possible to build factories possible to invent puters, telephones, TV s etcCars makes transportation cheap, easy, and convenient people can live far away from where they work policemen, doctors and firemen can reach accident scenes quicklyAeroplanes people can travel across the world mail and goods can be sent across the worldRadio and television provide entertainment and education let people know news and other important informationThe Internet provides education and entertainment easy way for people to municate with each otherCloning may help us find cures for diseases may help couples who cant have childrenThe Theory of Gravity helped people understand the world helped advance scienceNuclear science can produce energy can advance scienceSolar energy clean and safe energy source, can help reduce pollution may help build a cleaner and safer futureSuggested answers to Question 2:Various answers are possible. Encourage the students to think of different kinds of achievements and their significance.Suggested answers to Question 3:Various answers are possible. mon features include:Scientific achievements change the way we live. help us understand things we couldnt understand before. lead to new discoveries and advances in science. help us develop society. make life better/easier/more enjoyable/more plicated/worse.3. LISTENINGIntroduction The students will hear about famous first words, ie words that were spoken at important points in the history of science.Instructions Before you play the tape, you can ask the students to read through the questions and see if they know or can guess at which event the words were spoken. You can also ask them if they know any other famous first words.LISTENING TEXT:Part 1Thats one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. These were the words spoken by Neil Armstrong, the first man ever to set foot on the moon. Some words bee famous because they are spoken when a great new scientific achievement is being announced or made. These famous first words arent always beautiful or wise, but we remember them because of the important discovery or achievement that they belong to. Another example of famous first words are the words spoken by Alexander Graham Bell when he made the worlds first telephone call. Mr. Bell used his new invention to make a call to his assistant, Mr. Watson_ When Mr. Watson picked up the telephone, he heard Mr. Bell say Mr. Watson, e here; I want you. Perhaps the most unusual famous first words, or rather word, is the worlds first e-mail message. In 1971, an engineer named Ray Tomlinson sent a message from one puter to another. Mr. Tomlinson doesnt remember the exact message, but he thinks it may have been QWERTYUIOP.Part 2Words can also bee famous because they are used in important documents. The words We, the people are the first words of The Constitution of the United States of America. Other words have been made famous through stories about great events. These stories are perhaps not always true, but the words have bee part of history anyway. One such story is of the Greek scientist Archimedes. Archimedes is said to have discovered an important law of physics when he was taking a bath. Watching the water of his bath on the floor, he said Eureka, meaning I have found it. Of course, perhaps the most famous and important words in the world are the first words a baby speaks. Proud parents often tell their friends about the important event, but mothers and fathers seldom agree on what the first word was. Depending on who you ask, that word is either. well, can you guess?Answers to the exercises:Part 11 First man on the moon. 2 e here First telephone call. 3 First e-mail message.QWERTYUIOP are the first keys on a keyboard. When Tomlinson wanted to send a test message, he sim:. ply typed in the first letters on his keyboard.Part 21 We. the people: first words 2 Greek, I have found it 3 Daddy.; MommyPart 3Various answers are possible. Sample answers:A May this be a happy new home for human beings. I take this step for all of you back home.Did I turn off the gas 1B I have no mother or father, but you are all my family.I am the child of human creativity and science. Hey! That guy looks just like me!C I have gone where no one else has gone before. Greetings from the future.Hello. When am 11Whoa! I must have pressed the wrong button. Run! That dinosaur looks hungry!4. SPEAKINGIntroduction This is a decision role play similar to those found in books lA, IB, and 2A. The students are asked to work in groups of five and try to decide which project should receive the money.Instructions Like most decision role plays, this activity has three basic steps. First, explain the scenario and task to the students. Model a few examples if necessary. Tell them that they will work in groups and that each group member will represent one of the projects. Second, divide the students into groups and tell them to choose roles and prepare role cards. The students should not write down what they are going to say, but they may want to make a few notes. When all members are ready, the students will start the discussion. The teacher monitors and intervenes only when absolutely necessary. Third, each group will report their decision to the class. The teacher asks questions and helps the class pare different decisions.Sample discussion:A: Good afternoon. Since all of you have asked for money to pay for your projects, I would like to hear from each of you. Please tell me about your project and why it is important. Lets see, would you like to begin?B: Thank you. My name is Dr Wilson. My team and I are working on a cure for AIDS. As you know, AIDS is one of the most serious diseases in the world.Some 40 million are infected with the disease, millions are dying from it, and many more will bee infected in the future unless something is done. Our research is extremely important because a cure for AIDS would save the lives of millions of people. It would also help poor countries. In Africa, some countries are suffering from the disease in many ways; people are dying, of course, but the disease is also destroying the economy. If I got the money, I would continue our research and try even harder to find a cure.A: Thank you, Dr Jones. Dr Jones, please tell us about your project.C: Good morning. I agree that a cure for AIDS would benefit a lot of people. But lets not forget that there are many other diseases that we arent able to treat or cure. My plan is to start a project about cloning and how to use the new technology to cure disease. My project is significant because it may lead to the development of new drugs and treatments for a number of diseases. I hope that you will give us the money we need so that we can help all the people in the world who are suffering from diseases.A: Thank you, Dr Wilson. Who would like to be next?C: Im Dr Smith and I want to develop new technology that will make it possible to g-row food in areas where there is very little water. This is important because the worlds population is growing and we need to make sure that there is enough food for everybody. At present, many poor countries suffer because they dont have enough farmland. Our project can help them. With the new technology, land that was useless before can bee a valuable source of plants and crops. I intend to develop and test the technology in one country and then share the technology with the rest of the world. By helping us, you are helping the whole world prepare for the future.A: Thank you. Dr Winfrey, please tell us about your project.D: Id like to develop a way to send a manned space ship .to Mars. My colleagues have described their projects, and I must say that I think all of them are important. But, in my opinion, the money should be given to the project that is likely to lead to the most up-to-date discoveries. I agree that finding a cure for AIDS is important, but how would it help us advance science? I also agree that cloning may help doctors, but the basic technology has already been developed. As for growing food in dry places, that would be great, but, again, I dont see how it would benefit science. Our project, on the other hand, will lead to new inventions and discoveries that can change science forever. To send a man to Mars, we must solve problems that have been Considered impossible. When we reach Mars, we will learn new things about the universe. If you give the money to us, you are giving money to science and to knowledge.The discussion continues.5. SUMMARY & HOMEWORK1. Preview the reading text2. Learn the new words and expressions by heart.3. Get ready to be examined in the speaking activities. 1. PRESENTATION & REVISION1. Ask the Ss to tell what they learned in the last period and their opinions about what a good friend should be.2. Ask the Ss to tell if there was anything unhappy that once happened between them and their friends and how they solved it.3 Check up some pairs to act out their opinions about “SPEAKING” Today, well read an interesting story about a pair of strange friends. Can you tell me what can be your good friend besides a person?2. PRE-READING Introduction Relating what one reads to what one already knows is an important part of the reading process. Reading prehension is not simply a matter of translating or decoding a text; it s a plex process that involves skills, strategies, and logical thinking. In this pre-reading activity, the students are asked to apply what they have learnt in the previous activities to a new set of questions. Through further discussion of the questions raised in the Warming Up and Speaking, the students are given an opportunity to deepen and broaden their understanding of the theme of the unit.This unit introduces several aspects, concepts and issues related to science and scientific achievements. A special emphasis is placed on the role and function of science in society, and the interaction between science and society. The pre-reading questions are intended to help students identify and focus on some of the issues raised in previous activities (e.g. the Warming Up and Speaking) and prepare them for the Reading and Integrating Skills.Question 1 asks the students to consider how society makes science happen, i.e. how we train and support scientists. Question 2 echoes the Warming Up and asks the students to identify ways in which scientific achievements contribute to and improve society. The third question encourage the students to think about why scientists work so hard and sometimes devote their lives to science.Instructions Ask the students to discuss the questions in pairs or small groups. To save time, you can assign one question to each group. pare and discuss answers.Answers to the questions:Various answers are possible.1 A person who wants to do research or start a hi-tech pany may need the following: money, schools, libraries, scientists and experts, ideas, inspiration, etc.2 Scientific achievement are important because they help people understand the world better / improve our life / help advance science / lead to new discoveries and achievements.3 Scientists spend so much time trying to achieve something because they are curious and enthusiastic about new things and new ideas / they want to understand the world better / they want to contribute to society / they want to be rich and famous.3. READING Summary The reading describes Zhongguancun and provides brief background information about the science park. The park was set up in the late 1990s and is now the leading centre of Chinas hi-tech industry.The reading also includes the fictional story of a Chinese scientist who returned to China after studying and working abroad. Xiang Yufang (not a real person) wanted to live in China, but couldnt find a good job until he heard about Zhongguancun. He returned to China and is now running a small pany with two friends. The story illustrated both the relationship between society and science discussed in pre-reading.Question 1 (and, to a lesser extent, Question 3) and the attitude of many overseas Chinese. The right support and environment (as described in Paragraphs 6 and 7) allow scientists to do their work successfully. The intellectual support, i.e. the spirit of a science park like Zhongguancun (see Paragraphs 6 and 7), can also be the deciding factor when a scientist is looking for a place to work. For many scientists, perhaps especially those who have had to find work overseas, the environment and support may be even more important than money.The chart shows the education of the people who work in Zhongguancun.4. POST-READINGAnswers to Exercise 1: 1 A, B, C 2 D 3 C 4 B 5 C/DAnswers to Exercise 2: Various answers are possible.Hi-tech ParkSilicon ValleyZhongguancunWhen was it established?1950sLate 1990sWhy was it established?To encourage students to stay inthe areaTo promote science and advancedtechnology in ChinaWhere is it?Outside San Francisco CaliforniaIn Beijing, Haidian districtWhat kinds of paniesare located there?Hi-tech and IT paniesIT paniesWhat are some famouspanies?Apple, Intel, Yahoo, Hewlett-PackardLenovo, FounderWhy do people want to .work there?Good opportunities, goodenvironment, high salariesGood opportunities, goodenvironment, high salaries5. SUMMARY & HOMEWORK1. Listen to and read the text again and again.2. Find out the difficult sentences and go over the notes to this text.3. Look up the word learn in the dictionary and try to find out different meanings of it.Period 31. PRESENTATION & REVISIONAsk the Ss to think over and answer the question: 2. LANGUAGE POINTS IN THE READING TEXT(Omitted)3. LANGUAGE STUDY Word studyAnswers to Exercise 1:1 A 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 C 6 B 7 B 8 C4. GRAMMAR Answers to Exercise 2:construct - constructionconnect - connectionattract - attractionact - actioncollect - collectiondirect - directionexpress - expressioninvent - inventionproduce - productionprotect - protectionsuggest - suggestionImpress - Impressioncelebrate - celebrationmunicate-municationeducate - educationgraduate - graduationpollute - pollutioncontribute - contributionbine - binationadmire - admirationexamine-examinationtransport - transportationexplore - explorationimagine - imaginationAnswers to Exercise 3:invisiblenon-conductordisappearanceinteractiondisagreementinternationalmisunderstandingunexpecteddishonestyIllogicalenlargementunforgettableimpossibilityreplacementreconsiderationunsuccessfulAnswers to Exercise 4:showcases = show + case + s enable = en + ablebreakthroughs = break + through + s indirectly = in + direct + ly bioengineering = bio + engineer + ing strengthened = strength + en + edoutstanding = out + stand + ing5. SUMMARY & HOMEWORK1. Review the reading material.2. Finish all the exercises about the Grammar in this unit. And go over Parts 1 and on Pages.3. Ask the Ss to think about in what ways we can make friends with others.Period 41. PRESENTATION & REVISION1. Ask some of the Ss to read the text paragraph by paragraph and paragraph. And at the same time ask them to point out the sentences they dont understand.2. Ask the Ss to find out the following phrases in the Paraphrasing text on a deserted island, hunt for food, make a fire, be alone on the island, bee / be fond of , treat sb as, share happiness and sorrow, make friends with 3. Ask the Ss to make sentences with hunt for, be fond of, treat sb.s 4. Ask the Ss to put the follow sentences into Chinese. 2. GRAMMAR EXERCISES(Omitted)3. INTEGRATING SKILLS ReadingIntroduction The text is an overview of some of the many great scientific achievements in China in the past two decades. Many of the remarkable achievements are the result of the governments plan for rejuvenating the nation by relying on science and education.Space Exploration: Long March rocket series, satellite launches, first manned space flight. Genetic Research: super h

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