2019-2020年高二英语Unit18 Inventions教案 人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语Unit18 Inventions教案 人教版I. Teaching aims and demands学习目标和要求:1.topic话题: Talking about inventions; describing inventions2.function功能: Talking about inventions 谈论创造发明 The invention can help people . This is a new way of .What does it look like? How does it work?Whats it made of? How would people use it?The new invention will make it possible for people to .3.vocabulary词汇: vest, heel, patent, officer, petrol, background, reject, possibility, otherwise, connection , previous, aware, trail, rider, dusty, pilot, storage, glue, typewriterallow for, get stuck, break away from, be aware of, trial and error, after all, keep track of4.grammar语法: Review the Attributive Clause 复习定语从句A desktop puter is a puter which is designed for use on a desk.The wires with which the machines were connected were very old.The pilot with whom we had dinner told us about his travel.Mozart, whose music is popular allover the world, showed his talent in music at a very young age. I enjoy visiting places where the hotels are cheap and people are friendly.5.language usage语言运用运用所学语言,围绕结交朋友这一话题,完成教材和练习册中的听、说、写的任务;阅读课文 “What will you think of nest?” “All in the mind: scientific metaphors 并联系生活中的实际,书写一篇具有说服力的短文。II. Difficult points 难点III. Main teaching aids教具: A tape-recorder; Multimedia, projector, role cards. Main teaching methods 教法:1. The interaction between the teacher and the students, and among the students themselves; Attention to the students listening, speaking, reading and writing; and so on.2. Listening-andanswering activity to help the students go through with the 限listening material.3. Use both individual work and group or pair work to make every student work and think in class. Periods: 7-8 periods. Teaching procedures 教学过程Period 11. PRESENTATION & REVISIONWe all have friends, and we also value others friendship. In this period, well talk about what kind of person you are and what kind friends you like, and then listen to the tape about the solutions to the problems of some friends. Finally well learn to talk about friendship.2. WARMING-UPIntroduction This unit focuses on inventions, the creativity and work that lie behind advances in science, technology, and human thinking. The Warming Up is designed to introduce the theme of the unit and give the students an opportunity to practise describing inventions and their uses in English.Instructions Tell the students to match the pictures and descriptions and then discuss Exercise 2 and 3 in pairs or groups. pare answers and discuss what it is that makes an invention important and useful.Suggested answers to the exercises:1 1 C; 2D; 3A; 4B.2 Various answers are possible. Encourage the students to think of possible uses for the inventions.3 Various answers are possible. Ask the. students to describe what they would like to invent and why.3. LISTENINGIntroduction The students will hear two inventors describe their new inventions to a patent officer. After listening to each inventor, the students are asked to infer why the patent officer doesnt want to give the inventor a patent.Instructions Explain the scenario to the students and ask them to read the questions before you play the tap_. After playing each part, check the answers and ask the students to find whats wrong with the inventions.LISTENING TEXT:Part 1(At the patent office.)J: Frank Jones, an inventor P: the patent officerP: Good morning.J: Good morning. My name is Frank Jones, and I have a great idea for a new invention.P: I see. Can you explain what it is?J: Yes. Oh its great! Its an invention that will change the world. Listen: cars and buses are good means of transportation, right? But they are expensive and noisy, and they pollute the air. Imagine a new means of transportation that lets people travel without a sound, that doesnt need any fuel, and that doesnt pollute the air.P: Hmm, sounds interesting. Go on, please.J: Well, my invention is a vehicle with two wheels instead of four. It doesnt have an engine; instead, you simply push these things here with your feet. P: Ah, excuse me, but perhaps .J: No, no, look! You can use it to go to work, and it is so small that you wont have any problems finding a place to park. And it is cheap -less than three thousand yuan! Isnt it great? You also get exercise by riding it and its fun.P: Excuse me!J: And best of all, it . what?P: Im sorry, Mr. Jones, but I cant give you a patent for this invention.Part 2B: Jack Butler, an inventor P: the patent officerB: Good morning. My name is Jack Butler. Id like to tell you about my new invention.P: OK. Please explain what it is and how it works. B: Sure. Ive been working on this idea for a long time and its finally ready. I got the idea when I saw a woman carrying her bags home from the supermarket. I noticed that the bags were so heavy that she had to stop and rest several times on the way. Now, Ive had the same problem, too, and I thought Id do something about it.P: So how did you solve this problem?B: Ah, its quite simple, really. We all know that things float in water, right?P: Yes, but I dont see how.B: So Ive built these large buckets, see, and all you have to do is put your bags in the buckets and they will float. No more carrying those heavy old bags. Theyll just float along.P: Yes, but .B: Oh, I know, I know, youre wondering well, wont the groceries get wet? Dont worry, Ive thought of that. Just tie the bags up before you put them in the buckets, or use these special bags that e with the buckets.P: Mr. Butler!B: Yes?P: Its not the water Im worried about.B:No?P: No, you see, theres another, more serious, problemAnswers to Exercises 1:1 The new invention is clean and cheap.2 Its a vehicle that doesnt need an engine or fuel. The vehicle is powered by the person who uses it.3 The invention can be used as a means of transportation, instead of cars and buses.4 The patent officer wont give the man a patent because the vehicle described by the inventor has already been invented-its a bike-like two-wheel car.Answers to Exercises 2:1 He invented a device for helping people carry heavy objects.2 He was tired of carrying heavy grocery bags / He got the idea when he saw a woman carrying some heavy bags.3 If you put the bags into a large bucket of water. The bags will float and you wont have to carry them.4 The patent officer wont give the man a patent because his idea doesnt work - you would still have to carry the large buckets!4. SPEAKING Introduction This is a role-play in which four of the students act as inventors. The fifth student acts as a patent officer. The inventors should explain their inventions and give reasons why they are useful. The patent officer should listen to each inventor, ask questions, and decide if the idea is good or not.Instructions Tell the students to choose roles. The inventors should prepare to describe their invention and explain why their inventions are useful. The patent officer should prepare questions for each inventor. pare answers when the students have finished the discussion.Sample discussion: A = Patent Officer B, C, and D = InventorsA: Good morning. Please tell me about your invention. B: Yes, well, I have invented a car that uses water instead of petrol. This invention is great for the environment. Imagine how nice and clean our cities would be if we didnt have all the air pollution from cars. A: Yes, it does sound good. How does it work?B: Well, I cant explain the details, but it uses a new kind of engine that can turn water into energy. This new engine is a bit expensive, and the cars wont be able to drive very fast, but I think it will bee cheaper with time. It is a new way of producing energy, so we will have to build new cars. It cant be used for normal cars.A: I see. What about your invention?C: I have invented a machine that makes it possible for people to know the future.A: That sounds incredible! How does it work?C: Its a small puter that is connected to your brain. It uses everything you know, and all the information on the Internet. Then I use a special equation to guess what will happen next. The machine is right almost 90% of the time.A: How would people use it?C: Well, lets say you want to know what questions will be on the maths test next week. You ask the puter to guess and it will predict the questions. Or, if you want to know what will happen two weeks from now, you just type in the date and the pute: will describe what will happen to you.D: Excuse me, may I tell you about my new invention? A: OK.D: I have invented a flying bicycle. This invention can help people get around in crowded cities.A: Whats it made of?D: The bicycle is made of very light plastic. The bike doesnt weigh more than 50 grams. A: And how does it work? What does it look like? D: There is a small engij1e on the bike - it looks a bit like a helicopter. If you want to fly, you just start the engine and take off.(The discussion continues.)5. SUMMARY & HOMEWORK1. Preview the reading text2. Learn the new words and expressions by heart.3. Get ready to be examined in the speaking activities. Period 21. PRESENTATION & REVISION1. Ask the Ss to tell what they learned in the last period and their opinions about what a good friend should be.2. Ask the Ss to tell if there was anything unhappy that once happened between them and their friends and how they solved it.3 Check up some pairs to act out their opinions about “SPEAKING” Today, well read an interesting story about a pair of strange friends. Can you tell me what can be your good friend besides a person?2. PRE-READING Introduction The pre-reading questions are designed to help the students think about the ideas discussed in the passage.Instructions Let the students discuss the questions in pairs or groups. pare answers when the students have finished.Answers to the exercises:Various answers are possible. Encourage the students to express their own opinion and to provide support or examples if possible.Note: These questions are answered in the text, but the answers given in the text may not be true for all people. The text, in effect, answers the pre-reading questions and gives examples to support the answers.3. READING Introduction The text describes the thinking strategies that creative thinkers use and explains how these strategies work. As paragraph one notes, great thinkers seem to have little in mon - they have different backgrounds, IQ, and education. What they do have in mon are the thinking habits outlined in the reading.1 Think outside the box. Our ability to e up with good ideas or solutions is limited by the way we normally think. Creative thinkers try to break away from their normal patterns of thought - the box - in order to solve difficult problems. They also realize that partial answers and even failures help us better understand a problem.2 Take another look at it. Our perception of things can also be a limiting factor. If we only view a problem in one way, we may not be able to solve it. Great thinkers like to use different ways to look at a problem - using pictures, words, numbers, models etc.3 Make connections. Many important inventions were the result of an inventor making unusual parison and connections. Creative thinkers make use of their knowledge as well as their imagination. If we connect new information only with whats logical or normal, we limit our creativity.4 Keep trying. The more ideas an inventor examines, the more likely he or she is to find a good one. Great inventions are rarely the result of a sudden flash of genius, but rather tend to e after a long series of trial and error. Many famous inventors forced themselves to keep thinking and making new inventions even when they did not feel inspired.We can all achieve more if we develop our creativity. By trying the thinking strategies of inventors and scientists, we can bee better problem-solvers and learners.4. POST-READING Answers to Exercise 1:Sentences 2, 6, and 7 are true according to the text.Corrected sentences:1 Not all inventors / only some inventors have high IQs.3 It is possible to learn how to be creative.4 The best way to find a good solution is to look at / for as many answers as possible.5 Inventors realize / know / understand / believe that failure is a necessary part of the thinking process / that we learn from failures.Answers to Exercise 2:I-Paragraph 2 2-Paragraph 5 3-Paragraph 5 4-Paragraph 3 5-Paragraph 45. SUMMARY & HOMEWORK1. Listen to and read the text again and again.2. Find out the difficult sentences and go over the notes to this text.3. Look up the word learn in the dictionary and try to find out different meanings of it.Period 31. PRESENTATION & REVISIONAsk the Ss to think over and answer the question: 1) How can a volleyball bee Chucks friend?2) The text talks about giving and taking. How do you and your friends give and take?3) Does a successful man or woman need friends? Why or why not?4) What do friends teach us?5) Is it better to have a human friend or an unusual friend such as a volleyball, a pen or a dog?2. LANGUAGE POINTS IN THE READING TEXT(Omitted)3. LANGUAGE STUDY Word studyAnswers to Exercise 1: trial try connect - connection fail - failure inspiration inspire application - apply produce - productive possible - possibility deep depth awareness - awareAnswers to Exercise 2:1 of2 from3 for4 for 5 in4. GRAMMAR Suggested answers to Exercise 1:1 A desktop puter is a puter which is designed for use on a desk.2 A laptop puter is a good choice for those who go to a place where there are no desks or tables.3 A palmtop puter offers a good solution for those whose life is always on the go.4 The patent office is the place where you go and apply for a patent.5 Great thinkers will appear at a time when free thinking is encouraged. 6 An inventor is someone who invents. 7 Edible chopsticks are chopsticks which can he eaten.Answers to Exercise 2:1 The wires with which the machines were connected were very old.2 Leonardo da Vinci, who was interested in both literature and science, painted the Mona Lisa. / Leonardo da Vinci, who painted the Mona Lisa, was interested in both literature and science.3 The pilot with whom we had dinner told us stories about his travels.4 The four ancient Chinese inventions of which we are proud have remained important in human history for thousands of years.5 Mozart, whose music is popular all over the world, showed his talent for music at a very young age. 6 The photos which our parents left to us ten years ago are kept in that cupboard.7 The country from which this news report is ing is on the other side of the world.Answers to Exercise 3:1 Walt Disney was a great cartoon film maker who created Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.2 Albert Einstein was a famous professor of physics, who discovered the Theory of Relativity.3 Thomas Alva Edison was a great American inventor who invented the electric bulb.4 Charles Chaplin was a famous edian who acted in the movie Modem Times.5 John Denver was a great American country singer who contributed greatly to American country music.6 Issac Newton was the great scientist who found the Theory of Gravity.7 Abraham Lincoln was the American president who announced the abolishing of slavery. 8 Eve is a figure in the Bible, who is created by God. 9 Jules Verne, who wrote Around the World in 80 Days,is considered the father of science fiction.10 Martin Luther King, Jr, who made the famous speech I Have a Dream, received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.11 Nelson Mandela, who helped to found the ANC Youth League, received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.12 Helen Keller, who was blind and deaf, wrote the book Three Days to See.Answers to Exercise 4:1 the letter e 2 nothing 3 soap 4 cloud5. SUMMARY & HOMEWORK1. Review the reading material.2. Finish all the exercises about the Grammar in this unit. And go over Parts 1 and on Pages 177180. 3. Ask the Ss to think about in what ways we can make friends with others.Period 41. PRESENTATION & REVISION1. Ask some of the Ss to read the text paragraph by paragraph and paragraph. And at the same time ask them to point out the sentences they dont understand.2. Ask the Ss to find out the following phrases in the Paraphrasing text on a deserted island, hunt for food, make a fire, be alone on the island, bee / be fond of , treat sb as, share happiness and sorrow, make friends with 3. Ask the Ss to make sentences with hunt for, be fond of, treat ab as 4. Ask the Ss to put the follow sentences into Chinese. 2. GRAMMAR EXERCISES3. INTEGRATING SKILLS ReadingIntroduction The reading is a continuation of the unit theme, ie the relationship between ideas, inventions, and society. The reading gives examples of scientific metaphors and discusses how the way we talk about-and think of-new inventions influences our understanding and actions.There is no doubt that huge advances have been made in science ,and technology, but has human thinking really changed. Many of the new inventions we use in our lives are really just better tools for doing the same things we have always done.We use metaphors to talk about new inventions. monly used metaphors include memory, store, and cut and paste. These metaphors are useful because they help us quickly understand new technology and its uses, but they are also misleading since they misrepresent reality. That may in itself not be very serious, but it may also limit our ability to use new technology to its full potential.At present, technological development is occurring at ,such a high pace that it may be difficult for us to deal with it. In the past, new theories and inventions did not appear as frequently and we had more time to adapt. Today, science and technology are advancing faster than ever. Will human thinking keep up?Answers to the questions:1 Scientific metaphors like memory and cut and paste are useful because they help us understand and use new technology. They may limit our thinking by keeping us from using the new technology in new ways.2 Various answers are possible. Possible examples include surf the Internet, print, delete, file etc. Sample responses to the follow-up questions:If I use surf the Internet, it. helps me understand that I am moving around on an ocean of information-I jump from site to site like a surfer riding on a wave. Using file makes it easy to understand that a puter file is like a file where I can store pages. I think the words are useful, but since I dont know much about surfing, maybe another word would be better. Perhaps travel would be better, because travel suggests that I move around and visit different places. Another advantage is that I know that you have to be careful when you travel, and that you sometimes need money and a passport.TechnologyUsageputerUsed as a typewriter / tape recorder / VCD player / notebook / calendar / telephone / calculator.The InternetUsed as a library / magazine / TV / telephone / bank / store.CellphoneUsed as a telephone / watch / calendar / camera / puter.4. LANGUAGE POINTS IN THE READING TEXT(Omitted)5. WritingIntroduction Tell the students to choose one of the two tasks in the SB. Before they start writing, they should list ideas and information and think about the organization of the essay. Encourage the students to use the skills and vocabulary they have learnt

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