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,Unit 3 Travel journal,必 修 1,栏目导航,fare route schedule stubborn detail source journey pace forecast view,flame beneath journal,journalist,transport,transportation,transporter,prefer,preference,disadvantage,advantage,persuade,persuasion,persuasive,graduate,graduation,finally,final,shortcoming,drawback fault,organize/organise,organization,organizer,organized,determine,determined,determination,altitude,attitude,bend,bent,bent,insurance,insure,reliable,rely,reliably,reliability,cycle,cyclist,ever since be fond of care about change ones mind make up ones mind give in as usual at midnight,dream of/about graduate from at an altitude of feel like put up ones tents sth be familiar to sb for one thing for another,Nowadays many children prefer _ (surf) the Internet at home to _ (take) exercise outdoors. 如今,许多孩子宁可待在家里上网,也不愿意到户外进行锻炼。 After all, all kids prefer _ (praise) rather than _ (scold) 毕竟,所有的孩子都喜欢被表扬而不是被批评。 _ (prefer) will be given to graduates of this university. 优先考虑这所大学的毕业生。,surfing,taking,to be praised,be scolded,Preference,_ (persuade) to change my attitude, I finally got the right way to rid myself of carelessness and gained confidence as well. 被说服要改变态度后,我最后用正确的方法改掉自己粗心的毛病,而且重获自信。 I allowed myself to be persuaded _ entering the competition. 我搁不住人家的劝说,就参加了比赛。 At first he wouldnt let her drive the car but she was so _ (persuade) that eventually he gave in. 起初他不肯让她开车,可是她这么能说,最终他还是答应了。 【熟词生义】 写出加黑单词在语境中的含义。 I persuaded him that I was telling the truth._,Having been persuaded,into,persuasive,使相信,on,scheduled,I have determined _ working as a volunteer teacher in the countryside after graduation. 我已决定毕业后到农村支教。 Though Tom was stubborn, they determined _ (persuade) him to travel together. 虽然汤姆很固执,但他们决定说服他一起去旅行。 She was determined _ (keep) her familys life filled with joy. 她下定决心,要保持家庭生活充满欢乐。,on/upon,to persuade,to keep,【一词多义】 写出下列句中view的含义。 In this lecture, I can only give you a purely personal view of how we can live life to the full. _ He climbed up to the top of the church tower to get a better view of the entire city. _ If we sit near the front of the bus, well have a better view. _ I got an opportunity to view the movie before it was released. _,观点;见解,风景,视野,观看,care for喜欢;照料 take care当心 take care of照料;处理 with care小心;慎重,【提示】 change ones mind与make up ones mind两个短语中,mind 均为可数名词,它的数随ones 的变化而变化。,give away分发;赠送;泄露;背弃,出卖;失去(机会等) give back归还;恢复 give off发出;散发(光、热、烟、气味等) give out分配;发出;宣布;(食物、燃料等)用光;精疲力竭 give up放弃;认输;停止;让出;交出 give way to给让路;对让步,The children were required _ (give) in their examination papers immediately. 孩子们被要求马上上交试卷。 Jane tried to keep up a calm appearance, but her trembling voice gave her _. 简尽力保持平静的表情,但颤抖的声音出卖了她。,to give,away,【句式点拨】 ever since意为“从那以后(就一直)”,主句常用现在完成时。ever since可以单独使用作状语,也可以连接表示时间的名词或时间状语从句。 it is/has been一段时间since从句(从句用一般过去时) 自从有(一段时间)了,He moved to California three years ago and _ (be) there ever since. 三年前他搬到了加利福尼亚,自那以后就一直在那儿。 I want to see how much he _ (change) ever since I saw him last time. 我想看看自从上次看见他后,他的变化有多大。 It is/has been three years _ I last saw you. 自从上次见到你已经有三年了。 【提示】 up to now, up till now, by now, so far等用作时间状语时,句子也常用现在完成时。,has been,has changed,since,

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