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2019-2020年高中英语Unit4GlobalwarmingReadingPart One: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计)Period 1: A sample lesson plan for reading(THE EARTH IS BEING WARMERBUT DOES IT MATTER?)AimsTo look and list sources of energyTo read about global warmingProceduresI. Warming up Warming up by definingHello, everyone. Today we are going to read about global warming. But first lets think about what moves the world around. Yes, it is energy. But what is energy?Renewable energy sources like wind power dont emit carbon dioxide.Energy is a fundamental quantity that every physical system possesses; it allows us to predict how much work the system could be made to do, or how much heat it can produce or absorb. In the past, energy was discussed in terms of easily observable effects it has on the properties of objects or changes in state of various systems. Basically, if something changes, some sort of energy was involved in that change.Warming up by observingEnergy is so important, but where does it e from?There are different forms of energy: Light energy 光能 Heat energy 热能 Sound energy 声能 Chemical energy source 化学能源 Nuclear energy 核能 Internal energy内能 Kinetic energy动能 Potential energy势能能源类型定 义实 例一次能源直接来自自然界而未经加工转换的能源化石燃料、太阳能、核能、生物燃料、水能等二次能源由一次能源直接或间接转化而来的能源电能、煤气、汽油、沼气、氢能等可再生能源不随其本身的转化或被人类利用而减少的能源太阳能、生物能、水能、风能、地热能等非再生能源随其本身的转化或被人类利用而减少的能源化石燃料、核燃料等Energy is measured in joules (J). Energy can do work.When energy changes from one form to another, the amount of energy stays the same. Energy cannot be made or destroyed. This fact is called “conservation of energy”. Matter can be made into energy through processes like nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.II. Pre-reading1. Questioning and answeringHave you ever seen a green house? What is it? What is it for? Li Hongju, could you tell the class in English what you know about a green house?A green house is built of glass to be used for growing plants. The air inside the green house is warm because the glass lets in the sun and keeps it from running away. So the air inside is warm and is good for growing plants throughout the cold seasons.2. Talking and sharingNow look at the word GREENHOUSE GASES. What does it mean?Greenhouse gases (GHG) are gaseous ponents of the atmosphere that contribute to the greenhouse effect. The major natural greenhouse gases are water vapor, which causes about 36-70% of the greenhouse effect on Earth (not including clouds); carbon dioxide, which causes between 9-26%; and ozone, which causes between 3-7% (note that it is not really possible to assert that such-and-such a gas causes a certain percentage of the GHE, because the influences of the various gases are not additive. The higher ends of the ranges quoted are for the gas alone; the lower end, for the gas counting overlaps). Naturally occuring greenhouse gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. Certain human activities, however, add to the levels of most of these naturally occurring gases.Very powerful greenhouse gases that are not naturally occurring include hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), which are generated in a variety of industrial processes. Each greenhouse gas differs in its ability to absorb heat in the atmosphere. HFCs and PFCs are the most heat-absorbent.III. ReadingReading aloud to the recordingNow please listen and read aloud to the recording of the text THE EARTH IS BEING WARMERBUT DOES IT MATTER? Pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and the pauses within each sentence. I will play the tape twice and youll read aloud twice, too.世界初级能源消耗能源 石油煤可燃气水能核能百分点 4526205 42. Reading and underliningNext you are to read and circle all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after school as homework.Collocations from THE EARTH IS BEING WARMERBUT DOES IT MATTER?during the 20th century, rise above, six tenths of a degree Celsius, sound much to, a rapid increase, be pared to, e about, explore questions, there is no doubt that, bee warmer, fierce debate over, cause global warming, a natural phenomenon, cause the increase in, through the burning of fossil fuels, produce energy, be called, small amounts of gases, trap heat from the sun, warm the earth, be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler, addto, be trapped in, causeto do sth., go up, increase greatly over, make accurate measurements of , go up fromto, accept this data, result in, different attitudes towards, over the next 100 years, as low as, predictwell enough, causeto do sth., rise by several meters, worry about, high levels of, concern abut, with few but bad environmental consequences, a positive thing, grow faster, encourage a greater range of, makebetter, build up, in the atmosphere, reduce the amount of, keep on ing 3. Reading aloud and translatingNext we are going to read aloud the text and put it into Chinese. We may translate it word for word, sentence for sentence. Reading is the process of retrieving and prehending some form of stored information or ideas. These ideas are usually some sort of representation of language, as symbols to be examined by sight, or by touch (for example Braille). Other types of reading may not be language-based, such as music notation or pictograms. By analogy, in puter science, reading is acquiring of data from some sort of puter storage.4.Reading and transforming informationTo understand the main idea of the text, we are going to read it once again. Write down the key sentence of each paragraph at the same time. 不同hHhh地区的平均每年消耗能源的数值(1996年,单位:GJ)中国 香港美国英国日本非洲33 10638618818716Key sentence of each paragraph:1. A debate over whether it is human activity that has caused the global warming or whether it is just a natural phenomenon.2. Many scientists believe people have caused the increase in the earths temperature.3. The increased extra amount of carbon dioxide traps more heat energy causing the global temperature to go up.4. The levels of carbon dioxide have increased greatly over the last 100 to 150 years.5. There are some different attitudes towards the causes of this increase in carbon dioxide.6. Over the next 100 years the amount of warming could be as low as 1 to 1.5 degrees Celsius but it could be as much as 5 degrees Celsius.7. An increase of five degrees would be a catastrophe. 8. Future warming would cause the sea level to rise by several meters.9. Some predict any warming will be mild with few bad environmental consequences.10. More carbon dioxide is a positive thing.11. No one knows what the effects of global warming will be.常规能源 世界大量消耗的石油、天然气、煤和核能等称为常规能源新能源 新能源是相对于常规能源而言的,泛指太阳能、风能、地热能、海洋能、潮汐能和生物质能等5.Understanding difficult language pointsAre there any sentences or words, difficult to you? Now discuss with your partner the difficult points. You may put you questions to me. IV. Closing downClosing down by doing prehending exercisesTo end the lesson you are to do the prehending Ex. 1, 2 and 3 on page 27. Closing down by retelling the textTo end the period, lets try to retell the text with the help of the key sentences we have found just now.商品能源 凡进入能源市场作为商品销售的如煤、石油、天然气和电等均为商品能源。国际上的统计数字均限于商品能源。非商品能源 非商品能源主要指薪柴和农作物残余(秸秆等)。


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