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2019-2020年高中英语Unit4AstronomythescienceofthestarsSection自我小测新人教版必修一、根据句意以及首字母或汉语提示写出下列单词的正确形式1These members include the rich and the poor,the young and the old,who represent many races,r_ and political beliefs.2According to the t_ of relativity,nothing can travel faster than light.3We know that matter is made up of a_.4From space the earth looks like a huge watercovered g_.5The talk between the two countries went on in a friendly a_.6The ancient building _(存在)in the city hundreds of years ago.7With so many problems arising,the _(制度)should be improved.8The boy likes studying the universe and he wants to choose _(天文学)as his major.9The police say armed robbery is the fastestrising _(暴力的)crime.10As is well known,fresh air is _(基本的)to good health.二、用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空in timebe harmful togive birth toin ones turnprevent.from.lay eggsbe puzzled aboute intoexistence1Do you know that crocodiles reproduce by _?2During the car accident,he was _ to escape from the car without being hurt.3No matter what will happen,nothing and nobody can _ the plan _ being carried out.4Reading in dim light _ your eyes.5She lost heart since she failed in the exam.She _ her future.She had no idea what to do next.6Scientists have many theories about how the universe first _.7After the second petitor went off the stage,my son went onto the stage to perform _.8He told us happily that his wife would _ a baby the next week and that he would be a father.三、单句语法填空 1People cant afford expensive things _ the prices of daily goods going up.2Thats the best way you thought of _(stop)people getting into dangerous areas.3The top leaders of G20 are discussing the global problems _ a friendly atmosphere.4Please remember _ wins you respect is not your background and appearance but your knowledge and virtues.5As the busiest woman in the neighbourhood,she made _ her duty to look after all other peoples affairs.6Going on a trip into space must be quite _ exciting experience.7We cant continue to pretend that the problem of homelessness doesnt exist _ this city.8He wants to see changes in the pany and I am sure he will _ time.9They had a _(violence)quarrel and John stormed out.10Its extremely _(unlike) to reach an agreement between us.四、翻译句子1如果你想及时参加会议,必须现在动身。_2他们轮流回答张先生的问题。_3你的想法在理论上是对的。_4这次大雪对我们的交通有害。_5她打算只生一个孩子。_五、语法填空Stephen Hawking,who is the most famous physicist,was born in Britain on January 8th,1942.As a child,he was enthusiastic about_1_(design)plicated toys but _2_(fortune),in his twenties,he suffered_3_a disease that was impossible to be cured,_4_was a great challenge for him.However,not only was he positive about the misfortunes_5_eventually he defeated all the obstacles but also he was_6_(absorb)in his research in the universe.In 1988,his bestseller A Brief History of Time was published,_7_which he put forward the idea_8_time itself has a beginning,and that it will have_9_end.In conclusion,he has made outstanding_10_(contribute)to the fields of cosmology and quantum gravity.1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_六、阅读理解LONDONThe tiny,distant and frozen planet Pluto,for 30 years believed to have just one moon,has suddenly been found to have two more satellites.Only discovered in 1930 because of its vast distance from Earth,Pluto has remained a largely mysterious object ever since.Some three billion miles from the Sun,Pluto,the ninth planet,is the only one not yet to have been visited by a spacecraft.Its first known satellite is called Charon.With a diameter(直径)of 1,200 km,it is half that of Plutounusually large for a moon in relation to its primary.But now,using images from the Hubble Space Telescope,scientists from Johns Hopkins University,Southwest Research Institute and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology say they have found two more tiny orbiting satellites,P1 and P2.Both are travelling outside the orbit of Charon and tiny by parison,the scientists wrote in the journal Nature.P1,the more distant of the two from Pluto,has a diameter of between 60 and 165 km while P2 is 20 percent smaller.“Although definitive(确切的)orbits cannot be obtained,both new satellites appear to be moving in circular orbits in the same orbital plane as Charon with orbital periods of about 38 days for P1 and 25 days for P2,”they wrote.The discovery of the two new members of Plutos family makes it the only object in the Kuiper belta vast region of rock and ice beyond Neptune which contains debris(碎片)from the formation of the solar systemknown to have multiple safellites,the scientists said.1It is implied in the passage that _.ACharon was not discovered until the late 1960sBCharon is the largest satellite in the solar systemCall the inner planets are better observed than PlutoDPluto may have some more moons to be discovered2The underlined word“primary”in Paragraph 4 refers to _.AsizeBshapeCplanet DEarth3Which of the following shows the possible orbits and positions of Plutos satellites?4Which of the following is the best title for the passage?APluto:furthest in the solar systemBPluto:two additional moons foundCPluto:tiny,distant and frozen planetDPluto:two satellites formed in 30 years参考答案一、1religious2theory3atoms4globe5atmosphere6existed7system8astronomy9violent10fundamental二、1laying eggs2in time3prevent;from4is harmful to5was puzzled about6came into existence7in his turn8give birth to三、1with2to stop3in4what 5it6an7in8in 9violent10unlikely四、1You must set off now if you want to attend the meeting in time.2They answered Mr Zhangs questions in turn/by turns.3Your idea is right in theory.4This heavy snow is harmful to our traffic.5She is going to give birth to only one child.五、1designing2unfortunately3from4which5and6absorbed7in8that9an10contributions六、1C根据文章第三段“Some three billion miles from the Sun,Pluto,the ninth planet,is the only one not yet to have been visited by a spacecraft”可知,冥王星是太阳系的内行星中宇宙飞船唯一没有登陆过的行星,由此可知答案为C项。2C根据前文内容可知,“unusually large for a moon in relation to its primary”指的是卫星和其行星的关系,即其与它的行星相比,(卫星有行星)一半的大小通常来讲算是大了。3D根据文章第四段的“Its first known satellite is called Charon”,第五段的“.have found two more tiny orbiting satellites,P1 and P2”及第六段的“Both are travelling outside the orbit of Charon”的描述可知,冥王星除了卫星卡戎外,还有另外两个卫星,而这两个卫星都是在卡戎的轨道外运行,由此可知D项正确。4B文章第一段便点明了主旨“The tiny,distant and frozen planet Pluto,for 30 years believed to have just one moon,has suddenly been found to have two more satellites”,后文的内容主要都是围绕这一点展开的。故B项应为文章的标题。


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