2019-2020年七上仁爱版英语Unit3 Topic 3 What would you like to drink Section B教学设计.doc

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2019-2020年七上仁爱版英语Unit3 Topic 3 What would you like to drink Section B教学设计The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions:usually, breakfast, lunch, supper, food, may, take, order, take ones order, sir, something, glass, a glass of, wait, moment, wait a moment2. Talk about ordering food and having meals:(1)What do you usually have for breakfast/ lunch/supper, Michael?(2)May I take your order, sir?3. Learn more expressions about offering, accepting and refusing.(1)Would you like something to drink?Yes. A glass of apple juice, please.(2)Its my favorite food. I like Chinese food very much. Teaching aids 教具图片/录音机/图钉/小黑板/彩色粉笔/实物/菜单. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案1. (玩游戏,复习已学的词汇,培养学生速记能力。)(1)老师拿出食物图片,介绍游戏规则及玩法:老师每次拿五张图片,让学生快速看一看,然后老师把图片合起来,并去掉其中一张,然后问:Whats missing?学生只要回答单词即可。T:Are you ready? Go! (老师先拿五张图片让学生快速看一看,然后合卡,抽卡,再呈现给学生。) Whats missing?S1:Chicken.(重复活动,复习词汇)(2)找不同:老师出示两张有食品的图片A和B,让学生快速看一看,然后收起图片,学生用I can see some (a/an ) in Picture A, but I cant see them(it) in Picture B.(老师示范)T: I can see an apple in Picture A, but I cant see it in Picture B. I can see some fish in Picture A, but I cant see it in Picture B.(对找出不同点最多的同学进行表扬。)3. (情景表演:老师演主人,三位学生演客人。)T:Help yourselves.Ss:Thank you.T:S2, would you like some eggs?S2:Yes, please./No, thanks.T:S3, what would you like to drink?S3:A glass of apple juice./A glass of milk.T:S4, what about you?S4:Id like some (板书)glass, a glass of(导入2a。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1. (老师展示图片,引出新词汇。)T:What does she do? (图片上是一女服务员)Ss:She is a cook.T:No, she isnt a cook. She is a waitress, and this is a waiter.(出示图片,图片上是一男服务员。) (老师口头解释waitress和waiter的意思。)2. (老师展示一张饭店的菜单。)T:Whats this in English?Ss:Its a (老师帮助说出order并板书。)order(教学该单词,老师出示各种各样的order供学生参考。)3. (老师走向一学生,拿起他/她的文具。)T:May I take your pen? (教师做拿走状)(若学生不明白,可改成 Can I take your pen? 并板书。)May I ?=Can I ?=Could I ?S1:Sure.T:May I take your book? (教师拿起书,并装着要拿走。)S2:Sure.(板书take,并叫学生猜其意思;若猜不出,则多做几个动作提示。)take4. (老师在小黑板上写四个问句A、B、C、D让学生选择。)A. Could you tell me your name?B. What do you do?C. May I take your order, sir?D. May I have some milk?T:(老师示意一学生站起。) She is a waitress, which one does she often say, A, B, C or D?S3:C.T:Youre right. (把选项C用彩色粉笔划上波浪线并教学该句,师生换位,引出May I take your order?答语。)S4:May I take your order, sir?T:Rice and chicken, please.S5:May I take your order, sir?T:A glass of apple juice, please.(老师总结)T:We often answer “May I take your order?” with the words about food and drink. Now, let me see. (老师拿笔和纸走向一名学生。) May I take your order, sir?S6:Bread and eggs.(S5扮waiter, S6扮顾客。)S7:(模仿上述活动) May I take your order, sir?S8:Some milk and chicken.5. (老师设置夸张的情景,教授新单词。)情景一:T: Ouch! Something in my shoe. (老师手里预备一颗图钉,弯腰,起身,展示。) Oh! Its a nail!(板书something)something情景二:T: (老师揉眼睛) Whats in it? (换另一支藏有一颗图钉的手揉眼睛,假装做从眼睛里拉出某物的样子。) My God! Its a nail, too! (让学生猜something之意思,如果暂时猜不出,老师可做更多动作,边做边说。)T: Something in my pocket (然后出示物品). Something in my bag. Something in the desk. Something in the box, etc.6. (看图猜句子,引出新句子。)(老师出示一张图片:一辆刚刚启动的汽车,一个人跟在汽车后面奔跑,边跑边叫。)T: What does the man say?Ss: (学生答不出,老师板书,领读并解释。)Wait a moment, please. T: Who often says this sentence?Ss: Waiter./Waitress. (老师可出示图片帮助学生。)T: Youre very clever. (给予适度地表扬,让学生有成就感。)(运用该句型两人表演。)S9:May I take your order?S10:Milk and bread.S9:OK. Wait a moment, please.7. (播放2a录音,让学生判断说话者的身份,并指出录音中提到哪些食物和饮料。)8. (再放2a录音,让学生跟读,模仿地道的语音语调,并标出语调。)9. (学生两人一组根据2a进行对话,画出不懂之处。)10. (老师解决学生所提疑问,完成2a。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)1. (角色表演:学生两人一组熟读并背诵2a对话,然后老师挑选几组表演2a对话。)2. (情景剧表演:老师提供几个单词,演员自由发挥,但要运用所学句型。)(用小黑板出示。)场所:restaurant(餐馆)人物:Michael, Jane, Kangkang, a waiter必用词汇:may, would, chicken, milk, what about, something, wait3. (让学生自己先试着填写2b中的空格。)4. (待学生完成后,让学生听录音,比较自己所填写的单词与所听到的单词,核对答案,完成2b。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1. (老师出示三张钟表简图,分别是早上700,中午1200,下午500,内容都是一家人在吃饭的情景。)T:(出示图片1)It is seven oclock in the morning.(出示图片2)It is twelve oclock at noon.(出示图片3)And it is five oclock in the afternoon. Are you clear?Ss:Yes.T:(手持图片1) Do they wait for a bus?Ss:No.T:What do they do?Ss: (学生不会回答,但他们知道意思。)T:They have breakfast.(板书)have breakfast T:(出示图片2) They have lunch.(板书)have lunch T:(出示图片3) They have supper.(板书)have supper (教学这三个词组)(联系学生实际,板书学生在校用餐的时间, 并提问。)in the morning / 8:00 at noon / 12:00 in the afternoon / 4:30T:(手指8:00) What do you do at this time?Ss:We have breakfast.T:(手指12:30) What do you do at this time?Ss:We have lunch.T:(手指4:30) What do you do at this time?Ss:We have supper.(叫一学生)T:I know, you often have breakfast at eight. What do you often have for breakfast? (手拿些食物做吃饭动作,帮助学生理解。)S1:I often have for breakfast.(老师板书)often/usually(教学usually)T:S2, what do you usually have for lunch?S2:I usually have for lunch.T:S3, what do you usually have for supper?S2:I usually have for supper.(老师总结)T:Different people like different foods and drinks. I like Jiaozi. Its my favorite food.(板书)Its my favourite food.(问学生)T:S4, whats your favorite food?S4:My favorite food is rice/chicken T:S5, whats your favorite drink?S5:My favorite drink is milk/juice 2. (播放1a录音,完成下列表格,板书。)NameFor BreakfastFor LunchFor SupperMichael3. (重放1a,学生跟读,模仿语音语调。完成1a。)4. (学生根据1a编对话并表演。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)1. (学生分组,调查组内同学的用餐习惯。运用1b的示范,完成1b表格,然后每组选一个代表,汇报调查结果,完成1b。)2. (听3录音学唱歌曲,拓展食物和饮料类名词。)3. Homework:(1)把Section A,B中表示建议、接受和拒绝的语句抄在练习本上。(2)把Section A,B中所有食物类名词,按可数名词和不可数名词分类列在练习本上。板书设计:What would you like to drink?Section BWait a moment, please.May/Can/Could I ?have breakfastWould you like something to drink?have lunchYes. A glass of , please.have supperWhat do you usually have for ? Its my favorite food.

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