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2019-2020年高中英语Unit1Period2ReadingThe General Idea of This Period:In this period, we are going to read a newspaper article about a 15-year-old boy who went missing two days ago, and people show great interest in his disappearance due to sightings o puzzling lights in the sky and reports o alien visits around the time o his disappearance. Teaching Aims:1. Train the students reading ability.2. Learn some useful words and expressions.Teaching Important Points:1. Help the students to understand the passage better.2. Learn and master some important words and phrases in this period.Teaching Difficult Points:1. How to help the students improve their reading ability and understand the passage better.2. How to master the important language points in this passage.Teaching Methods:1. Fast reading to get the general idea o the text.2. Careful reading to understand the passage better.3. Discussion to help the students understand what theyve learned better.4. Explanation to help the students master some language points.Teaching Aids.A tape recorder & a multimediaTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Greetings 1. Greet the whole class as usual. 2. Check their homework if any.Step 2 SkimmingT: Last time we learnt something about unexplained things, such as a UFO, the Loch Ness Monster, pyramids, Yeti, Stonehenge. In this period well e to an article from a newspaper about a missing boy.T: This is the first time to read the passage, so first lets share some reading strategies: Reading strategy: reading a newspaper article This is a typical news story, written in an inverted pyramid format. The broadest, most general information is given first, and then the details. The first paragraph, or the lead, gives the main topic and most important facts. The second paragraph gives the important facts that the writer was unable to include in the lead. The rest of the story introduces new but less important background information. When reading a news story like this one, read the beginning very carefully. Try to answer the who, what, when, where, why and how questions with information in the first paragraph. This will help you guess what will follow in the rest of the story.Now please skim the article quickly and then answer the three questions on page 2 Part A (T shows the questions on the screen. ) 1. What is the article about? 2. Who is missing? When and where was the boy missing?1. Do the police know what happened to Justin?After the Ss have finished reading the article, collect answers among them.Step 3 scanning T: You all did a god job. Now, lets read the article carefully and then answer the questions of Part C1 and finish the charm below. Main pointsSupporting detailsJustin Foster went missingMrs Foster thought he was spending the night with a friend.Mr. Foster was surprised _.Justin Foster _.The police found that Justin returned homeJustins friends said _.Witnesses said _Kelly heard _The boy was taken away by aliensKelly saw _.Kelly heard _Mavis Wood said _ (15 minutes later ,the teacher should check the answers.)Step 4 word study1. 1. step up means to increase the amount of an activity or the speed of a process in order to improve a situation e.g. The health department is stepping up efforts to reduce teenage smoking.2. In the phrase go missing, go is a link verb which means to change in some way, especially by being worse than before e.g. go grey / white etc Her hair is starting to go grey. go mad / deaf / bald etc He went crazy and tried to kill her. go wild / mad / white etc with something The crowd was going wild with excitement.3. show up means to arrive, especially at the place where someone is waiting for youe.g. We had 200 people show up for our seminar. He didnt show up at my birthday party yesterday.4. Standing inside were lots of white-skinned, strange-looking creatures with large black eye.This sentence is an inversed sentence. The subject is lots of white-skinned, strange-looking creatures with large black eyes, and the verb is were. The object is emphasized here. So this sentence can be changed into Lots of white-skinned, strange-looking creatures with large black eyes were standing inside.5. rule out here means to decide that something is not possible or suitablee.g. She has refused to rule out the possibility of singing again. The police have ruled out suicide.6. look into means to try to find out the truth about a problem, crime etc in order to solve it; synonym investigatee.g. Police are looking into the disappearance of two children.Step 5 SummaryT: In this period, we have learned a newspaper article about a 15-year-old boy who went missing 2 days ago, and people show great interest in his disappearance due to sights of puzzling lights in the sky and reports of lien visits around the time of his disappearance.Step 6 HomeworkFinish Part E on page 5 and A1, A2, D1and D2 in the workbook.Give the story of the missing boy an ending.T: In the newspaper article Boy missing, police puzzled, the boy Justin was missing and his parents were worried about him. His sister Kelly believed that he was taken away by the aliens, which was shared by some people in Dover. Now I would like you to make an ending to the story. You should use your imagination and creativity.

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