2019-2020年高中英语 Unit8 protecting the environment-reading教案 冀教版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit8 protecting the environment-reading教案 冀教版必修3.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit8 protecting the environment-reading教案 冀教版必修3.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit8 protecting the environment-reading教案 冀教版必修3READING FOR THE ENVIROMENTThere are three readings in this section that are expected to expand on the theme of the unit The first one is about the importance of keeping the balance of nature. The second is about a pioneer -a historical figure in environmental protection, Rachel Carson. The third one is an encouraging example of environmental protection in China-the beautiful Jiuzhaigou Valley, Sichuan.OUR NATURAL ENVIROMENTDivide the class into groups. Identify a leader for each group .Make sure that each group contains a strong English speaker and reader. Inform the students that they will be working together as a group to create a summary of each paragraph. Read through our natural environment on page 99. demonstrate the first para. With the class .Have each group read the para ,discuss the para with each other ,create a summary sentence of the para, and ask each group to share their summary sentence.Explain that this is a cooperative activity. The students can discuss the summary in their first language. The main purpose is to facilitate the understanding of the text, the discussion of the meaning and the negotiation of the best summary sentence, thus the discussion can be done in Chinese and summary sentence can later be translated into English .Use the Focus Question and Postreading activities for further discussion of the reading.RACHEL CARSONAssign the reading as homework .Each student is to write his or her own answers to the Postreading Activities .students must provide an example or ments about their answers.ENVIROMENTAL PROTECTION IN THE JIUZHAIGOU VALLEY, SICHUANThe story provides an example of environmental protection in a significant tourist spot in China. The postreading Activities ask students to do two things : 1.to understand and discuss the information in the text,and 2. to think about what they can do in their own lives to protect the environment from being destroyed.The second activity can be used as a way of connecting students with the text. It is ,after all, important for them to relate what they have read to their own daily lives.WRAP IT UPThis word search is designed to help students review some of the words they have learned regarding environmental protection, and to reinforce the idea of ecological balance.

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