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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习第1部分基础知识考点Unit3Traveljournal课时训练新人教版必修.单句语法填空1Her journey _ being the fastest woman on earth has been anything but smooth and effortless.(xx江苏,阅读D)2My daughter is _ university graduate working toward her masters degree in English.(xx天津,阅读B)3Li Jiang is invited to vote in the “Best Police Officer” petition,_(organize) by the local government.(xx江苏,书面表达)4He _(determine) that none of his children would be denied an education.5As the journey was a long one,he took a friend with him _ pany.6I graduated from university twenty years ago and _ (teach) ever since.7The 32nd Olympic Games,_ (schedule) in the summer of 2020,will take place in Tokyo.8When she woke up,she found herself _(lie) in bed in a hospital.9On the top of this mountain,you can get _ wonderful view of the nearby hills.10As you get older,your attitude _ death changes.答案1.to2.a3.organized4.(was) determined 5for6.have been teaching7.scheduled8.lying 9a10.towards/to.单句改错(每句仅1处错误)1Her husband,Frank,liked the phrase so much that he put it down on the classroom wall for his students.2Personalities and attitudes are monly believed to determining ones behavior.3The old man was still in good health.He preferred to work in the garden rather than sat idly.4After what had happened,we decided to call off the schedule meeting.5Once seeing,it is difficult to forget.6That you will succeed in doing the work depends on your attitude to it.7To her great pleasure,it will be less than one year when her son graduates from Beijing University.8Stella could hardly wait see her family after such a long and tiring journey.9The boy who is dressed himself in a white T-shirt is the top basketball player in our school.10Many tents have put up to provide temporary housing for the people in the disaster-hit area.答案1.downup2.determiningdetermine3.satsit4.schedulescheduled5.seeingseen6.ThatWhether7.whenbefore8.wait后加to9.去掉himself10.have后加been.单元考点作文串记(一)根据提示翻译句子1李华一旦下定决心,就没有什么能使他改变主意。(make up,change ones mind)_2李华非常喜欢旅游,因此他决定同他的朋友王明骑车去西藏。(be fond of,determine to do.,cycle)_3王明不愿骑车而喜欢开车,而且他很固执。(prefer to.rather than,stubborn)_4李华花了两个小时的时间说服王明改变了主意。(take,persuade)_(二)加入适当过渡词,连句成篇答案(一)1.Once Li Hua makes up his mind,nothing can be done to change his mind.2Li Hua is fond of travelling,so he determines to cycle to Tibet with his friend,Wang Ming.3Wang Ming prefers to drive rather than cycle and he is very stubborn.4It took Li Hua two hours to persuade Wang Ming to change his mind.(二)【参考范文】Once Li Hua makes up his mind,nothing can be done to change his mind.He is fond of travelling,so he determines to cycle to Tibet with his friend,Wang Ming.However,Wang Ming prefers to drive rather than cycle and he is very stubborn.Finally,it took him two hours to persuade Wang Ming to change his mind.阅读理解Hotels around the US.are offering ways for travelers to stay healthy and active.Some even provide workout clothes and shoes just in case you leave your equipment at home.If youre looking for help to stay in shape while on the road,check out these hotels.Hotel MonacoManager Ed Virtue,who loves riding,invites guests to ride with him on Wednesdays for one hour.He takes guests on a scenic tour of the citys famous monuments and historic sites (遗迹),as well as a ride near the Potomac River.The hotel even supplies some electric bikes to people who want a more intense ride throughout the city.Schofield HotelIt offers yoga (瑜伽) mats and yoga programs.If you go to Cleveland later this year,stay at this hotel to enjoy additional wellness offerings.The hotel provides maps of bike trails (小道) that only local people know.Grand HotelIt recently turned their 14th floor into “Stay Well” rooms that focus on health and wellness.The rooms,171 in total,offer vitamin C-infused (注入维生素C) showers to promote healthy hair and skin and lighting to aid in improved sleep.And if you dont want to skip your meals,the mini-bars in these rooms have healthy foods.Fairmont ParkIf you love rock climbing,stay at the hotel.Guests here can enjoy these activities at a discounted rate.The hotel also offers daily fitness classes.The fitness center is open 24 hours in case a business meeting runs late.【语篇解读】本文是应用文,题材为旅游文化类。文章介绍了美国的四个可提供健身机会的酒店。1What can you do if you stay at Hotel Monaco?AYou can ride with the manager.BYou can get maps of bike trails.CYou can swim in the Potomac River.DYou can get an electric bike for free.答案A细节理解题。根据文章第二段Manager Ed Virtue,who loves riding,invites guests to ride with him on Wednesdays for one hour可知,在Hotel Monaco,你可以和酒店经理一起骑行、观光旅游。2Guests who have interest in yoga can choose_AHotel Monaco BFairmont ParkCSchofield Hotel DGrand Hotel答案C细节理解题。根据文章第三段It offers yoga mats and yoga programs可知,对瑜伽感兴趣的游客可以选择Schofield Hotel。3Whats the characteristic of Grand Hotel?ACheap offerings. BDelicious foods.CFitness classes. DHealthy showers.答案D细节理解题。根据文章第四段The rooms,171 in total,offer vitamin C-infused showers to promote healthy hair and skin.可知,Grand Hotel提供注入维生素C的沐浴,这是它的特色。.完形填空When I was seven,my grandma handed me an American Girl Doll catalog.It kept me_1_ while she cleaned the kitchen.Full of detailed dolls dressed in beautiful clothes,I _2_ knew this was the magazine I wanted.looked at it page by page,_3_ the stories of each doll.It was not long _4_ I dreamt of owning one of those dolls._5_,she cost too much for my savings.I had to _6_ more for it,so I spent the next half a year doing endless yard work_7_some money.It was hard work for a little girl,but I considered it worth my_8_I continued to save until I finally got enough for that beautiful _9_ with untold stories.At seven,I didnt really _10_saving up all that money had not only earned me a doll,but it taught me the_11_of hard work.Meanwhile,I_12_a lot from Alicethats what I named her.In second grade my teacher had us begin_13_I really wasnt good at it,but I loved it more than anything.That was when I_14_to be a writer.Alice taught me to look at the dreams and_15_that anything would be possible with writing.I could choose Alices future,I could choose my_16_future and I could choose my future.Now Alice sits up on my shelf.Her decorations have bee_17_But I will never forget the _18_ she taught me.Ive learned that hard work does not only_19_ in saving money,but also in school work.Besides,Ive learn that I should chase my dreams forever.Alices story has already been written,but mine is only_20_【语篇解读】本文为夹叙夹议文,题材为日常生活类。作者在七岁时,祖母给了作者一个American Girl Doll的目录,作者通过自己的努力不仅得到了喜欢的娃娃,而且也学到了很多。1A.occupied Bbored Cworried Dconnected答案A由本空后的while she cleaned the kitchen和第3空前的I looked at it page by page可知,这个目录让作者忙碌(occupied)。2A.perfectly Bstrangely Chopelessly Dimmediately答案D由本空后的knew this was the magazine I wanted和I looked at it page by page可知,这里作者是说立刻(immediately) 知道这就是她想要看的杂志。3A.educating Bimagining Cprinting Dtranslating答案B由上文的an American Girl Doll catalog和第9空后的with untold stories可知,作者想象着(imagining)娃娃的故事。4A.since Bafter Cbefore Dwhen答案C由本空后的I dreamt of owning one of those dolls可知,很快作者就想拥有这样一个娃娃。not long before表示“不久”。5A.However BOtherwise CMeanwhile DTherefore答案A由本空后的she cost too much for my savings和第9空后的At seven可知,但是(However),对于一个七岁的小孩子来说,这样的娃娃太贵了,作者不得不为此而攒(save)钱。6A.borrow BsaveCwaste Dproduce答案B参考上题解析。另外,第8空后的save有提示。7A.in place of Bin agreement withCin reply to Din exchange for答案D由本空前后的内容可知,作者通过做庭院工作来换取(in exchange for)一些钱。8A.efforts Btears Cpraise Dblood答案A由本空前的hard work可知,这里作者说的是值得努力(efforts)。9A.design Bclothes Cdoll Dyard答案C由第4空后的I dreamt of owning one of those dolls可知,作者为她想要的娃娃(doll)攒够了钱。10A.mean Bknow Cdoubt Daccept答案B由本空前的At seven可知,当时的作者并不是真的懂(know)她攒钱得到的不仅是个娃娃,更让她明白了努力的重要性(importance)。11A.importance Bexpectation Cgeneration Dconvenience答案A参考上题解析。12A.suffered Basked Cheard Dlearned答案D本空后是作者从娃娃那里所学到的(learned)。13A.painting Bwriting Csinging Ddancing答案B第15空后的writing有提示。老师让作者他们开始写作(writing)。14A.pretended Bhated Cdecided Dcontinued答案C由本空前的内容可知,虽然作者不擅长写作,却非常喜欢写作,也就是从那时起作者决定(decided)成为一名作家。15A.realize Bexplain Cprove Dshow答案A本空后是作者所意识到的(realize):只要写作,一切皆有可能。另外,与本空前的look at构成并列。16A.teachers Bclassmates Cparents Dcharacters答案D与本空前后的Alices和my构成并列。通过写作,作者可以选择Alice的未来,可以选择自己笔下角色的(characters)未来,还可以选择自己的未来。17A.old Bclean Cexpensive Dfashionable答案A由第9空后的At seven和本空前的Now可知,Alice是作者7岁时买的,到现在,她身上的装饰已经变旧(old)了。18A.languages Bskills Clessons Dsubjects答案C由本空后的she taught me可知,作者没有忘记从Alice那里学到的东西(lessons)。19A.run out Bpay off Cturn up De back答案B由上文作者通过努力攒够了钱可知,这里是说作者知道努力得到了回报(pay off)。20A.disappearing Bpausing Cending Dbeginning答案D与本空前的has already been written构成对比,Alice的故事写完了,但作者的才刚刚开始(beginning)。.语法填空Every August my family sets out on a road trip.And we always head north.Canada may not be the most exciting of destinations,but we _1_(attract) by its familiarity,cool weather and,most of all,niceness.We experience Canadian niceness as soon as we reach customs.The US border guards are _2_(friendly) and all business.The Canadians,on _3_contrary,are unfailingly polite,even as they question us _4_the number of wine bottles were bringing into the country.One year,we had failed _5_(notice) that our 9-year-old daughters passport was out of date.They,nicely,let us enter anyway.The niceness continues for our entire trip,as we meet nice _6_(waiter),nice hotel clerks,nice strangers.Life is hard enough.Why not coat it with politeness? Politeness,at its best,is a way of _7_(honour) others,especially strangers.Politeness makes social interactions run _8_(smooth) and reduces the risk of conflicts.The world,I think,would be a better place if we _9_(be) all a bit more Canadian.Fortunately,Canadian niceness is contagious (有感染力的)On my annual northern trip,I find _10_(I) slowing down,saying “thank you” and “please” more often than I usually do.答案1.are attracted考查一般现在时的被动语态。we与attract之间是被动关系,且从全文时态可知应填are attracted。2unfriendly考查形容词作表语的用法。设空处作表语且由all business可知设空处意为“不友好的”,故填unfriendly。3the考查定冠词。on the contrary意为“正相反”。4about考查介词。question sb about sth意为“询问某人某事”。5to notice考查不定式作宾语的用法。fail后需跟不定式作宾语,故填to notice。6waiters考查名词。设空处前有nice修饰,且与hotel clerks和strangers并列,故填waiters。7honouring考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。介词后需跟动词-ing形式作宾语,故填honouring。8smoothly考查副词。设空处修饰动词run,故填smoothly。9were考查虚拟语气。由would be可知,这是一个与现在事实相反的虚拟条件句,故条件从句中用were。10myself考查代词。主语与宾语指的是同一个人,故填myself。

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