2019-2020年高中英语 Unit21 HUMAN BIOLOGY单词.典句.考点 北师大版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit21 HUMAN BIOLOGY单词.典句.考点 北师大版选修61. circulate vi. 循环经典例句 The blood circulates round the body so that we can get oxygen.血液在体内循环, 因此,我们能够得到氧气。考点聚焦1)派生词: circulation n. 循环, 流通;circulative adj. 循环的, 促进循环的2)近义词: recycle v. 使再循环3)circulate vi. 循环,环流。如:The ocean water circulates in the same way every year.海水每以相同的方向流动。4)circulate vi. 散布;流传;扩散。如:Rumors circulated rapidly.谣言迅速散布开来。5)circulate vi. 随意地到处走动。如:The prince circulated from group to group at the party.王子在宴会中穿梭于人群之间。6)常用短语:circulate about 在附近流传circulate among 在中流传circulate around 环绕旋转circulate . . . through 使在中循环2. digest vt. 消化经典例句 You should allow a little time after a meal for the food to digest.饭后你应该留点时间让食物消化。考点聚焦1)派生词: digestible adj. 易消化的,易理解的;digestion n. 消化。2)digest,常接表示“食物”的名词作宾语。如:Humans cannot digest plants such as grass.人不能消化像草一样的植物。3)digest vt. 领会,领悟。如:I have digested most of the important points in the book.我领悟了书中大部分要点。4)digest作“摘要,文摘”讲时,是可数名词。如:The old man is reading a monthly news digest.这位老人正在读每月新闻摘要。活学活用1. 单句改错。Reading without reflecting is like eating without digest. _答案:digest改为digesting3. enhance vt. 增加,提高巧记提示 en-(加强语气,变成)hance(拱起)经典例句 Passing the English examination should enhance your chances of getting the post.通过了英语考试将会增加你获得这个职位的机会。Beautiful coloured illustrations enhanced the book.漂亮的彩色插图使这本书更具吸引力。考点聚焦1)派生词:enhancement n. 增进, 增加;enhancer n. 增加者, 加强者;enhanciveadj. 增加的, 加强的。2)enhance vt. 增加(能力),提高(成绩)。如:Some drugs can enhance sportsmens performance.一些药品能够增强运动员的能力。3)enhance vt. 增加(价值, 品质, 吸引力等)Health enhances beauty.健康使人显得更美。活学活用2. 汉译英。这是提高公司声誉的机会。_答案:This is an opportunity to enhance the reputation of the pany.4. tolerate vt. 容忍巧记提示 toler(忍耐)-ate(动词后缀)经典例句 The drummer could not tolerate what his boss said and left without a word.那鼓手再也忍受不了他老板的话,没有留下一句话,就离开了。考点聚焦1)派生词:toleration n. 忍受2)tolerate vt. 忍受, 容忍,常用于否定句。如:I dont know how you tolerate that noise!我不知道你怎么能忍受那样的噪音。Few plants will tolerate sudden changes in temperature.很少有植物经受住气温的突然变化。3) tolerate后接动名词,但不接不定式。如:She refused to tolerate being called a liar.她拒不接受被称为撒谎者。活学活用3. 用括号中词的适当形式填空。1)Our teacher wont_( tolerate)any cheating on exams.2)This sort of behavior will not be ( tolerate)_.答案:1)tolerate 2)tolerated5. annual adj. 每的, 一一次的, 度的经典例句 The old couples annual outgoing is to go to the seaside.这对老妇每一次的旅游是到海边去。The annual rings of the trees can tell us how old the tree is.轮能够告诉我们这棵树长了多少了。考点聚焦1) annual adj. 每的, 一一次的, 度的。如:Their annual happy day is their wedding anniversary.他们每中最幸福的日子是结婚纪念日。2)annually adv. 一一次, 每,作频率状语。如:How soon do you go to see your son?Annually.你们多长时间去看一次儿子?一一次。活学活用4. 完成句子。His_(每)ine is $2 000 while the expense for his car takes up half of it.答案:annual6. oppose vt. 反对经典例句 He bitterly opposed to the idea of moving abroad.他强烈反对移居国外。考点聚焦1)派生词:opposite adj. 相对的, 对面的;opposability n. 可反对, 对抗性;opposable adj. 可反对的;opposed adj. 反对的, 敌对的; opposeless adj. 难抵抗的, 无可反驳的2)固定原理:sb. be opposed to sth. / doing sth. 某人反对某事。如:I am opposed to going shopping with others.我反对与他人一起外出购物。He is strongly opposed to the plan.他强烈反对这一计划。3)常见短语:oppose A against /to B把A与B相对照或相比oppose oneself to反对as opposed to与相对;与成对比4)辨析:oppose,object和resistoppose,object和 resist三者都含“反对”的意思。oppose为常用词, 指“对某人、某事采取积极行动来反对”, 着重指动作, 尤指“反对一种观念、思想、计划等”。如:The father opposed to his sons marriage.父亲反对儿子的婚事。object常指“用言论或论据等表示反对”, 着重指“个人嫌厌”和“提出反对意见”。如:I objected to his plan.我反对他的计划。resist指“积极地反抗、对抗”“用武力阻止的前进”,如:The villagers were resisting the enemy.村民们正在抵抗敌人。活学活用5. 翻译。我将反对改变这个法规。_答案:I would oppose changing the law.7. contradict vt. 与(其他事物)相矛盾经典例句 Your actions contradict your declared moral principles.你的行为违背了你宣称的道德准则。考点聚焦1)派生词:contradiction n. 反驳, 矛盾;contradictious adj. 吹毛求疵的。2)同义词:oppose vt. 反对。3)contradict vt. 同矛盾;同抵触。Your actions contradict what you said.你的行为与你说的相矛盾。4)contradict vt. 反驳;否认;顶嘴。如:Its difficult to contradict someone politely.彬彬有礼地驳斥别人是难以做到的。活学活用6. The facts_ his theory so we had to do the experiment again.A. contradictedB. to be abusedC. enhancedD. to be tolerate答案:A8. violate vt. 违犯, 违反经典例句 The driver was punished for violating the traffic laws.那位司机因为违犯交通规则而受惩罚。考点聚焦1)派生词:violation n. 违反, 违背; violative adj. 违反的, 违背的; violator n. 违犯者。2)同义词:break v. 打破, 违犯。3)violate vt. 违犯, 违反(诺言、条约、法律、良心等)。如:He often violates his promise so that we wont believe in him.他经常失约,我们将不再相信他。4)violate vt. 骚扰(睡眠、安宁等)。如:The sound of guns violated the usual calm of Sunday morning.炮声破坏了平常星期日早晨的宁静。活学活用7. 汉译英。凡是犯法的人必将受到法律的制裁。_答案:Whoever violates the law will be punished.9. plicated adj. 复杂的巧记提示 plicate(复杂的)-d (形容词后缀)经典例句 puter is a plicated machine.电脑是复杂的机器。This problem is very plicated but Ill try to explain it.这个问题很复杂,但是我将尽量解释它。考点聚焦1) 派生词:plicate v. 使复杂化;plication n. 使更复杂化的事物。2)反义词:simple adj. 简单的。3) plicated adj. 复杂的;难解的。如:That puzzle is too plicated for the children.这个谜语对儿童来说太难了。活学活用8. It is difficult for me to answer such _ questions.A. fundamentalB. pletedC. plicatedD. pulsory答案:C10. interpret vt. 翻译,解释经典例句 She couldnt speak much English so her children had to interpret for her.她讲不了几句英语,所以她的孩子们得给她翻译。Her evidence suggests a different interpretation of the events leading to his death.她的证据对导致他死亡的事又提出了不同的解释。考点聚焦1)同义词:translate vt. 翻译2)近义词:explain vt. 解释3)派生词: interpretress n. 女翻译员, interpreter n. 解释者, interpretation n. 解释, 口译4)固定搭配:interpret sth. for sb. 为某人翻译。如:I couldnt speak German so I asked Maria to interpret for me in the shop.我不会说德语,所以在商店里我请玛丽亚给我翻译。I didnt know whether to interpret her silence as acceptance or refusal.我不知道把她的沉默看作是接受还是拒绝。5) interpret vt. 理解为,常接表示“物”的名词作宾语,interpret. . . as. . . 把当作。如:We interpreted his silence as disagreement.我们把这沉默看作是不同意。活学活用9. 单项填空。Would you like me to_ for you?A. interpretedB. interpretsC. interpretD. interpreting答案:C11. identify vt. 认出;识别经典例句 I identified the jacket at once; it was my brothers.我立即认出了那件外套, 它是我兄弟的。The markings are not clear so that it is difficult to identify. 标记模糊不清,难以识别。考点聚焦1)派生词:identifiable adj. 可以确认的;identifiableness n. 可认明, 可证实为相同。2)同义词:recognize vt. 认可, 承认。3)近义词:distinguish vt. 区别。4)identify vt. 认出;识别,常接表示“人或物”的名词作宾语。如:The porters may be identified by their red caps.从他们戴的红帽子就可辨认出他们是行李搬运工。His job is to identify handwriting.他的工作是鉴定笔迹。5)identify oneself with支持;参与;与密切结合;和打成一片。活学活用10. 汉译英。她认出了袭击她的人。_答案:She was able to identify her attacker.12. privileged adj. 荣幸的经典例句 We are privileged to wele you as our speaker this evening.我们荣幸地欢迎您今晚来讲演。考点聚焦1)privileged adj. 荣幸的,有特权的。如:We are privileged tonight to have Chairman of the mittee of Foreign Affairs as our distinguished guest.今晚我们非常荣幸, 请到外交事务委员会主席作为我们的贵宾。2) privilege n. (个人的)恩典, 殊荣It is a great privilege to know you.认识你真是莫大的荣幸。Education should not be considered to be a privilege in a modern society.在一个现代社会中, 受教育不应该被看成是一种特权。活学活用11. I was _ to be asked to speak at the meeting.A. privilegingB. to privilegeC. privilegeD. privileged答案:D13. postpone vt. 推迟,延期经典例句 We postponed the match from March 5th to March 19th.我们把比赛从3月5日推迟到3月19日举行。They decided to postpone the trip, owing to the change of the weather. 由于天气变化,他们决定延期起程。考点聚焦1)派生词:postponer n. 延迟者2)同义词:delay v. 耽搁,延迟3)postpone vt. 推迟,延期,常接动名词或表示“物”的名词作宾语。如:We had to postpone the sports meeting because of the sandstorm.因为沙尘暴,我们不得不把比赛推迟了。4)postpone vt. 把放在次要地位。例如:It is a good moral to postpone private gain to the public welfare.把个人利益置于公众福利之后是种美德。5) postpone, delay, put off后面接动名词,不能跟不定式。6)常用短语:be postponed for an hour延迟一小时be postponed because of rain因雨延期活学活用12. 用词的适当形式填空。1)They postponed _(send)an answer to a request.2)The concert has_(be)postponed to Saturday.答案:1)sending2)been14. prohibit vt. 禁止经典例句 Smoking is strictly prohibited in the process of handling explosive materials.在处理易爆物时, 严格禁止吸烟。考点聚焦1)派生词:prohibition n. 禁止, 阻止;prohibiter n. 禁止者, 阻止者2)同义词: forbid vt. 禁止, 不许3)prohibit vt. 禁止。如:Smoking is prohibited in the office building.办公楼内禁止抽烟。4)prohibit vt. 妨碍, 阻止, 后接from doing。如:The high cost of the machine prohibits it from being widespread.这机器价格昂贵, 很难普及使用。活学活用13. 用prohibit的正确形式填空。1)Smoking is _in most theaters.2)Modesty_ me from saying what happened.答案:1)prohibited2)prohibits15. foresee vt. 预见巧记提示 fore(预先)+ see(看见)经典例句 It is hard to foresee what my students will get in the final-term English exam.很难预知我的学生将会在期末英语考试中取得什么样的成绩。The government foresaw that there would be a rapid reduce in unemployment.政府预知失业人数将大大下降。考点聚焦1)派生词:foreseeable adj. 可预知的foreseeingly adv. 深谋远虑地2)同义词:foretell v. 预言,预测predict v. 预知,预报。3)foresee vt. 预见, 预料,常接动名词或表示“物”的名词作宾语。如:Those who can foresee difficulties on their way to success may keep calm.在走向成功的路途中能够预见到困难的人常常能保持冷静的态度。4)foreseeable adj. 可预知的, 能预测的。如:The statue will remain in the museum for the foreseeable future.短期内这座雕像将留在博物馆。活学活用14. 单句改错。He foresee that prices would drop last year. 去他预见到物价会下跌。答案:foreseeforesaw16. temporary adj. 临时的;短暂的经典例句 More than half of the staff are temporary.半数以上的职员是临时雇员。考点聚焦1)派生词:temporarily adv. 临时;temporariness n. 暂时2)反义词:permanent adj. 永久的, 持久的3)temporary adj. 临时的, 短暂的。如:You will be sent to Shanghai, which is a temporary arrangement.你将被派去上海,这是临时安排。4)temporary n. 临时雇员;临时事物,临时房屋。如:She works in the office as a temporary.她在办公室做临时雇员。The wartime temporaries will be replaced by permanent homes.那些战时临时住房将被永久性住宅代替。活学活用15. 单项选择。_ is popular in the big cities.A. Do a temporary jobB. Doing a temporary jobC. To do a temporary jobD. Done a temporary job答案:B17. equipII vt. 使有准备经典例句 Proper education will equip one for a job.接受一定的教育将使你具备就业的能力。考点聚焦1)派生词:equipment n. 装备, 设备2)同义词:prepare v. 准备, 预备, 有能力而且愿意3)equip vt. 使有准备,使有能力。如:Your training will equip you for your future job.你的训练使得你能够胜任将来的工作。4)equip vi 装备, 配备,常与介词for/with连用。如:We equip our children with a good education.我们使孩子们受到良好的教育。She equipped herself in all her finery.她穿上最好的衣服。活学活用16. 单项填空。His work experience _him to deal with all kinds of people.A. was equippedB. equippedC. equippingD. equip答案:B18. reverse vt. 颠倒;改变巧记提示 re-(再)+verse(反过来,翻转)经典例句 She reversed the paper and found a beautiful picture.她把纸翻过来, 发现了一张漂亮的图画。考点聚焦1)派生词:reversed adj. 被颠倒的;reversedly adv. 颠倒地, 反转地2)同义词:return vt. 归还3)reverse vt. 推翻;撤销。They reversed the judgment and set the prisoner free after all.他撤销了原判,终究释放了囚犯。4)reverse n. 背面;反面。如:We must see the reverse as well as the obverse side of things.我们既要看到事物的正面, 也要看到事物的反面。活学活用17. When he _his bags he found his wallet missing.A. stoppedB. took awayC. reversedD. return答案:C19. submit vt. 提交巧记提示 sub(在下) + mit(派,送)经典例句 I submitted my papers to the examiner.我把试卷交给主考老师。考点聚焦1)派生词:submission n. 降服, 服从; submissive adj. 顺从的。2)同义词:hand in 上交3)submitvt. 提交论文、作业、议案、计划等, 常与介词to连用。如:I hope you can submit you term papers before the deadline.我希望你们能在最后限期之前交上你们的学期论文。4)固定搭配。submit to接受,听从。如:I submit to your superior judgement.我接受你的明智的判断。20. jealous adj. 嫉妒的巧记提示 jeal (热心,热情)+-ous(形容词后缀)经典例句 Sarah is Janes friend but she is jealous if Jane plays with other girls.萨拉是简的朋友,但是如果简和别的女孩子一起玩时,她就很嫉妒。考点聚焦1)派生词:jealously adv. 妒忌地, 猜疑地;jealousness n. 嫉妒, 猜忌2)同义词:envious adj. 嫉妒的3)jealous adj. 嫉妒的;妒忌的,常与of连用。如:She is jealous of our success.她嫉妒我们的成就。4)jealous adj. 珍惜的,常与of连用。An honorable Chinese citizen should be jealous of his own rights.一名光荣的中国公民应当珍惜自己的公民权利。


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