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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习完形填空专练三夹叙夹议文一(xx烟台诊断)I spent last summer volunteering at a hospital. One morning, I was called to a room in which a(n) _1_ woman was staying. _2_ she wanted to go to a nearby gift shop, I got a(n) _3_ and helped her into it, heading for the shop.When we got there, the shop wasnt _4_ yet. It was merely a 30minute wait so we went over to the _5_ area and I read her bits and pieces of the newspaper aloud. After 30 minutes, we went into the gift shop. Pushing her around, I could see the _6_ on her face as she looked at everything. She happily chose some window decorations and then _7_ chocolates. She asked me to push her _8_ that direction. I helped her _9_ all the different chocolate arrangements. She _10_ decided on three different boxes.As she was checking out, she asked the cashier for a _11_ and asked me to write the numbers 1,2, and 3 on the boxes. She _12_ that the nurses were taking such good care of her, so she _13_ chocolates for each of the three shifts (三班倒) of nurses. The moment I wheeled her back up to her room, she gave the _14_ shift of nurses their box of chocolate, who _15_ offered some to me before taking some themselves. There were _16_ all around._17_ her generosity and getting the opportunity to spend time with someone who got so much pleasure from life was a _18_ in itself. Gratitude (感恩) has an amazing way of bringing people _19_, especially in a place where health is so highly _20_.体裁:夹叙夹议题材:个人经历主题:志愿活动与感恩【语篇导读】本文讲述了作者在医院做志愿者时帮助一个上了年纪的妇人买巧克力并送给照看她的护士以表示感谢的故事。1A.elderly BhonestCimpatient Dindependent解析:A根据下文she wanted to go to a nearby gift shop可知,她需要作者帮忙送她去附近的礼品店;再结合下文对她选购物品的描述可知,她是一位上了年纪的妇人。elderly意为“上了年纪的”,符合语境。故选A项。honest意为“诚实的”;impatient意为“没有耐心的”;independent意为“独立的”。2A.While BAs long asCIn case DAs解析:D根据设空后的she wanted to go to a nearby gift shop可知,老妇人想要去附近的礼品店,和下文I got a(n) _ and helped her into it, heading for the shop之间是因果关系,故选D项,as在此表示原因。while意为“当时候;而”;as long as意为“只要”;in case意为“以免;万一”。3A.wheelchair BbusCtaxi Dambulance解析:A根据第二段中的Pushing her around及第三段第三句The moment I wheeled her back up to her room.可知,此处指作者找来轮椅(wheelchair)推着老妇人去礼品店。故选A项。ambulance意为“救护车”。4A.crowded BpleteCopen Dclosed解析:C根据下文It was merely a 30minute wait可推断出,商店还没有开门。故选C项。crowded意为“拥挤的”;plete意为“完整的”;closed意为“关闭的”。5A.checking BdietingCparking Dwaiting解析:D根据上文It was merely a 30minute wait可知,商店还没有开门,所以她们去了等候区(waiting area)等待。故选D项。checking area意为“结账区”;dieting area意为“饮食区”;parking area意为“停车区”。6A.surprise BjoyCpride Danxiety解析:B根据下文She happily chose some window decorations.可知,她高兴地选了些窗饰,说明能在她脸上看到喜悦(joy)。故选B项。surprise意为“惊讶”;pride意为“自豪(感);骄傲”;anxiety意为“焦虑;不安;担心”。7A.smelt BtastedCspotted Dpurchased解析:C根据下文She asked me to push her _ that direction.可知,老妇人在高兴地选了些窗饰后,发现了巧克力,因此,她让作者把她朝那个方向推。spot意为“发现;看出”,符合语境。故选C项。smell意为“闻到;嗅到”;taste意为“品尝”;purchase意为“购买”。8A.up BtoCin Dat解析:C根据下文可知,老妇人为照看她的护士购买巧克力,因此,此处指她在看见巧克力后让作者把她朝那个方向推。in that direction意为“朝那个方向”,故选介词in。9A.put away Bgive outChand in Dlook through解析:D根据下文She _ decided on three different boxes.可知,此处指作者帮助老妇人看了所有不同的巧克力。look through意为“浏览;翻看”,符合语境。故选D项。put away意为“把收起来”;give out意为“分发;耗尽;用光;发出(光、热或信号)”;hand in意为“上交;提交”。10A.eventually BgraduallyCproperly Dhurriedly解析:A根据上文I helped her _ all the different chocolate arrangements.可知,她们在浏览了所有不同的巧克力后,最终决定购买三盒。eventually意为“最终地”,符合语境。故选A项。gradually意为“逐渐地;逐步地”;properly意为“正确地;恰当地”;hurriedly意为“匆忙地”。11A.change BpenCcard Dbox解析:B根据空后asked me to write the numbers 1,2, and 3 on the boxes可知,她向收银员要了一支笔(pen),让作者在盒子上写1、2、3。故选B项。change意为“零钱;改变”;card意为“卡片”;box意为“箱子;盒子”。12A.admitted BpromisedCsuggested Dexplained解析:D设空后的that the nurses were taking such good care of her, so she _ chocolates for each of the three shifts of nurses是对她购买巧克力的解释。explain意为“解释”,符合语境。故选D项。admit意为“承认”;promise意为“承诺;许诺”;suggest意为“建议;暗示”。13A.bought BorderedCmade Dborrowed解析:A老妇人是在礼品店看到的巧克力,根据上文decided on three different boxes可知,老妇人买了(bought)巧克力给照看她的护士。故选A项。order意为“点,要(食物或饮料等);订购”;make意为“做;制作;使”;borrow意为“借”。14A.next BpresentCprevious Dnight解析:B此处指她把巧克力给了当时当班的护士。present意为“目前的”,符合语境。故选B项。next意为“下一个”;previous意为“先前的”;night意为“晚上;夜间”。15A.on purpose Bby chanceCin turn Din advance解析:C当班护士自己在拿之前给了作者一些。in turn意为“轮流”,符合语境。故选C项。on purpose意为“故意地”;by chance意为“巧合;偶然”;in advance意为“提前”。16A.noises BsmilesCgreetings Djokes解析:B根据常识,收到巧克力后,护士们应该是高兴的。smile意为“微笑”,符合语境。故选B项。noise意为“噪音”;greeting意为“打招呼”;joke意为“玩笑”。17A.Witnessing BTaking advantage ofCRepaying DSearching for解析:A根据语境,作者陪老妇人去了礼品店,陪她选购了窗饰和巧克力,又陪她把巧克力分给了当班的护士,因此,此处指作者见证(Witnessing)了她的大方。故选A项。take advantage of意为“利用”;repay意为“偿还”;search for意为“寻找”。18A.prize BriskCgift Dstory解析:C根据上文who got so much pleasure可知,此处指有机会和从生活中获得很多快乐的人在一起这本身就是一份礼物(gift)。故选C项。这也是文章主题的升华。prize意为“奖品”;risk意为“危险(性);风险;冒险行为”;story意为“故事”。19A.together BupwardsCback Ddown解析:A感恩以一种神奇的方式将人带到一起(together)。故选A项。20A.respected BpraisedCadmired Dvalued解析:D根据语境可知,此处指尤其是在一个健康是如此被高度珍视(valued)的地方。故选D项。respect意为“尊重”;praise意为“称赞;表扬”;admire意为“钦佩;赞美;羡慕”。B(xx西宁三校联考)I was looking through some old photo albums the other day. I had _1_ done that many times before but I felt a sudden _2_ to see them again. I found myself _3_ so many beautiful memories from my childhood. There was my dear Nana giving me a thorough _4_ when I was a newborn baby. There was me and my brother standing in front of the worlds ugliest _5_ our favorite Christmas tree. There was my beautiful Mom _6_ me on her lap. Then the pictures seemed _7_ all of a sudden because my eyes were wet. I just couldnt _8_ the tears. “What is going on?” I _9_. I hadnt cried the last time. But what was _10_ now?I soon saw that it was I who changed. I had _11_. My spirit had walked a little further down the _12_ of love. I realized as long as they came with a warm heart, wet eyes were _13_ to be ashamed of. I smiled and I felt Mom and Nana smiling _14_ on me from Heaven.Leo Buscaglia said:“Im not afraid of _15_. They clean out my eyeballs.” I think they clean out our _16_ as well. They help us to wash away our pain, fear and grief (悲伤). They help us to _17_ our love and goodness. They help us to bee who we are _18_ to be. The next time you feel your tears starting, just let them _19_.Life is full of smiles and tears. Only by allowing them both can we _20_ live.【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。再次看老相册时,作者重温了童年的一些美好回忆,并流下了眼泪。作者从而感悟到生活中充满欢笑和眼泪,只有允许它们两者存在,我们才能真正地生活。1A.never BeverCalready Dnearly解析:C根据下文的“many times before”以及“I hadnt cried the last time”可知,作者应该不止一次看这些老相册,故此处表示作者之前已经(already)多次看过这些老相册。2A.appeal BsadnessCfear Durge解析:D此处表示作者突然有再次看老相册的冲动(urge)。appeal“恳求”;fear“害怕”。3A.shaping BrelivingCescaping Dbuilding解析:B此处表示作者重温(reliving)了许多来自童年时期的美好回忆。shape“塑造”;escape“逃避”;build“建造”。4A.bath BspeechChug Dsurvey解析:A根据下文的“when I was a newborn baby”可知,此处表示作者还是个新生儿时,奶奶给她彻底洗澡,故选A项。5A.and BbutCor Das解析:B空前的“the worlds ugliest”和空后的“our favorite”之间为转折关系,故用并列连词but。6A.spinning BpossessingCholding Dwalking解析:C根据下文的“on her lap”可知,此处应表示“我漂亮的妈妈把我抱着放在她的腿上”。hold意为“抱着,托着”,符合语境。spin“快速旋转”;possess“拥有”;walk“遛”。7A.beautiful BblankCabnormal Dvague解析:D上文提到了作者正在看老照片,根据下文的“because my eyes were wet. the tears”可知作者流泪了,根据常识可知,此处表示这些老照片变得模糊(vague)了。blank“空白的”;abnormal“不正常的”。8A.fight back Bfight withCfight for Dfight against解析:A根据上文的“because my eyes were wet”和下文的“I hadnt cried the last time. But. ”可知,作者这次看老照片的时候哭了,此处表示作者遏制不住眼泪。fight back“忍住,抑制住”,符合语境。fight with“与争辩”;fight for“努力争取”;fight against“对抗”。9A.found BwonderedChesitated Ddiscussed解析:B作者以前看老照片没有哭,而这次看老照片却哭了。所以作者想知道(wondered)发生了什么。find“发现,找到”;hesitate“犹豫,迟疑”;discuss“讨论”。10A.heartbreaking BwrongCdifferent Ddisturbing解析:C根据下文的“I soon saw that it was I who changed”可知,作者很快明白,是她自己和以前不一样了。故之前作者想知道的问题是“现在有什么是不同的呢”。故选C项。11A.grown BmisunderstoodCinsisted Dstruggled解析:A根据下文的“My spirit had walked a little further”可知,此处应表示作者的心灵已经在爱的道路(path)上走得有点更远了,即作者已经成长(grown)了。12A.feast BpathCexpectation Dcircle解析:B参见上题解析。feast“宴会”;expectation“期望”;circle“圈子”。13A.everything BsomethingCanything Dnothing解析:D根据上文的“as long as they came with a warm heart”以及下文的“I smiled”可知,该句表示含泪的眼睛没有什么(nothing)可羞愧的,只要它们伴随着一颗温暖的心而来。14A.forward BupwardsCdown Dbehind解析:C根据下文的“on me from Heaven”可知,此处表示作者感到妈妈和奶奶从天堂向下(down)冲着自己微笑。15A.tears BfailuresCdeaths Dillnesses解析:A根据语境尤其是下文的“They clean out my eyeballs”可知,此处表示“眼泪洗净了我的眼球”,故选tears。16Apetence BinsideCidentification Ddevelopment解析:B根据下文的“They help us to wash away our pain, fear and grief (悲伤). They help us to. to be”可知,此处表示眼泪不仅洗净了我们的眼球,也洗净了我们的内心(inside)。petence“能力”;identification“辨认”;development“发展”。17A.look through Bclean outClearn from Dreconnect to解析:D第一段提到老照片让作者的美好回忆重现,故这里应该是表示“眼泪帮助我们重新找回我们的爱和善良”。reconnect to“重新连接”,在这里引申为“重新找回”。look through“浏览”;clean out“把清洗干净”。18A.used BremindedCforced Dmeant解析:D此处表示眼泪可以帮助我们成为我们想成为的人。be meant to do“应做;照道理(规矩)应该做;注定要”。19A.separate BstayCflow Ddisappear解析:C根据上文提到的眼泪的好处可知,此处表示下次你感觉到眼泪开始流的时候,那么就让它们流下来吧。故选C项。20A.truly BroughlyCgenerally Dtentatively解析:A生活中充满笑和泪,只有允许它们都存在,我们才能真正地(truly)生活。roughly“粗略地”;generally“大体上”;tentatively“试探性地”。C(xx安徽百所重点高中二模)Ten years ago, a doctor told me something was wrong with my lung and I had to give up work at once and went to bed. I was totally _1_ and felt I was suddenly placed under _2_ of death with an indefinite reprieve (缓刑). After careful thought, I _3_ my affairs; then I went home and got into bed. But 2 years later, I left my bed and _4_ the long climb back. It was another year _5_ I made it.I speak of this experience because these past years have _6_ me what to value and what to believe. I _7_ now that this world is not my oyster (牡蛎) to be opened but my _8_ to be grasped.Ive also learned that its necessary to _9_ those little, allimportant things I never thought I would _10_ before:the music of the wind in my favorite pine tree, the _11_ of sunlight on running water. I seem now, with some of the _12_ freshness of childhood, to hear and see. How well, _13_, I recall the touch of the earth the day I first stepped upon it after the yeats in bed. It was like _14_ ones citizenship in a world one had nearly lost.Frequently, I _15_ myself that I need make notes of this _16_ Im living in now, because in it Im well, _17_, doing what I like best. It wont always be like this, _18_ Ill make the most of it and be grateful. I _19_ all this to that long time spent in bed. Wiser people e to this _20_ without having to acquire it the hard way. But I wasnt wise enough. Im wiser now, a little, and happier.【解题导读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。一场重病让作者明白了什么是人生中最重要的东西。因此他对自己当下所拥有的倍加珍惜,并心存感激。1A.confused BshockedCdetermined Dannoyed解析:B根据上文中的“Ten years ago, a doctor told me something was wrong with my lung and I had to give up work at once and went to bed”可知,当被告知自己的肺部出了问题且不得不立即放弃工作卧床休息时作者感到非常震惊(shocked)。confused“困惑的”;annoyed“恼怒的”;determined“坚定的”。2A.trial BpressureCsentence Dcontrol解析:C作者突然觉得自己好像是被判了死缓一样。根据语境尤其是下文的“with an indefinite reprieve(缓刑)”可知,此处应选sentence“宣判,判刑”。under sentence of death“被判处死刑”。3A.made up Bset upCtook up Dcleared up解析:D仔细思考之后,作者把手头的事务处理掉,然后回家了。根据上文中的“I had to give up work at once and went to bed”可知,clear up“解决,清理”符合语境。make up“组成,编造”;set up“设立”;take up“开始从事,占据”。4A.recalled BbeganCavoided Daccepted解析:B两年后,作者离开了病床,开始(began)了漫长的重回之前的生活状态的“攀登”。recall“回忆起”;avoid“避免”;accept“接受”。5A.when BafterCsince Dbefore解析:D过了一年,作者就做到了。It was 一段时间before.是固定句型,意为“过了才/就”6A.assigned BtaughtCtreated Dassured解析:B作者谈及这段经历是因为那些过去的岁月教会(taught)了作者应该珍惜什么,相信什么。assign“分配,分派”;treat“招待”;assure“使确信”。7A.admit BdemandCexpect Drealize解析:D现在作者意识到(realize)这个世界不是供他蚌里寻珠而是给他一个打拼的机会。admit“承认”;expect“期待,期望”。8A.knowledge BopportunityCattention Dpoint解析:B参见上题解析。grasp the opportunity“抓住机会”,是固定搭配。knowledge“知识”;attention“注意力”;point“观点”。9A.dismiss BlistCdefine Dappreciate解析:D作者也学会了欣赏(appreciate)那些不起眼的但却很重要的东西,而作者之前从未想过自己会去注意这些东西。dismiss“不予理会,不予考虑”;list“列举”;define“给下定义,解释”。10A.notice BrecordCremember Dtrack解析:A参见上题解析。notice“注意到”;record“记录”;remember“记得”;track“跟踪”。11A.shadow BshakeCplay Dfeeling解析:C根据上文中的“the music of the wind in my favorite pine tree”和下文中的“I seem now. to hear and see”可知,此处指的应是作者以前不会注意到的东西。play“轻快变幻的动作,闪烁”,the play of sunlight on water“水波上的光影”。12A.damaged BrecoveredCfaded Dchanged解析:B作者重新找回了童年时期看待事物的新鲜感。recovered“重新获得的,重新找到的”,符合语境。13A.in contrast Bin returnCfor instance Dby chance解析:C比如,回想起自己卧床两年后重新踏上这片土地的感觉有多好。for instance“比如,例如”,符合语境。in contrast“相反”;in return“作为回报”;by chance“偶然地”。14A.maintaining BregainingCdiscovering Dforgetting解析:B这就像在一个差点失去的世界中重新获得公民身份一样。regain“重新得到”和下文的“lost”相对应。maintain“维持”;discover“发现”;forget“忘记”。15A.remind BpromiseCadvise Dconvince解析:A作者经常提醒自己要记下这个自己现在生活的时刻,因为活在此刻,作者是健康且快乐的,而且能做自己最喜欢做的事情。remind“提醒”,符合语境。promise“许诺,允诺”;convince“使相信”。16A.country BmomentCmemory Dinspiration解析:B参见上题解题。moment“时刻”;inspiration“灵感”。17A.pleased BcourageousCconfident Dstrong解析:A参见第15题解题。please“快乐的,高兴的”;courageous“勇敢的”;confident“自信的”;strong“坚强的”。下文中的“Im wiser now, a little, and happier”亦是提示。18A.meanwhile BotherwiseChowever Dtherefore解析:D它不会总是如这般存在,因此作者会充分利用它并心存感激。上下文之间是因果关系,故用therefore。meanwhile“与此同时”;otherwise“否则”;however“然而”。19A.apply BoweCcontribute Dadapt解析:B作者将这一切都归功于他卧病在床的那段漫长时光。owe. to.“把归功于”,是固定用法。20A.awareness BagreementCment Dpromise解析:A更有智慧的人无需被困到如此境地也能明白这些道理。awareness“意识,明白”符合语境。promise“妥协”。

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