2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 2《Englishi around the World》教案3 新人教版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 2《Englishi around the World》教案3 新人教版必修1.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 2Englishi around the World教案3 新人教版必修1Teaching aims and demands:1. Topic: English language and its development; different kinds of English2. Vocabulary: include, role, international, native, elevator, flat, apartment, rubber, petrol, gad, modern, however, culture, actually, present(adj.), rule(v.), vocabulary, usage, government, rapidly, candy, lorry, mand, polite, request, boss, standard, Midwestern, southern, eastern, southeastern, northwestern, Spanish, recognize, accent, lightning, direction, mama, block3. Useful expressions: play a role in, because of, e up, such as, give a mand, play a part4. Function: language difficulties in municationPardon? I beg your pardon? I dont understand.Could you say that again, please? Sorry, I cant follow you.Could you repeat that, please?Can you speak more slowly, please?5. Grammar: imperative sentences and its indirect speechOpen the door. Please open the door.Would you please open the door?He told me to open the door. Warming up Aim: to make Ss to get to know some differences between British English and American English. Activity 1. Ss discuss how many countries use English as their native language and which countries. Activity 2. Ss discuss in groups about the differences between British English and American English, and give some examples. Activity 3. Ss guess which of the following words is British English and which is American English: apartment/flat bathroom/toilet can/tin candy/sweet check/banknote (cheque) elevator/lift fall/autumn game/match line/queue penal /pen friend mad/angry mail/ post mom/mum movie(film)/film pants /trousers repair/mend sick/ill cookie/biscuit crazy/mad drugstore/chemists gas/petrol Pre-reading Aim: arouse Ss interest and make them be active in the class activities. Ask Ss to answer the following questions:1. How many people speak English in the world today?2. Why do so many people speak English?Reading:Aim: to let Ss know how to get the key sentence of a paragraph.Tasks:1. Read the text quickly and answer questions2. Ss read the passage and guess the meaning of the new words.3. Ss read and find out the key sentence of each paragraph.4. Ss finish prehending 1.5. Ss try to understand the meaning of the sentence: “Only time will tell.”It means that something can only be known in the future. This sentence indicate that it remains to be seen just how much Chinese culture will influence the English language in the present century.6. Discussion: Ss in groups discuss how their generation could influence English. Learning about language:1. Discovering useful words and expressions.Answer key for Exercise 1:1 C 2D 3E 4F 5A 6B 7J 8G 9 I 10 H2. Ss finish Ex 2,3 and 4.3. Discovering useful structures.a. Let Ss see how to retell the following sentences into indirect speech: “Open your books.” the teacher said to us.-The teacher told us to open our books. “Would you please close the window?” she said.- She asked me to close the window.b. practice: S1: What do you think about the play. S2: I think it is wonderful. S3: What did he say? S1: He said that he thinks its wonderful.c. Tell Ss how to give mands and make requests.d. Pairs work: Ss in pairs make some dialogues using the mands/requests that they have learned.Using language:Aim: to get Ss to know that there are a lot of different dialects in the same language.Task:1. Ss discuss and answer: why putonghua has to be used in China?2. Reading: Ss read and answer the following questions”a. What is standard English and what is a dialect?b. Why does American English have so many dialects?3. Ss in pairs talk about how many dialects they know in Chinese language and give some examples.Listening:Aim: to let Ss to get special information and take notes while listening.1. Ss listen to the tape and try to write down the American English words from the dialogue that have the same meanings as the British words listed on page 48, Ex 1.2. Ss listen and answer the questions on page 48,Ex 2.3. Ss listen to the dialogues on page 12 and find the British and American words which are different but have the same meaning.4. Listen to the tape carefully and try to understand the passage with some accent. Then answer the questions on page 14 of the textbook.Speaking:Aim: to let Ss have the ability to ask ways by using indirect and direct speech and requests.1. Tell the Ss what they are going to do.2. Ss read the dialogues.3. Ss find the different words used by American and British.Subway/underground streets/ blocks4. Role-play: use the words and give their own directions. Writing:1. Ask the Ss to brainstorm with a partner on the following topic: How can learning English help China in the future?2. Ss collect their ideas and begin to write a poster.3. Ss revise the writing by themselves.4. Ss exchange their writings with their partners and correct the mistakes.5. Choose some writings to show in class. Tips for writing: Pay attention to your handwriting. Pay attention to punctuation.Use correct tenses and sentence structure.Out-of-class work:1. Learn the new words and expressions by heart.2. Surf the internet and try to find more about the differences between British English and American English.


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