2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 Under the sea 第4课时同步检测 新人教版选修7.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 Under the sea 第4课时同步检测 新人教版选修7.单项填空从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a_ of exercise.AlimitBlackCneed Ddemand答案:B本题题意:身体问题与不良的饮食习惯及缺乏锻炼有密切关系。a lack of“缺乏”;limit“限制”;need“需要”;demand“需求”。2The children were surprised by the sudden_of their teacher.Aenter BentranceCentry De答案:Cthe sudden entry指“突然进入”。3Also when you write your goals in a particular way you are able to make yourself continuously_situations that will bring you nearer to your goal.Aaware of Bworried aboutCfamiliar with Daccustomed to答案:A本题题意:当你以特殊的方式写出自己的目标时,你能够知道让自己接近目标的位置。aware of“知道”。4Seans strong love for his country is_in his recently published poems.Arelieved BreflectedCresponded Drecovered答案:Breflect原意为“反射”,指光、热、声音等反射在某个物体上,用于比喻表示“反映;表现”。另外,reflect还含有“沉思,想到,想一想,思考”的意思。根据句意可判断出他对自己祖国的热爱反映在他最近出版的诗集里。relieve意为“(从危险、痛苦等中)救出,使脱离,解脱”。respond意为“答应(要求等),应付(敌人等),(对刺激等)感应,反应”。recover意为“克服,恢复”。5Do you mind my_here?No,_.Asmoke; a bit Bsmoke; a littleCsmoking; not a bit Dsmoking; not a little答案:C本题题意:“你介意我在这儿吸烟吗?”“不,一点也不介意。”mind后常接动名词的复合结构。not a bit意为“一点儿也不”;not a little相当于very much。6You look familiar to me. I seem_you somewhere.Ahaving seen BseeingCto see Dto have seen答案:D本题题意:你看起来好面熟,我好像在什么地方见过你。seem后面要接不定式。see的动作发生在seem的动作之前,故此处用不定式的完成式。7Why wont you e for the trip? Are you_?No, I dare do anything. But I am too busy.Ascared BfreeCtorn Dhigh答案:A本题题意:“你怎么不和我们一起旅行呢?你害怕吗?”“不,我什么都敢做。只是我太忙了。”scared意为“害怕的;恐惧的”,符合句意。8My mother_the soup and it_salty.Ais tasting; tastes Bhas tasted; is tastingCis tasting; is tasted Dtastes; has been tasted答案:A本题题意:我妈妈正在尝这汤,它尝起来有点咸。第一个空中的taste是实义动词,意为“品尝”;第二个空中的taste是系动词,意为“尝起来”,没有被动语态和进行时。9Had early explorers e from the southern hemisphere, would our maps appear_?Ainside out Ball overCupside down Ddown through答案:Cupside down意为“倒过来”。inside out意为“里面朝外”;all over意为“到处,处处”;down through“在(相当长的一段时间)内”。依据题意,C项切题。本题题意:假如早期的探险家来自南半球的话,我们现在的地图会不会倒着印出来呢?10She was_a tall man following her.Aaware of Bproud ofCshort of Dcareful of答案:Abe aware of意为“察觉到”;be proud of意为“为而自豪”;be short of意为“缺乏”;be careful of意为“小心,当心”。本题题意:她察觉到一个高大的男子正跟着她。由题意可知,A项切题。.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式。1The water in the lake is so p_that you can drink it.2Does this letter_(反映)what you really think of the issue?3As if by_(魔法), the car changed into a boat when it came into the water.4The tourists were struck by the outstanding natural b_of the area.5It is said that research on animals has shown alcohol can harm the development of new brain_(细胞)in adults.6You have not learned to swim yet and youd better stay in the s_water.7The witness gave a very_(生动的)description of the accident this morning.8The leaves of certain trees are_(有毒的)to cattle.9It was not easy to find the cave, for its e_was hidden by trees.10The tunnel was so_(狭窄的)that the heavy truck could not pass through.答案:1.pure2.reflect3.magic4.beauty5.cells6.shallow7.vivid8.poisonous9.entry10.narrow.完形填空阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中(120)所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。A man who knows how to write a personal letter has a very powerful tool. A letter can be enjoyed, read and _1_. It can set up a warm conversation between two people far apart(远离的); it can keep a _2_with very little effort.I will give_3_. A few years ago my older brother and I were not getting _4_. We had been close as _5_but had grown apart. Our meetings were not _6_; our conversation was filled with arguments and quarrels; and every effort to clear the air seemed to only _7_our misunderstanding. Then he_8_a small island in the Caribbean and we _9_touch. One day he wrote me a letter. He described his island and its people, told me what he was doing, said how he felt, and encouraged me to _10_. Rereading the letter, I was _11_by its humor(幽默)and clever expressions. These were all qualities for which I had _12_respected my older brother but_13_he no longer had them. I had never known he could write so_14_. And with that one letter we became friends_15_.It might never have occurred to_16_to write me if he had not been in a place where there were no_17_. For him, writing was a necessity. It also turned out to be the best way for us to get back in touch. Because we live in an age of _18_munication(通讯), people often _19_that they dont always have to phone or email. They have a _20_. And that is to write.1A.received BrewrittenCreturned Dreread答案:D根据下文第10个空后面的提示rereading the letter,可知这里指信件可以再读。2A.record BpromiseCfriendship Dsecret答案:C根据作者所举的例子,他们重新获得了友谊可知。3A.an example Ba lessonCan experience Da talk答案:A下文作者举了一个发生在自己身上的例子。4A.through BtogetherCalong Daway答案:Cget along“相处”,此处指我们相处地不友好。5A.brothers BchildrenCfellows Dclassmates答案:B与下文的grow apart相呼应。6A.normal BnecessaryCpleasant Dpossible答案:C根据下文our conversation was filled with arguments and quarrels可知:“我们”相处地不愉快。7A.deepen BstartCexpress Dsettle答案:A指任何消除分歧的努力可能会加深我们之间的误解。8A.toured Bstopped overCreached Dmoved to答案:D指他搬到一个岛屿去了。9A.lost Bkept inCneeded Dgot in答案:A我们之间失去了联系。10A.think BwriteCenjoy Dread答案:B他鼓励我写信。11A.driven BbeatenCsurprised Dhonored答案:C我对他的幽默和聪明的表达感到惊讶。12A.never BseldomCsometimes Donce答案:D忆往昔,曾几何时,这些品质恰是我尊重哥哥的原因。13A.realized BjudgedCthought Dexpected答案:C但是我认为(自从我们之间有误会之后)他不再具备这些品质。14A.well BoftenCmuch Dsoon答案:A我从来不知道他竟然写得如此之好。15A.later BanyhowCtoo Dagain答案:D正是由于那封信的帮助,我们又一次成为了朋友。16A.us Banyone elseCsomeone Dmy brother答案:D如果哥哥去的地方有电信服务的话,他可能不会给我写信。17A.mail services Btransport servicesCphones Drelatives答案:C定语从句,没有电话的一个地方(假如有电话的话,可能就不会给我写信了)。18A.poor BeasyCpopular Dbusy答案:B通讯便捷的年代,采用easy。19A.believe BdecideCargue Dforget答案:D此处提醒人们要记得并非必须使用电话、电子邮件才能交流。20A.habit BchoiceCmethod Dplan答案:B他们还有一个选择, 那就是写信。.阅读理解阅读下面的文章,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。People in the nation of Haiti are struggling to recover after a powerful earthquake caused massive destruction there.Tens of thousands of people in the Caribbean nation were killed, and many more were injured. The Presidential Palace, which is like the White House in the US, was among the many government buildings that collapsed. Hospitals were destroyed, as were countless homes. The disaster added more suffering to people already struggling to cope with everyday life. Haiti is one of the poorest nations in the world.International aid groups are rushing to provide food, water, and medical aid to Haiti. People worldwide are donating money to help. Many nations, including the US, are sending aid as well as money. The US is sending troops to help with rescue and relief efforts, and to police the streets.“This is a time when we are reminded of the mon humanity that we all share,”said US President Barack Obama.The earthquakes epicenterthe point on the Earths surface directly above where it happenedwas about 10 miles from Haitis capital, PortauPrince. Experts say it was the worst earthquake in the region in more than 200 years. The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.0 on the Richter scale, which is very high. More than 30 aftershocks, or smaller earthquakes, came after the big quake.Some Americans have a special concern about the situation in Haitifamily and friends. Hundreds of thousands of people in the US are from Haiti. They are anxiously seeking news of loved ones. And like other Americans, they are working to help Haiti recover from this disaster.The earthquake in Haiti occurred on a long fault, or crack in the Earths surface, which goes across the island. This underground crack separates two giant tectonic(地壳构造上的)plates, or slabs(石板)of rock that make up the Earths outer layer. Along the fault, the plates slowly rub past one another in opposite directions. But this movement isnt smooth. The plates edges get stuck for long period of time. Eventually, they may suddenly jerk free. That sudden movement is what results in an earthquake.文章大意:这是一篇新闻报道。本文报道的是最近在海地发生的一场里氏7.0级地震,这场地震造成了严重的经济损失与人员伤亡,数百万人无家可归,让本来就贫困的海地人的生活雪上加霜。1From the passage, we can know that the massive earthquake in Haiti did NOT_.Amake houses collapseBcut the country off from outside aidCdestroy hospitalsDkill tens of thousands of people答案:B细节理解题。根据文章第三段可知,地震之后,国际援助立即展开,为海地提供食物、水和医疗救援。由此可知B项为答案。2Before the earthquake, Haitians were already struggling because_.Atheir country was in a war against the USBa tornado recently hit the countryCmost of them are very poorDa drought has ruined crops答案:C细节理解题。根据第二段最后两句话可知,海地人原来就生活困难,因为大多数人都很穷。3The underlined word“magnitude”refers to_.Aan earthquakes size or strengthBhow long an earthquake lastedCwhere an earthquake happenedDwhen an earthquake happened答案:A词义猜测题。根据下文该词后面的7.0 on the Richter scale, which is very high可知,magnitude应当表示地震的强度级别。4Which statement of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe earthquake in Haiti is the worst in Caribbean in centuries.BThe home of the President of Haiti is called the White House.CThe United States is trying to help Haiti only by sending troops.DHundreds of thousands of Haitians are leaving for the US after the earthquake.答案:A正误判断题。根据第四段中的“Experts say it was the worst earthquake in the region in more than 200 years.”可知,A项是正确的。5The last paragraph of the passage is mainly about_.Athe movement of the EarthBthe structure of the EarthChow to make the earthquake forecastDwhat causes an earthquake答案:D段落主旨题。根据本段的描述及最后一句“That sudden movement is what results in an earthquake.”可知,此段主要讲述的是地震的成因。选 做 题.短文改错此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。如无错误,在答题卡相应的位置上画一个勾();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正: 此行多一个词:把多余的词写在答题卡相应的位置上,用斜线()划掉。 此行缺一个词:在答题卡相应的位置上写出该加的词,并附带前(后)词。 此行错一个词:在答题卡相应的位置上写出该错词和改正后的词。 注意:原行没有错的不用改。 (保定市xx年高二年级第二学期期中联考)Charlie Lee, aged fifteen, and his sister Roseanne,earn their pocket money by washing his fathers car,1._watering the plants, cleaning the balcony, and do2._odd(临时的)jobs around a house. Their parents prefer giving3._them money for doing jobs to buying them present.4._Charlie and Roseanne usually receives about $25 for5._each job. They often bargain their father over the pay6._and the job to be done. Mrs. Lee said, “We were7._teaching them that the money doesnt e out of8._nowhere. It means more to them if they feel that theyve9._earned it but they better understand the value of things.10._答案:1.histheir2.dodoing3.athe4.presentpresents5.receivesreceive6.bargainwith7.wereare8.去掉the9.10.but and.短文改错新题型假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。(台州市xxxx第二学期高二年级期末质量评估)Last summer vacation, I worked as a volunteer in a hospital, where I meet a little girl, Rosalyn, who was near eight years old. She just had operation in her leg but had to stay in bed for some time. I was amazing by her courage because she never cried even if she was suffered a great deal of pain. I once noticed her helping a little boy which parents couldnt e to see him that day. She was sharing her sweets and toys for the boy and telling stories to calm him down. Soon she stopped crying. I wondered that if many grownups could be as kind as she was to others!答案:Last summer vacation, I worked as a volunteer in a hospital, where I a little girl, Rosalyn, who was eight years old. She just had operation in her leg had to stay in bed for some time. I was by her courage because she never cried even if she was suffered a great deal of pain.(或:sufferedsuffering)I once noticed her helping a little boy parents couldnt e to see him that day. She was sharing her sweets and toys the boy and telling stories to calm him down. Soon stopped crying. I wondered that if many grownups could be as kind as she was to others!.根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(xx年石家庄市高中毕业班第一次模拟考试)Hello. Im a freshman in this college.Nice to meet you. What can I do for you?Im looking for a parttime job on campus._1_. The employment office is here just to help students like you find jobs on campus.Im glad to hear that. I really need to start earning some money._2_.At least ten hours a week. _3_.And when are you free to work?Every weekday from noon on. _4_.Please fill out this information form, and leave it with me today. _5_Thank you so much! Bye!AWell, how many hours a week do you want to work?BWhat kind of job do you prefer?CAnd I cant handle more than twenty hours.DAnd of course I dont mind working on the weekends.EThen youve e to the right place.FI can write to you asking for further information.GIll call you tomorrow to give you a reply.答案:15EACDG.任务型阅读请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。(安徽省毫州市xxxx高二上学期期末考试)How to Make the Most of Your TimeTime management is important in our daily life. There never seems to be enough hours in the day to acplish all you need to do. Here are some tips that might be of some help to you. 1. Set up a plan. Go for a week at a time, and decide the most important ones. Include things you want to acplish. Focus mostly on the things that are important to you.2. Control your stress. No matter what kind of pressure mounts on you, try to keep cool. Stressing out can lead to an early breakdown, which is definitely counterproductive when you have a list of things to do. Its easier to take a 10minute break and cool off than to work all week with stress.3. Shut your door. When working under a schedule, perform your important tasks with your door shut to get them done. This will ensure a better quality time to get what needs to be done.4. Focus on one thing at a time. Forget trying to multitask! You will lose concentration, and it will take you longer to acplish what you set out to do.5. Just say “no”. If you are constantly interrupted, and you really dont have the time to help out, just say “no”. Youre only one person, and you cant save the world by yourself!6. Stop wasting time on the phone. While talking on the phone, keep your conversations short, and to the point and youll waste much less time.7. Be realistic. You can only do what you can do. Dont set out to acplish the impossible. Do your best, but keep realistic expectations of yourself.8. Relax. The most important thing is to remember to take time to relax. You need a break every now and then to keep working efficiently. Even if its a 10minute walk, get away from your list and get refreshed.As families today get busier and busier, its important to your own mental health to keep things on track. Dont delay; get your life in order now.Theme: How to Make the Most of Your TimeThere is some_1_ on how to make full use of timeFirst of all, make a plan for the things you are_2_to do.However much pressure you bear, you should try to keep cool; otherwise you will_3_down sooner or later.Youd better be_4_to your tasks with your door closed in order that you can get them done_5_.Try one thing at a time so that you can_6_on it.You can refuse to help others without enough time in order that you can_7_being interrupted.Make a brief talk on the phone so as not to_8_valuable time.You should not_9_too much of yourself; its better to do what you can do.Its important for you to make yourself_10_in daily life.答案:1.advice2.supposed3.break4.devoted/dedicated5efficiently 6.concentrate/focus7.avoid8.waste9.expect10.relaxed.对话填空(xx年江西省九校联考)W:Hello, Professor Black. Youve been invited to a_1_a 3day conference in Brithton and to give a paper on your l_2_research.M:Thats great. When will it s_3_?W:Oh the third of next m_4_.M:That wont l_5_me much time to prepare a report.W:You have still got a week. This is a chance not to be m_6_. Many famous s_7_from all over the world will be at the conference.M:Are you going?W:No, Im afraid not. Im going on an important business t_8_to Beijing. But I was asked to have a report r_9_at the conference. Would you mind reading it for me?M:No. Its a p_10_to do something for you.答案:1.attend2.latest3.start4.month5.leave6.missed7.scientists8.trip9.read10.pleasure

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