2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1《The world of our sense》教案-word power 牛津译林版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1《The world of our sense》教案-word power 牛津译林版必修3.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1《The world of our sense》教案-word power 牛津译林版必修3.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1The world of our sense教案-word power 牛津译林版必修3Teaching aims:1. Enlarge students vocabulary 2. Let students know more about weather.Teaching important points: Remember these words and try to use them freely.Teaching procedures:Step1. Lead in Write down the following sentences on the blackboard or screen.1.Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.2.Here we are, King Street. he stopped. Then ask Ss which word is used twice besides the noun street in the two sentences.In the first sentence,STOP is a noun, which means “a place at which someone or something stops”, in the second sentence,stop is a verb, which means “to put an end to what one is doing”.Step2 show more examples1.Read the story fog and find more words that can be used both as a noun and a verb.2.Explain the meanings of these words when they are used as different part of speech.1. “Polly leaves work early.”“Polly works very hard.” 2. “She sensed she was being followed.” people have five senses.3. “polly felt a rough hand brush her face .” “He was painting the wall with a brush”4. “Maybe I can help you.which road do you want?” he asked.“it gives me the chance to pay back the help that people give me ”Step 3 Exercise1Like “rest” in the dialogue ,many words in English can have more than one part of speech. In some cases, different parts of speech (usually a noun and a verb) have the same spelling but different meningsLook at the table below,give the right meaning of the words, and judge which part of speech they belong to.Exercise2A Find the words listed below in the story and plete the table.Part of speech MeaningExamplerest (line 16)nounthe remaining partHe wants to see the rest of the world. (line 50)verbrelaxMy mother told me to rest.once (line 7)conjunctionwhenOnce she finishes her work, she can help you.(line 42)adverbAt sometime in the past I once lived in Beijing. left (line 2)verb(the past tense or past participle of leave)went/gone away from a person or a placeI left for work earlier this morning.(line 43)adverbOn the side of your body which is towards the west when you are facing northLook right and left before crossing the street.still (line 5)adverbcontinuingIm still hungry though Ive just had a big hamburger.(line 28)adjectivenot movingCant you sit still?B plete the report clearly.答案:causes cause answer answer houses house increases increaseStep 4. Talk about the weather.What words do you often use to describe different kinds of weather ? (questions)Answers may be cloudy, sunny, drizzy, fine, cold, cool, warm, hot, dry, wet, rainy, snowy and foggySentences used in a weather report:It will be cloudy/overcast/drizzlyThe morning/afternoon will be , with heavy showers around lunchtime.A thin mist/cloudy weather will develop.A thin mist will turn to fog.Practice: The morning will be fine, with showers in the afternoon. A mist/fog will develop in the morning and the afternoon will be sunny. It will be overcast in the morning and there will be snow in the afternoon.Step 5. Finish the related exercises in the textbook.Part BAnswers:(1)warm (2) fine (3) sunny(4)cloudy (5) cooler (6) overcast (7) rain (8) cold (9) thunder (10) lightning (11) stormStep 6. Discussion.1.What kinds of weather do you prefer?2.Please forecast the weather of tomorrow.Step 7 Consolidation双基提要Words: thunderstorm, floods, tornadoes, snowstorm, overcast, drizzly, fog, mist, showers, lightning, occasional, affordPhrases: in some cases, so far, go hungry, look up, fetch my umbrella, weather forecast课堂反馈I. Fill in the blanks with words from the sentences, changing the forms if necessary.1. Please be _. We have enough seats for everybody to sit on.2. Every year we _ trees on May, 12th. Trees and other plants provide us with fresh air.3. Do remember _ the flowers every day. It will die from lack of water.4. Go _ down this road and youll see another straight road across it. 5. The policemen _ all the witnesses but none of them could give a definite answer to the question.6. The old man _ the two World Wars. He is a man of lots of experiences.7. While I was _ for my holiday last night, I found a pack of my clothes missing.8. Dont look back when a wolf is already on your _.9. The head of our school are _ for Hong Kong on a visit to a school there.10. They are close friends. They always stand _ to each other as if they were tied together.II. Translate the following.1. A: Beautiful day, isnt it? B: Yes, its not like what the radio said at all. A: I wish it would stay this way for the weekend. B: As long as it doesnt snow! 2. What bad/good weather! 3. Most of North and South China will have a cold wet day.4. It will be cloudy/rainy at times. 5. The temperature will stay above zero in the day-time, but at night it will fall below zero again. 6. The weather is improvingworsening.

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