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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习第一部分教材课文要点Module4Carnival词汇训练外研版必修一、分层单词写作词汇1.vi.假装2.vi.漫步;闲逛3.n.魅力;魔力4.n.日历;月历5.vt.标志(着)6.vt.运输;运送阅读词汇1.costume n.2.empire n.3.elegant adj.4.era n.5.flour n. 6.ingredient n.7.whistle n.8.abolish vt.拓展词汇1.v.掩藏;躲藏(过去式)(过去分词)2.n.记忆;记忆力v.记住;熟记adj.难忘的;值得纪念的3.v.(使)放松;(使)轻松adj.使人放松的(人)轻松的;自在的n.放松;消遣4.v.品尝;尝起来adj.美味的;可口的5.v.进口;引进v.出口;输出6.v.庆祝;祝贺n.庆祝;庆典7.adj.自由的;免费的adv.自由地;随意地n.自由;自主8.v.联合;合并;统一adj.联合的;统一的9.n.起源;根源adj.原始的;最初的adv.起初;原来二、高频短语1.完结;结束2.装扮;打扮3.构成/组成4.追溯到;始于5.接管;接手6.on end7.in secret8.by force9.more or less三、经典句型1.(想起狂欢节,你就会想起)crowds,costumes,and confusion.2.(玩得开心) meant eating,drinking,and dressing up.3.For weeks on end people walked round the streets wearing masks,(为所欲为) without(被认出).4.Their use was limited by laws,(最早的可追溯到14世纪).5.The arrival of Europeans in America,and the opening of huge farms and plantations to grow cotton,fruit and vegetables,meant(急需人手)to work on them.基础知识运用篇一、语境词汇运用(一)词汇情景拼写(注意单词短语适当形式变化)1.The detective,(假装)to read the newspaper,glanced at the man seated next to a woman.2.On many trains and buses, there are some special seats (标志) out for senior citizens.3.Seeing the blind w through the traffic, motorists would have to step on their brakes at once.4.The public t in Shanghai is very convenient now, so there shouldnt be any difficulty in traveling around the city.5.Seating herself by a table, the (高雅的) woman asked the waiter for a glass of orange politely.6.October is usually the busiest month in the college (日历). Universities have something called Freshers Week for their newers.7.He stood at the point in history where (魔术) ended and science began.(二)词形变化填空 (注意单词短语适当形式变化)1.I play the piano for,which makes me much more.In addition,some otheractivities can alsome after a days study.(relaxing)2.We wereabout theinstructions on the bottle.That is to say,there was someas to what was really in it.(confusion)3.Inof my brothers winning the first prize in the speech contest,my parents decided to hold a family party toit.(celebrate)4.The football match,(origin) due to be held last Sunday,was finally put off because of the bad weather.5.Whenever I look at these photos,they will call up happyof my stay in New York.These experiences are.(memory)6.The Australian boy has a good mand of Chinese and can express himself(free)in it.7.I had thought that our team (由组成) strong and able players, me included, while the opposite team were no match for us.8.Briggs will (接任) as general manager when Mitchell retires.9.I have (或多或少) understood what he really means.10.Until you told me (秘密地), I had heard nothing about it.11.It has been raining for three days (连续地), and there is no sign of stopping.二、经典句型仿写1.不要气馁!对一切事情泰然处之,那你就会享受生活的每一天。(祈使句+and+陈述句)Dont be discouraged!and you will enjoy every day of your life.2.计划好平衡的饮食涉及尝试新的和不同种类的食物。(v.-ing形式作主语)involves trying new and different kinds of food.3.玛丽想拥有自己的一间书房,在里面她可以不受干扰地学习。(v.-ing形式作宾语)Mary wants to have a study of her own,where she can study without.4.有人给了我三本烹调方面的书,其中第一本我是真的喜欢。(the+序数词+of which)I was given three books on cooking,.5.影响学生大学选择专业的不是他们的兴趣而是市场的需求。(the need of)It is not their interest butthat influences students choices of college majors.答案精解精析基础知识默写篇一、分层单词写作词汇1.pretend2.wander3.magic4.calendar5.mark6.transport阅读词汇1.戏装;服装;化装服2.帝国3.优美的;高雅的4.时代;年代5.面粉6.(烹调用的)原料7.哨子8.废除拓展词汇1.hide;hid;hidden2.memory;memorize;memorable3.relax;relaxing;relaxed;relaxation4.taste;tasty5.import;export6.celebrate;celebration 7.free;freely;freedom8.unite;united9.origin;original;originally二、高频短语1e to an end/put an end to2.dress up3.consist of4.date from/back to5.take over6.连续地7.秘密地8.用暴力9.或多或少三、经典句型1.Think of carnival,and you think of2.Having fun3.doing what they wanted;being recognised4.the first of which dates back to the fourteenth century5.there was an immediate need for people基础知识运用篇一、语境词汇运用(一)词汇情景拼写1.pretending2.marked3.wandering4.transport5.elegant6.calendar7.magic(二)词形变化填空 1.relaxation;relaxed;relaxing;relax2.confused;confusing;confusion3.celebration;celebrate4.originally5.memories;memorable6.freely7.consisted of8.take over9.more or less10.in secret11.on end二、经典句型仿写1.Take things as they are2.Planning a balanced diet3.being disturbed4.the first of which I really enjoyed5.the need of the market

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