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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Unit2Workingtheland高效演练跟踪检测新人教版必修 单句语法填空1If you are the last man (leave) the room, remember to turn off the light.答案:to leave2You can easily engage yourself in reading, get fun out of it, and gradually build confidence.答案:up3I regret (tell) you that your problems are beyond my power. Youll have to turn to some other one, Im afraid.答案:to tell4The high cost of (equip) prohibits many people from taking up this sport.答案:equipment5 (occupy) herself with routine office tasks, she had no time to attend to her children.答案:Occupying6The discovery of new evidence led to the thief (catch)答案:being caught7It sounds like something is wrong with the cars engine. If , wed better take it to the garage immediately.答案:so8(xx四川成都诊断性检测)Dont e tomorrow. Id rather you (e) next weekend.答案:came9 (struggle) to build an online business on their own, they believed they needed Amazons Internet orderfulfillment skills.答案:Having struggled10With his attention (focus) on his homework, he forgot all about what I had told him.答案:focused 单句改错1Thanks for the support from the local government, they could rebuild their houses soon after the earthquake. 答案:forto2Before going abroad, you must exchange your money with some dollars. 答案:withfor3It is raining outside. I would rather stay at home than going out. 答案:goinggo4Expand your knowledge by reading more books is a wise choice. 答案:ExpandExpanding5Nowadays most of the people are living happy life. 答案:happy前加a 单元语法v.ing形式作主语或宾语1(xx浙江场口中学质检)The puters require (repair), so the workers are required (get) ready.答案:repairing/to be repaired; to get2(xx安徽卷) (ignore) the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make.答案:Ignoring3What caused the party to be postponed?Toms delaying (send) the invitations.答案:sending4I object to (scold) for the unimportant matter like this.答案:being scolded5 (bring) up in the countryside made Mr. Wilson very hardworking when he was very young.答案:Being brought 教材与语法填空根据教材课文内容,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Yuan Longping, 1. Father of Super Hybrid Rice, is a famous scientist. He 2. (struggle) for the past five decades for the Chinese farmers. In 1953 when Yuan Longping 3. (graduation) from college, 4. (hungry) was a 5. (disturb) problem in many parts of the countryside. Therefore, Yuan wanted to help rid his motherland 6. hunger by increasing the rice output without expanding the area of the fields and he made 7. Yuan Longpings another dream is 8. (export) his rice to the world. Thanks to Yuan Longping, the UN has 9. (many) tools in the battle against hunger throughout the world.Thanks to Yuan Longpings great work, 10. (million) of people can benefit from his extraordinary work.答案:1.the2.has struggled3.graduated4.hunger5.disturbing6.of7.it8.to export9.more10.millions 教材与话题写作()用本单元所学知识完成下列句子。1中国的农民曾经过着很艰苦的生活,并一直受着饥饿的困扰。(lead a hard life; disturb; hunger) 答案:Farmers in China used to lead a hard life and were always disturbed by hunger.2. 几十年来,他们努力寻找能够提高粮食产量的方法,但收效甚微。(decade; struggle; output) 答案:For decades, they have struggled to search for ways to increase the grain output, but without success.3多亏了袁隆平的杂交水稻研究,农民们的收成比以前多了一倍。(thanks to; hybrid; twice as . as .) 答案:Thanks to Yuan Longpings research on the hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.4这意味着世界22%的人口摆脱了饥饿。(get rid of) 答案:It means 22% of the worlds population have got rid of hunger.5大多数农民都很满意他们现在的生活,宁愿待在农村当农民。(be satisfied with; would rather) 答案:Most of the farmers are now quite satisfied with their lives and would rather be farmers in the countryside.()将以上句子连成短文,要求衔接连贯、过渡自然。 下面是李华的一篇作文,文中有五处错误,改正错误并背诵该文。Farmers in China used to lead hard life and were always disturbed by hunger. For decades, they have struggled to search for ways to increasing the grain output, but without success.Thanks to Yuan Longpings research on the hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as larger as before, which means 22% of the worlds population has got rid of hunger. Most of the farmers are now quite satisfying with their lives and would rather be farmers in the countryside.答案:Farmers in China used to lead hard life and were always disturbed by hunger. For decades, they have struggled to search for ways to the grain output, but without success. Thanks to Yuan Longpings research on the hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as as before, which means 22% of the worlds population got rid of hunger. Most of the farmers are now quite with their lives and would rather be farmers in the countryside.

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