2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 BookIII Unit8教学案 人教大纲版.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 BookIII Unit8教学案 人教大纲版理解:要点诠释单词1.stick讲:stick可以用作名词和动词,名词的意思为“棒,棍”。作动词时构成短语stick to,多表示“坚持(原则,计划,诺言,决定等)”,还有“继续做某事”的意思。其宾语多是名词rule,plan,idea,promise,decision 等。其他短语有:stick out 伸出,突出;stick up 突出,伸出,竖立。例:Though we all think the plan should be changed,the manager still sticks to his own ideas.尽管我们都认为这项计划应该改变,但经理仍然坚持他自己的观点。You should stick to your post.你应该坚守岗位。Would you like some wine?你喝点葡萄酒吗?No,Ill stick to beer,thanks.不,谢谢。我还是喝啤酒吧。We dont want to hear your opinions;stick to the facts!我们不想听你的想法,只讲事实!Thats my story and Im sticking to it.我说的就是这些,句句实情。You must stick to the task until it is finished.你必须坚持把这项任务完成。He put a stick into the ground to mark the point.他在地上插了一根棍子,作为那个地点的记号。链接提示 注意insist也可以表示“坚持”。其用法为:insist是及物动词,其后常接宾语从句,这时它有两个含义:“坚持认为”, 其宾语从句要用陈述语气;“坚持要求”, 其宾语从句要用虚拟语气,即“should +动词原形”。 insist on 则表示“坚持做某事”,其宾语常用动词-ing形式或名词。介词on也可改用upon ,意思不变。 注意:无论insist 还是stick 都不能与动词不定式连用。练:(xx湖北八校联考) To his disappointment,the opinion he had stuck_out wrong.A.to turn B.to turning C.to turned D.to be turned提示:本题考查动词短语。stick to意为“坚持”,he had stuck to作the opinion的定语,turned作整个句子的谓语。答案:C2.adopt讲:adopt用作动词,主要有“收养;采纳;采取;吸收”等义项。例:Having no children of their own they decided to adopt an orphan.他们因没有亲生儿女,决定领养一个孤儿。Pauls mother had him adopted because she couldnt look after him.If winter es,can spring be far behind?冬天来了,春天还会远吗?保罗的母亲因为自己无力抚养他,便把他送给别人收养了。He is their adopted son.他是他们的养子。Our school has adopted a new teaching method.我们学校采用了新的教学法。Wed like to adopt your idea.我们想采纳你的意见。链接提示 短语adopt sb.as.还有“挑选某人作为”的意思。名词为adoption。练:The suggestion that we have a group of these records printed as soon as possible_ by the mittee.A.was adopted B.adopted C.was taken D.took提示:此处表示“建议被采纳”。答案:A3.patience讲:n.耐心;忍耐力构成短语:be out of patience 对忍无可忍例:I havent the patience to hear your plaints again.我没有耐心再听你的抱怨。She has no patience with people who are always grumbling.她不能容忍那些常常发牢骚的人。If you dont stop making that noise,Im going to lose my patience.如果你不停止吵闹的话,我将失去耐心。链接提示 patient adj. 有耐心的。构成短语:be patient with 对有耐心。练:Ill look into the matter as soon as possible.Just have a little _.A.wait B.time C.patience D.rest提示:本题通过语境考查名词的用法。根据第一句话的意思“我将尽快调查那件事情”判断,此处应表示让对方“再耐心地等一下”。答案:C短语1.knock down讲:该短语为及物动词短语,意思为“击倒;撞倒;驳斥;拆除;降价”。例:She was knocked down by a bus.她被公共汽车撞倒了。He knocked his opponent down three times in the first round.在第一回合中他把对手击倒了三次。These old houses are going to be knocked down.这些旧房子将被拆除。The painting was knocked down for $5000.那幅画拍卖时以5000美元售出。I managed to knock his price down from $500 to $450.我设法压了他的价,从500美元减到450美元。链接提示 knock构成的短语还有:knock at 敲;knock against 撞击;knock into 撞到身上;knock over推翻。练:_either you or he going to visit the exhibition?He is.I cant_working until 6 oclock.A.Is;knock off B.Are;knock offC.Are;knock down D.Is;knock down提示:由either.or连接的两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应该根据靠近它的名词或代词来确定。此处靠近谓语的应该是you,故应用are。短语knock off的意思为stop。答案:B2.fall behind讲:该短语既可以是及物动词短语,也可以作不及物动词短语,表示“落后;掉队;推迟(和with连用)”等。例:Be quick,or you will fall behind.快点,不然就掉队了。The illnesss caused him to fall behind the rest of the class.那次生病使他的功课落在班上其他同学之后。France has fallen behind Germany in coal production.法国在煤炭生产上落后于德国了。Make sure not to fall behind with your rent,please.请不要拖欠房租。链接拓展 fall into开始起来。如: They fall into lively discussion of the question. 他们热烈地讨论起这个问题。 fall away离弃,脱离。如: All his old friends fall away from him. 他所有的老朋友都远离了他。 fall off跌落,减少。如: He fell off the horse。 他从马背上摔了下来。 fall asleep睡着。如: After reading some newspapers,he fell asleep. 他看了几张报纸后就睡着了。 fall in love with 爱上某人。如: He fell in love with a girl when he worked in the country. 他在农村工作时爱上了一位姑娘。 fall ill患病。如: His mother fell seriously ill in hospital. 他的母亲在医院里病得很重。练:In some western countries,demand for graduates from MBA courses has_.A.turned down B.turned overC.fallen down D.fallen over提示:本题考查短语动词的用法。从句子的意思分析,此处用fall down,表示“降低;减少”。答案:C句型1.先行词为way的定语从句结构讲:请观察下面教材原句:Others think that we learn language in the same way we learn other things,such as walking or solving problems,and that what we are born with is a general ability to learn and adapt,not a language-specific part of the brain.还有人认为我们学习语言正如我们学习其他技能,例如学习走路、学习解决问题等,我们天生具有学习和适应的能力,而不是大脑中有学习语言的专门区域。本句中的in the same way的意思为“以同样的方式”。在the same way后有定语从句修饰时,可以认定是省略了as或是that。在许多场合,the way等于in the way。另外,认为the way,in the way,in a way的用法和连接词相同,因此后面的从句可以看成是方式状语从句。例:There are various ways in which we can help.有不同的帮助方式。I dont like the way(that/in which)you laughed at her.我不喜欢你嘲笑她。You should do the way(=as)the doctor tells you to.你应该按医生告诉你的去做。No one can understand the way(=how)I miss David.没人会理解我是多么相信戴维。链接提示 按照一般的规律,the way后面的引导词可以是in which或that,也可以不使用引导词,这样就可以认为是the way本身引导方式状语从句了。练:He is now paying_attention to what the article says than to the way_the language is used.A.a lot more;that B.much more;on whichC.very more;in which D.even more;by which提示:根据后面的than判断此处应该使用比较级形式,可先排除C项。另外注意先行词为way“方式”时,定语从句的引导词的应用。答案:A2.with引出的介词短语:讲:请观察下面教材原句:With greater control and a stronger sense of achievement,active learners are able to acquire new skills faster and put what they know to better use.由于具有较好的自控能力和较强的成就感,积极主动的学习者能够更快地学到新的技能,并更好地运用他们学到的知识。在这个句子中,with 引出的介词短语表示原因,with在此处的意思为because of,considering the fact of。例:With John away,weve got more room.由于约翰走了,我们获得了较多的空间。=Because John is away,.With our luck,well probably miss the plane.鉴于我们糟糕的运气,我们可能会错过班机。=Considering our usual bad luck,.链接提示 注意比较该结构和with复合结构(with+宾语+宾语补足语)的区别,一般来说with的复合结构用来作伴随状语。练:(1) _the development of science,more new technology is being introduced to the fields of IT.A.With B.AsC.Since D.Because提示:此处用with介词短语表示原因“由于科技的发展”。答案:A(2)With all the magazines I needed_,I left the post office.A.buying B.to buyC.bought D.to be bought提示:I needed为定语从句,根据后面一句话所提供的语境要求,此处应该使用过去分词,表示被动和完成的动作。答案:C辨析1.anxious,eageranxious adj.“焦急的;发愁的;牵挂的”,含有未知结果如何,有些为之担心的意味,也可接for(about)和to do.。eager adj.“渴望的;热切的”,着重指渴望什么或做什么的热情及迫切的心情,即“成功的期望或进取的热情”。可接for和to do。即时练习:(1)They are_ for success.(2)The doctor is _about/for his health.(3)He is _to know the result of the exam.答案:(1)eager (2)anxious (3)eager2.in a word,in word,in words,in so many words,in other wordsin a word意为“总而言之,简言之”,用来表示总结归纳。in word 意为“口头上”,指以口头的形式表示,而并非落实在行动上,它与in deed(行动上)相对。in words意为“用语言”,指用口头或书面语言的形式表达及描述,它不和行动相对,仅涉及语言文字的本身。in so many words 意为“说得很明白”。in other words 意为“换句话说”。即时练习:(1)I dont want you simply to promise me_ that youll be good.(2)Did she say she liked you?Not _.(3)Lily is clever,polite and well-behaved, _she is worth praising.(4)The little boy can describe the beauty of the scene _.(5)He told lies, _he cheated us.答案:(1)in word (2)in so many words (3)in a word (4)in words (5)in other words诱思:实例点拨【例1】 (xx浙江模拟) Do you think I could borrow your bicycle?_A.How e? B.Take your time.C.Yes,go on. D.Yes,help yourself.提示:考查对别人请求的回答。How e意为“怎么会”;take your time意为“别着急,慢慢来”;go on意为“继续干”。故应选help yourself意为“自己干吧”。答案:D讲评:此处是表示同意别人做某事的常用结构。但是要注意help yourself的本质含义,不要仅仅局限在“请随便吃”这一个意思上。【例2】 (xx山东模拟) Lets go to a movie after work,OK?_A.Not at all. B.Why not?C.Never mind. D.What of it?提示:not at all“一点也不”;why not“干吗不”,表示同意某建议或想法;never mind“没关系”;what of it“那又有什么关系”,用于表示对某事不关心或生气地告诉某人事情与己无关。根据题意,B项正确。答案:B讲评:根据词语所表达的不同意思和前面的请求结合起来进行选择。【例3】 (xx江苏南通九校联考) Why didnt you keep your words, Billy?Sorry, dear.But I really forgot where I was_ to meet you.A.demanded B.imaginedC.supposed D.guessed提示:sb. be supposed to do.意为“某人应该做”。答案:C

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