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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Module1DeepSouth高效演练稳达标外研版选修单句改错1. He is willing to take risk to save the little boys life. _2. The red flowers stand up against the white snow. _3. In case rain, walk quickly to the nearest door. _4. Whoever is the first to finishing the task will get a prize. _5. With his help I can be free for all difficulties. _6. While waiting for the opportunity to get promotion, Henry did his best to perform his duty. _7. Not until late in the evening he e back. _8. We ought to be focusing on discouraging kids of smoking. _9. See the police, he made a run for the exit. _10. If you meet with any difficulty in your study, dont be discouraging. _答案:1. 在take后加a2. upout3. 在case后加of4. finishingfinish5. forfrom6. promotionpromoted7. 在he前加did8. offrom9. seeseeing10.discouragingdiscouraged单句语法填空1. Rescuers found the body of the boy (trap) in the deserted well in Hebei province on Nov. 10. 2. My friend (promote) to general manager because of his excellent work in the pany. 3. So much work needs doing this year, but the one (do) immediately is collecting money for the orphans. 4. According to the history book, the Vikings were the first Europeans (reach) America. 5. You can depend on it that the news es from a (rely) source. 6. I feel that that period in my life was (extreme) valuable. 7. I (plan) to go to France on National Day, but the expense was too high. 8. The (absent) of air makes things lighter on the moon than on the earth. 9. With all the work (finish) ahead of time, I feel relaxed and am very happy to read the papers. 10. Dont be (discourage). If you put away such feelings, you will do better next time.答案:1. trapped 2. has been promoted 3. to be done 4. to reach 5. reliable 6. extremely 7. had planned 8. absence 9. finished 10. discouraged 【教材变形题组】教材与语法填空根据课文内容, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Antarctica is the coldest and driest place on Earth. With annual rainfall close 1. _zero, it is technically a desert. Covering about 14 million square kilometres around the South Pole, it is the fifth 2. _ (large)continent in the world. It 3. _ (hold)90 percent of the worlds ice, most of 4. _fresh water(70%)is in a frozen state. Yet it is full of wildlife, which has adapted to its extreme conditions, but few types of plants can survive there. 5. _(be)there for thousands of years, the ice has bee a window on the past. Most Antarctic rocks, dark in colour, stand out against the white background and 6. _ (be)easy to identify and collect. Antarctica was the last continent 7. _ (discover). In 1895 a Norwegian, Carstens Borchgrevink, first set foot on the land. Today scientists from many countries travel to Antarctica to study 8. _resources. In 1961, a treaty was signed by 12 countries, 9. _ (make)it the worlds biggest nature reserve. It has bee the most 10. _ (succeed) symbol of mans efforts to work together for progress and peace. 答案:1. to 2. largest 3. holds 4. whose 5. Having been 6. are 7. to be discovered 8. its 9. making 10. successful. 教材与短文改错根据课文内容, 对下面材料进行修改。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。On 8th August, 1914, 27 men who had replied to an advertisement on The Times boarded Endurance, a ship left for the Antarctic. The captain of it was an Irishman calling Ernest Shackleton. The aim of the journey was cross the frozen continent via the South Polea journey of 1, 800 miles. But when land came into the sight, the Endurance became trapped in the ice and began to break out. Shackleton and his men watch the Endurance sink into the icy sea. They headed the north, pulling three lifeboats behind them. After six days, bad weather forced us to give up and the men set up camp on a sheet of ice where began slowly moving across the Antarctic Circle. 答案: 1. 第一句第二个onin。2. 第一句leftleaving。3. 第二句callingcalled。4. 第三句was后面加to。5. 第四句第一个the去掉。6. 第四句outup。7. 第五句watchwatched。8. 第六句的the去掉。9. 第七句usthem。10. 第七句wherewhich或that。. 教材与话题写作用本模块所学知识完成下列句子, 并按照逻辑连成短文。1. Twenty years ago, I became the first boy in my village_. 二十年前, 我成了我的村里第一个走进大学的男孩。2. _ing from a small village, I faced many new challenges the moment I started my new life. 和其他从乡下来的孩子一样, 我一开始新的生活就面对着许多新的挑战。3. Living in a new big family_, I felt a bit nervous. 生活在一个全部由陌生人组成的新的大家庭中, 我感到有些紧张。4. Nothing_at my lessons in the four years of my university life. 没有什么东西能阻止我在四年的大学生活中努力学习功课。5. It was with my effort that I could finally_. 正是由于我的努力我才能从众多的同龄人中脱颖而出, 同时也获得了与更多人去竞争的勇气。6. For my happy life today, I_, my parents_. 对于我今天的幸福生活, 我要感谢很多人, 尤其是我的父母。答案:1. to set foot in a university2. As is often the case with boys3. made up of all strangers4. discouraged me from working hard5. stand out among so many of my peers;gained more courages to pete with many more people 6. owe thanks to a lot of people;in particular 对于我今天的幸福生活, 我要感谢很多人, 尤其是我的父母。组篇公式: 加入适当的过渡词。_【参考范文】Twenty years ago, I became the first boy in my village to set foot in a university. As is often the case with boys ing from a small village, I faced many new challenges the moment I started my new life. Living in a new big family made up of all strangers, I felt a bit nervous. Luckily, nothing discouraged me from working hard at my lessons in the four years of my university life. It was with my effort that I could finally stand out among so many of my peers and gained more courages to pete with many more people. For my happy life today, I owe thanks to a lot of people, my parents in particular.

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